《PERFECT》Chapter 8


The first night at Nick’s place wasn’t so bad. After dinner, Nick took me to a grand tour around his penthouse. It’s really luxurious. The kitchen, living room, library and a music room were all on the first floor including a swimming pool on the balcony overlooking the town view. I was surprised that there is a music room in the house. I didn’t know that he played any music but as he said, there’s a lot of things about him that I didn’t know and no, I didn’t say anything about it because I didn’t want him to say it to me again.

The bedrooms were all upstairs. The third room were the same size as the second one except it doesn’t has the loveseat. Nick told me that Amy loves the second bedroom and that was hers whenever she stayed overnight. No wonder there’s some of her clothes hanging in the dresser. Well, she could share with me when she comes around and visit in the future.

After the grand tour, we both watch TV at the living room. Surprisingly, he loves to watch almost the same programme as mine. Hmm, maybe staying with him isn’t as bad as I think.

I had a good rest that night and the next morning, After breakfast at OUR place, (hey, it’s my place now too as Nick said to me) we went over his parents’ house to pick up Amy who will accompany me to do some last minutes shopping for tonight. We went out to the garden to look for his parents, when the butler told us they were there. I understand from Nick the reception tonight will be at the garden.

“Oh my god,” I gasped when I saw some of the decorations. There were fresh flowers everywhere and they were all my favourite, peach roses and lilies. The workers are still busy decorating the place with his mother busy giving them the instructions. She didn’t see us coming.

“See, I told you my mom is over the top with our wedding,” whispered Nick who’s standing besides me, “Now tell me, do you have the heart to tell them the truth?”


I pouted my lips at him because he’s damn right. I don’t have the heart to hurt their feelings either.

“Nick,” his dad called making us look at him, “Could you help some of these guys over here?”

“Sure, dad,” Nick said and went over to his dad.

I walked over to his mom. She saw me and waved cheerfully, “What are you doing here and how are feeling?” she asked as I kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m feeling better,” I told her smiling, “We just stop by to pick up Amy. We’re going meet Anna to try my outfit for tonight,” I explained.

“Oh yeah right and did she tells you that you will have your make-up and hair done here instead?” she asked.

“Yes she did. She called me last night,” I told her and then looked the decorations, “Wow! I thought it just going to be a small reception.”

She laughed, “Well, after discussions with your parents and making out the list of guests, we realised it couldn’t be small as we earlier decided. We’ve invited almost the same guests that we have invited for Amy’s wedding but this time there are more people because we are also inviting Nick’s co-workers,” she explained. “We wanted everyone to know that you are now part of the family, Ashley,” she added.

I could feel tears in my eyes hearing all her words. She’s really are excited about our marriage. Damn she’s going to be so devastated if she knows the truth. Now I understand why Nick doesn’t have the heart to tell them the truth and I don’t think I have the heart to do that either.

“At least this is what I think we should do for you since you didn’t have a full wedding ceremony. Edna and I have been dreaming of a garden wedding for both you and Nick,” she sighed and continued babbling, “But we both are not regretting or angry with what you both have done. Instead we are excited and thrilled and find it romantic you both just decided to go ahead with the marriage without a big wedding ceremony. That’s really showed how much you both really love each other and when two people are in love it doesn’t matter where and how they married. As long as they both are happy and know that they love each other.”


She finally noticed my sad eyes, “Oh, Ashley,’ she concernedly look at me, “I didn’t make you feel bad about what I just said am I? Oh, please don’t feel bad about what happened. I really am excited and happy that you are finally my daughter-in-law. You don’t know how many times I’m been trying to get my son to propose to you? I really don’t care how you two were married. All I care that you two were finally married.”

I wiped my eyes and chuckled at her statement, “Oh, Jenny,” I hugged her, “I’m so happy to be part of this family.”

“I’m glad you do,” she said looking at me with happy eyes, “So, what do think about this?” she asked looking at the half complete decorations,

“Its look beautiful,” I praised, “Peach roses are my favourite.”

“Yeah I know,” she smiled, “Nick told me.”

Nick? How does he know? Must be Amy who told him, I thought, “That’s so sweet of him to remember that,” I said instead.

“Hey Mom,” Nick suddenly approached us and kissed his mom on the cheek. “Wow this place look great,” he praised looking around the area.

His mom smiled delightfully, “Ashley thinks so too.”

“You like it babe?” he chuckled looking at me. Did he just call me babe?

“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” I admitted smiling at him acting like a normal couple.

We stayed around and continued chatting for nearly one hour while waiting for Amy to wake up before Nick dropped both of us at my parents’ house. Nick has arranged his own place to choose his outfit for tonight. We have changed our plan about having lunch at my parents.

The three of us girls has fun trying on the gowns and shopping for shoes and other stuff for tonight occasion. Surprisingly I felt excited about the whole thing, maybe because everyone is excited about it. I wondered whether Nick felt the same excitement too.

I didn’t see Nick after he dropped me at my parents’ until I reached his house to get ready for tonight.

“Hey,” I acknowledged him when he opened the door for me.

“Wow, did you all buy the whole shop?” he teased looking at our bags.

“Half of it,” I chuckled.

“Well, you definitely want your wife to look stunning tonight right?” asked Amy. “These things will make her look stunning until your jaw drop to the ground.”

“Oh, really?’ he chuckled as if couldn’t believe it, “I can’t wait to see that.” I could feel he’s mocking me.

I glared at him,” What?!! You don’t think I could look stunning?!!” I angrily asked him

“I didn’t say that,’ he defended but I was so damn angry with him. I grabbed the shopping bag from him and stomped into the house angrily.

I know that I never look beautiful in his eyes. He always said that I look like “A walking Corpse.” Damn!! I’m so angry thinking about that. Just wait. Tonight I’m going to show him how stunning Ashley Jackson going to be tonight. He’s going to have his jaw drop to the ground. I’m going to ask the make-up artist to make me up until Nick couldn’t take his eyes from me.

“He didn’t mean what he said Ash,” coaxed Amy who followed me into her room.

I wiped the stubborn tears from rolling down my eyes angrily, “You don’t have to defend him, Amy,” I protested, “I know I never look beautiful in his eyes but tonight, you and your make-up artist going to help me to make his jaw drop to the ground and stay there for the rest of the night.”

Amy said cheerfully, “Yep you could count that on me. I love to see my brother jaw drop to ground.” I couldn’t help but chuckled with her.

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