《PERFECT》Chapter 7


“But I’m not pack,” I said coming out an excused.

“I’ll help you to pack,” offered Amy and I gave her a deadly look for her kindness which she totally ignored as if she didn’t see it.

“That’s great,” mum said happily and ushered me up to the stairs, “Now go and pack so that you could go home and rest.” I have not choice but to do as told.

“You not supposed to help me, Amy,” I scolded her.

She just chuckled said instead. “Well, you should thank me actually.”

“Why should I?” I snorted.

“Because if you spend a night here, you will have to sleep in the same room and bed with your husband. You don’t want that don’t you?” she smirked.

“Gosh, I didn’t event think about that,” I gasped and then hugged her, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

She smiled, “Why don’t you just sit and rest. Let be do the packing for you,” she offered, “You really look tired.”

“Thanks. I do think I have a migraine coming,” I said and I took my migraine pills from the side drawer and swallowed one. I lay down on the bed and I could hear Amy rummaging my closet.

I wondered how big Nick house is? Let hope he has two rooms so I could sleep on the other, “Have you been to your brother’s place?” I asked Amy who was busy packing up my things.

“Once,” she simply responded.

“It is big?” I asked.

“Not really,” I heard she said, “He own an apartment. It’s a three bedroom apartment.”

“Three bedroom?” I queried.

“Yes, three bedroom,” she confirmed, “And yes my dear, you could sleep in any room you want. You don’t have to share a room until you are ready,” she stood in front of me and smirked.

“That’s good to hear,” I smirked back at her.

“Yep,” she nodded, “Come, your things are all packed,” she pulled me up from the bed. I looked around and saw my things on the drawing table were all gone. There was one big and a small suitcase arranged nicely at the door. Wow, she’s really good. She did everything within second.

“Have you taken all my toiletries from the bathroom?” I asked her.

“Yes all done, “Your shampoo, conditioner etc, etc are all in here,” showing my tote bag in her hand. “Come,” she said taking the big suitcase and tote bag with her.

I took the small one and I turned to look at my room again, “Bye, bye bedroom,” I waved softly, “I’m going to miss you.”

Amy chuckled at my behavior, “Aw, you are so childish.”

“I’ve been sleeping in there for nearly all my life,” I defended.

“Yeah I know, but you never sad when you leave for college,” she pointed out, “Come on.”

Nick and Andy immediately came to assist us with the suitcases when they saw us coming down from the stairs.

“Well, I’m all set,” I told everyone.

“Right, go and have a rest,” Nick mother said kissing my cheek. “You need to be fresh for tomorrow. There’s a lot of things need to be done.”

I nodded my head, kissing and wishing everyone goodbye, Nick drove the MPV towards his parents house.


“We need to take my car at my parents place,” he explained without me asking. I just nodded my head tiredly.

Within minutes we arrived at his parents place and took his car key from his butler. We took his car and drove in silence to his place which was only 15 minutes away.

He stopped the car in front of a beautiful building and a middle aged man opened the door for me smiling sweetly at me, “Welcome ma’am,” he greeted.

I smiled back at him and with second Nick was at my side, “Meet my wife, James,” he introduced.

“Your wife? Wow.” he queered and smiled before taking my hand and kissed the back of it, “I’m James, the building manager. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Sinclair.”

Mrs. Sinclair? It doesn’t sound that bad, I thought to myself, “Please to meet you too, James. You can call me Ashley,” I said to him.

He just nodded and Nick handed the car key to him, “Can you bring our luggage up?” instructed Nick.

“Sure, Nick,” nodded James while Nick guided me inside the building.

He pressed the elevator button and said, “Our place is on the top floor.”

“You mean the last top?” I asked.

“Yes, the last top,” he nodded and I just mouthed Wow and entered the elevator that was opened.

He slot in the card key, and pressed his floor number, level 47, wow.

“You bought this place?” I asked him.

“Yep,” he nodded, “Last year.”

The elevator’s door opened and Nick lead me to his place. He slotted the key at the door and opened it for me to enter and I was amazed with it. It was so luxuries, elegant and the view were beautiful. One look at the apartment you’ll know it’s belongs to a corporate and rich guy. Nick parents were richer than mine and their house definitely is larger but I never dreamed that I’ll be staying in one of those luxurious penthouses.

“I didn’t know you live in a penthouse,” I told him while looking at the view. “Amy told me you owned an apartment.”

“Well you should know my dumb sister couldn’t even differentiate between apartment and penthouse. To her all are the same,” he chuckled.

“How many bedroom you have?” I asked him.

“Three bedrooms,” he confirmed.

“Where’s my room?” I asked him.

“Choose whichever you like,” he shrugged, “Let me show them.”

I nodded and follow him up to the stairs, “That first room is master bedroom, which is currently my room. If you want that room you can have it,” he offered.

I shook my head, “No, I’m fine with whichever room you give.”

“Here’s the second bedroom,” he opened the door, got in and turned on the light; “It’s a bit smaller than the master bedroom.” He went over to front, drawing the curtains that cover the sliding door and letting the evening sun in the room. There’s a balcony on the other side of the door.

I looked at the room and wow it’s big. It has a queen size bed, built-in wardrobe, a make-up table and a loveseat at the corner facing a large LCD TV. “I think I’ll take this one,” I said to him.


“Ok,” he smiled. “Do you want something to eat or you want to rest first? I’ll bring your suitcases later after James brings it up.”

“No, I’m not hungry yet. I’m tired and sleepy after taking my migraine pills. I just want to sleep.” I yawned.

“Ok,” he nodded, “Just rest. I’ll wake you up for dinner later.”

“Alright,” I said and yawning again before succumbed into a deep sleep.

I don’t know how long I’ve dosed off but my stomach was grumbling loudly when I woke up. I looked at my surrounding and remembered that I’m not at my home but Nick. After stretching a bit I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. I didn’t manage to look around his house because I was so damn tired and when I entered the bathroom I was so shocked. It was so big. I could sleep in the bathtub. The floor, toilet bowl, sink were sparkling clean.

After a few minutes in the bathroom and cleaned up, I got out of the room and went downstairs. A delicious smell coming from the kitchen and my stomach let out a loud growl. I quickly headed towards the smell.

I found Nick was in front of the stove wearing an apron as it he’s cooking something. As if he heard me walking in, he turned his head towards me smiling, “Good evening. Have a good rest?” he asked.

Nodding my head I responded, “Yeah, thanks and now, I’m starving.”

He chuckled, “I know you would be. I thought of waking you up when dinner is ready.”

I walked over to him, looking into the pan that he was busy stirring, “You cooked dinner?” I asked in surprised, “I didn’t know you can cook.”

“There’s a lot about me that you don’t know, Wifey,” he smirked while concentrating on his cooking. I make faces at him mimicked him.

“I can see that,” he said without looking at me, “Now be a good girl and set-up the table. Dinner will be ready soon,” he instructed me like I’m a small child; “The plate and glasses are in the bottom shelf cabinet.” I rolled my eyes at him before doing what been told.

“Wow, I didn’t know you could cook delicious spaghetti,” I praised once the first spoon was in my mouth.

He smiled proudly, “Well, as I said, there’s a lot you don’t you about me and what I’m capable of doing. You might be surprised once you really get to know me.”

I just ignored his comments and asked, “Do you normally cook yourself? Don’t you have a maid?”

“Once a while, I seldom eat here. I normally eat outside or sometimes at my parents. I have the maid to clean-up the place everyday except weekends,” he explained.

I nodded my head and enjoyed the food in front of me in silence. “Hmm, that’s really a good dinner,” I praised him again and took the plate from him, “Since you’ve cooked, let me do the dishes,” I offered and he gladly accepted it.

“You want some ice-cream?” he offered.

“No thanks,” I shook my head while washing the dished, “I think I pass.”

“Ok,” I heard him closed the fridge door, “Your mum called when you were sleeping,” he said, “She want us to have lunch at her place so that you could go straight to the saloon with Anna after that.”

“What?” I queered, “To the saloon? For what?”

“To have you hair and make-up done for the reception,” he told me.

“Gosh, I totally forgotten about that,” I said to him. “I didn’t even have a dress for tomorrow night.”

“You don’t have to worry about that either. Your mum told me that Anna has taken care of that too,” added Nick.

I sighed while wiping my wet hands, “We have to let them know the truth and stop this charade, Nick,” I said to him seriously.

“I know we should, but can’t we put it on hold for awhile,” he suggested.

“Put on hold? No! I don’t think we should. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to tell them,” I stressed, “And we are supposed to do it right just now at my house, but instead, you acted like you are so thrilled and happy about what happened. You even joined in their discussion,” I scolded him.

“I’m sorry Ashley,” he apologized, “I just don’t have the heart hurt their feelings. They all seem so happy. Don’t you see their faces just now? They are so happy, especially my mom. She is so happy. She called me last night telling me how I have made her proud and happy. She’s over the top with our wedding. She said that she always wished that I’m married to you and married before my sister does.” he explained.

He looked at me with pleading eyes as if trying to make me understand, “Forgive me, Ashley, I just don’t have the heart to hurt her. I never ask anything from you and now I’m asking you this, please let just continued with this charade maybe until Amy’s wedding. Then we’ll tell them the truth.” Now I know why he seems reluctant when we’re talking about in on our way home from Vegas.

“Up till Amy’s wedding?” I queered, “That’s two months from now!” I whined.

“Yes I know. That’s all I’m asking. Two months. Please Ashley. Can’t you do this once for me? I’ve been covering up for you for years and can’t you just do it for just two months. Don’t worry. We’ll sleep in separate room. We’ll be housemate and I promised I’ll behave, please,” he pleaded “If you didn’t want to do it for me do it for my mom.”

“Don’t you think you mom will be more hurt if she knows the truth two months later?” I tried to reason out with him.

“Yes she will be hurt, but at least it happens after the wedding. She’s so thrilled about us and really up and going about Amy’s wedding. She’s getting excited about everything. Let her be happy for these two months, please,” he begged again and looked at me with his sad pleading eyes.

I hate when people looked at me with sad pleading eyes. I pouted my lips and asked, ”Just until Amy’s wedding?”

He nodded and confirmed, “Yes, until Amy’s wedding.”

“And we’ll tell them the whole truth?” I asked again.

And he confirmed, “Yes, promised.”

I heaved and nodded my head, “Alright.”

“Thank you,” he responded by hugging me happily.

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