《PERFECT》Chapter 6
Both Nick and I acted like nothing happened when we got back to the hotel. Amy tried to talk to me but I totally ignored her. I just think that she needed to be taught a lesson for not keeping her mouth shut. I know I shouldn’t stay angry with her since the rest of gang also knew about our marriage. Surprisingly none of them were as drunk as me and Nick. They all could remember everything.
We decided to spend our money at the casino and later to the disco. This time I really making sure I stay sober. I wouldn’t want to get drunk and regret what happen in the morning. I realised that Nick too had been keeping himself sober. He just has a beer in his hand.
While we were there, I still ignored Amy and she been looking at me with sad and pleading eyes but I kept ignoring her. The truth I have forgiven her for what had happen. I couldn’t stand being angry with her for so long and even though it’s killing me for not talking to her, I just feel that I needed to teach her a lesson. She’s my best friend and I think she should stop me from doing anything foolish and one of it is marrying her brother.
“You can’t still be angry with my sister, are you?” Nick moved to sit besides me when the rest of the gang including Amy and Marc got up to the dance floor. I think he realised that I’ve been ignoring Amy or maybe Amy was the one complaining to him.
I shrugged off, “I’m not but I just wanted to teach her some lesson.”
Nick chuckled, “You are so childish.”
“I’m not,” I denied.
“If you not, you should just forgive her and forget about everything,” he suggested.
“I have forgiven her but I’m only going to tell her that tomorrow,” I stubbornly said to him.
He chuckled and said, “Have some mercy on my sister. She’s feeling miserable and guilty right now. Tell her you forgiven her. Let her have a peaceful sleep tonight,” he coaxed.
“She’s feeling miserable and guilty?” I asked looking at Nick and he nodded, “Great. That’s what I really wanted her to feel,” I smirked.
“Come on,” he said, “Stop being childish. I could see that you are feeling miserable too.”
I pouted my lips knowing he’s right. He knew me and Amy too well. We both couldn’t stand not talking to each other. We do quarrel with each other but ten minutes later, we are back being buddies, forgiving and hugging each other.
“I know you love her too much and I know you too couldn’t stand not talking to her,” he added after I remained quiet. “I’ll call her,” he got up without waiting for my respond.
Amy came to sit besides me within second but we both remained quiet. I looked away pretending to be angry with her.
I heard she heaved before started, “I’m sorry Ash,” she apologized softly, “I know I’m a jerk.”
I tried to hide my smile. “Yeah, you are a jerk,” I said and turned to face her, “And I keep asking myself why I still love you.”
She looked at me with teary eyes and smiled, “Because I’m your best friend for eternity. I love you too,” she said and we hugged.
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” she apologized again.
“I’ve already forgiven you,” I said smiling at her, “I just wanted to teach you a lesson for not being there for me.”
“I was there for you. Always there for you,” she pressed.
“No you’re not. If you are, you would have stopped me for doing something foolish,” I pointed out.
“Well I don’t find you marrying my brother foolish,” she argued, “I think that were the best decision you ever made. That’s the reason why I didn’t stop you.”
“What?!!” I looked at her as if she’s gone mad.
“Yes,” she nodded her head, “I think…. No, I am sure that when you decided to married my brother you have made the right decision. You have chosen the right man for you. No man is better for you than my brother,” she said proudly.
“Gosh, you never give up, don’t you?” I asked her, “How many time must I tell you that I don’t like Nick? He’s not the one for me. I couldn’t see myself with him. I even couldn’t stand him.”
“How could you say that you couldn’t stand him when a while ago, I saw both of you talking rationally with each other without scoffing and mocking at each other? I didn’t even see you glaring or rolling your eyes at him!!” she pointed out.
I just stared at her when I realised what she was saying was true. Ever since this morning when I walked away from Amy and after the conversation with our parents, I could communicate with Nick without scoffing at him. Gosh, there must be something wrong with me. Am I sick? Or maybe I’m dying? People say that when somebody is dying they acted weird.
“Gosh, I’m going to die,” I said softly holding my face.
“What?!!” asked Amy looking at me in shocked.
“Well, I must be. I’ve been acting weirdly and I don’t even realize it. People say when you’re dying you acted weirdly,” I pointed out.
“You fool”, Amy laughed and knocked my head, “You’re not dying. You just grow up and have fully come to your senses. That’s all.”
I cast a weird look as if she’s gone mad again. Amy continued laughing, “Gosh, Ash, you are so stubborn to admit to yourself.”
I shook my head, “Whatever,” I said to her, too lazy to quarrel anymore with her.
“Tell me Ash,” she asked after her laughed subside, “Why don’t you like my brother?”
“Hmm,” I said pretended to think, “Maybe because he’s a jerk?” I smirked.
Amy smiled, “In what way?”
“He likes to tease me, calls me names and…….” I tried to think more why I think him as a jerk but I couldn’t come out with anymore reasons. Come to think about it, other than the above reason I don’t why I think him as a jerk.
“But he’s a wonderful jerk aren’t him?” she asked smiling.
“How could a jerk be wonderful?” I scoffed.
“Well he helped to cover-up a lot of things for you. He pretended to be your boyfriend while he’s not,” she pointed out and raising her eyebrows at me wanting me to admit it. I rolled my eyes at her. That’s what I normally do when she’s right.
“Do you know something Ash?” she said looking intensely at me, “My brother might be a jerk to you but to me he’s the most wonderful brother in the world and I would never want to trade him with someone else. He’s the most caring and loving brother. If you give him a chance you would see that, even though I know you could see it right now but knowing how stubborn you are, you definitely refused to admit it.” She smiled again before continuing, “Giving him a chance, he able to prove to you how a wonderful, caring and loving husband he would be.”
I looked at her and smirked, “You really don’t give up, don’t you?”
She chuckled, “No, because I really think that he and you are perfect for each other,” she admitted.
I remained quiet, actually out of words what to say to Amy. Our parents think the same thing too about us. How could they think that Nick and I are prefect for each other? What do they see when they see us together? We never acted as loving couples in front of any of them? But of course we never show any hatred toward each other either.
We finally packed and on our way back home the next day. Nick drove their family MPV while I sat beside him. We both remained sober last night while the rest ended getting drunk including Amy and Marc. Mach was right when he told us that he and Amy might end up getting married here if they were drunk. Well that’s what they intended to do last night but being her best friend I managed to dragged her up to our room while Nick dragged Marc. That’s what Amy and Marc should do to us, damn it.
The rest of the gangs were in deep sleep except me and Nick. Nick looked at me and smiled.
“You have a good sleep last night?” he started.
“Yep, even though your sister snored like a pig. I’m used to it and managed to sleep,” I told him, “What about you?”
He chuckled, “I have a pleasant sleep. Marc didn’t snore.”
“Lucky you,” I chuckled with him. ”So are you ready to face our parents when we get back?” I asked him.
“I think and hope so,” he sighed.
“I hope we both stick to our plan when we meet them later,” I told him.
“You mean on making them see that we actually couldn’t stand with each other?’ he asked.
“Yeah,” I said and cast him a question look, “You not going to back off, right?”
“No,” he immediately responded, “Of course not. I just thought we’re not going to do it straight away once we got home.”
“No,” I shook my head, “The earlier the better. It will be much better that during the receptions, you flirt with some of the single ladies guests,’ I suggested.
“I flirt?” he queered and then mocked, “Excellent. Let me be the jerk in front of everyone else.”
I heaved, “Alright, we both flirt with our guests. Happy,” I rolled my eyes at him, “As if you never flirt before,” I added softly but he could hear me.
“That was different,” he argued, “I was single at that time. Now I’m a married man. I have a reputation to take care here.”
“Reputation?” I mocked.
“Yep, reputation. I’m a corporate man. Reputation is important,” he stressed.
“Well, most corporate men have an affair,” I pointed out.
“Yeah they do, but affair is different from flirt, Wifey,” he scoffed. “Flirt, you do openly while AFFAIR, you do it quietly without anybody knowing it until the secret is out.”
“Well then, why don’t you do both?” I suggested. “Flirt first then had an affair.”
“Are you going to do the same?” he asked.
“Nay, I must play a part of pitiful abandon and mistreated wife,” I laughed at my own joke.
“Ha, ha, very funny,” he mimicked making me continued laughing.
“But seriously Nick,” I said when my laughed subsides, “We have to made them see that we are not meant for each other. I really hope they would see it”. I heaved deeply before continued, “I don’t know why they think we are prefect for each other. Even your baby sister thinks so too.” Nick just smirked without any comments.
“Are you going to invite your boyfriend to the reception?” asked Nick suddenly.
“My boyfriend?” I asked him back and then remembered that I’ve lied to him that I have one. I shook my head, “Nope,” I simply replied.
“Why not?” he asked. “You should invite him. You could introduce him to me and also flirt with him at the same time.”
I rolled my eyes, “Do you think he want to flirt with me if he knows I’m married?”
“Don’t worry I’ll tell him I have given my blessing for you both to flirt and have an affair,” he shrugged.
“Oh really,” I queered, “That’s very kind of you.”
“Well, I’ll let you have an affair and I shall be the pitiful abandon and the mistreated husband.” This time he laughed at his own joked.
“Ha, ha,” and it’s my turn to mimic.
“Seriously,” he said, “Invite him. I’m eager to know how your boyfriend looks like.”
“Don’t worry, one day I shall introduce you to him,” I said to him.
“Don’t you have any picture of him?” he asked, “Mind if I see it?”
“I said, one day I shall introduce you to him,” I stressed.
“Why can’t you show it to me now?” he probed.
“Because I just don’t want to show you,” I bluntly told him.
“Why? Because he so damn ugly?” he chuckled.
“Uh, no way,” I scoffed, “He’s way much better good looking than you.”
“Really?” he snorted, “If he so good looking why didn’t you wants to show it to me?”
“None of your business,” I glared.
He chuckled, “I wonder if he even exists?”
I pouted my lips and glared angrily at him, angry that he somehow knows the truth. “Why? You think I couldn’t get any?” I fumed.
He looked at me with a sorry look, “That’s not….”
I didn’t let him finished and continued to fume, “I know I’m might not be your type girl but believed me there’s a lot of guys out there who wanted me as their girlfriend!!”
“Huh, you really think they wanted you as their girlfriend?” he scoffed, “All they probably want is to get into your pants!!”
“You think all men are like you? That’s the only thing they have in their mind?” I furiously said him, “Well my boyfriend is nothing like you!!”
“Really,” he mocked, “Don’t tell me he never gets into your pants?”
I turned away angrily at him, didn’t want to entertained him any longer. Actually I’m afraid he might find out the truth about me.
But instead he still continued to probe, “What? He didn’t get into your pants?”
Still looking away from him, I angrily said, “None of your business!!” taking off my jacket and cover my face with it as a signal I didn’t want to continue.
We both remained silence and I pretended to sleep all the way until we nearly reached our town. We dropped Gina and Jaden first and later Jenna and Pete. I could feel Nick eyes on me but I kept on looking out through window. We then dropped Marc and headed towards my house.
There’s a silence on the way there, even Amy didn’t say anything. When we reached my house, Nick got out and helped to get my bag pack from behind the MPV.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized when he handed the bag pack.
I glared at him instead and grabbed the bag from him. Childish, I know but I want him to know I’m still mad at him. I went over to Amy who also got out from the car and hugged her goodbye but to my surprised daddy came out and greeted us.
“Hey you finally home,” he said as he walked over and hugged me and then Amy. Nick extended his hand for a handshake as usual but instead my dad pulled him into a hugged.
“Come on in,” he invited Amy and Nick, “Your parents are here too,” he told them and grinning at me and Nick, “We’re discussing about the reception tomorrow and we hope you two are not tired to join the discussion.”
“No, not at all,” responded Nick before I could say anything. He went over to turn off the car and walked with daddy into the house. I pouted my lips disappointedly. Amy gave me a knowing look but smiled instead.
We all entered the house and were greeted by his parents, my elder sister Anna and her husband, Andy. I assumed my nephew Micah must be sleeping because he wasn’t around.
His mother hugged me first while mum hugged Nick. Then my sister came to hugged me, “I see you finally come to your senses,” she said to me. Gosh, another one of my family member who thinks that I have made a right decision.
Letting me go she looked at Nick and chuckled, “You finally got her, huh?” I saw Nick beamed and blushed at the same time. I wondered why she said that to Nick. “I’m so happy for both of you,” she added while hugging Nick.
“Thanks, but you know how difficult to convince your sister to agree to it,” Nick said. Wow, he’s really good in pretending as if he’s really thrilled to have me as his wife but he not suppose to pretend to be thrilled. He supposed to show his true feeling towards me. He supposed to show them that I’m not his type of girl.
I tried to make eye contact with Nick to signal him what he supposed to do but he just ignored me and continued talking to the rest.
I remained quiet when the rest of them including Nick discussed about the tomorrow’s reception. They all (yeah including Nick) seems very happy with what were discussed. Nick really look like he really thrilled and excited about the whole thing. Like I said earlier, he looks like he really wanted me as his wife; when both of us knew that I wasn’t his type.
“So what do you think Ashley?” mum suddenly asked me waking me up from my daydream, “Is there anyone else you wanted to invite? How about your friends from college?”
I shrugged, “Maybe I’ll invite one or two who are close to me.”
“Are you sure?” asked mum again.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I nodded, “Anyway I don’t think they could come because they are so far away,” I’m making an excuse. Not that I didn’t have any friends while in college but they really are staying far away as most of them are foreign student. Anyway, I don’t think I want to let any of my college’s friends to know that I’m married while I’m drunk.
“What’s wrong honey?” asked Nick’s mom looking concernedly at me, “You’ve been very quiet.”
Ah, finally someone realized. I smiled weakly, “Nothing, I’m just tired and I think I’m having my migraine,” making up an excused.
“You look so pale,” mum said, “I think you should take her home, Nick.”
“Take me/her home?” both Nick and I asked at the same time.
“Well she’s your wife right?” daddy said to him. “So your home is now hers.”
My mouth drop and I thinks Nick too. We both totally have forgotten about that. We are now supposed to stay together in the same house and probably share the same room too. Another prefect situation!! Damn it!!
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