《One night.》11


Yusrah angrily dragged Zarah out of their room to meet their mother "Mama,warn Zarah! She carried my phone and kept on playing games till after the whole charge finished." She whined on the verge of tears "Zarah why did you touch her phone?" Mama inquired eyeing Zarah "I was playing game,I really didn't know that the battery was low." Zarah replied feeling guilty and Yusrah twisted her face to the other side.

"It is not like I won't give you but atleast ask me before carrying the phone." She explain and Zarah nod her head and gave her an apologetic smile which melted Yusrah's heart.

"You shouldn't carry her phone without her permission ever again." Zarah nodded her head at Mama's instruction and went out "Yusrah,you are the eldest,so you should be patient with them." Mama advised and Yusrah nod her head smiling "I will keep trying insha Allah." She went out of the room and met her siblings sitting as they converse about what she doesn't know.

She sat down and stared at them realizing that they were talking about school,surprisingly she misses school,not studying but she miss her friends and how they make fun at teachers and oh the way they name teachers with funny names.

"Ya Yusrah." Kamal called and she raised her eyebrow at him "Do you know the meaning of Dysania?" He asked and she nodded her head un certainly "What is it?" He asked excitedly and she smiled "It is when you don't like leaving your bed in the morning." She explained.

"I have Dysania." Zarah shouted making Yusrah roll her eyes "Of course you do,idiot," It was Zarah's turn to roll her eyes now.


"Hey,you are being mean. I just played game for crying out loud and then kind of nearly finished you whole charge," Zarah whined and Yusrah scoffed "You finished it all." Yusrah raised her eyebrow.

"I lost track of time and didn't even realize that it was about to finish but am sorry Ya Yusrah." Yusrah fondly smiled at her sister as she nod her head.

Well their is one good news!

Yusrah have finally memorized the whole Qur'an.Yay!

She cannot even let herself forget how baba was so proud of her and oh have you guys seen his smile? He had the widest smile on his face and mama even shade some tears due to happiness.

It is such an emotional thing for her too,like what could be greater than this?


Absolutely nothing!

Memorizing the whole Qur'an is just.....so serene,uhh the feeling can't be expressed with words.

Mama came out and sat down beside Zarah smiling at all of them "I will tell you a story today," She started and all of them turned their whole attention to her "We are all ears," Farida jumped excitedly making all of them laugh.

"Their was a time when Aisha (RA) was....." A loud sound beeped and their attention turned to the side where the the sound was coming from,they all ran to the kitchen because the sound was from there.

Yusrah rolled her eyes as she looked at Farida who was holding a spoon "I wanted to get a spoon." Farida explained.

"To do what?" Yusrah asked "To um take um,"

"What?" Yusrah asked.

"Nutella." Farida ducked her head down as she said it and Yusrah stifled her laughter "You made a mistake,it is not good." Farida nodded her head "You should ask if you need anything,even though it is Baba's property but this is still stealing."


"And stealing is a very bad thing."

Yusrah carried the nutella and hand it to Farida who thanked her.

Later in the night,her father called for her and she walked to the parlor "Good day."

"Yusrah,how are you?" He asked fondly "Am fine."

"I have a surprise for you." That made her so excited and eager "What is it Baba?"

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