《One night.》10.



Yusuf doesn't trade his sleep for anything in this world,by anything he means anything but today he wasn't even able to sleep in the morning because he was very nervous about his first day at work.

He got ready and to his amazement,it was just 8:30am.He nearly laughed at himself because he couldn't believe that he really got ready before time,he went to the dining room and found it empty,rolling his eyes he went to the kitchen and met their cook dozing off probably waiting for someone to come and tell her what to prepare for him or her.

"Good morning,I want to take something light which will hold my stomach till afternoon." She abruptly opened her eyes and she stood up straightening her gown as she nod her head and he went out of the kitchen,he sat down on one of the cushions as he put sports channel and they were playing football,he do watch football but he doesn't fantasize so much about it just like many guys do.

After 20 minutes the cook came out with indomie cooked with irish for him with a cup of warm milk.He finished taking his breakfast and went up the stairs to say bye to his mother "Good morning." He greeted after his salam as he entered the room smiling,his mother was still sitting on the prayer mat doing her adzkar "Morning Yusuf,so you are ready?" He quickly nod his head and she chuckled "Nervous?" She asked and he growled "Of course." He replied and she gently shook her head "Don't be."

They finished talking and it was already 9:30 so he said bye to her and left to work,he studied computer science so his mother found a job for him in one place that they sell computers and phones with all those kind stuffs,well the main thing that he is going to be doing is fixing some laptops that have problem and also doing tutorial for people that come for a computer training program which last for 3 months.

He reached the place and asked the security for the direction and he told him,he made his way upstairs and met some people at the office and thankfully he know most of them when he came for his verification and interview.


"Hello Mr Yusuf." He heard a guy's voice and he turned to see the guy who controls the cafe,Yusuf smiled at him and shook his hand "Good morning." The man ushered him into the office and explained many things to him if not everything "Registrations of the program is starting by tomorrow so you will be less busy today." Yusuf nodded his head and smiled at the man "Thank you so much Kabir,without you I cannot would have been so lost in here." Yusuf smiled gratefully and Kabir smiled back and made his way back to the cafe saying that he needed to attend to people.

Yusuf busied himself with checking the foams that were placed on his table,he them checked the book for the training which involves Microsoft word,excel,publisher and more.

After two hours he was beyond exhausted,not that he did something serious but he was just so tired.

His thoughts suddenly drifted to his past,he won't say that he had a very happy life before but at least he was happier than he is now.Look,just enjoy your life for as long as you can because it can change at any time and you won't have anything to do about it.

"Hey Yusuf." Kabir called as he sat down "Yeah." He replied still in his thoughts "How is your first day going?" Kabir asked and Yusuf smiled at him before answering the question "It is going pretty well." He replied smiling.

A message pinged and Kabir's face changed instantly,Yusuf wanted to ask him what was wrong but he decided against it.

"She won't let me be." Kabir muttered under his breath "All fine?" He asked and Kabir just nod his head smiling a bit.

Yusuf shrugged his shoulder as he press his phone.For now he is a little bit happy because he have job which means he can start solving his own problems without running to his father which means no more disgrace from his father.

Sometimes he just tend to wish that he had a normal family which is full of love and support,he have promised himself that he will love his wife and children,he will marry the woman he loves and their children will grow up in a house filled with love not the way they grew up,their parents loved each other a little but not so much.


As he turned around the office,he tried to grasp every single detail of it in his brain.This is like a dream come true,he have always had always dreamed of getting a job and right now he cannot just believe that he is inside his place of work.

Times passed by in a blur,it is funny how time passes by without a person even realizing,just like the air passing,it never comes back,just like a bird flying up high in the sky,it keeps going too.

He stood up and packed his things when he saw Kabir also coming out "I was just about to come and meet you," He mouthed tiredly and Yusuf smiled a little "Same," Kabir let out an exhausted sigh "I know that we don't know each other much but I don't know why I trust you,"

"I love my wife," He sigh dreamily "I love her so much."

"But my mother and relatives hate her because her sister gave birth to an illegitimate child,"

Yusuf couldn't pin point his finger on it but he just felt his whole mood change,the society tends to punish people for the mistake they didn't make

"Am sorry to hear that," He started as he patted his shoulder.

"They made me divorce her," Ouch his neck hurts because of the way he turned his neck sharply to look at Kabir,he couldn't miss the grief plastered on his face,the frown and also the way he was weighting each and every word he uttered,the little glisten on his eyes and the way his eyebrow was furrowed.

Yusuf let out an exaggerated sigh,well life doesn't get any better,here he was moments ago thinking that he is the only one who have a messed up life,thinking that he is the only who fakes a smile but in reality,each and everyone of us does that.One way or the other each and everyone of us have their hidden scar.

"Kabir,I know how it feels to lose a dear one,I know how it feels when the person is dear to you and also near you but you don't have any other choice than to let go," In this world no one will know this feeling better than him,he doesn't think anyone can explain it like would.

"Just keep praying." That is the only solution of each and every problem "I miss her so much,each and every second it just increases.She is in every single thing I do,when I talk I remember her,how her voice sooth all my tiredness,how a little smile from her lighten up my day.Zahra." He chuckled a little.

Yusuf looked at the love struck man in-front of him as he smiled,thinking about the fact that he was once in love is funny.

But one thing that he will never forget about love is that it hurts.Alot.

"Everything will be fine,your family will come around."

He nodded his head with a glint of hope.

"Are you married?" Yusuf shook his head no at the question "Do you have a girl friend?" Another no.

He cannot risk it ever again.

"Why? Don't you believe in love?" Kabir asked totally dumbstruck.

Yusuf let out a very cute chuckle and his lips curved into a smile as he remembered how he was when he was in love,a total fool in love,a total idiot in love.But his days in love were one of the days he can count as the best days of his life even though in all turned into a nightmare.

"I believe in love Kabir,but love doesn't believe in me."

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