《One night.》9.



Yusuf was beyond bored and he knew that he really needed to start doing something soon or else boredom will kill him.

He carried his phone and called his friend "Sadiq how are you doing?" They exchanged pleasantries and Yusuf went straight to the point.

"So how about the interview?"

"Am so sorry Yusuf but my uncle didn't tell me that they have already done the interview since last month,they have already chosen a candidate."

"Oh." His voice dropped to something a little more than a whisper "Am sorry Yusuf." He smiled sadly as he shook his head "No it is okay,thank you so much for making an effort."

He hanged up the call and let out a little sigh.

What was he really expecting?

That he would get a job and then everything will go back to normal,he will have his life settled,build or buy his own house so that he can leave this house where people call home but doesn't have that warmth.He really got his hopes high and that is why he have always ended up getting disappointed.

He stood up and made his way to the main parlor of the house deciding that he is going to talk to his father today no matter what the case might be,luck seemed to be on his side today because he found his father in the parlor all alone doing nothing,he wasn't watching news nor was he pressing his phone and the most amazing thing is that his second wife is not clinging on him today.

Just great!

He walked to him and sat down after greeting him "I have been wanting to talk to you but you were very busy." Sarcasm dropped at the end of his sentence and every normal person would know that,his father looked up at him "What is it?" His father was known as a very straightforward person "It is about the job searching." He knew that this conversation will never end well but nevertheless he still needs to talk about this.His father is a very well known person and he knows many influential people so he can get him a job with just one phone call but his father doesn't seem to have an interest in helping his son.


"You cannot find a job for yourself,what if I wasn't alive then who would do it for you?" He still remained calm and composed "Now that you are alive,aren't you supposed to fulfill your duty as a father?" His father was taken aback by the question "You are so shameless,you are talking to me anyhow,how dare you!" Yusuf looked up at his father and smiled sadly "I have tried all my possible best to find a job but I couldn't succeed,you just need to help me find a job and that will be all." He needed to find a job for himself because that was what he needed at that moment.

"Just get out of my sight,you have done many stupid things and yet you are still inside my house,I have favored you alot Yusuf!" He shook his head but didn't say a word as he stormed out of the parlor not before mouthing "Am sorry for always being a disappointment."

He went straight to his mother's room and he sat down beside her smiling at her "You rarely come outside,I can count the times I saw you out of this room this month." She smiled at him as she fondled his hand "I prefer it inside here." He looked at her and held back his sadness as he ask "Why?" She smiled at him and knock his head "You should bring a wife and quickly get married." He knew that she was going to change the topic "Am not settled yet." She smiled at him as she pat his back "Everything is going to be fine soon,just keep praying." He nod his head and smiled at her.

"I was thinking that the three of us should go out and have some fun,it has been long since we did that." He suggested and she nod her head "We should do that." She smiled at him as she stood up and opened her drawer then bought out a file and she hand it to him "You are starting next week,you should better let that sleep slide because work starts at 10:00am in the morning."


He didn't understand what she said but he collected the file and opened it.

"Mama." He was totally out of words and that was the only thing he could utter,he couldn't believe that his mother found a job for him "I have been silently searching for a job for you,even though am a lady but I have relatives and friends right?" He nod his head in agreement totally astonished he didn't even know how to react,all he knows is that he is very happy about this.

"Thank you so much mama,this means alot to me,thank you Mama I love you." He kissed her hand and she gently smiled at him "Mama share your pain with me,even if it is half of it." His mother shook her head "It is a happy occasion let's be happy." Yusuf frowned his face displaying his sadness "I don't want all those fake smiles and laughs mama,I want a real one."

"I know that it is very hurtful to keep living with a mistake you didn't commit,to keep being blamed for it while the culprit is scot free." His mother sadly smiled at him and he shook his head "Forget about me Mama,this is about you." His mother quickly shake her head as she smiled at him,all Yusuf could do was look at her and observe how she was an expert in hiding her problems.

Iman barged into the room all of a sudden and stood with her hand akimbo as she made a funny face "Having a mother son time?" She raised her eyebrow and Yusuf covered his pain with a smile "Ofcourse and now the daughter is here to destroy our moment." Iman whined as she reach their mother "Mama is that true?" Their mother chuckled and shook her head negatively "I love the both of you equally."

Iman continued blabbing about school life and Yusuf just smiled reminiscing his school life,had it been 5 years back someone would tell him that he will miss school when he is done, then he would have laughed out loud and do all that it takes to deny that person but now he miss school so much that he feels like going back.

"Come on let's go,we should let mama rest." Yusuf advised and Iman agreed with him as they went out of the room,they reached Iman's room and she entered but then opened the door a little and sneak her head through it "Ya Yusuf." He turned around and raised am eyebrow.

"One day,you will be so happy that you will forget what this sadness and bitterness ever felt like,Insha Allah."

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