《One night.》8.



People with tired faces pushed themselves out of the hall and Yusuf was one of them,his eyes were closing due to how sleepy he was,different noises were coming from every corner,he took time to study his surrounding and all he could see was,tired people,girls that are gossiping,guys that are looking at girls,people that are gisting,people that are laughing,people that have a tired look on their faces,well he was also very tired because the lecturer took more than 2 hours and also he didn't get a good sleep in the night,and then not to forget how he kept running errands for his mother in the morning.

Afternoon lecture is the most hated for students because understanding the lecture is very hard at that time of the day.

He reached his car and entered when one of his friends called for his attention "Please Yusuf come and escort me to the mosque side." His friend Tahir begged and Yusuf put on a hard face "Am sorry Tahir but I really need to go home and rest,am beyond exhausted right now." He replied,this is not the time to be nice at all so he really needs to put himself first.

"Come one Yusuf am just going to send some films from Imran's laptop." Yusuf eyed him as he softly hiss "So you are going to even send films." After alot of persuading from Tahir,Yusuf finally agreed "Okay fine but we won't pass 30 minutes."

"Of course we wont." Tahir smiled as he hopped on the car,whenever Tahir set his mind on something then the person whom he will ask for help is in soup because he will keep on persuading you to do what he want till you agree.


They reached the mosque side and luckily they found Imran sitting on a chair so they went to him and exchanged pleasantries before Tahir handed him the flash drive and Yusuf slump himself on the chair beside them as he press his phone.

"It is time for new intakes to start their registration that is why we are seeing fine girls everywhere." Tahir smiled sheepishly and Yusuf just shook his head,Tahir will forever remain a sucker for fine girls.

"Excuse me." Yusuf heard a girl's voice but didn't look up "Excuse me." He realized that she was referring to him so he raised his head "Uh sorry,how can I help you?" He asked as he look at the very beautiful girl in-front of him "Please can you show me the Computer department, I have been going round for an hour but I still can't find it." It was clear that she was exhausted and she slumped her shoulders defeated as she pouted her lips cutely.Yusuf didn't know when a smile carved his lips and he shifted on the chair "Sit down." He ordered and she did as he said almost immediately "Have you prayed?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Have you eaten?"


"Come on first let's go and get you something to eat then you will continue with the registration." He replied and she shook her head immediately "No am okay." She replied and just as she finished talking her stomach growled loudly,Yusuf stifled back his laughter and gave her a very charming smile which almost made her drool "Let's go,the cafeteria is just few feet away from here." She stood up unwillingly as she fidgeted with her fingers "Actually I don't have money,my transport money is the only cash I have left." She finally told him the truth and Yusuf's smile grew wider "Who said you were going to pay?,Of course it is my treat."


They reached the cafeteria and he ordered jollof rice and drink for her with water,she ate the food hurriedly and Yusuf just stared at her amusingly.

"Is it that you haven't taken anything when you left home since in the morning?" He was curious so he decided to ask and she hurriedly nodded her eyes but then after a second she looked at him innocently with bulged eyes realizing what she did,she immediately composed herself "I won't lie to you,we are actually not rich so we are managing,what I ate today didn't full me that is why am so hungry." Yusuf couldn't help but admire her honesty,he just nodded his head with a smile trying not to make the situation awkward.

She finished eating and he escorted her to the place that the computer department is "We are locked for today,come back tomorrow." The man said with a very serious expression and left without bearing a word from them "So rude of him." Yusuf spatted turning to look at the girl "I really understand him,he is tired since he had been working since morning." She smiled at him innocently and Yusuf agreed with her.

"Did you just realize that we don't know each other's name?" It was definitely her own way of asking for his name and he just chuckled a little "I am Yusuf." She smiled nonchalantly as she nod her head "You look like them,I am Warisha." Yusuf looked at her and smiled "That is a unique sweet name,never heard of it before." And Warisha nodded her head innocently.

"Thank you so much for helping me and for buying food for me, I need to go home now."

"Wait I will take you."

"No thanks,I can manage."

"Come one let's go."

Warisha kept on saying no until after alot of persuading she finally agreed and followed him.

"Yes that is the corner." She rested back on the chair sighing a little and Yusuf wondered which kind of area that is,it was really crowded and he couldn't help but understand that;Warisha's parents are very poor!

But that doesn't matter does it?


They reached the house and she smiled as she hopped off "Am so sorry your car is dirty because of the gutter of our area." He shook his head in disagreement "It was dirty from the beginning." He argued and she just smiled letting it slide "So give me your number so that we can communicate,incase you have problem in finding somewhere again,you can ring me up." Yusuf used that as an excuse and flashed her a very cute smile "I actually don't have a phone." She replied as she looked down and Yusuf again wondered how she couldn't have a phone at this age "As poor people we learn to buy what we need not what we want." Yusuf smiled at her and nod his head.

"I better go inside."

"Yes you should."

"Ofcourse I should."


"Okay then am going."


"Um so am really going now bye."

Yusuf let out a laugh "I think you should go inside now." Warisha shyly smiled "Yeah I should."

She finally went in and Yusuf hopped into his car and drove back home with a very huge enchanting smile on his face.

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