《One night.》12.


Tiredly,Yusuf walked into the house with a tired frown adorning his face,his forehead have lines of tiredness and his stomach was begging for food,he never expected the first day of the registration to be like this.A chaos that is what it is,countless amount of people kept trooping in to register,he doesn't even understand how that small place could take them but then he was told that their is morning set,afternoon set and evening set.

Morning set is 10-12,afternoon set is 12-2pm and evening set is 4-6pm.He is going to be taking morning set which he thinks is appealing to him.

Letting out an exhausted sigh he looked around the parlor and nobody was there,guess nobody is home.

"Yusuf," He instantly shuddered upon hearing the voice "My love." He clenched his fist as he continued walking,all his tiredness flying away and being filled with rage "I came back on the perfect time.Just me and you,alone." She let out a very bad laugh.

"Don't come any closer," He put his finger forward stopping her from walking further,his heart thumped loudly but he still maintained his blank face "Oh love,I don't understand why you are acting like this." She pouted and he swallowed a lump in his throat.

"Never forget your place," He warned as he turned around to leave "Oh about being your step mother,your mother's rival?" Those words were bitter to him but he shrugged his shoulders trying to calm his heart "I hate you!" He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She was surprisingly quite which made it easier for him to walk to his room,he locked the door hurriedly and slumped on the bed letting out a ragged breath "I have got this covered,am totally fine." He reassured himself as he removed his shoe.


He sat down for a while to collect his thoughts,he really need to work harder,he needs money urgently,he doesn't care about working extra time for more money,he just need to leave this house people call home.He just needs fresh air,he needs freedom,he needs to be himself for once,he needs an identity for himself and he will give that to himself because he deserves it.

He is also human and he needs happiness,this house have only given him pain,nothing but pain.Just wounds that still sting,just sadness and nothing more than that.He have had enough of bitterness,he needs some sweetness for once in his life.

His stomach churned again alerting him of the pending hunger and he stood up and dragged himself down to the kitchen,he served himself to yam porridge which aroma was making him salivate.He dug in and before he could even realize he was done eating,he kept the plate in the sink then carried a water bottle and head to the parlor.

The door swung open and a very excited Iman walked in "Ya Yusuf," She screamed a little as she ran to him "How is work?" She asked "Work is exhausting but fine," He answered.

His stepmom stood behind them before she talked smirking "So you have started working? Ouch I feel out of place, I didn't even know," He brushed his hair closing his eyes to calm himself down "Yes,he got a job," Iman chirped in rolling her eyes "Ever heard of the good always prosper? Am sure the answer is no but never mind," Iman chuckled "Yaya,you see right here is going to prosper." She smiled innocently batting her eye lashes and Yusuf bit back a smile.

"I really pray he does and am happy for the beginning of his success," She voiced smiling as she walk away,she meant it,he knew it and he felt it with every ounce of his being,she really meant what she said and it is giving him a bad vibe,an unsettling feeling settled in his stomach and he just breath in and out slowly trying to think normally.


"Ya Yusuf,that woman is seriously getting on my nerves," Iman groaned and he wet his already dried throat "Sabr Iman.Sabr." He patted her head affectionately and she smiled,for a while both of them sat down quietly not uttering a word.

"I will work hard,build a home for us where love and peace reign,we will live a normal life like normal people do.We will live freely one day,I promise." He was absent minded-ly staring at the white wall and Iman was a bit taken aback,her face softened and she smiled.

"You have never told me,but I know that you are fed up, I know how much it sucks living in this house and walking around like their are needles all around which you don't want to step on," Iman let out a sigh "Aren't we even used to it?" She questioned with a scoff "We are accustomed to it,it doesn't even hurt anymore," She shrugged her shoulders gulping back her tears trying to mask it with a smile.

He patted her head "It will all be history." He assured and she nod her head.

"One day," She voiced dreamily and he smiled.

"Forget about that,tell more about your place of work," She excitedly faced him "It is a beautiful cabin which have like 10 desktops,a projector and then the instructors table and desktop," He kept quite trying to remember the rest of the things "You are absolutely boring,why are you listing the items of the office for me?" Iman whined and he rolled his eyes "I don't know what to tell you then,"

"Whatever,I need rest after a very tiring school day," She stood up with her bag slung on he shoulders as she walk away.

He hates being alone,being alone makes him get lost in thoughts and he doesn't trust his thoughts anymore.

His mother walked in with her long hijab sweeping the floor as she salamed and he answered "Mama,good evening," He mouthed smiling at her and she smiled back,even though her smile wasn't real,it didn't reach her eyes and it was screaming pain but he still know that it is the best she could muster up for him and Iman "How is work? Your aunt gave birth to a baby girl so I went to her house to see the baby," Looking at her with a smile as she sat down he answered "I am fine,wow am so happy for her,Iman was telling me yesterday,she said that the baby is so cute," He faked being excited,nothing makes him excited anymore.Well his aunt have been married for 10 years but she didn't give birth and now Allah blessed her with a baby.

"Yes the baby is cute," Mama answered with a glint of happiness in her eyes "May Allah bless the baby," Yusuf prayed and his mother mouthed Amin.

Their whole attention turned back to the television which was booming with people dancing crazily "Seriously this is mad," Mama laughed still looking at the tv "Mad is the name of people now adays," He replied and the both of them bursted out laughing.

Allah is with him.

Just like his aunt who was patient for ten years,he also needs to be more patient for his wish to come true.

"One day."

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