《Sold To Be His》||12.||


She fell on the floor with a loud thud and groaned looking at me. After exercise with my father-in-law, Humda trained me daily. She had been training me how to fight and protect myself. We had been doing this from two and half weeks and I had learnt many moves from her.

I stood up and gave her my hand to stand up. She grabbed my hand and stood up with a smile.

"You are a fast learner, doctor," She commented and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"All thanks to you, Humda. For teaching me," I replied with a smile and walked to corner of gym where my water bottle and towel was.

I dried myself first with towel then drank water.

"I guess it's enough for today," She said closing the cap of her water bottle.

"Take care," She said and picked her bag then bid me bye and exited the gym.

I also exited the gym and went to my room. I took shower then got ready for work. I put my phone and other important things in my bag. I picked it and walked to dining room where the breakfast was already served for me and was waiting for me.

I sat on my chair quickly and finished my breakfast peacefully and happy. I was feeling relaxed because the administrator and chief doctor of hospital took pity on me and gave me a relax schedule and I better hoped my schedule stayed like that.

And the most amazing thing was I hadn't any contact or encounter with Daniel

After breakfast, I left for the hospital and noticed on reaching hospital there was a little more security around it. I went inside and started my duty.

There wasn't much work for me like previous days. Soon I was done and it was time to go home. Finally! I didn't have much work but I was still feeling so tired and sleepy.

I was going to my cabin to collect my things but stopped when I saw a patient was standing sitting on the bench and he was bleeding. His blood was everywhere, on his clothes and he was losing his conscience slowly. It was an accident case and no one was with him.

I quickly rushed towards him and called someone to take him to take to OT.

"Sorry, Dr. Izzah. But senior Dr. Fayyaz ordered we can't until police come," The nurse said, stopping me from taking him to the OT.

"We can't wait for police. He has lost too much blood," I told her, firmly and quickly.

The stretcher quickly arrived and with the help of staff, we put him on it. We were rushing towards the OT when my name was called.

"Dr. Izzah, you can't break the rules of this hospital," I heard Dr. Fayyaz's angry voice.

I turned around and looked at him who was glaring at me. Dr. Fayyaz was the most senior and well experienced doctor of this hospital and also very strict. I motioned the staff to take the patient to the OT but Dr. Fayyaz stopped him.


"Stop!" He yelled, angrily.

Everyone present around us stopped and looked at us. Even few people came out of the rooms to have a look at the drama that he was creating.

"Dr. Izzah, don't forget the Chief Doctor left me in charge of this hospital. This maybe a police case and you can't touch this patient until the police come and write an F. I. R.!" He scolded me, angrily and loudly.

"I am sorry, Dr. But I have to save him," I told him, firmly and politely.

I turned back and told the staff to hurry up because I didn't want him to lose his life just because of this stupid reason.

"I'll complain about you, Dr. Izzah. And if something happens to him then only you have to face the consequences," He yelled at me from behind but I ignored him.

"What is going on here?" I heard the familiar angry and stern voice echoed that made me turn around quickly.

I looked at him with wide eyes because I didn't expect him to come here. His presence was dominating which made everyone tensed even Dr. Fayyaz was looking tensed and afraid. Behind him was standing the Chief Doctor Shabbir.

"She is breaking the one of hospital's rules, Dr. Shabbir," Dr. Fayyaz complained to the Chief about me and told him everything.

"Dr. Izzah, take him to OT and safe him. Quickly!" Dr. Shabbir ordered me, quickly which pulled my attention away from the man standing in front of me.

I nodded my head and quickly rushed to OT where the patient was. In the middle of saving him, his heartbeat was dropping slowly making me panic. My hands were shivering and I was becoming scared for so many things. He had so much and big wounds on his body which made almost impossible for me to stitch them quickly.

"Pass me syringe, nurse," I heard his familiar voice again making me look up.

"Daniel..," I whispered his name in shock but for some reason I was feeling relaxed after hearing and seeing him here in front of me, standing with me to save the patient.

But how?

"I am also a doctor," He answered me unasked question then looked at the nurse, "He need more blood. Arrange it," He ordered her.

She nodded her head and quickly rushed out of OT to arrange blood while I was stunned but quickly composed myself. We both worked together with others and finally after almost one hour, the patient was stable.

I was washing my hands when Daniel also came and washed his hands beside me. I turned to him quickly and looked at him in excitement.

"I never knew you are also a doctor," I said in excitement and looked at him in awe because it was something new for me.

"You never asked," He said and dried his hands with tissue.

"And you never told me," I replied then quickly put my arms around him and hugged him without thinking, "Thank you so much for helping me," I mumbled then pulled away and rushed out of there.


I could feel my cheeks turning slightly pink which annoyed me.

"Dr. Izzah, Dr. Shabbir is waiting for you in his office," A junior doctor informed me.

I nodded my head and went towards his office. I knocked on the door before entering and saw Dr. Fayyaz was also present there with his face turned red in anger.

"Please have a seat," Dr. Shabbir said, politely.

I sat on the chair beside an angry Dr. Fayyaz and waited for Dr. Shabbir to start the conversation. Before he talked, the door of his office opened and Daniel entered with his same usual powerful presence. Dr. Shabbir stood up from his seat and give it to him making me surprised and shocked.

"Dr. Fayyaz, you are the most senior and well experienced doctor here. How can you show this type of behavior in this hospital? If you don't want to save any patient then let others who want to save that patients. Even if it is a police case or a career risking case," Daniel told Dr. Fayyaz, sternly and dangerously.

"Who do you think of yourself and how can you talk to me like this?" Dr. Fayyaz asked him, with anger and rage in his voice.

He should be scaring from Daniel but no he was trying to show himself brave. Keyword is trying and it was miserable. He didn't know how to show himself brave. He should learnt this from me how I always looked brave in front of Daniel. I mentally patted my shoulder proudly and made face at Dr. Fayyaz mentally.

"Son of Mr. Jafri Qureshi. The owner of this hospital and your boss," Daniel introduced himself making me fell into shock.

I looked at him with blank mind and stood up abruptly with my hands slammed on the table. I glared at him angrily and pointed my finger at him.

"It was you who torture me with a packed torturous schedule and zero breaks and rest in previous days!" I yelled at him, angrily and wanted to stab him.

I'll become a widow happily after killing him!

"Izzah, we'll talk about this later," He said giving me 'don't start anything here' look.

I huffed at him then turned around and stomped out of the office angrily. There were so many different and cruel ideas of killing and stabbing him was running in my head. I walked to my cabin and picked my bag. I threw my things in it angrily then turned to leave but stopped when I saw him leaning against the door frame and looked at me in amuse.

I threw my bag at him but he grabbed it quickly and luckily with a chuckle. I stomped towards him and threw some powerful punches in his direction.

"You big fool!" I punched on his chest.

"How could you be so cruel to torture me like that?" I punched him after every single word.

"First you marry me forcefully. Then you messed my schedule. Now what you want to do?" I punched him repeatedly, nonstop and he was accepting my every single hit and punch.

When I felt my anger was calm, I stopped hitting him and took a deep breath to relax myself. I was trying to calm my nerves and breath when he grabbed me by my waist and closed the door and pinned me against it. My breath was hitched, my heart was beating rapidly and crazily and my eyes opened widely, staring at him.

"Your punches have become stronger than before," He said, sounding impressed by my punches.

"Leave me," I gritted in anger and wiggled to move out of his hold.

He moved back and removed his hands from my waist. He held my hand in his hand and held my in other hand then opened the door and walked out of the cabin. He was pulling me like a mother pulled her stubborn kid. Everyone who we were passing, looked at us in amuse and smile.

He opened the door of his car for me and I sat inside with an angry glare in his direction. He also sat in the car and pulled his car out of hospital.

"So, you are a... doctor?" I asked him again.

"Yes," He said with a nod.

"And you own a hospital where I work?" I asked him, annoyingly.

"No. You work in the hospital which I own," He answered, slyly.

I turned my head to look at him and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Then why I haven't seen you or heard about you?" I asked him.

"Because I never visited hospital before," He answered.

"You don't work in hospital?" I asked him again, curiously.

He shook his head that made me more curious.

"Then why you become a doctor?" I asked him because now I was getting interested to know him.

"Because my...," He trailed off and I sensed few emotions flashing in his eyes.

He clenched the steering wheel tightly and also his jaw. I stared at him in confusion because of his sudden silence. Few seconds later, he shook his head and glanced at me.

"Now you are interested in knowing me?" He asked and the corner of his lips curled up.

"Don't dodge that topic," I told him.

He glanced at me and opened his mouth but his phone rang. He answered and put it on speaker.


"Sir, a black car behind yours is following you!"


Daniel hung up and glanced the wing mirror then sped up his car. I also glanced at the wing mirror and panicked. There were more than one car of the same model following us.

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