《Sold To Be His》||11.||


"You are blushing, Dr. Izzah!" The nurse who was standing beside me, said me.

I was drinking water but stopped when I heard her and quickly glanced at the mirror on my right. My cheeks were red like a tomato and I knew very well that color was etched on my face since that big fool... kissed me.

Thinking about that kiss, I felt myself getting heat up and my face turning red. Thank God he left his room quickly when we pulled away or else I would have dug my own grave there and buried myself in his room.

After that steamy kiss which was leading further away but due to my sneeze at the wrong time... or should I say at the correct time, we were saved.

I was so thankful that we didn't come in contact with each other after that but to avoid him, I had to slip my breakfast, sadly. But the guard with me was good and I liked him now because he bought breakfast for me on the way to hospital.

May Allah bless him more!

My stupid brain again replayed that kiss scene making me heart to flatter. Luckily, the ringing of my phone interrupted my embarrassing thoughts. I pulled my phone out of my lab coat and saw Zayaan's name. I walked away from where I was standing and answered the call.


"Are you at hospital?" His voice reached my ear without greeting as I put the phone on my ear.


"Yes," I answered him, confusingly because he never called me and specially at my duty hours.


"I am bringing my wife for checkup and I want you to do it. Without any question you have to do it," He ordered and demanded me.


"Congrats on your wedding. And what happened to her?" I asked him.


"She is.. expecting and I only want you to check her. And don't ask her any irrelevant question," There was strictness in his voice.


Before I told him the best gynecologist of this hospital, he hung up the phone. I stared at the phone and shook my head at his arrogance.

Three hours later, I received a message from Zayaan informing me that he was here with his wife.

I went to my cabin with the file of one of my patients and sat on my chair. I read it while waiting for them. I looked up at the door when it opened without knocking and saw Zayaan entering with his wife.

What a mannerless friend I have!

"I was waiting for you both," I said with a smile and stood up.

I looked at his beautiful wife and extended my hand towards her.

"I am Dr. Izzah!" I introduced myself to her because I knew he wasn't going to do it.

She shook my hand and looked confused and nervous. I told her to follow me for ultrasound and while doing her ultrasound, I noticed her becoming more nervous which made me hold her hand. Her eyes were watered after looking at her baby but they weren't watered from happiness instead I found grief in them.

Like other women she wasn't looking happy and excited. She was looking in pain and sorrow. That emotion was not good for her and her baby's health because she was not healthy enough. During ultrasound, she told me her name Mishal. A beautiful name suited her well.

Zayaan needed a girl like her in his life to illuminate his dark soul and be with his lonely self forever.

"You have to take care of yourself and your health!" I told her and wiped the gel from her stomach.


I helped her to sit up and took the pictures of her ultrasound and handed her. I took her back to my cabin and sat on my chair and she sat beside Zayaan.

"Everything is fine except her health. She needs to take care of her health which may affect the baby's health in future," I informed him as he stared at his wife in concern.

Aye! So cute and so caring!

Did Daniel ever look at me like this? Or would ever in future? I asked myself silently but quickly brushed that loneliness away. To pull myself away from those thoughts, I quickly started to tell him about multivitamins and prescribed them. I handed him the prescription and congratulated both of them.

Finally, I reached home after another tired day and quickly walked to my heaven which was the kitchen. I stopped in the dining room where I saw Hareem setting table. I greeted her and sat on my seat.

"You are the best, Hareem," I told her as she served me with a smile.

"Should I call your husband?" She asked me as I was chewing the first bite but stilled on hearing her question.

If he came in front of me then I couldn't eat properly or satisfy my stomach. I didn't want to see his face because it would remind me of what we did in morning. Even taking and listening to his name was leaving a blush on my cheeks.

"No, don't. Let me finish first then call him," I told her and shook my head.

She looked at me with a look and tried to hold her smile from stretching on her face. I gave her one glare which made her stand straight without any smile but her eyes were telling me how amused she was.

"Stop it," I mumbled, annoyingly.

"Then stop blushing," She giggled and quickly walked away leaving me to blush more.

The next morning, surprisingly I woke up so early on my own. I pinched myself to know, did I really wake up on my own or was I dreaming. I hissed and rubbed that spot then stood up and went to washroom.

I did my daily business there and changed into tracksuit. I pulled my hairs in a pony and opened the door to exit. I stilled as I saw Daniel standing in front of me with his fist raised to knock on the door of my room. He looked at me with an impressed look but soon it turned into an unknown emotion which made me blush unknowingly.

I looked away from him quickly and walked away from him, out of my room with my red cheeks.

"If I know she'll wake up early after we shared a kiss then I would have kissed her soon," I heard him mumbling to himself, slyly.

Hearing this made me blush more if possible and I was feeling my cheeks on fire. Here I was trying to forget about it and he was reminding me.

He made me exercise more hard today which was tiring. He scolded me whenever I slowed my speed and it annoyed me.

"I am a human and most importantly a girl. I can't exercise more hardly," I complained and whined, childishly.

I sat on the floor with a huff and looked up at him with narrowed eyes and folded my arms over my chest. He looked at me with a frustration look and stood in front of me.

"Stop your childish behavior and stand up," He ordered me but I ignored him and kept staring at him with my narrow eyes.


"I said stand up," He ordered me again, angrily.

I shook my head and looked away from him with a scoff.

"Izzah..," There was a warning in his voice but I shook my head again.

I was feeling so tired and thinking about doing more exercise was making me more tired. I spent five minutes sitting like this and my eyes were closing from sleep but the sudden touch of cold metal on my forehead jerked me back. I gasped in disbelief and saw him pointing his gun at me.

"Leave her," An anger voice boomed in the gym.

I looked behind Daniel and saw his father glaring at him. The atmosphere of gym became so tensed that made my sleep vanish. Daniel removed his gun from my forehead and slowly stepped backward then turned around and exited from the gym.

"I haven't done anything," I told my father-in-law, quickly and defended myself.

He looked at me and sighed. After Daniel left, he relaxed and wasn't looked anger.

"Come with me," He told me with little softness and gentleness in his voice.

I stood up slowly and followed him out of the gym. He took me out of the house to the lawn of the house which was so big and beautiful with beautifully decorated different plants.

"Jog with me here. In the fresh air," He told me.

We both jogged in the lawn and it was so relaxing here. The sun was slowly rising and it's rays were providing peaceful environment in the lawn.

"A man who always shows himself tough, strong and emotionless is not a man of steel in reality. He just has made many walls around his heart after seeing something which he shouldn't. The walls of his heart are so strong and unbreakable that his strong father is failed to break," He told me as we finished.

As I was thinking about his words, he left me alone there and went inside the house. There were so many questions rising in my mind that were making me curious. Last time when we talked, he had a pleaded tone in his voice and now when he spoke there was a pain in his voice.

"I am not going with you," I told him, angrily but he didn't listen.

Before I opened the door of the car to get out of it, he started the ignition and drove it out of the gate of the house. I tried to open the door but he put child lock. I couldn't open it from inside.

"Stop the car here," I told him, angrily but he ignored me again.

"Daniel!" I yelled his name, angrily but I was ignored again.

The whole way to hospital I did everything to annoy him but he ignored me. The car was finally stopped in front of the hospital and I tried to open the door quickly.

"Open the door," I demanded him but he didn't move.

I tried to roll down the window but he put lock on the window too. I took a deep breath and looked away from him with my arms folded over my chest.

"I shouldn't do that in gym," He spoke.


"Are you apologizing?" I asked him with a sly smile after three minutes and looked at him from rear mirror.

"No," He answered, quickly.

"Then open the door," I told him, sternly.

This time he listened to me and removed the child lock.

"You look cute when you talk in your sleep," He spoke just as I put my foot on the ground.

"Huh?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Try not to speak in your sleep next time because you revealed your plan of running away yesterday," He told me with a smirk.

I gasped at him in disbelief and my cheeks turned red thinking about how I forgot to run away yesterday. I quickly stepped out of the car and rushed inside the hospital.

During break, my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered it with a smile.


"It is always me who call you. Do you even miss me?" Her teasing voice came from my phone.


"Maybe I don't," I answered her, teasingly.


"Yes! Yes! Now how can you miss me, Dr. Izzah? You have a husband now who makes you forget about your beloved sister," She replied with a chuckle.

Her answer was right he made me forget everyone.


"Don't take his name," I mumbled, annoyingly.


"What he did now or should I ask what you did?" She asked me with a laugh.


"Don't laugh at me," I scolded her then told him what happened in gym.

"And after that when I was leaving for hospital, he had the guts to climb in the car in the guard's place and drove me to the hospital," I complained her.


"You are in hospital without your guard?" There was concern in her voice.


"No, he was standing at the entrance when Daniel drove me," I answered her.

"And Innaya?"




"My father-in-law said something to me," I told her what he spoke to me then added, "And there is a room in that house where no one is allowed to enter."


"Remember the saying ‘There is always a story to tell’. Everyone has a story, Izzah. But we always act reckless and never think about it. Where you are right now have a story to tell? Behind the behavior of brother-in-law there is also a story to tell? Behind my behavior of accepting your wedding there is a story and behind dad's forcing you to marry also have a story," She spoke.

"Oh! I almost forgot that Zeba auntie invited your family and us to her home," She told me.




"On dinner for your wedding and Zayaan's wedding. Zayaan also got married two weeks before," She informed me, happily but I was stilled on hearing her got wedded two weeks before because the ultrasound of his unborn baby was telling something else.

Without any question!

Don't ask her irrelevant questions!

I remembered his words and stopped thinking. All I wished he hadn't done something to his wife which I doubted because the look he was giving her was full of love and warmness.

Will someone ever look at me like that?

Last night, we had dinner at Khan's house and everything went well there. Again, I woke up on my own and got ready for gym. I opened the door of gym but stopped when I saw my father-in-law running on treadmill and Daniel wasn't present there.

"I was waiting for you," He said stopping the machine and stepped down.

"From now I'll teach you," He told me.

I entered and sighed in relief and happiness. He made me do few exercise and gave me many tips about few things. Exercising with him was much better than with Daniel.

The door of the gym opened just as I finished push-ups and a woman around my age entered. She greeted both of us then looked at me with a small smile.

"Izzah, she is Humda. She is one of the best fighters we have and she will teach you how to fight," Father-in-law informed me.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Do you want to win against Daniel?" He whispered, silently only for me to hear.

I thought about it and quickly nodded my head. I was now feeling thrilled and felt a new wave of excitement running in my veins.

Get ready because one day, I'll beat you, Daniel!

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