《Slashers x reader oneshots》Slashers x [Killer] Reader [part 2]


So I wrote this whole over 1000 story, AND IT DIDN'T FUCKING SAVE!! I'm pissed if you couldn't tell, ALSO I'm sure you're going through something similar, But all this school work and worrying about my social life during this Covid-19 thing is taking a tole on my writing ideas, s if you have any ideas comment them, and I'll give you credit or something...love you guys enjoy!


"So... Who are you?" Stu asks with a blank face. He rests his head in his hands awaiting your response. "Um.... hello?" He waves his hand in front of your face. You smack it down to the table. "Ow! Bro chill-chill it's a joke..." He looks over at Billy. "It was a joke." Billy shook his head and looked over at you. " So you're the silent type?" You give a single nod. "Hmm... So you don't talk at all?" Stu asks. "Omg Stu that's what 'silent' means!" "Nuh-Uh"

Y/N steps down the all to familiar hallway. She gets to her cell and huffs onto her bed. This is the only time she gets to herself, The boys haven't left the room yet, but she only has a couple minutes till they do, and come in louder than ever.

Y/N lays down and tries to relax. You miss the old place, Where you had a room and not a cell, where you where left alone. There people feared you because of what you did, but here they don't know you as what your capable of so they don't know what their getting into. Before you know it you start drifting off to sleep...

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!" Your eyes shoot open and you look over at Stus cell, He was laughing his head off. You get up and do your best to rub your hair back to its normal state. Stu must've done drugs, He's still laughing and Billy, once again is rubbing his forehead in disappointment.


You're taken back to the cafeteria for lunch. You get to your normal table and Tiffany hops up to her seat. She starts talking about the girl cells again, she brings up the showers. You and the boys haven't gone to the showers yet, of course you won't be going with them, You assume you'll be taken to a single shower or you might go in after or before the boys. They did that at your other sanitarium so maybe they have the same rules?

"Yo... Didn't know you and Tiff here were friends." Billy says sliding into the seat next to you. "We were talking..." Tiffany clearly didn't like Billy, She gets up and steps down from her seat. "hey doll, I'll be back for dinner, Don't miss me to much!" Billy chuckles as Stu slams into the now empty seat. "How can you stand that voice of hers?! Gives me a headache!" Stu says eating off his tray. You liked Tiffany, She's nice and understood and excepted that you didn't talk. Tiffany believes she has 'The voice of an angel' So now you understand where the salt came from. "So... We never got your name..." Billy says raising his eyebrows. You move your hand and point to your name tag. "Y/N!...Nice." Stu says a little too loud. "Have you hung out with the other silent creeps yet?" Billy asks taking a bite of his oddly watery 'mashed potatoes' You raise an eyebrow. There's other people who don't talk as well? You didn't expect it to be so common. "Seriously you haven't seen them around before?" Stu leans in as he points a finger a finger to one of the tables across the room. You push him away before looking where he pointed. "dude!" He fell back and just barely caught himself on the table so he didn't get a full concussion. You finally see who Billy was talking about. They're all super tall and big. You first look at the guy Freddy was yelling at yesterday. he still has the bag on his head, You'll have to ask about that later. Next to him is a very muscular man, He has long blond to brown hair in his face, He clearly doesn't want tp be there he's looking the other direction. The next guy was as tall but much chubbier, He didn't look to well taken care of, From what you could tell his teeth weren't looking to good. The last guy was tall thin and umm.... Sweaty? He had dark brown almost black curly hair and a burn marks on parts of his face. "They're super tough, But not as tough as us of course!" Billy groans and continues talking. "That's Jason, Michael, Jedidiah and Brahms, Oh and Freddy.." You look over again and just now realise Freddy was there, Guess all the guys literally twice his size were hiding him. "While we're on this topic, I'll show you the rest of us so I don't have to do it later." He points to the table next to the last one. "That's Chucky, You know him, and that's Pennywise... I still don't get how he's allowed out here..." Billy shrugs. " Ya and why is he allowed to hang out with CHUCKY they're both nutty!" Stu laughs. "The only other people you need to know about are-" He points to the table on the opposite side of the first one. "That's Elliot, We call him Pinhead, Daniel or Candyman, Norman and Harry, He goes by the 'Miner" But that's stupid." Stu laughs...again. From what you could tell the tables are set in hall groups, So they must be the guys in your hall, How did you not hear all that noise before now? "Don't fret babe! We'll help ya!" Stu says trying to be helpful. He swings his head back and laughs, You're starting to feel really bad for Billy now.


Your guard comes over to your table, He explains that you're going to the showers early, Guess your theory was right. You get up and nod a goodbye to the boys. Stu screams a goodbye as you walk with your guard out the door.

"I like her...She's cool." Stu says getting up with Billy. "Stu you like everyone..." Billy laughs shaking his head. "Not true!" While talking the two of them head to the 'Silent creeps' table. they normally go from table to table depending on how they feel.

"So what's up with the girl?" Freddy asks as the pair pull up some chairs. "stu's doing great!' Chucky jokes leaning over from his table. "Not cool!" Stu looks away. "Well... She doesn't talk." "And has a habit of hitting people!" Stu wines. "Pussy." Freddy laughs. "But she's cool... For a killer...." Billy concludes. "Hey we don't even know if she killed anybody!" chucky once again joins in. "Well, Guess we have to find out..."

Instead of turning and going down to your cell, You keep walking and go into a door down the hall. You walk in and see a long row of showerheads over an open area. You look over at the guard in disbelief... is he really gonna watch? Well it's not like you're trust worthy. you scoff and get undressed, being out of that ugly suit feels like heaven and you wish it would never end.

You finish and get dressed. With the guard at your side you make your way back to your cell. You look ahead and see the line up of the boys heading your way. you pass by and keep looking forward till you see Stu from the corner of your eye. "Hey!" He whisper yells while shaking his hand like a maniac. You raise your hand and keep it up till he looks away. so Stu and Billy are your friends now...Great .

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