《Slashers x reader oneshots》Slashers x [Killer]Reader [part 1]


This is a new slashers x reader story I don't know what i'm doing with the other one but ya, also Micheal is the rob zombie version chucky is bride of chucky+ and Billy and Stu are still alive.


Y/N was always... off, she was different from others, not in a fairytale way, she wasn't into books and was breathtakingly beautiful, or was over worked and shamed by her family, She had a great life actually, her parents were very loving and cared for her very much, And she cared back, it was the other people, she didn't like the other people, the other people were annoying, they were to much.

Y/N would blow up a lot and throw violent tantrums, but one time she went to far and hurt someone really bad, she killed them okay that's what I'm getting to, she killed someone so people freaked out and sent her away. She was only 9 when she was put into a psychiatric hospital.

While being there she showed a lot of anger to female inmates, but not so much to male inmates, so when they get transferred in groups or go to group counselling she goes with the male inmates.

(Let's just pretend that could actually happen

After she turned 20 the Asylum she was in was unable to keep her in control. She never does anything bad unless aggravated but they aren't to trust worthy in a killer, understandable. She's grown very strong, and can overpower all the guards and that's NOT good and dangerous for everyone in the asylum so they're transferring her to Smith's Grove Sanitarium. It's much more secure and can handle her better.

The officer turned the corner with Y/N by his side, Looking up Y/N sees a long hall of cells on both sides of the wall. Slowly the officer pushes Y/N down to the end of the hall. While walking fellow inmates take notice.


"Hey! Who are you?!" A very sweaty guy comes up against the bars. He had short hair and a crazy smile. "Stu leave her alone... Sorry bout my pal here the names Billy." He gives a charming smile. They keep walking ignoring the two boys. Before she can go into her cell another inmate calls out. "Finally some fresh meat! The dorks here are getting a little annoying..." A low voice cackles. Y/N glances down with her eyes to a... Doll? "What're you looken at?!" He attempts to threaten. He ends up being more pathetic than scary so Y/N just walks away and enters her cell.

(I don't know why they have cells, i know the sanitarium doesn't have those but I want them to be able to talk and see each other for plot purposes so just go with it)

"So... You single?" A man from across the hall asks. Y/N already hates it here. To many people who won't shut up. "Well I am so no need to ask." He motions to him self. Just by looking at the dude you can tell why. His teeth are hella nasty and his skin is burnt to a crisp, not to mention his ugly attitude. "What not gonna say anything?" He grabs onto the bars. "Fine... Bitch." He retreats and sits on his bed grumbling to himself.

After an hour of listening to Stu try to sing and Billy complain, It was finally time for dinner. The same police officer as before opens Y/Ns cell door and takes her out. The other inmates are lined up along the wall. "Hey why does she get special treatment? It's because she's a isn't it!? !" Stu yells from the back of the line. "Stu shut up! Your voice is making my plastic crack." Chucky chimes in from behind him. Thankfully Y/Ns taken away before more crapy insults are thrown. Y/Ns taken early and is taken to a table in the back of the large cafeteria. (Let's pretend they would let a whole bunch of killers chill in a cafeteria together.


"Hey doll, You new here?" A high pitched voice asks from a seat across from Y/N. A doll head peered over the table. She had blonde hair and green eyes. "Not much of a talker huh... Well I'm Tiffany." Tiffany continues to have a one sided conversation with Y/N till dinner is over.

"I saw you taking to Tiffany... don't, that bitch is crazy, she left me, no one leaves me! Who would I'm CHUCKY!" The doll guy starts screaming about how he's one of the most notorious slashers in history and shit, stuff Y/N doesn't care about. Y/N sits awake starring at the ceiling once again listening to pointless


"Stu, Mona Lisa wasn't in spice girls!" Billy rubbed his forehead. "DUDE! I swear! Maybe she was just a featured artist but she was there for real!" If you couldn't already tell Stu is hella retarted. "Stu shut the fuck up your gonna give me a brain aneurism!" Freddy hollered from his cell beside theirs. "Stop talking about Mona Lisa!" He grumbles. "Dude, who's Mona Lisa?" Silence... "STU OM- "

Y/N didn't get any sleep, she never does but tonight she really wanted it. Stu wouldn't shut up, Freddy was just yelling things no one could understand, Chucky got pissed and tried to make a run for it, and Billy got tased for strangling Stu.

Once again Y/N and Tiffany sat together Tiffany was explaining that a chick named Carrie was bleeding everywhere... That information made you glad you get to stay in the boy cells.

After breakfast the boy group, including Y/N, has a free time hour. (Once again please pretend this makes sense This means all the inmates get to do what ever they want, with in reason, for an hour.

"You must be Y/N, I'm Dr. Loomis ." A man walks up to Y/N. He awaits an answer but when it doesn't come he huffs. "Not much of a talker huh..." Y/N just looks past him and sees the two boys, um, Billy and Stu right? She walks by Loomis and to the wall near the table the two boys are sitting at.

"Billy I'm telling you!" Stu leaned in over the table. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Billy leaned back in his chair. "Yo... like I bet Jason and Freddy are like... a thing..." Stu whispers. Y/N follows their gaze and sees the same burnt man arguing with a man much taller than him, The guy had a bag over his head, how is that allowed? Anyway he's really tall and just listening to what Freddy was yelling at him. "They hate each other... no couple there." Billy states clearly done with Stu. "Hey!" Stu shouts at Y/N. She slowly looks over. "Come sit with us!" Stu waves his hand back and forth as she slowly walks over and sits down. Normally she hates loud and dumb people, but listening to Stu talk about random stuff and Billy being over his shit is so funny she can't help but like them... so this should be fun.


1206 words, dam I'm zooming I don't know what to do next, should you go over to leatherface and Michael? Or are you gonna see what's up with the argument? Also Im still deciding if I should include Brahms in this story so give me what you think!

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