《Slashers x reader oneshots》Leatherface x Reader


[F/F/N]= fake friend name


[Your POV]

My 'friends' and I were going on a road trip. Where? Not sure... They didn't tell me... I know it was stupid to come along not knowing where we are going but I was pressured! Even if I didn't want to I would've gone anyway... anyplace then home- nothings wrong there, it's just boring is all.

The van starts to rumble and we come to a dragged out stop. " Hey Y/N! Go to that gas station and get help!" F/F/N yells from the front. "What! Why me?" I ask.

"Cause I said so!" She hollers back at me. "Fine." I hop out of the van and jog to the gas station. Walking in I see a older man at the counter. "Um... Hi... our van ran out of gas just a little ways down can you help us?" I ask pointing to the direction of our- well their van. "Of course missy. Take a seat and relax..." he says. I sit down and he heads outside. After 10 minutes or so I hear the engine of a car. The tank must be filled!

I look to the window and see the van drive off. WAIT WHAT!? I run outside and follow the van with my eyes... Those bastards! I knew I shouldn't have come on the stupid trip. " Hey darlin' don't be sad... They'll be back, here come with me, I got a place you can stay." He leads me to a pick up truck. " I don't want to be a bother really!" I say to him. Was I really considering this? " Nonsense! Come." He pushed me in and closes the door. Welp can't say no to that!

We make it to a old house with a swing in front. "Here we are." He says and I hop out. Can I really trust this guy? " Oh, Um where will I be staying?" I ask while we walk in. " Upstairs, left door." He says and walks to a metal door beside the stairs. I rush upstairs and to a room. It was, not to be rude but, disgusting. It was all dirty and the bed was torn to shreds. I hear a slam of- metal or a door or something? I can sense the man didn't live alone. I hear stopping up the stairs and I peek my head out of the door. A tall man way over 6 feet looked at me with a chainsaw in hand. I just stare blankly not knowing what else to do. "KILL HER YOU PEICE OF SHIT!" The old man screams from the bottom of the stairs. It was clear he didn't want to but he revved up the chainsaw and raised it in the air. I scream while trying to run away. The chainsaw skims the back of my knee and I fall. The big man drags me down the stairs and slams the metal door behind us.


[Time skip]

I wake up on a table, and I hear screaming across the room. The old man from before was chasing the big dude around a table- to my surprise the big guy looked scared. The old man was calling him all kinds of mean and unholy names till he left in a huff. The big man faced my and walked over not saying anything. "He shouldn't talk to you like that... It's wrong- and abusive!" I tell him shaking my finger. Am I really talking to a killer right now? He seemed surprised at what I said, he stared at me wide eyed and let out a grunt. I felt so bad for him, in a weird way I wanted to comfort him the way I knew he needed. I put my hand on his. "You shouldn't let him talk down to you that way! It breaks my heart to see it." I don't know what I'm doing he's gonna kill me any second. He hugs me. HE HUGS ME!? He was a huge man and I half expected him to crush me-but he was as gentle as a feather. "So are you gonna kill me or...?" I say as we hug. He pulls away and frantically shakes his head. "Good cause I'm not ready to die..." I giggle as he helps me off the table. This is gonna be interesting.

Bubba looks out of the room and grabs my hand to lead me with him, I followed behind as we make it to the stairs again. I look over and see... My friends!? How did they get here. I see them tied up and at a dinner table- with the old man and a younger boy with black hair. I haven't been noticed by the family yet. After my friends get talked to for awhile F/F/N was untied and she tried to run out the front door. I don't know what came over me but I ran after her ad body slammed her to the floor, bringing her back to the table. I smile at the old man. "Well... well looky what we have here? Bubba your girlfriends got some moves!" The young boy said. This should be fun...


[1 Year later]

I've lived with bubba for around a year now and it's actually pretty great! Yummy food, nice company- all around good times! Bubba has been acting off lately-He acts all squeamish when I'm around. I hope every thing is alright.

[No ones POV]

Bubba walked to the porch, he didn't normally stay out by the front of the house but, it felt relaxing to see the sun for once. Y/N steps out too and sits beside him.

"Hey Bub! What's up?" She asks cheerfully. A lot was up! He just, he loved the way you light up every room or place you go, like right now! He was sad and confused till she came out and now he's happy- Though the confusion hasn't gone away. Why was he confused? You, he feels weird when around you-Like good weird, and god did he love it when you where around. He wanted to tell you how much he cared about you so you knew how much you mattered to him... but he couldn't, and he was scared you would reject him...

"Bubba? Really you can tell me." You put your hand on his leg and look into his eyes. He grunts and hugs you. "I love you Bubba... I can't stand to see you upset!" You say over his shoulder. He squeals and kisses your cheek. He can't believe you love him back it's surreal...


1109 words dam... anyway this isn't the best thing in the world but what ever

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