《Slashers x reader oneshots》Jason Voorhees x reader [part 1]


Just so you know-

[Y/N]= your name

[F/N]= friends name

[S/N]= siblings name

[H/C]= hair colour


[Your POV]

"Y/N let's go!" F/N calls out. I hop out of my moms car with my stuff. Me and my friend where staying at 'Camp Crystal Lake' for the summer! I've heard so much stuff about this place from S/N, most of it good but some of it about how irresponsible the camps consumers where, all touchy feely, if you catch my drift.

Me and F/N walk to our cabin and unpack our stuff. Once we did that we decided to go by the lake with the other kids. I noticed the oldest kids here where about 14-15 maybe the older groups didn't find this kinda stuff fun anymore?

We find a small group of people by a tree, F/N decided to stay back and go meet people, (ew) and I go over to see what was wrong. I hear mocking and horrible words being thrown but none thrown back? It wasn't a fight that's for sure... I push through the 3-4 people and see a boy about my age being picked on by all of them. It broke my heart to see how sad the boy looked.

" Hey you leave him alone! what has he done to you!?" I shout standing in-front of the boy on the ground. " Ha what? he's a freak can't you see his face!?" He laughs back. I've already had enough and grab the boys hand and take him into the forest.

[Jasons POV]

I was getting picked on again. I'm used to it but... it still hurts, what they say to me... Momma always says not to believe them and that they are just being mean... but I can't lie that it does get to me.


Suddenly I don't see the people anymore but a girl? She stepped in front of me an- Was protecting me? No ones ever done that before.

" Hey you leave him alone! What has he done to you!? She says stepping forward. I never thought anyone would step in, they either join the bullying or just keep walking, sad but true.

Before I catch what was going on she grabs my hand and he trudge into the forest, I can't help but admire her H/C hair blowing in the wind... I never thought anyone would help, let alone a girl, a pretty one at that!

[Your POV]

God I felt so bad for him! How could people be so cruel!? We come across a log and we sit down. " I'm sorry." I say looking at him, yes obviously I noticed he was a little deformed, but it made him look cute. " What? Why are you sorry?" He asks in a small voice. " I'm sorry they did that to you, people are horrible!" I say to him. " it's not your fault they do it all the time." He tells me, looking down. " No! Not anymore! I'll be there!" I say in a very dramatic way. " Do you want to be friends?" I ask leaning to see his face. " Really!?" He asks glowing with happiness. " Of course!" I say smiling. He hugs me and I giggle. " Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask letting go. He nods while we get up. We walk for an hour or so catching up and talking about anything and everything. I had to go back to my cabin since it was getting late, we said our goodbyes and promised to see each other again tomorrow.


[Time skip]

I woke up bit late today but I took my time getting ready anyway. I walked out of my cabin and see another group of kids near the dock. I swear if they're picking on Jason again! They are! I walk over with pure fire in my eyes. I walk over but I'm to late! They throw him in the water... yesterday while talking I learned that he can't swim... oh god "JASON!" I run as fast as I can and dive in the water, no I wasn't in a bathing suit but let's over look that part. I could feel him at all I had to go up for air and I crawled back onto the deck. I only have pure hatred for these people. "YOU ASSHOLES! You killed him!" I scream and get back on my feet starting to cry.

F/N comes over to me and Hugs me. " They killed him, He's dead!" I whine in her hair. She just rubs my back. I look at the bullies and they have worry and sympathy in their eyes. I don't care... they did this! They took the purest person out of this world.... I will always hold that against them.

[To be continued]


Hope you liked it! I'm not the biggest Jason fan but I did my best!

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