《Slashers x reader oneshots》Brahms x reader [part 2]


I didn't expect it to be gone! This is crazy! Where did it go?! I hope I won't have to clean it up... I stare at the doll, it's just a doll! Right?

"Did you like it Brahms? Sure looks like you did!" I take his plate and wash it with mine. What am I doing I should be gone already, This is gong way to far, But I can't leave this 'kid' here, well I can but that doesn't seem right, they clearly can't take care of them selves. Not even knowing it I washed the dishes as I thought.

Taking Brahms to the Library I grab one of the poetry books Mrs, Heelshire said he likes. "Are you ready to read some poems Brahms? I know I am!" I wasn't, not at all, I never really got into poetry- tho I did admire how much work it takes to create it and the meanings they have, I just never read them by choice. I made sure to speak loudly like Mrs, Heelshire told me to. Being with the doll, somehow, makes me feel calm, maybe it's just the silence of the old house or how the rain looked out side, it blended together like music and dance... speaking of music, Brahms likes that right? " Hey Brahms do you want to listen to some music? Maybe bring some sound other than the creaking of this old house." I walk over to the record player and put the tonearm onto the record- Wow! That's loud I rushed to turn the music down... It was this opera song... not my favourite, But I can stand it. I sit down with Brahms again and listen to the music while looking out the window.

[Time skip]

I get to the last trap and put the poor dead rat in the garbage bag I have in my other hand. Finally that's over with I've seen enough dead things today... I grab Brahms and head back inside.


"You where a good boy today Brahms, I'm very proud of you!"

I look at the rules... a kiss goodnight, simple enough. "Goodnight Brahms see you tomorrow." I kiss his four head. With one chain of movements, I turn the light off and close the door.

God I'm so tired, I went straight to bed. I woke up- I heard, Crying? I got up and looked down the hall. "Brahms!?Is everything alright!?"

I holler down the hall not expecting an answer. I end up in front of a family painting. I couldn't help admiring it even in the uncomfortable situation, looking at Brahms in the photo... for some reason made me really sad- that emotion soon replaced with fear as a arm reaches through the painting and grabbed my neck. I sat up in a cold sweat and frantically looked around me room. Then I hear it, I hear crying again. I walk out of my room and to Brahmss'. I crack the door open. "Oh thank god..." I head back to my room, And pass under the attic, I do not want to go up there that's all I can say. I fall asleep pretty quick.

I wake up feeling some what refreshed. Getting out of bed I decided to go outside for awhile, I didn't have to wake Brahms yet anyway. I get my shoes on and pull my coat on. I just walked around the garden. When I got to the front of the house again I saw a car pull up, It was Malcolm! I meet him at the door and walk in with him. "So Y/N how've you been holding up in this house all alone?" He says taking his boots off. "Oh I'm not alone." I say walking up the stairs. " What do you mean?" He seemed a little worried. "I have Brahms!" I continue up the stairs to Brahms' room. Walking in I kneel beside his bed. " It's time to get up Brahms..." I pick him up and hold him, we walk down stairs and I set Brahms at the table to make breakfast. "So... I could show you around- you know the local places- if you want to that is!" God no... these situations always make me feel weird. " Haha you know I just got out of something... I don't know if I'm you know..." I feel so bad but I'm not really into him. "NOno It's not a date it's just we work for the same people!" I don't really want to deal with this, in the nicest way possible. " you know what maybe another time, I'm just gonna have a 'me and Brahms day'!" I say cracking some eggs in a pan. " What does that mean exactly?" He goofily asks leaning on the other side of the counter. " you know, We'll read, listen you music, play all that stuff!" God I must sound insane!


"Oh ya... right." He rolls his eyes and sits down at the table. "I assume you're wanting some eggs?" He looks at me and smiles. " If you insist..." I chuckle and give him a plate of eggs. We should go in the other room, Brahms likes to eat alone." I walk to the other rooms and Malcom follows.

[time skip]

Malcom leaves and I go back to get Brahms from the kitchen. The food was gone like last time but I'm unfazed as I wash the dishes and take Brahms to the Library.

The day plays off just like yesterday and I get Brahms ready for bed. "I hope you had fun today Brahms, Good night." I kiss him on the four head and head to my room. I could use a shower right about now. I grabbed a towel and wandered to the bathroom. Finally I can relax caring a doll around all day can really way down your stamina. I get undressed and step into the water.

[Time skip]

I step out of the shower and look in the mirror, Hey the fu- My hair got- shorter, no that's stupid, it got cut dummy! I might be in use of a hair cut anyway no one will notice. I go to put my clothes on but, they're gone! WHAT THE HELL!? I put my clothes here- I walked in with them , obviously I just forgot them or something, I'm to tired for this. Hoping in bed I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

[To be continued...]


1079 WORDS (not including these obviously) I wrote this at like 2 am so it's not the best... I will also do some other one shots but this one will still be continuing-

also if any of they have a part 1 or any other part they will be continued. AND if a series if ending, [END] will be in the title!

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