《Slashers x reader oneshots》Brahms x reader [Part 1]


I've been looking for a job, and to my surprise I did find something- but it wasn't the desired opportunity. It was a babysitting job, which I'm fine with but I don't think I'm that great with kids but it's the best I've got at the moment...

[time skip]

I got out of the car and looked at the house. It was beautiful really.

" The heelshires had to step out for a moment. They asked that you wait in the parler." I go to pay but he says it's already taken care of and that my stuff is already inside. " Oh thank you! Have a nice day!" With that I walk in and take in how nice the house is. I see a small white chair near the bottom of the stairs so I take a seat there and wait like the man told me too.

A man walk out of one of the rooms. " You made it!" I jump a bit and stand up. " believe it or not, I was trying not to scare you!"

He says chuckling. " Oh yes sorry! You are?" I tilt my head in a playful manor. " oh right Malcom! You must be here for the nanny job?" I nod and follow him to the kitchen. We talk then soon a older woman walks in and we walk to the stair way. " Where are your shoes?" Hey, where are my shoes? " I put them here, or I thought I did at least." She just smiles. " They'll turn up." And with that we walk up the stairs and we go to a room. We walk in and see a older man. " Oh hello there, I was just talking to Brahms." He steps aside and reveals a- doll? I didn't want to be rude so I smile and shake the dolls hand. " It's a pleasure to meet you Brahms I hope we become friends while spending time together." I stand up and look to Mrs, Heelshire. "Come." She says. We walk to what I'm forced to believe is Brahmss' room. She tells me to wake him up but I don't really know how to. " Do you mind showing me? So I know how to do it?" She smiles " Of course- no better way of learning than watching it be done!" There on out she shows me how to take care of him.


Mr, Heelshire and I empty the traps outside and have a very odd conversation. " what ever it may look on the out side- our son is here, he's very much with us... Do you under stand Mrs, L/N?" I look at him and say " yes, I do." He nods. "Good"

I get ready for bed, and lay down.

I find myself thinking about how lucky I am, to find a place to staying get money at the same time, Anything is better than my old life. My Ex-boyfriend, was not the nicest person, and way worse than a bad one, But I finally escaped and have a place to go! Even if it is a little sketch...

[The next day]

I wake up to a loud bang. I quickly get dressed and rush to the place I though the sound came from.

"BRAHMS! how could you what have you done!? Wait till I tell daddy!" I was taken aback by her out burst- she seemed like such a nice woman? " I'm sorry for the rush." I jump, I was not expecting him to be so sneaky! " Oh you startled me!" I hold my chest. " my apologies... here a schedule... Mrs, Heelshire was kind enough to write one out for you... it may seem silly but It's crucial that you follow these rules- Brahms is very particular on them..." I smile and say " Oh of course, No problem!" Of course it weirded me out but I didn't want to be rude.

They are getting ready to leave as Mrs, Heelshire Hugs me and says " I'm sorry" leaving me confused, but before I can ask what about, she was already out the door. With Brahms in my arms I walk to the kitchen and make a sandwich to eat, I also made one for Brahms. I sat him down on the chair and looked at the rules, Mr, Heelshire gave me with the schedule. " Here you go Brahms- If you don't like it, Let me know and I can make you something else! Okay?" I said while walking out of the room. The rules said to leave him alone to eat? How odd...


I went back in after eating my sandwich and put it by the sink to wash once I get Brahms' plate as well. I turn around to take the plate and stop. The food was gone.

[To be continued...]


Wow okay first thing I've written! What do you think? There will be a part 2 to this soon!

[The picture isn't by me! If you know who did it please let me know so I can credit them!]

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