《Slashers x reader oneshots》Jason Voorhees x reader [part 2]


[Your POV]

It's been some years since... The incident... I've moved on, somewhat. I went through school and collage, But I can't thought thinking about that day. My mom is worried I'm to hooked on the past so she wanted me to visit Camp Crystal Lake so I can say my goodbyes I didn't get to back then.

We make it to the camp and I feel nothing but sorrow when I see it full of teenagers in, very interesting clothing (if you know what I mean)

I hop out and say farewell to my mom. Catching up to the other campers, we pass close by the lake and it's as beautiful as I remember. I made sure I got the cabin I was in all those years ago... This one was always my favourite it was spacious and I could had it to myself since there was only one bed.

I wanted to make a point of going through the forest, That's the one place I felt happy while here, The only place of the whole camp that had good memories.

I finished unpacking and made my way to the forest, it was lush and green like before, and the trails where slightly grown over, I suppose people don't like nature as much as they used to? I found the spot name and Jason talked, I felt sad, But thankful the happy and memorable place is still here, I sit down and take a sweat long wanted breath of fresh air.

[Time skip]

I sat on that log for who knows how long it was almost dark and I was about to head back when I heard a ear piercing scream form the fire pit area. I run as fast as I can- and stop in my tracks when I see what happened. A huge man towered over the dead bodies of campers, he had a hockey mask and was holding a blood drenched machete. I can't move... I just stare as he does the same. He tilts his head and walks closer to me. Something, somethings off, I don't feel scared? Maybe I'm just a crackhead I should be past the hills by now!


"Don't kill m-!" I try squeaking as he wraps his arms around me. I'm gonna die this is it! I close my eyes shut and wait for death, but it never comes I open my eyes to see the monster of a man hugging me and-sobbing? I don't know why, I hugged back, I just felt so bad, and oddly safe. He let's go and looks into my eyes. Something... something in my clicks and I realize who I'm looking at.

"Jason?" I whisper. He nods and drops his machete in a sine to trust him. I can't believe it... I thought he was dead! But here he is right in front of me! I hug him and cry in his shoulder. I barely spent any time together but I felt I knew him, and when I lost him it felt like my heart got ripped out.

" How... How are you here? You drown I saw it!?" I ask pulling away from the warm embrace. He shrugs... can he talk or? "Can you talk?" He looks down and shakes his head. I grab his hand and lead him to my cabin. He can barely fit through the door. I gave him a piece of paper and a pencil. Immediately he scribbles something down.

Your name I've missed you so much you don't even understand how much.

The writing was very, very bad but I could make it out and once I read it my hear beamed. "I missed you too Jason!" I hug him for the third time and kiss his cheek. "I never forgot about you! I wanted to see you so bad!" I can't explain how happy I am to have him back!

The night went on, we cuddled, caught up and over all just enjoyed each other's company. I missed this, I hope it never ends.


Yay! Sorry it's so short I just thought of it on the spot.

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