《Pokemon TF Literature 2020 Rewind》1. Cold Snap (Glaceon TF)



Pages (according to Google Docs): 4

Words: 2004

Characters: 10523

Characters (excluding spaces): 8542

Published On: January 31st, 2020


It snowed a lot outside, and I mean a lot. There was a huge snowstorm/blizzard last night, and it left behind sand trap-like snow that was at least 4 to 5 inches deep.

I woke up, and the time showed 10:30 AM. I realized I woke up at my (near) "golden" time (I like waking up at 9:00 to 10:30 AM, which makes me feel like I am about to have the correct amount of time to spend (not too little, of course)). I decided to look outside my bedroom window, and it looked really beautiful outside. A nice cloudless painting of a blue sky came before my eyes, a very smooth layer of snow covered the ground, and the trees were also covered in a medium layer of snow, the snow covering each and every individual branch. I wanted to take a few pictures of the snow-covered surroundings. So I bundled up, got my phone, and went outside to take some pictures.

Once I was outside, I started taking pictures. I was taking pictures of the snow covered driveway, lawn, trees, whatever caught my eye. While I was taking a picture of the backyard, I dropped my phone, it disappearing into the soft snow. I started frantically looking for my phone lost in the snow. I was trying to find my phone, but I couldn't find it anywhere! Since I had no gloves on, the snow made my hands become very, very cold; cold to the point where I almost couldn't feel them. After about a minute of me trying to find my phone, I finally managed to find it. Me dropping my phone by accident somehow was a message to me that I took enough photos, so I headed inside.

The first thing I did when I got inside was to warm up my hands. So I ran them through some warm water, which made my hands have a weird sensation for a few seconds. I just ignored it thinking it was probably my hands just warming up. After a few moments of running my hands through warm water, my hands were back to normal temperature, but this weird frosty feeling in my hands still remained, sort of like the cold sensation that comes from products containing menthol. I was like "whatever" and just moved on from there.

30 minutes later...

My hands still have that strange frosty feeling present on them, but I felt nothing else wrong with them; my hands moved freely without trouble, I could feel things I touched, and I had feeling in my hands, so I continued to ignore it. I was playing Roblox on my PC using my Xbox controller, minding my own business and paying no attention to my hands. Things seemed perfectly fine, but for some reason it felt off and not the everyday norm that I'm always so used to. Then suddenly I felt the frosty feeling in my hands intensify abruptly, which kinda startled me. Something strange is going on. I looked at my hands, and saw something that made me almost drop my controller. I quickly exited out of my Roblox client, and started inspecting my hands. MY HANDS WERE BLUE AF. I honestly thought my hands became frost bitten, but then I realized, it wasn't even cold enough outside for frostbite to even occur, but anything is possible I guess.


While I was trying to process everything that was happening, I felt something happen to my hands. I felt blue paw pads slowly begin to form on the palms of my hands. I watched them form in absolute confusion; I was really, really confused as to what was going on. A few moments later, the pads stopped forming, and I felt my newly formed paw pads. The cold, blue paw pads felt a bit like bubble wrap, which felt very strange yet very comfy. Then my nails started to become longer and sharper into claws. I got chills as I watched them sharpen slowly. All of a sudden, they stopped growing. They looked pretty sharp; sharp enough that I could tear open my skin if I carelessly itch an itch with little to no caution, but not sharp enough where I could cleanly slice open my skin with one clean motion. Next thing you know, my fingers started becoming shorter, stubbier, and stiffer, while my thumb moved up my wrist to become a useless dewclaw. My digits slowly went from those of a human to those of a Glaceon. After a while or two, my hands finished transforming. I tried moving the digits of my paws, but they felt stiff and didn't move much. They felt clumsy too.

"How am I supposed to grab and hold stuff with these?" I said, even though I fully knew that my paws are now only going to be used for helping my soon to be quadruped self stand on all fours properly.

Suddenly, my temperature started to drop below normal body temperatures, and soon would go past the freezing point of water. Pretty soon I started to notice that whenever I breathed, I could see it, much like if you breathed on a very cold day; but my room wasn't cold. I was cold.

I started feeling a spot at my tailbone becoming colder and longer. It was growing at a slow and steady pace, and as it grew, it was making a sound that sounded like ice creaking. I then felt it start to move, which gave me more chills. It kept on growing, trapped in my pants, with nowhere to go. Since I couldn't take my pants off due to my hands being clumsy paws, I figured it would just simply wiggle its way into my pant leg.

Apparently, assuming that was a complete and dumb mistake. It pushed on the butt of my pants until the butt of my pants ripped open, leaving a hole and finally giving an exit for my tail to escape. The bad part is I was wearing a great pair of pants. To make matters even worse, they were barely even a week old. I then started gaining control of my tail; my tail was surprisingly very easy to control and move around. I saw my tail out of the corner of my eye, and it was an icy blue color with a blue tip on it. The reason why I didn't see it is because I was too busy focusing on using my tail.


I then felt something happening with my arms; it felt like as if they were getting colder or something. I pulled back my sleeves using my claws, and I saw something icy blue spreading up my arms. I looked closely, and I found out it was fur. I honestly thought it was just my skin turning blue, but it wasn't. I felt my fur with my frozen paw, and it felt pretty soft and cold. Then I started to feel something happen to my ears. They sharpened, became covered in a light coat of icy blue fur, and moved upwards towards the top of my head. Everything became dead silent for a few moments. My heart sunk. I was now deaf; but not for long, little did I know. Once my ears started to finish transforming, I slowly started gaining the ability to hear as everything started to gain back their sound. I could hear again!!! I started to notice that I could hear things better than before. I felt the top of my head, and felt my new ears.

My mind couldn't process what the hell was happening to me since it all started happening so abruptly and without warning. Just as I managed to process what was happening, I started to slowly shrink smaller and smaller, which started to make my clothes start to become slightly too big. My organs started to shift and move around, which felt awful; so awful I wanted to puke. I lifted up my shirt, and I put my paws over my stomach in pain, and a second later I felt a stingingly cold feeling, which made me recoil my paws and yelp loudly in pain. I saw an icy blue patch where my paws were, and my eyes widened. Did I really just give myself a frostbite? The icy blue patch then started to spread all over the front of my body. I felt my nose become very cold and damp for some reason.

The icy blue fur then started to slowly venture down my legs, which felt unbearably cold. I then felt it reach my feet, and I already knew what was going to happen so I took off my socks, which was pretty easy to do since they were becoming too big. My feet were really blue. Blue paw pads started slowly forming on the bottom of my feet, my toenails started becoming longer and sharper into claws, my big toe moved up my foot, making it become a useless dewclaw, my toes became smaller, stiffer and stubbier, and my feet's digits became that of a Glaceon. Then without warning, the heels of my feet moved up my legs, turning them into haunches.

I was now a lot smaller than my normal, human self, and my clothes were becoming way too big. My shoulders disappeared as my arms moved towards the front of me, followed with my spine painfully and abruptly snapping from a biped position into a quadruped position, making me let out a loud OOF sound. The icy blue fur, starting at my nose, started spreading all over my face and neck, making it feel freezing cold. Something icy and hard formed on my forehead, and on either side grew long and icy blue "scarves" with blue tips on them. All of my hair slowly dissolved into my fur. My teeth became sharper, my canines becoming longer and sharper into fangs while the rest of my teeth became more carnivorous. My body then suddenly stopped shrinking, and I was now the size of a house cat; I was so small I was buried under my clothes. Finally, my face started pushing forward into a muzzle. I felt an absurdly strong and stingingly cold sensation as my muzzle grew. It was painful. I clenched my teeth and winced harshly from the pain.

"Mother FU- Glace!" My voice box suddenly changed from my normal teenage human voice to a younger-sounding and higher pitched voice. I was completely taken aback by this sudden change, it startled me too.

After a while of immense cold and pain, my muzzle stopped growing. I figured that it was now all over, and just when I thought that, I started having a burning yet cold sensation in my eyes.

"Ooowwwwww..." I groaned in pain as I covered my eyes with my paws, but it came out as "Glaaaaaaace..." My eyes started to change color. My sclera became an icy blue color, and my pupils went from a normal black color to white. The burning stopped as soon as it started.

My transformation was finally over. I felt my heart beat like a soft drumroll. I crawled out of my clothes, and then just blankly sat in my chair. Everything I saw felt like as if it became bigger, even my mouse looked like as if it belonged to a giant. Since my body temperature is now freezing cold, the slight warmth of my bedroom now felt like a midsummer's day at noon, which made me start to sweat a bit. I was fully accepting the fact that this was reality, and it isn't some weird dream I'm having, and I can prove it (but I cannot speak properly for obvious reasons). I didn't care that I'm not human anymore. I didn't care that the events that happened might mean I should start a new life. I didn't care about anything that has happened. All I cared about were my damn pants.

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