《Pokemon TF Literature 2020 Rewind》2. Love Is In The Air (Anthro Sylveon TF TG)


CAUTION: This story contains male to female transgender material.


Pages (according to Google Docs): 5

Words: 1885

Characters: 10199

Characters (excluding spaces): 34052

Published On: February 14th, 2020


Ah, yes. Valentines Day.

The day where people celebrate with love and affection.

The day where people fall in love with their valentine.

The day where people send love-filled greeting cards and gifts.

And the day where...

I sit around on my PC playing Roblox because I have nothing else to do. Yes, I already did give my mom a Valentine's Day gift; she loved it, and I'm happy that I made her happy.

I know what you're thinking. Doesn't it get boring playing Roblox very often? It does a little sometimes. Unfortunately, today was that day where it felt as if there was nothing to do in Roblox. I checked the home page of Roblox to see if there were any games that caught my attention. MeepCity, No. Murder Mystery 2, No. Bloxburg, No. Tower Of Hell, too hard. Jailbreak, lost interest. Car Crushers 2, already completed the game. Adopt Me!, try it maybe someday, but not today. I kept on looking for games to play, but most of them were quote unquote "simulator" games, obby games that were poorly made, or games that just didn't catch my interest. I continued searching for what felt like a millennium.

After an exhaustingly long search for a game that interests me, I found something that caught my eye. The title read "Human To Animal Transformer [Working] [Alpha]." I clicked it, and checked the description. There wasn't really a description, but it did say "Warning: This program is currently in the alpha stages, so therefore there may be bugs and glitches present, and it might not even work for some people. This program is only for users who are ages 15 and up." I checked the date of the game (or program rather) to see what day it was created. It appears to be created on the first of February 2020, and was last updated on the fourteenth of February 2020 (which is today). I decided I'd give it a spin. I clicked the play button and waited for the game to fully load.

After a while or two of it loading, a message box appeared, which had the same warning as in the description saying "Warning: This program is currently in the alpha stages, so therefore there may be bugs and glitches present, and it might not even work for some people." I checked off the box that said "I understand that this program might have bugs or glitches and may have the possibility of not working and wish to proceed" and clicked accept. Another message box appeared saying "Attention!: For your safety, the following program is only for users 15 and up! (It appears you are over 15!)" I checked off the box that said "I am truthfully affirming that I am 15 or older and wish to proceed" and clicked accept, which was followed by only ten seconds more of loading.


Once everything was loaded, a menu appeared. I first looked at the chat to see what people's reactions were. There were comments like "This actually works?" "This is so surreal!" "OMG It's actually working!" "I cvanm't tuypw propewrlyu sioncxr I'mn nmowe a cat anmds myu hganbds asre pawqs nmowe." "Dang, it does work!" I was pretty skeptical this was actually a thing, since transformation isn't possible in real life. I tried doing hypnosis videos, and as expected they didn't work but they made me relax dramatically. I typed in the chat "Does this actually work? I'm new here." And someone replied "Yes it does." I replied back "Oh cool I'll give it a go." I thought the people in the chat were actually just bots and were convincing you to believe that this works and want you to waste your time on this program. Turns out... idk who or what to believe anymore at this point in time.

I started putting information into the menu. I chose my animal as a Sylveon because I couldn't think of anything else, I chose transgender for shits and giggles (and as a joke), and to top it all off I chose the anthropomorphic option. Just as I was about to click the green "Transform!" button, I saw at the bottom of the button some text saying "It may take up to a maximum of a minute for the transformation to take place."

I clicked transform.

Nothing happened.


I waited for it to happen, fully knowing this program won't work, for reasons that should be pretty obvious by now. I decided to watch videos on my phone while I waited, expecting for, well, nothing to happen.

While I was waiting, things started happening, but I was not aware in the slightest. My ears sharpened, got covered in a light coat of pink fur, and moved towards the top of my head. A pink and white bow appeared on my left ear, and on either side of the bow grew a long, white ribbon that floated gently in the air. I didn't know things were happening because I didn't feel it happening, probably because I was too busy focusing on my phone and not on my transforming body. My nose became cold and wet, white fur started sprouting all over my face, my teeth became sharper and more carnivorous, my hair became a pink color and melted into my fur, which left behind an "m" shape on my forehead, and my eye color color-shifted from bluish-green to a pretty pink color. I still didn't notice anything. Then, suddenly, my face started pushing forward into a muzzle. I didn't feel it happening, nor did I notice anything happening. I wasn't even aware that things were happening; I was still in that moment of waiting, totally oblivious that the program was actually doing its thing on me. I continued to "wait" for something to happen, when that something was already happening.


The soft and warm fur started to venture down my neck, and towards my body and arms. Another pink and white bow appeared on my neck, again with long and white ribbons appearing on each side. The white fur went down my arms, and finally to my hands, except the fur on my hands were pink instead of white like on my arms. Soft, plush and blue paw pads began to form on the palms of my hands, and my nails started becoming sharper into claws, but not sharp enough to tear open my skin if I ever so happen to itch an itch with caution. While I was looking for another video to watch, I finally noticed my hands, which startled me greatly.

"What the?!" I said in shock. I inspected my hands, and suddenly I remembered about me thinking that the program was some sort of hoax.

It wasn't!



I wondered if any other part of my body has transformed yet. I know that my lower body hasn't started transforming yet, so I wondered if my face has transformed yet. I felt my face, and it felt soft and furry. While I was feeling my face, I noticed I had a muzzle. It felt very weird and strange having a muzzle. I wasn't used to having a muzzle yet.

Now that I was aware of my body going under transformation, all I could do is, of course, watch my body slowly transform.

The warm fur went down my body, covering my chest and stomach in the fluffy white fur. Then something started going on at my lower back; something out of the norm, something... interesting. It felt as if something was growing there. I froze, fully knowing what was happening. If it wasn't obvious enough, my tailbone is growing and becoming a soon to be flexible tail. Out of abrupt and sheer fear of my tail ripping through and ruining my pants, I hastefully took off my pants, leaving only my underwear on; it didn't matter if my tail ripped through my underwear or not, because I have a bunch of other pairs of underwear. It continued to grow at a slow and steady pace, and I suddenly started having a strong tickly sensation at the base of my growing tail. I giggled a bit because of how ticklish it was.

I was expecting to hear a loud tearing noise from my tail ripping through my underwear, but my tail didn't go the destructive way out. Instead, I felt it wiggle it's way out of my underwear. After a while or two, the ticklish feeling stopped, which most likely meant my tail has stopped growing. I turned around, and saw a cute, pink tail. I felt my fluffy new tail out of curiosity.

While I was feeling my newly formed tail, I felt the fur softly travel down my legs, and then softly covering my feet. I took off my socks because I knew that I wouldn't need my socks anymore. My feet had pink fur just like my hands, and it kinda reminded me of how Siamese cats have paws that are differently colored from their bodies. Squishy blue paw pads started to form on the bottom of my feet, my toenails slowly sharpened into claws, my big toe moved up my foot making it become a dewclaw, and my digits became that of a Sylveon. Finally, my heels moved up my legs, turning them into furry haunches.

I observed my body for a few moments, really shocked and surprised that the program actually worked and wasn't just some scam to waste my time. I figured that the transformation was over.

Turns out it wasn't over yet.

While I was still observing the changes my body has undergone, I felt something happen around my chest area. My nipples slowly expanded, eventually becoming feminine breasts. I noticed it happening.

My heart sunk.

I now have...


I realized I put on the transgender option in the program.

I'm becoming a girl!

I then felt something strange happening near my crotch area. My balls slowly disappeared and shrunk into nothingness without a trace. Out of fear I felt the area where my balls used to be, and they weren't there! They were gone!

"I only picked the transgender option as a joke!!!" I said frantically, my voice cracking from a masculine voice to a feminine voice while I was saying that, and I covered my mouth (or muzzle, rather) in shock.

And just like that, my transformation was finally over.

I wanted to know what I looked like, so I turned on my phone's front facing camera, and saw my face. I smiled because of how cute I looked.

I wondered if there was a reset button so I can return to my human form if I so choose to. I found a red "reset" button, and I sighed a sigh of relief. I thought I was going to be an anthropomorphic feminine Sylveon for the rest of my days. But I wasn't going to press the reset button now. I decided to be my new self for the rest of this very interesting (and furry?) Valentine's Day.

I also wondered if anyone I knew has tried this Roblox program or is even aware that this Roblox program exists.

Welp, I guess I'll find out soon.

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