《Random x Reader one-shots》Camilo Madrigal x magical! Reader part 3
It's been almost three years since that day. It was only a month left to my wedding and my parents and family has come to "support" me. I had moved out of Camilos room and in the beginning, the announcement didn't have such and impact on us but as the wedding grew closer, our relationship was put to a test. I hadn't been happy since a year back. Everyone could feel it. My powers had been acting up since three years back, now I cannot stop from listening to peoples thoughts, no matter how much I try. I hear peoples opinions and thoughts about everything and anything all the time. Sometimes I even hear peoples dreams. My empathic powers had been haywire too, now others could feel what I feel, but at least I had some control over that. Well except for when I got upset. And the same thing is happening with my telekinetic powers. As fast as I got upset, things started floating and moving, and if I didn't calm down it would all come crashing down.
Today I didn't want to see my parents so I hid in Camilos room.
-You cannot hide in here forever, Camilo smiles at me as he walks in.
-No but I can hide for the evening, I say. Camilo sits down next to me and I lean onto him. We just sit there. He shifts and grabs my hand, looking at the proposal ring I got a couple of months ago from Pedro. Camilo frowns.
-I know you're disappointed, I say. He makes a humph sound.
-I can't believe you're basically cheating on me with that guy, Camilo then cracks a smile.
-Well technically I'm cheating on him with you, I say and frown. I feel Camilo turn sad and even more disappointed.
-It still bothers me, he says.
-I know... I can't turn back, we've done what we can, I say and look down at my other hand, that plays with my clothes.
-I feel like you should've pushed harder, Camilo says.
-I'm sorry? I ask.
-I just feel like you could've talked to your parents more and push it, Camilo says.
-Without telling them about our relationship? Camilo I tried but it's just not possible, I say.
-Then... why doesn't it feel like that? Camilo asks. Tears start falling from my eyes and I stand up.
-Is that really what you think? That I didn't fight for us? I ask sobbing.
-You're unbelievable, I gasp.
-No Y/N listen- No you listen! I interrupt him.
-I don't care what you think I did or what I didn't do, but I tried. I tried, unlike you. You're the one that wanted this to be secret, and now it will be forever. Now leave me alone, I have a wedding to plan, I say, letting the small pots with flowers bounce back onto the tables and dressers they were placed on. I storm out of his room and into the room I had lived in for the past three years. Everyone in the house heard the bang as I closed my door.
Three later, Camilo POV:
Y/N has been actively avoiding me since our fight. I wanted to talk to her and I knew she could read my mind all of the time so I tried talking and apologizing that way but she ignored it all and everyone turned sad when I did. The bathroom even got crowded once because my madre started crying because Y/N did. I was hopeless. Sure I was mad but... not at Y/N. Never at Y/N, this wasn't her fault at all. I just wish I could take back what I said. I watch Y/N from behind a corner as she and my family are laughing as they make decorations. The wedding was in two days, and Y/N would be gone tomorrow, the night before the wedding, so that she could prepare for the wedding in peace. But I tried everything so I don't know what to do anymore... but... maybe Bruno knew something? I start looking for him and he's standing in the kitchen with Tia Julieta. I quickly grab him by the arm and pull him out to the courtyard.
-Hey woah, who wants something? He asked hastily before he sees me.
-It's just me, I say and he calms down.
-Oh hey Camilo, que pasa? Bruno says.
-Listen, I know that this might not be very fair of me, but... I have to know, is some I going to happen at the wedding? I really feel like it is, I say.
-Well Um I don't know if I should show you, I mean what if you see something you don't like? Bruno fiddles with his hands and then throws some salt over his shoulder.
-No I promise I won't blame you for anything you show me, I promise.
-Hmmm alright, he nods and then we walk away to his sand circle spot. He sits me down and lights some candles.
-You sure about this? Bruno asks one more time as he brushes his hand off and sits down.
-I am 100% sure, I nod.
-Alright then... take my hands, he says and I put my hands in his.
-Just a moment and.... What's going to happen at the wedding tomorrow, hmmm? Bruno asks himself before he opens his eyes to show them all green and the sand begins moving around us. I look around and then somewhere I see the church.
-So far so good, I nod and the vision moves on. Y/N and Pedro are standing at the altar, and y/n's crying, not from happiness if you know what I mean. They exchange rings and I frown. Right as they are about to seal the deal, someone jumps forward.
-Wait, who is that? I ask. All we could make out was the back of the head of this person. Their hair was curly, but there are a lot of curly headed people in town.
-I- I don't know, Bruno says.
-No don't doubt yourself, keep going, I urge. All we see is that this curly headed person and Y/N share a hug meanwhile Pedro is furious, along with his family. Then the sand falls.
-B-b-b-but what does that mean? I ask and turn back to Bruno who is holding the vision.
-I don't know kid, I Uh.... Here, Bruno hands me the vision.
-Thanks but.... I gasp after words.
-I know kid but I couldn't see more right now. I'm sorry, Bruno apologizes and heads back to the kitchen. I stare at the vision, with the curly haired person hugging a smiling Y/N. I think to myself...
I laugh at a joke and finally feel at ease for the first time in a long time, when one thought presses through the barrier.
-Who would stop the wedding... for a hug?
I could recognize that inner monologue anywhere... it was Camilo. I look out the doorway and there stands Camilo with one of Brunos' visions in his hands. I gulp before I excuse myself from the room. I walk past Camilo and up the stairs towards my room. I take a deep breath to stabilize myself before things start floating again. No I was not... I am having this wedding, no matter what. Time to finally stop fighting my parents and to just do what they ask for once.
The next night:
I lay alone in a small house outside of town. It's my last night alone. It's my last night allowed to think about Camilo. I truly loved him. Why couldn't I keep my ground to my parents like he asked? I wouldn't be in this situation. I sigh and turn around to a window that has a view towards the town of encanto, la casita lit up proudly in the middle. A tear falls from my eyes and I try to tap into the thought train. I'd never tried to listen from this far away but... I have to try. I want to know what they're thinking.
-Y/N looks so pretty in her dress... Pedro better cry when he sees her. I know Camilo will, I hear Mirabels voice echo. I smile to myself as I keep on crying.
-Do I have to practice throwing flowers? Eh who am I kidding, unless it's Camilos wedding I won't... I don't like Pedro he's rude, I hear Antonio's voice. I then frown.
-Oh if Camilo doesn't stop pacing in his room I will go crazy. If he really loved her then why didn't he say anything? Stop stubbing your toe on the bed! Dolores yells in her mind. I sigh and turn around.
-Maybe... one last person... I tap back in.
-Ok I don't know if it was Camilo in the vision, why is Peppa still bugging me about this? I hear Bruno think.
-Why won't he just tell me the truth? Of course it's Camilo in the vision, we've all seen how he looks at her, Peppa thinks. I tap out and take a deep breath.
-Don't worry Y/N... you'll be ok... I hope, I tell myself before I shut my eyes and tell myself happy things.
The next day:
The mothers and other women of the Madrigal family and the L/N family are helping me get ready. I try to hold a happy face but it's hard. The only thing on my mind was Camilo. How his face was going to curl in disappointment. I sigh as I look at the beautiful dress adorning my body. I was so beautiful but felt so ugly. I looked like my emotions, sad and lying.
-oh Y/N you look so lovely, my mother hugs me from behind and I fake a smile.
-Oh I can't believe you're finally getting married! I could just pop! Mom laughs and walks away to fix he own dress, but before she could, she turns back and kisses me on the head. I sigh.
-Alright, all madrigals we will head to the church, Y/N and her parents will meet us outside of the church 5 minutes before the ceremony! Julieta yells and all Madrigal women head out the door of the house I had lived in for these past 24 hours.
-Stay strong, Dolores whispers in my ear before she heads out. I send her a sad smile, and she gives one back. It gets quiet and my mother comes back with her dress on and a glass of wine.
-Oh honey why the long face? She asks.
-Oh nothing, I'm just... nervous, I say.
-Oh believe me when I was marrying your dad, I was a wreck. I didn't have any powers and his whole family did so naturally I was afraid. I can't believe what Pedro is going through right now, mom shakes her head. I frown. What he was going through? What about me?
-Anyways, the carriage should be here any minute now, mom places a smooch on my cheek before she gets everything ready to go.
I almost start crying as I step out of the carriage and look at the church. My mom and dad and youngest sibling was with me and helped me get down onto the ground.
-Alright, I'll see you three in there, good luck honey, mom kisses my dad, and then my cheek and then my siblings cheek. My sibling makes a barfing sound and quickly wipe their face off with the sleeve of their ceremonial jacket. Mom smiles and heads in. The Madrigals all wish us luck and heads inside, except for the daughters of the family. They were my bridesmaids and stood proudly in front of me.
-You're all so pretty, I say and we hug. The piano starts it's notes and they all get in line and head in.
-It's your turn now Princess, dad says with pure pride in his voice. His excitement gets stuck on me and I actually smile back at him, before we hook arms and walk in. We walk in slowly and I try to remember to not trip. I look ahead at the man I'm marrying. His smile looks forced while his mother in front was crying in glee. His eye twitches and I know he doesn't want to be here... because of multiple reasons. It felt like this walk took forever so I look around. And I lock eyes with Camilo. He looks so sad, so guilty... his feelings shot out to me and I try not to cry. He sat in the third row from the front. I continue to look at him and only look back forward when my foot hits the first step up to the altar. I look at my dad who kisses my forehead and walks to sit next to my crying mom. I look unsure at them and the mention for me to go. I hesitantly step up and give my bouquet to Dolores who stood closest to me. She smiles at me and I try to smile back, before I turn to Pedro. He wasn't crying. He wasn't in pure bliss, the only feeling I felt from him was... tiredness and disgust. I try not to flare at him when everyone was watching.
-Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to.... The priest starts rambling. I look around and try to escape this living hell by listening to thoughts. Most of them were how happy they were for us and for Pedro mostly. And that I was beautiful in my dress.
-Oh what a beauty, I hear someone think and it's Camilos voice again. I quickly look at him and he smiles sadly at me, eyes glistening with tears.
-...Y/N? The priests asks.
-Uh yes? I cover up.
-Ok then I'll repeat myself, the priest smiles at me and I cringe at myself as people laugh.
-Do you Y/N L/N take Pedro Gonzales to be your lawfully wedded husband? The priest asks. I look at my mom and dad and they nod. Meanwhile my younger family members shake their head. I then look at the Madrigals, the people who were more like my family than my own. Peppa was crying so hard a big fluffy cloud covered half of the church and light feathery rain dropped down. I smile at her and she smiles back, drying her tears with a napkin under a umbrella that her husband held up. Julieta and her husband wave at me and I wave back. There really was no turning back.
-I do, I answer and Pedro puts my ring on my finger....
-Wrong hand, I whisper to him and he pulls the ring off of the finger and places it on the right hand. I roll my eyes.
-And Pedro Gonzales, do you take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife? The priest asks.
-Yeah sure, he answers with a huff. I grit my teeth at his rudeness but places the ring on his finger anyways.
-I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride, the priest backs up as people start getting their cameras ready. Pedro grins with a flashy toothy grin and leans in awkwardly to kiss me. His breath smells like garlic and I gag in my mind before I take a deep breath and leans in again.
"If anyone were to interrupt this would be a great time...." I think to myself. But nothing. Time goes by painfully slow and I haven't even closed my eyes all the way yet... just so that I could see what I'm getting myself into one last time.
But just as I started to feel the warmth of his face on mine, I hear someone yell out.
-No stop please! I turn around and people gasp. It was Dolores.
-This isn't right, she says and sets her foot down. People start to stand up and Pedro's family starts barging against mine. Dolores grabs me by the shoulders and looks me in the eyes.
-This isn't meant to happen, Y/N, she says.
-This is not who you're supposed to be with and spend your life with. He doesn't make you happy, Dolores says. I immediately start crying and nodding. She hugs me right and I hug back. People are talking and muttering between each other and loud noises come especially from Pedro's, my and Dolores' families. I let go and stop trying to leave the makeup perfect. My mascara is running down my cheeks and it stings every time I blink.
-Now go to the one you actually love, Dolores says and I look at Camilo. He looks expectantly at me and stands up. I smile through my tears and start grabbing the big wedding gown. Camilo walks past the other people in the aisle he's sitting in before he can get to the big aisle. I start running at him, dropping the skirt and ripping my rings off of my finger. I throw them behind me and I hear an "ow", but I couldn't care less. I jump and Camilo catches me.
I put my legs around his torso and grab his collar before I go in for the biggest kiss we've ever shared. Camilo rips the veil from my hair and throws it aside before he pulls my body closer to his. I put my hands into his locks and feel his tight curls run between my fingers. I hear a loud sob before the whole church erupts in yelps and cries. But nothing stops me and Camilo from continuing this moment. We hear our families argue in the background and only when the heavy, pouring rain turns into light summer rain do we stop the kiss. He looks absolutely starstruck at me and the feeling of love radiates from us both. I look up and see a rainbow above our heads. Camilo gently sets me down on the ground and looks up as I point up. Then we both look at his mother, who is smiling and crying happily, and his father who cheers him on. I put my hands gently on Camilos chest. He looks down at me in admiration.
-This woman is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, he thinks and I blush.
-And you're the most handsome man, I think back and he chuckles before he leans down again and kisses me. Nothing could melt my heart as much as his kisses does. Arguing continues in the church as Camilo takes my hand and runs off with me.
-Where are we going? I laugh as we run through encanto.
-Only to the adventure of your life, Camilo smiles. Yeah... I could live with that.
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