《open your heart》chapter nine


If he had known it was this difficult to pick out an outfit, he would've declined the dinner date.

Well, it wasn't a date but a man could dream.

George held a blue collared crewneck, a simple pair of ripped jeans and some checkered vans. Not the best choice but he knew it would be comfortable and better than trying too hard to dress nice.

If it got nice, this was the nice he was expecting to see.

He took off all of his work clothes, tossing them in the closet so he could quickly dress into his new outfit. It wasn't ideal to have only an hour to get ready but he was pretty quick with these things.

After he was all dressed, his phone seemed to buzz almost perfect timing, telling him that it had been an hour and he should expect a call anytime soon.

What would they even eat? Would Dream take him to a fancy restaurant and let George be humiliated on how dumb he looked? He hoped not.

Time seemed to pass by slowly as he sat on his bed and did nothing, waiting for that text or call that someone was outside.

In the meantime, he decided to take up Eret's idea and look through his social media. It would be best to know how he was outside of work before he actually talked to him outside of work.

His instagram seemed to gain over five thousand followers since the last time he checked and he honestly wasn't surprised. Dream was really handsome, gay feelings for him or not, anyone could agree.

His most recent post was from thirty minutes ago, he was sitting on the floor with a cat in his arms, holding up it's paw and acting as if the animal was waving to the camera.

It looked as if he had changed because he was wearing something much nicer and the comments were filled with questions on if he was going on a date or dressing for a special occasion.

He realized how well put together Dream was and George couldn't help but cringe at his own outfit choice. He just needed to pray that Dream said nothing about it.

It was just a simple dinner between two friendly co-workers. It wasn't as if this would change their entire future or anything, that was just his fantasy and it was just that, a fantasy.

At last, his phone dinged and he let out a yawn as he grabbed it, already slightly tired from doing absolutely nothing. Was he that desperate for friendship with this man?

Dream was outside.

As if the house was on fire and the floor was lava, George hurried from his room and down the hall, trying to mess with his hair on the way so it looked somewhat nicer than before.

His heart seemed to fly away and explode at the sight of Dream sitting in his car, his head leaning back against the headrest and waiting for George's arrival. He looked so pretty like this, outside of work dress code and all dressed up for him.

Dream unlocks the doors and watches with a happy smile as George slides into the passenger seat and makes eye contact with him.

"You look good, blue is definitely your color." Dream tells him, keeping the gentle smile that could light up George's life if he needed it to.

He blushes, again. "Thank you," George smiles and turns away before he could be embarrassed any further.


Dream chuckles and starts the car, focusing his eyes back on the road as he drives away from George's home and takes him out into the city.

The silence is loud. George wants to say something but every time he gets the courage, he loses it almost immediately and mentally hits himself for being so awkward.

"So, tell me about yourself," Dream begins after what felt like hours of uncomfortable nothing.

George thinks quickly. He's not even that interesting, what could he possibly say?

"Well, I used to code for games and tutor kids before I became interested in actual teaching." He regrets his words as soon as they come out. Coding games? That has to be one of the most awful things George has said tonight, actually one of the only things.

Dream gasps. "Hey, I code too! That's so neat." He laughs, "You seem like a really good teacher, I've asked my students about you and they've given me nothing but positive marks."

George's face goes red once more and it burns through his skin. "Really?" He's quite surprised by that. It makes his tummy flutter at the thought of his students liking him. "You asked about me?"

The blonde hums and stops the car as they reach a red light. He finally gives this time to look over at the blushing brunette. "Of course! You're very pretty and I'd love to get to know you."

George swallows a squeal. "What?" He looks over and his eyes widen at those kind words. "That's- So nice of you.. I'd like to know you too."

Unfortunately they have to break eye contact because the traffic light changes to green and Dream has to drive again. By now they're in the deep part of the city, George can see the destination flag close on the gps built into the car.

"I hope you like this place, I wanted the best because I wasn't sure what you liked." Dream starts as he turns down and away from the highway. "And don't worry about paying, I've got it all covered okay?"

George isn't okay with this, he wants to pitch in, he'd feel awful if Dream had to do everything for him. It already felt like a burden just being in the presence of such a beautiful human being.

"Oh come on, please let me put in a little something?" George begs quickly, trying to keep the whine out of his voice.

"Fine, but only twenty dollars."

George nods and smirks in his victory.

The city is lighting up more and more as the sun sets, George is in awe at all the colorful lights and tall buildings that reach the clouds. He never comes down to the city to enjoy such an incredible light show.

It may just be a bunch of colored lightbulbs that kill off the sight of stars but he loves it nonetheless.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Dream must've seen him staring. They're pulling into a parking lot and into a spot perfectly in front of the building doors.

It is, he loves it a lot but seeing Dream's face was ten times more amazing than stupid lightbulbs.

"Yeah, I do.. Dream this place looks expensive." George starts and finishes as he finally looks out the windshield at the big restaurant that he's been taken to. The building design was rich looking and the people going inside looked rich too.


Dream laughs again, he loves it. "It is, but it's okay, I can afford it." he reassures, but that's the least of George's problems.

"I look awful!" He whines and tries to ruffle some of his hair so it didn't look so greasy and almost wet looking as usual.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he tensed, instinctively looking over. Dream is smiling at him and shaking his head. "George, listen to me."

George immediately relaxes and they make that wonderful eye contact again.

"You're beautiful, okay? Don't worry what others think of your appearance because as long as you are comfortable then that's all you need to worry about."

His tummy is gone at this point, eaten by the butterflies that Dream has given him.

How can a man be so kind and confident? He treated George as if he was someone important to him, someone special. They hardly knew each other and George wanted nothing more than to spend hours upon hours with clay.

"Now let's go inside." His hand slid off his shoulder and he was leaving the vehicle. George was still slightly stunned and he squeaked now that he was alone.

He also exited the car, walking up to where Dream stood so they could walk side by side. It felt so intimate but neither of them were that close. He was definitely falling deeper and deeper into a hole and before he knew it, he'd be hopelessly in love.

"I have reservations for Dream?" the blonde starts talking to the lady at the front, leaving George to let his eyes look around him.

This felt so awful, being in such a magnificent place that almost resembled a castle like interior.

The booths looked high quality, the waiters and waitresses walking around wore more than just some jeans and a shirt like George was used to seeing. He was most definitely in trouble this time.

He focused his attention back on Dream as the lady leads them away and to their table which turns out to be a booth, thankfully.

She places menus in front of them before heading off to tend to more customers entering the restaurant.

As soon as they're alone, George glares at his co-worker. "Are you serious? This place is way too much for a simple dinner with friends."

Dream looks up from his menu at George, that stupid smirk returning to him.

"I told you I'd handle it, you just need to sit there pretty while I treat you, okay?" he reaches out and taps the menu. "Now find something to eat so we can chat more okay?"

George nods and looks down at the options. The cheapest thing seems to be a pizza that is way more fine and well done than some 99 cent slice from a gas station.

He settles on a taco plate which has two tacos with fresh vegetables and meat, sided with rice and salad.

Dream chooses a large soup, saying he wasn't that hungry and could eat it quickly.

"Are your students treating you okay? I don't want them to be too rough on you, since you're new here." Dream asks, finally breaking the awkward tension.

To his luck, it has been quite easy. He's thankful for such understanding teenagers who do care for the teachers feelings. It wasn't as bad as he had hoped.

"Of course, they're angels. Especially Karl and Sapnap, I love them." George comments, taking a sip from the water that the waitress had placed. It was cold and refreshing down his dry throat.

"Good, I'd give them another lesson in manners and respect if they weren't. They managed to make one of the science teachers quit last year." Dream tells him, sending a chill down George's spine. He definitely didn't want that to happen to him.

They continued to chat about work and gradually move on to their personal lives and hobbies. George finally got the courage to open up about the coding for Minecraft because he knew Dream wouldn't judge him for it.

Turned out that Dream did the same and they bonded over plugins they created before their food finally arrived.

"This is good! Holy shit." George isn't too surprised but the flavors definitely do hit him like a truck. It's so rich and fresh on his tastebuds, he loves it.

The blonde chuckles. "Glad you like it, I was sure you would." He puts the spoon of soup to his lips and George watches as he carefully chews, his adam's apple moving as he swallows.

George looks away before he gets caught watching him eat for gods sake. How embarrassing that would be.


George didn't manage to pitch in on the bill, Dream gave him puppy dog eyes and promised it would be taken care of without a dent into his pocket.

The car ride back to Georges place was less of that uncomfortable silence and more of laughter and singing along to the songs on the radio.

George had never felt this happy before. He had finally gotten out without getting drunk and was feeling happier already.

He frowns sadly as Dream pulls his car into George's driveway, stopping the car. The radio goes quiet as they both sigh.

"This was fun, I'll take you out again soon okay?" Dream speaks first, reaching out to rub his thumb over George's knuckles reassuringly.

The older looks over and his frown turns into a happy smile. He had fun and that's all that mattered, they would do this again and it wouldn't just be a onetime thing.

He takes a deep breath before turning to exit but before he can get out, his hand was grabbed and he was held back.

He turns to see Dream looking at him, his bigger and tanner hand trapping George's small and paler ones. It's a pretty sight in his eyes.

Dream leans in and kisses his cheek, saying goodbye. "Have a good night, get some rest."

George finally leaves the car and waves to his new friend as he pulls out and drives away.

It's sad he had to go but the thoughts of their laughter and bonding moments flood back to him, his heart beating loudly at them.

His bed never felt softer as he collapses in it minutes later, now dressed in comfortable pajamas and ready to relax for a few hours.

The pillow is soft against his cheek and his eyes seem to close themselves as exhaustion slaps him hard.

Before he falls asleep completely, he thinks about Dream being the one to hold him as he gently falls into a comfortable slumber.

He's fallen hard.



It's midnight goodnight guys i'm about to pass out rn

Wc: 2284

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