《open your heart》chapter ten


I hate this chapter so we are gonna ignore how awful it is i'm sorry :[


George woke up coughing into his pillow. It burned his throat and he felt almost nauseous from it.

This was probably a sign to wake up, he'd been asleep for more than a normal person would, it was almost noon.

Thankfully it was the weekend so he could do whatever he pleased all day. Hopefully he could get into some coding because he hasn't been able to for a few weeks now.

It was almost muscle memory for George, he could go weeks without coding a single line and know exactly what to do once his fingers hit the keyboard. After a decade of practice it was definitely worth it.

The room felt awfully warm, he could see beads of sweat on his exposed legs and he could sense it on his forehead too.

The blankets were kicked away as he slid out of bed, suddenly craving a cold shower to wash away this sweat and heat.

He flicked on the light and opened the bathroom door, he could get an award for fastest person to want in a shower. He coughed a few more times, confused on why. Had he accidentally swallowed something in his sleep? Maybe he was sick.

Oh fuck, he couldn't be sick. He'd miss school and his students would have to get a substitute.

He ignored it, if he was sick he could easily hide it and let it fade out during the week. Staying at home during work hours felt illegal to him. It was his job anyways.

The shower head dispensed water for a few seconds until it was cool enough not to freeze him to death but also not add to the warmth in his head and entire body.

He stepped in and immediately yelped at the temperature. Why was it so hot? He was sure it had been just right before he entered.


George was definitely sick, he felt like this a few months back when he caught a fever, constantly hot and craving cold but never able to get it.

The shower was basically useless now, he could feel his skin burning beneath him and this was anything but refreshing and soothing.

He stepped out almost as soon as he got in, grasping a towel and wrapping it around his waist. Now he was going to smell bad and feel like a pinch of the sun that was plopped on the earth.

As he was drying himself, the phone on the counter started to vibrate against the marble. He jumped slightly before realizing it was only Dream.

He picked up the device and answered the call, putting the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"George! How are you? I didn't wake you I hope?" Dream started to ask, seeming excited to finally be speaking to the brunet.

George giggled and walked out of his bathroom, taking a look around his room. He should probably check the thermostat just in case he was imagining things.

"I think I'm sick! I feel exactly how I did when I had this fever a few months ago." George tells him, "Which sucks because I'll have to work like this." He adds.

Dream scoffed from the other end, seeming to disagree with him, "George, it's okay to stay home. You don't need to work while feeling sick." His voice drops to the worried tone.

It wasn't okay though, Dream didn't realize how much he loved his job and spending time away wasn't an option for him.

"I can do it, it'll be fine Dream." George disagrees, stepping out of his room and looking at the thermostat right outside his door. Well shit, it was freezing inside and he couldn't feel any of it.

He coughed again, tightening his grip on the phone on his ear to keep it from slipping and falling.


Dream sighed again, George could hear movement on the other end. "I'm coming over George, you sound awful."

Dream coming to see him? Was he really that worried?

"No, it's okay, I can take care of myself." George insisted quickly, glancing over at the front door. He wanted to say yes though, he wanted to beg Dream to come over but he would feel like a burden.

The blond wouldn't take no as an answer though, George could hear a door shut and close from the other end.

"I'll be there in ten." Then the call went silent and he was hung up on.

"Ugh! That stubborn little.." George sighed and threw the phone onto the bed, rolling his eyes. He really just couldn't leave George alone while he was sick, what if he got Dream sick?

Now all he could do is wait, there wasn't anything he could do about it. He just couldn't bare to forgive himself if Dream got sick because of him.

His head was starting to spin, he was growing light headed. If Dream really was to come by, he'd just leave the door unlocked for him. So he quickly unlocked the front door so he could retire back into his bedroom and under the warm covers of his bed.

Exhaustion hit him hard and before he knew it, he was asleep against the comfortable memory foam pillow.


"Georgie, wake up."

George jolted awake, his head spinning at the sudden motion. His body was on fire and he could feel sweat dripping down his chest and soaking the chest of his shirt.

He looks over to see beautiful Dream holding a bowl and some orange pill bottles, presumably pain killers which he would kill for about now.

"Hey, I made you some soup, try as much as you can okay? It isn't too hot so don't worry." Dream held out the ceramic bowl and George took it gratefully, his eyes lighting up at the delicious smell.

"Thank you.." He said, his voice cracking as he speaks. He winced and looked away in embarrassment.

Dream only laughed and set the pills on the nightstand beside the bed. "As soon as I came in, you were dead asleep," he started up, breaking the new silence, "I brought you an ice pack and ice water in this water bottle that said keeps its temperature.." He shows George the items.

He can't help but blush as Dream shows him all the things he thought and hoped would make George feel better, he felt valid and safe having someone like Dream to watch over him while he was sick.

"You're too kind to me." George hands back the soup bowl after he had finished about half of it, his stomach was already full and he couldn't bare to take another bite.

Dream only looks up at him and holds out the water bottle. "Of course Georgie, I care about you a lot."

George looks away and focuses on drinking the water.

"You know," Dream sits on the bed next to George's covered legs, "I want to get to know you better, I want you to open your heart for me and let me show you what it's like to have fun and be free."

Their eyes meet and George's face flushed strawberry red. He couldn't handle how handsome and nice Dream sounded and the half confession to his care was more than enough to make him nod.


he said the title omg ! anyways getting spicy George is sick and Dream has the need to simp for his ass lol


wc: 1253

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