《Frenemies》Chapter 13: You're Fired
[They say happiness comes in short moments, since having a full good week is almost impossible for humans. I don't know, I guess everyone on this Earth is allergic to good luck or something, because the moment you find yourself at your greatest point, something comes to knock it the fuck down.]
unedited (like always)
"Here, more of your stupid cheques," you mumbled, tossing over new amount you had received from Jungkook this morning.
Jae glanced up from you while seated on his bed. Half-awake he was, his eyes darting and closing when the paper hit the side of his cheek.
"How'd you get in?" he groggily let out, looking down at the amount that was plastered on the new cheque.
"Magic," you chirped, barely glancing over at him as you began to walk out again.
"That ass thoughhh," he sang out, chuckling to himself before turning to look back at the cheque with narrowed, sleepy, eyes.
Focused only on the cheque, Jae was caught off guard when sudden stomps of feet raged towards his bed. Not able to cock his head forward to see what was actually happening, his brows jumped high when your angered state hopped onto him on the bed.
"Don't stare at my ass!"
Jae pursed his lips, confused, yet trying so hard not to laugh at your nostrils flaring. He glanced down at your form on top of him, stubborn and trying to hurt him...it didn't hurt though, he found it cute.
"Weren't you the one who said you liked the attention?" Jae piped, eyes teasing, "you even completed a squat near the door last time."
"I did," you chimed, angry as you wanted so hard to punch him straight in the face, "but I only said that because you'd never look at my ass! You never did when we were dating either!"
Jae was not able to take your yelling form seriously in the position you were on top of him. Legs out on his waist, practically sitting on his lap, he rolled his eyes at what nonsense explanation you spoke next.
"You just said it because you know I'm extremely pissed at you! It's your way of catching my attention and stopping me from giving you the silent treatment," you yelled louder, voice practically screeching.
"True," he smugly admitted.
"I hate you," you said through your teeth, not knowing why this sudden anger within you was branching out.
Maybe because I haven't exploded on him since the night he embarrassingly made me change out of Jungkook's clothes, and lie to the maknae about being his girlfriend?
Jae's eyes were still testing. His smirk grew, practically encompassing his entire face at that.
You grew quiet when noticing his expression. Suddenly uncomfortable, the anger left you completely when finding your stance on the boy's recently awoken form. Swallowing, you let your jaw clench, mission to prance off of him and continue with this extended silent treatment.
You gasped when you couldn't however, suddenly thrown to the other pillow of the bed, eyes large when staring into his ones hovering above your face.
"You used to be hate me while loving me as well," Jae purred, eyes staring over at your lips as he held you down underneath his heated body.
You struggled underneath him, trying to push him off, but his hands simply gripped over at yours before pinning them next to your hat you wore. Your form went limp when he moved the hat from framing your face with his forehead, leaning over to have your noses almost touch.
"...you know...back when we were still dating that is," he finished, grin still present as his eyes fished for how soft and plump your lips looked before him.
"Get off me," you simply stated, eyes hard and tone assertive.
Jae noticed the look in your eyes. It was harsh, distance, and all the things he didn't want. Sighing internally, he rolled his eyes when you made another following remark.
"...and add brushing your teeth and a bag full of mints into your schedule for today," you mumbled, getting off his bed when he rolled away from you, "'cause damn, your breath stank."
"Almost at 3k babe!" Jae yelled tiredly over at you from across the room, "although, I have something that would help with speeding up the process if you're interested."
You flipped him off, moving towards the door. It was time to just walk out, fix your hat, and swiftly make it to the BigHit building so you'd be able to help Lia out with the photoshoot all the boys had today. Too busy of a day to be thinking about your own issues, you mumbled, knowing you had 7 boys and Lia counting on you to make it on time.
"It doesn't involve hurting anyone..." Jae added, puckering up his lips as an amused expression formed on his face.
Your eyes found his, knowing you'd probably say 'no' to whatever he was offering, but listening to the suggestion might make you laugh as you walk out. So, you stayed, waiting for him to continue.
"Does it hurt me?" you asked, skeptical.
"I don't know if you'd be hurt by it...might it destroy your life? Yes."
Your lips parted.
"What is it?" you asked, voice quieter than normal.
"What is it?" Hoseok asked, popping in a lollipop into his mouth, helping settle down his throat before having to go and banter with the photographer the company had assigned today.
"Hm?" the maknae popped out, side-glancing over to his hyung before having his eyes resort back to staring at your hat.
Hoseok followed Jungkook's gaze.
"Ah," the man chimed, laughing a little as he focused on sucking the flavour from his lollipop, "I see."
Jungkook didn't quite hear the moment of realization from Hoseok, attention fixed on you, and only you as you worked, laughed, and played around with Jimin who changed into a new jacket.
Jungkook licked at his bottom lip, tasting the Vaseline that was put on his bottom lip earlier.
"You think that's the only hat she's got?" Jungkook asked, eyes narrowing when staring at the hat you always seemed to wear.
"I guess," Hoseok mumbled, shrugging.
He was showing zero interest to the conversation, too focused on the lollipop to give a crap about the world.
"We should..." the maknae trailed off, swallowing down the sudden nervous lump that formed in his throat, "we should maybe...I-I don't know, maybe get her a new one as a gift, no?"
Hoseok pursed his lips from smiling, cocking his head out as if to showcase that he 'hadn't heard' what Jungkook was saying.
"...a new hat, as a gift?" Jungkook chimed, almost throat tearing as he let his suggestion fly through, "for how badly we treated her and all, I don't know."
"You say 'I don't know' a lot when you're nervous," Hoseok challenged, grinning and seeing right through the maknae.
Jungkook scoffed, puffing in a huge breath of air.
Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"We'll speak about how badly you're falling for our robber," Hoseok chimed, rolling his eyes, "Just go over to Lia noona first for touch-ups, it's almost our shot to go up."
Jungkook tried to scoff, long and hard. But the moment he saw the amusement in Hoseok's face, Jungkook instantly stood up and scurried away.
"I don't like her," Jungkook mumbled darkly, rolling at his eyes himself as he found his way towards the exit so he'd be able to meet the woman he truly liked.
Lia noona...the only woman I care for in that light, he sighed internally, smiling as he walked into the slightly dense room filled with Namjoon and Jin as well. Jungkook's brows furrowed at the irritation in Namjoon's face, just now noticing the fact that Jungkook hadn't seen him out and walking around for the longest time now...
"Why so serious?" Jungkook chuckled out, mimicking Taehyung's way of Batman one-liners.
No one laughed, all glancing over at each other.
Jungkook became uneasy.
"Nothing hun," Lia chimed, forcing a smile on her face as she moved to quickly grab over at Jungkook for touch-ups, "here, let's fix you-"
"Y/N stole again," Namjoon blurted, regretting his spill the very moment Jungkook's grin fell to the ground.
"What?" the maknae breathed out, staring at the leader who stood crouched across the room.
"...well we think," Namjoon clarified, when seeing Jin glare over at him, "don't jump to conclusions just yet, we'll-"
All watched, eyes widening when seeing Jungkook's muscles tense up in his dress shirt, the tie growing loose as he fumbled his fingers along with the knot. The sudden disappointment that framed his face spoke numbers, almost tearing up Jin who stood quiet in the corner.
"No?" Lia asked, slightly terrified over how Jungkook would take such a news.
"She didn't steal..."
"We didn't say she did-"
"I just did," Namjoon piped, awkward when glancing over at Jin.
Jin rolled his eyes.
Lia pursed her lips. "We've spoken to PD Nim, and as of right now, if we don't find the clothing they'll have to find a replacement for me in the time being..."
Jungkook's brows furrowed, his anger flowing and building at that.
Lia smiled sweetly, almost painful, as she explained, "it's just that so much is going missing in the area I work so they're trying to be cautious is all..."
Jungkook wanted his head to explode, his fingers lacing into a fist, hard, cold, pale, and white—blood rushing to his head.
"You've done nothing, why would they fire you? I don't understand!"
"Jungkook calm down," Jin said softly, slightly worried for the sudden uproar that erupted from the boy.
"It's just protocol Jungkook-sshi," Lia reassured, wanting to calm down the whole blow-up Namjoon had created, "they're going to put all under investigation."
"...N-No," Jungkook snapped, soft yet cold as he looked towards the ground and moved towards the door, "you shouldn't be the one being fired."
Lia's eyes widened. "Jungk—"
"Let me do this," he said through this teeth, looking at all the faces that were about to pounce on him from exiting.
Namjoon tried to stop the maknae from moving, but the look in his eyes said all.
"Let me do this hyung," Jungkook repeated, more stern at this point.
Namjoon's upper lip twitched. Nodding, the man moved from the door, allowing Jungkook to walk.
The stomping disappeared from the maknae, he was long gone.
Namjoon had to hold back Lia who tried to fight her way past him, pushing, shoving, and at the brick of tears all over again.
"Let him do this," Namjoon said softly, knowing that the woman before him was almost at the brick of tears.
"She's practically family," Lia snapped out, wanting to get to the door as soon as she could, "whether she stole stuff or not, she won't deserve what Jungkook would give her when angry."
"She's got a point," Jin said softly, staring over at the door that was guarded.
Before Namjoon could say a word, there was a knock at the door, followed by a mumbling.
"Ahh, I got grape juice on my shirt noona!" the voice muffled, mouth filled as the individual seemed to be munching on food while standing on the other end.
Namjoon stared over at Jin who nodded for the door to be open. Whispering over to Lia to 'get herself together', Lia quickly wiped at her cheeks, making it a mission to run out the moment the door opened.
Taehyung walked through, oblivious as he continued to eat grapes out of a bowl.
"Hello," he chimed sweetly, looking away from his food and over at all that stood in the room.
His eyes were gleaming before meeting Lia. He noticed the swollen eyes, redness, and damp cheeks. Taehyung's grin fell.
"Woah, what's wrong?"
Lia was about to run...but then she saw it.
"Taehyung-sshi?" Lia piped, trying so hard to not break down emotionally over what she just witnessed before her.
"That jacket...where you get it from?" Lia said barely above a whisper.
The jacket Taehyung seemed to be wearing was one of the ones from the rack.
Taehyung perked up a side smile as he looked over at the velvet-type jacket.
"Oh," he chuckled, "Jimin gave it to me."
He popped in another grape into his mouth.
Namjoon and Jin looked between Lia eyeing down the jacket. Both didn't have a right feeling in their gut when noticing what was put forth before them...jacket?
"H-How'd Jimin get it?" Lia asked, going into total awe-mode, feeling her heart shatter over what Jungkook was probably erupted out to you this very moment.
"Well, we saw the sets with you before, went for practice and dinner, and then went back to fetch our clothing...it was on the fifth rack right?" Taehyung retorted out, completely under the assumption that all were going crazy, while he was the only sane on.
Namjoon's eyes widened immediately at that.
"I don't get it," Taehyung popped, chuckling nervously, "what's with the faces...were we not supposed to pack the clothing with us for the flights? I mean that's why you called us down to see?"
Lia's heart officially shattered.
"N-No, you weren't supposed to take it," she said softly, eyes watering.
"Oh oops," the boy laughed out, "oh, and we also jacked two other jackets off of another rack. They were too cool to resist."
Jin sighed exaggeratedly at that. Great.
The leader ran out the door, abrupt and fast. He was swearing and cursing in his head as he stormed and looked around for Jungkook.
Lia ran after him, practically sobbing immediately at this point.
Jin and Taehyung were left in the room.
"I'm confused," Taehyung said slowly, another swish of grape squirting at his lip, causing the juices to fall onto his dress shirt all over again.
"I'm confused," Jungkook snapped, eyes harsh and chest heaving as he dragged you over to the back room behind the drapes set up for photographer.
You laughed, "Yeah, I am too. What's with the dramatic pull-away...I was perfectly fine to be able to talk in front of Jimin."
"Well bringing up how I only pitied you to have you work for us," Jungkook started, angrier than ever, "just so Lia wouldn't be upset—would be an uncomfortable conversation to have around Jimin."
Your lips pursed from laughing.
"Rawr," you chimed with a high voice, confused over the sudden outburst, "lion's out of the cage, I see."
Jungkook's fists clenched hard at his sides at you laughing.
"Why are you so pissed exactly?" you asked, not understanding what you may have done this time to piss off your oh, so 'kind' boss now.
"You know exactly why," Jungkook snapped, stepping towards you as you glanced over at the distance between the two of you.
"No," you popped, pursing your lips from smiling since you knew he was already so agitated, "I actually have no idea."
"You lied to me."
You struggled in trying to find a reason to why Jungkook seemed so beyond angry. Lied to him? What?
"What's wrong exactly? Quite the riddles and get to the point," You chirped, regretting it almost immediately when you received a bitter grin and attitude from the boy just as fast as you spoke.
"Don't act oblivious," Jungkook snapped, "you know exactly what you've done. Here, I thought you were over all this...maybe even a little misunderstood and stuck—but I was so wrong."
Your brows furrowed deeply, growing concerned over his angered form that made literal no sense to you whatsoever.
"What're you going on about this time?" You squeaked out, incredibly confused.
"I've been so good to you lately," Jungkook spat, ignoring you trying to 'pretend' that you didn't know anything about what he was going on about, "I've been so good..."
"Shut up," he snapped through his teeth, having enough of you trying to play innocent.
"I helped you out with this job; I've been paying you, forcing myself to treat you with respect because I honestly thought maybe this arrangement would work! Maybe you'd stop ruling into stealing! You promised me you'd never again!"
Your brows knotted deeply, forehead creasing together.
"But I didn't steal anything, I've been good to you too Jungkook," you said softly, not knowing what you were being accused for. He's clearly misunderstood right now...
"I'm telling the tru—"
"I guess Yoongi hyung was right about you," Jungkook snapped, eyes narrowing, "once a criminal always a fuckin' criminal."
Your eyes narrowed at that.
"I'm not a criminal."
"Then what huh?" Jungkook piped out, growing angrier by the minute, "What exactly are you then? YOU'VE STOLEN FROM ME! VIOLATED ME! ONLY TO NOW LIE TO ME WHEN I STARTED TO THINK I MIGHT TRUST YOU!"
Okay, he's raising his voice now, you noted mentally, completely taken aback and confused over what crap you must've done now, someone should seriously just lock me up, holy shit, his forehead veins are about to burst!...He's so mad.
"There's a reason to why I treated you like actual shit for so long," Jungkook spat disgustingly, "I just wish I had never stopped treating you like that."
Woah, what bitch? You pipe internally.
"What's the reason?" You challenged in vexed state, wanting to hear everything he had to say.
"The reason being how weak and lowly you think," he snapped, letting it all spill, "how your mind works...luring people in by manipulation is disgusting to me."
Your eye twitched.
You didn't move, pursing your lips from saying anything as the boy who hated your guts simply grew to hate you more in this moment.
"Now tell me why," Jungkook said sternly, eyes never leaving your form before him, "why would you do this? What's in it for you? ...apart from the degrading amount of cash you receive by robbing and sexually exploiting yourself."
Your brows furrowed in disgust at that.
"DON'T," he piped, louder than as the irritation built within him seemed to grow, his chest was heaving, eyes finally darting away from you and towards the ground instead. "Don't say my name..."
You're jaw clenched. Anger yourself, you looked him dead straight in the eyes.
"You done?"
"One sec," Jungkook piped, grinning hugely—bitterly.
Your tongue popped out at your cheek, waiting as you practically tapped angrily at your foot.
"You're fired," Jungkook shot out, eyes glaring right into yours.
"Fine, SIR!" you yelled out, lips so close to spitting right at his face.
Jungkook grinned.
"YOU DONE NOW?" you yelled out, completely ready to rip someone apart at this point.
Jungkook nodded, trying to recover from his anger as he slowly found his nose to ease up with the flaring.
"Good," you said through your teeth, "Now I'll do you a favour and stay out of your hair...but when I do leave, I want no contact with you whatsoever. Nothing—Nada. You got that?"
Jungkook's jaw clenched.
"ANSWER ME!" you screeched, voice rising yourself, chest heaving as you yelled that loudly.
"I'll gladly leave you alone," Jungkook answered back, softly snapping.
The door opened, wide and ready to be bombarded by an out of breath Namjoon, and a crying Lia. Jin made it to see the end of the show, on his hands were two surprised guests...
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