《Frenemies》Chapter 3: All Caught Up
~ one week later
Jungkook felt sick to his stomach. Eyes never leaving the pictures put before him, his eyes were wide, mouth in a trapezoid as his whole world fell to his feet all in one go.
"Whoever took this probably got paid thousands," PD Nim mumbled, glancing down at the picture that seemed to be circulating the webs the entire morning straight.
Photographers were packed at the front of the building, reporters, news magazines, and everyone trying to get a glimpse of Jungkook and ask for answers.
"HUH?" Jungkook repeated, a little louder as he swiped through all the pictures on the huge iPad given to him to search through.
Headlines upon headlines, different sources. All spoke and rumored similar things; Jungkook and Girlfriend? ; BTS Maknae No Longer Single? ; The Baby Has A Baby?
Jungkook's eyes narrowed at the last headline. I'm not a baby, he mumbled mentally to himself, finding the clickbaiting title to be extremely stupid and immature.
"I don't have a girlfriend," he mumbled irritated, teeth gritting when remembering both your ambushes. What taunted him however was the fact that you got away both times.
"I know...the whole staff knows you don't have a girlfriend. We've never even seen you grow remotely interested in anyone, so yes, I agree that you don't have a girlfriend. You don't h-"
"Well damn, I get the point," Jungkook whispered out, slightly offended as he moved awkwardly in his seat.
PD Nim smiled, eyes narrowing before continuing and trying to assess this situation with an opened mind.
"It was the extreme fan and someone ended up getting the picture," PD Nim sighed, sitting in front of Jungkook before looking him straight and sternly in the eyes, "...but it's out there now and causing havoc."
Jungkook gulped down at his throat, eyes innocent when looking up at the man, "I don't know what to do."
PD Nim sighed at the boy genuinely scared. It didn't help that Jungkook had opened up fan websites to see the rampaging reactions from angry and shocked fans. Some are curious and happy for me? While, others were simply planning on how to grab at the nearest weapons near them. If he was being honest, he wouldn't mind if a fan attacked you. Frankly, Jungkook didn't care to be nice to you.
"Tell your fans the truth of what really happened that day," PD Nim said gently, wanting to ease the maknae as much as he could.
Jungkook nodded, making a note to either tweet it out, or write a letter through fancafe. He had to do something. ...I'll do both, yes, I'll do both.
"I'll make things right," Jungkook said softly, "anything for the group."
"Anything for the group."
You rolled your eyes at Vee who stood next to you, babbling away with the others that were hollering about, excited.
"50k for a fuckin' picture?" the man under the hood piped, eyes wide as he chuckled and hugged Jae that tossed him a fair share of the money.
Jae tossed Vee her share, kissing her forehead before moving towards you with the money waving in his hands.
He siked you out as he pretended to give you money, only to yank away and stride far from you. You rolled you eyes, not expecting the money in the first place. I owe him big time, he isn't gonna give me jackshit.
"I'm joking," he popped, moving back to you before forcing a 5 dollar amount onto the middle of your palm, "there ya go, get yourself more chips."
You fakely smiled at the man, unamused before shoving away the money and giving it back to him. "Keep it, 5 dollars less of the remainder I owe you."
"How much more you owe me again?" Jae sang out, amused as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched your awkward form twitch before him.
"Yes," he smirked, "so one more robbery and we can call it quits forever."
"Oh, how I wish to see that day," you dramatically piped out.
"Just don't get arrested."
"Can we rob someone else then?" you questioned, genuinely scared to come face-to-face before an entire group that would probably kill you now if they ever saw you. You knew for a fact that Jungkook would be the one to proudly slit your throat if he had the chance to.
"Can't princess," Jae popped, slumping onto the couch across his bed's edge before propping his feet onto a small table, "we've obtained more money from jacking these boys than anyone else. Why stop that now?"
"I don't know," you mumbled out, "maybe because it would be more of a moral step to not traumatize these boys more. And, fuck. You gotta make the older one run more?"
Jae's grin grew.
"In my defense, I truly thought he was an elderly man earlier."
"Ye yeah," you mumbled, sinking your shoulders in defeat when realizing that you had to risk all factors and go straight into their building. THEIR FUCKIN' BUILDING! How am I supposed to pull that off without someone loyally working for them catching me.
"My family friend works there," you sighed out, seeing that if you were going to do this, might as well use Lia to your advantage, "I'll fool her into bringing me in somehow."
"How you going to do that?" Vee asked, still grinning as she remained blinded from the money in her hands.
"I've got this," you mumbled, straightening your back before heading towards the door of Jae's home, "and I don't need any of you to cover or save me. Just stay outta my hair and in the car waiting."
Jae laughed out loud at that. It was genuine as your sudden brave and cocky behaviour threw everyone off in the room.
You ignored the laugh, moving to step out of the room. Cursing at your urges that hollowed in the depths of your stomach, you rolled your eyes at yourself before moving to stride quickly over towards Jae. Taking a 20 dollar bill from his hands, you watched him shut up immediately.
"Gonna buy myself chips for sure," you piped, smiling exaggeratedly when seeing his jaw clench, "but gotta get the dips too yano? I'm feeling fancy today."
"Screw off."
"Already did that to myself last night," you shot out, moving swiftly out the door with a soft thud.
Vee tried not to grin at that, pursing her lips tight when Jaw glared over at her.
"Ah, don't look at me like that," you sang out, internally screaming but keeping up with the cute facade while in front of Lia.
"Why not meet the boys?" She asked, knowing how great of a fan you were. This simply making her want to see you smile more by having you greet them face to face. That's what Y/N would love right?
"Because," you panicked, hiding it behind a forced chuckle as you were highly on alert while looking around the hallway of the building's basement.
"I can see they're probably busy with all the media attention outside and I wouldn't want to bother them," you said instantly, remembering how hard it was for Jae to move through the traffic built in front of the building because of all the reporter.
You had called Lia to get you from the back, sighing internally over how excited she was to show you you how hard she worked. You almost hated showing such false enthusiasm to help her out as a co-op opportunity. Almost, you emphasized mentally, I can't help but be an ass and use her. I have innocent family members on the line so if people wanna judge me go right ahead.
Sure, this was risky, having an excited Lia rambling on and on while trying to leech onto you. The fact that she kept calling you "a cute little sister" simply made you wanna dive straight into a wood chipper.
"Aw," Lia piped out, eyes growing soft for a moment as she refrained from hugging the literal poop out of you, "okay. I'll just have you near my work space the entire day then."
"Thank you," you breathed out, moving into the elevator with her.
You prayed for it to go straight to her floor without any interruptions from other floors. The last thing you wanted was Jungkook to stomp into the small space casually, only to flip out the moment he saw your form hiding behind Lia.
Please don't stop, please don't stop. Please don't st—And it stopped.
Your jaw clenched hard, smiling lightly over at Lia who was incredibly oblivious to your horrified form. Sinking further into the metal bar that rested by your lower back, you tilted your head, your dark blue baseball cap hiding your face a bit.
It was a low voice. Looking up for a moment, you swallowed hard when seeing that it was Jin who strolled in. He bowed and shyly smiled over at Lia who smiled lightly back.
You wanted to freak out when seeing how beautiful he was up close but kept it to a minimum. Instead, you watched Lia carefully and noticed the slight glint in her eye. Oh, she likes him, you noticed internally, smiling a little for your friend, get that dick Lia!
Your smile fell so fast when Lia looked over at you. Shaking your head instantly when seeing she was about to speak up and introduce you, you knew it wouldn't be harmful since Jin hadn't seen your face yet. However, you'd rather leave having anyone question you as a possible suspect later.
"This is Y—" you instantly put your hand to Lia's mouth, muffling her words.
Jin looked over politely, slightly confused when seeing your panicked hand onto of Lia's confused one. Making sure to look away from him before he could see too much of your face, you laughed nervously before awkwardly and creepily petting Lia's parted lips and moving your hand away.
"You had something on your lip," you piped to her, nervous laughter rising, "just thought I'd be romantic and helpful the K-Drama way."
Jin pursed his lips from smiling, confused but weirdly amused as he looked forward.
Lia didn't know how to react, she simply laughed it off herself as she looked forward, cheeks growing red when looking at the back of Jin's back.
You saw the entire thing. Yup, she definitely likes him.
It was like you were breathing in farting gas. You were so nervous you blocked out all air out of fright, eyes watering, wanting to breathe. You let out a huge puff of air the minute the elevator stopped and Jin strolled out.
Watching Lia follow him, you freaked out again.
"This is the floor," Lia said laughing, pinching at your cheeks before grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the elevator.
Staying close behind her, you watched as Jin moved into a room. Praying to not follow him in, you sucked in a long breath of air when Lia dragged you to the far end of the hallway.
"Oh, thank you."
"What was that?" Lia asked, slightly confused as she started to open the door to the clothing racks she organized on a daily.
You grinned. "Nothing," you quickly popped, casually following in behind your older friend as she opened the door widely for you.
You stopped when you made it successfully in, eyes moving hastily over the entire stack of clothing all in the room. You grinned immediately, in awe of the beautiful sight. You could hear the violins playing in the background at the very sight of all the expensive jackets you saw.
"At least, 1k worth of material gotta grab from here," you mumbled accidentally out loud.
You grinned, flashing out your teeth as you smiled.
"Nothing," you said, trying to act cute again as you knew she liked it, "you're just really pretty ts'all."
Lia pouted. "Awww thank you," she sang out, chuckling a little before moving a strand of our hair behind your ear.
"Okay you stay here, relax, look around," Lia began, moving towards the door again, "I'll be right back. I just have to inform PD Nim of this arrangement you've brought forth."
Perfect, you piped grinning. "Okay, I'll behave," you sang out, waving at her as she left.
You pursed your lips from smiling at what she said next.
"Don't be trying to steal the clothing either," Lia joked, winking before moving out completely.
You stole two jackets and another pair of shoes. That was what fit in your bag and you were glad. You already felt shitty stealing, this way, at least you had an excuse of "no more space" to use if asked why you hadn't tried to grab more.
This didn't just feel like stealing from a company and boy group anymore...this was stealing from a friend that treated you so well. Sorry Lia.
Standing straight and upright the moment the front door swung open, you grew alert, smiling hugely over at Lia who walked into the room. She seemed to wave at you quickly before talking over at two men that followed her inside. They were speaking about terms you didn't understand so you stood hidden behind the shadows, letting Lia work. It was surprising how well you seemed to blend in, seeing that the two men didn't seem to notice at all as they left.
Moving to stand closer to Lia, backpack on, you smiled at her kindly.
"Well it was nice seeing everything," you said, wanting to get the hell out the same way you had come in, "maybe I'll come another time to officially help you out."
Lia's brows furrowed. "Leaving so soon?" she asked, watching as you got ready to practically jet out.
"Y-Yes, I-"
Then the world's shittiest thing happened to you.
The door opened and seven bodies moved in instantly.
Your eyes widened, hiding, you moved to stand right behind Lia in panic. She chuckled, thinking you were shy when spotting the boys walking in nonchalantly into the stylist room. All were murmuring until they greeted her kindly, paying every bit attention since they were sent by their managers to come over for an "important" conversation Lia had set out for them all.
"You needed us?" Jin piped, smiling.
All the members waited, all normal and relaxed.
You however, were shitting balls and bricks, looking for possible windows you could jump out from in the matter of minutes. They are all here, oh my fuck. Veeeeeeee!
Jungkook smiled hugely, almost puppy-dog love-struck type over at the woman of his dreams. The new stylist noona, he sighed internally, barely able to see anything but the sight of her and her mesmerizing eyes. Lia was her name, oh Lia-sshi, he sighed exaggeratedly internally, staring over at her lips as she spoke over to all the boys.
"I'd love for you to meet my family friend," Lia chimed, smiling sweetly over her shoulder as you stood right behind her nervous, fingers playing away with each other.
Jungkook barely heard any of that, his boy-ish charm being overworked as he fell into an even bigger daze while staring at his crush.
"Family friend?" Jimin piped, trying to peek over to see the new face being welcomed into the building with open arms.
"Yes," Lia giggled out, blinking over at all the boys in the group, "I heard she's a fan so I asked PD Nim if it's alright for her to assist me with work. Help her build experience."
The boys seemed interested, brows jumping a little when thinking about another addition to the team.
"Hm," Jungkook hummed out, grinning like an idiot when staring over at Lia's lips.
You panicked while standing behind Lia. It's not too late to make a run for it Y/N. Just kick anyone in the chins if they try to stop ya, ye? You didn't move however, whining and feeling the sudden need to cry immediately. Oh god, if you exist, please end me in this moment and spare my soul, you screeched internally, hearing Lia call out a "ready" for you to show yourself.
You felt your armpits start to sweat, wanting to stop drop and roll in emergency. That's how it works right? Or do I have to start a fire in order to get my ass out?
Jungkook's grin was huge as Lia stepped away from in front of you. Smirk growing when Lia giggled when forcibly turning your back around so that you could come face to face with the boys, Jungkook's gaze casually fell away from the beautiful noona and towards you.
Your eyes were on Jungkook immediately. Nervous smile on your face, you swallowed incredibly harshly.
"Hello," you piped, bowing a little, terrified for your life.
Jungkook's eyes went wide. His smirk falling right away and dreadfully.
"YOU!" he yelled instantly, voice laced with bitterness as he recognized your face immediately.
You nervously laughed.
[Oh! Hey look! You've caught up to this very fuckin' moment now! Yay, now let's cringe and hope we make out of this alive.]
You rushed forward, putting her hand to Jungkook's face as he started to muffle and yell into your palm. Dragging him outside, you smiled over at the others that were seriously tripping out and not wanting to believe what they were thinking.
Yoongi however, read through it all. He saw Jungkook's expression and knew what was happening right away. Watching the glint happen in his eye, you paniced, tossing Jungkook out the door, before yanking Yoongi out towards you as well.
"Good old friends," you said, smiling over at the other's that stood shocked.
Lia was the one to be the most shocked, not understanding how a shy girl like you had just man-handled two idols.
"I'll be right back and you can all question me all you want," you popped, practically begging with your eyes, "but please don't move out of your spots yet. Just stay put for a moment."
You closed the door and it was quiet inside.
Namjoon was the one to speak up after the longest silence took over all their shocked forms.
"We're seriously not going to go out just because she asked nicely?"
No one spoke.
Namjoon looked to Jin who's lips parted, taking in a breath as he collected his thoughts to answer the difficult and plot-changing answer...
Everyone surprisingly nodded, simply staying still.
Jungkook was bewildered, his hand going to grab at you as soon as you closed the door behind yourself. Moving to pin you against the wall, he made sure to keep your eyes on you. Your breath hitched, eyes widening at the sudden switch of man-handling in the matter of a second.
Glancing over at Yoongi who had the harshest stare, you watched as he kept watch on you as well.
Both didn't want you to run.
"Okay look," you started, looking between the two and not knowing what to say.
"What?" Jungkook popped out bitter, eyeing every feature of your face visible to him.
"I'm here for Lia, she doesn't know of what I've done and I'd it to remain that way," you said hastily, trying to get all you could out, "she's innocent so don't drag her into this."
Jungkook nodded.
"I can tell she probably doesn't know what kind of a person you are," Jungkook said blindly, "you've stolen from me, from my group! Why keep coming back if you know we'd catch you one of these days?!"
You pursed your lips from laughing. "Woah, okay, you're really mad," you said breathless against the wall, eyes on Jungkook who's face as at a permanent scowl.
"You're going to prison," Yoongi finally barked out from his spot, eyes at the side of your face.
"- and you should hit the treadmill some more," you piped, grinning smugly over at Yoongi whose brows jumped, taken aback from the sudden remark, "it'll help build your speed."
He rolled his eyes, looking over at Jungkook who was still surprised over actually being near you.
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