《Frenemies》Chapter 2: Second Robbery
[Ah, so now you've seen the first time you really met Jungkook. I know right? That shit was intense. Not really, just mostly a cringe-fest, but it's alright. You wish I could tell you things got better from here but I'd be lying. The second time seeing him was worse than the first. It was...ah, let me think...almost two weeks after the first kiss and boob squeeze attack. Enjoy your misery.]
"This is ridiculous," you piped, moving a smaller chip bag onto your stomach as you let your boots move smugly onto Jae's lap.
The boy glanced at you, then back at your feet, only to shove them off and stand up from his bed you so lazily sprawled yourself on.
"Did I ask for your opinion?" he piped, eyes narrowing when watching you eat away and spill crumbs onto his bed as you talked.
Flakes from the chips practically spit out your mouth and you snorted, apologizing for being a slob before continuing to eat like nothing happened.
"Right," you mumbled, unamused and frankly just tired of being blackmailed into doing all this, "I'm supposed to be your dick handler and continue doing what I'm told like a little pus-"
"Go in, grab as much as you can. This time, move towards grabbing more valuable things."
"It's easier said than done," you snapped, "you've been at this for a long while. I've been forced to just recently so don't expect me to be some expert."
"Well here, let me help you with some words of wisdom," he piped, smiling harshly as he crouched down beside the side of the bed so his eyes met your confused ones.
"Get me shit that is worth more than 50 fuckin' bucks and I'll let you break free, no strings attached, out so quick."
You pouted. "I actually thought you were going to go Gandalf on my ass and be inspirational for a second," you sighed out, eyes moving towards the chip bags again, "but nahhh, got my hope up for nothing."
Jae's jaw clenched at you not taking any of this business seriously. Snatching the chips from your hands, your mouth opened in shock, brows jumping wildly when staring at him toss the bag to the far corner of the room.
"Listen here princess," he spat, eyes harsh, "you give me what you owe me by stealing for me. That's how the rule have always been...so stop with the attitude before I shoot you straight through the space where your perfect lil' eyebrows separate."
You blinked, glancing over at the chips sprawled on the wooden panels of the ground near his dresser.
Jae's expression was still really cold, waiting for you to react or show some sense of fear.
"Throwing the chips was melodramatic, don't you think? You do realise you've got to clean that up ri-"
"OUT!" he barked immediately, cutting you off when you simply rolled your eyes and stood up from his bed. He hated that you didn't find this situation you were in to be terrifying. It irritated him but that was also one thing he used to love about you back in the day...
Seeing the crumbs on your shirt, you grinned over at Jae before tossing the crumbs on his bed by waving your shirt away from your stomach a moment. "Oopsie," you piped, amused grin peering onto your lips as you stood straighter and moved past your ex by shoving lightly at his shoulder.
He didn't move as you shoved him, you however stumbled a little as you moved towards the door. Grabbing your shoulder, you tried not to curse out loud, facing moving in pain. Why the fuck did you do that?! You whined internally, trying to play the pain as if it wasn't eating up your muscles. What does he keep in those jackets? Shoulder pads made of concrete???
"Be here in an hour sharp. Evaluate the plan again...we don't want an elderly man following you out again."
Your brows furrowed.
"Elderly man?"
Jae nodded, "Yes, there was an old man chasing after you. That must not happen again or I swear-"
You were confused, cutting the boy off again, "I had an old man chasing me?"
You snorted. "Aye, now I got the oldie's chasing after these tits too," you piped, wiggling your brows over at the man that simply didn't smile at that.
You coughed, trying to hold in your laughter to your own joke as you swallowed and moved towards the door. You scoffed once the afternoon air hit your face.
"I bet the old man would've laughed," you mumbled to yourself, sighing before moving to go and grab yourself something to eat before your second robbery ever.
Yoongi's face was in the coldest glare. He wasn't amused. He wasn't laughing, all he kept trying to do was keep away from Taehyung and Hoseok's hysterical faces before him.
"I still can't believe you fell into the wave fans," Taehyung chimed, laughing louder when Hoseok's shaking form bumped straight into him.
"Y-You," Hoseok couldn't breathe, laughing raging brilliantly, "you thought yo—"
"It's not funny," Yoongi snapped, finally understanding who you were after that night.
Jungkook had explained all that had happened. It had surprised Yoongi at first, not understanding how such a robbery had taken place when there was clearly a lot of security placed. He was shocked that you had managed to go through such a plan since you were just a fan. How was a fan able to break in, steal, but also harass the maknae all in one?
"Kinda funny," Taehyung shot out, pursing his lips from laughing when Yoongi shot him the deadliest gaze known-to-man.
"Try saying that to Jungkook," Yoongi mumbled, walking away as he moved away from the amused individuals before him and towards the photographers instead.
BTS were having a photo shoot today, and looking at Jungkook huddled around security that were reassuring them of their presence, the maknae seemed hesitant to take their word for it.
"Jungkook-ah," one of them mumbled, hating that he had to listen to Jungkook mumbling the same instructions over and over.
Jungkook sighed, face scrunching. "Sorry, I'm just a little paranoid," he said chuckling in hesitation when the two security guards seemed to eye him blankly.
He cleared his throat, bowing over at them as he walked off to join the members that were having their photos taken in this outdoor abandoned warehouse.
At first, after everything, Jungkook had been pissed. You called yourself a fan but came in as a danger to him. He didn't find that anyhow appealing or lovely. He didn't consider you a fan after that. However, past it all, he still couldn't find the brain capacity to understand exactly how a fan could pull all this off. How did she manage to do all that alone?
Things, bizarre things...scenarios had played in Jungkook's mind after the attack done by you. What if she comes again? Something worse than a kiss?? His face scrunched his face in disgust. He couldn't find you to be attractive even if he tried...the very sight of you grinning and charging after him evilly and crazily being the only thing he could picture. Yikes.
The only thing relaxing him at this point was Namjoon's words. "She's a fan and probably got what she wanted," he had said, "just focus on work now. We've got more security than at the actual concert now so we'll be fine Jungkook-ah."
Jungkook relaxed a little. He nodded to no one in particular as he went to go stand by the photographers. His eyes awkwardly glanced over at Yoongi who stood tense next to the flashing cameras.
" Yes."
"She won't come back right?"
Yoongi swallowed, eyes narrowing before looking over at Jungkook who looked hilariously terrified.
"She won't come back."
"I'm back," you chimed, dramatically and with open arms as you stepped out of your car and moved to greet the faceless other two that worked with Jae.
They nodded at her curtly, going back to work from inside their huge vehicle that looked to have cost millions.
"So much for a nice welcoming," you mumbled, pouting before looking over at the outside of the abandoned warehouse, "I'm stealing for you all...I think I deserve at least a smile."
Nothing. You got nothing from them as they ignored you.
Your stomach felt queasy looking at the place. You hated doing this. Heck, it was worse that it was to an idol group you were an actual fan for. Plus, having to act as a crazy fan under the mission of stealing and harassing the members, sucked over all.
"I don't gotta kiss anyone right?" You piped, head swinging over to the others that didn't seem to speak a syllable.
"No," a voice mumbled from behind you.
Jae walked behind you, his hands throwing over a film towards the woman in black that sat crouched over her laptop. She caught it, no questions asked.
"We've got the images we need of you kissing the maknae," Jae mumbled, nodding over to his partner as she worked about uploading the pictures onto her screen, "we'll be selling them out to outlets soon. That'll be a lot of money on its own."
"Great," you sighed, not wanting to sexually assault the boy a second time.
"Get all you can get."
"I wore a bigger bra today for a reason."
Jae's brows furrowed at that.
You wiggled your brows as you imitated stealing things and placing them into your sweater. Jae's brows jumped, understanding you completely.
"Yes," you piped, chuckling as you were impressed by your own strategic skills, "I'll just shove 'em with whatever I can grab."
"Don't get caught," the man in the van sighed out.
You nodded. "I know," you mumbled, "if I get caught I'm forced to remain silent anyway..."
"Yup," Jae grinned, "it'll all just be said to be a crazy fan attack."
"Just promise if I do get finger-f'ed in jail you'll leave my family alone," you chimed, eyes narrowing over at all the three that seemed to be quiet while listening to you.
It was silent.
"Promise me."
"I promise," Jae popped.
You sighed in relief, sighing a little before looking over at the building again. You were just glad you didn't have to worry about a time limit to security camera going up again this time around. There were many advantages as a break-in this time...it was an abandoned building after all.
"So I just gotta stay clear of humans," you thought out loud.
The woman nodded, sending through the proposal for the pictures to certain news outlets before getting up from the van and out in front of you.
You watched as she stood in front of you. She took her hood off. Your eyes went in awe a little over just how beautiful she was underneath the darkness the hood's shadow caused to her face.
About to say something, you didn't when seeing her strip from her sweater completely. Blinking, you watched, seeing in a blink of an eye as she unveiled herself in nothing but a skin-tight magenta dress.
"You is a hottie," you mumbled, impressed before looking over at Jae who stood by the man by the car. They seemed to be mumbling over at each other, discussing—who knows what.
"Thank you," the woman piped out, shaking her head authoritatively as she extended her hand. "The name is Vee."
You grinned. "Aye, we got another alien on our hands," you hollered out, referring the Taehyung. Seeing the three around you grow confused over your reference, you sighing internally, face falling.
"Shotgun to the mouth now please," you mumbled, hating that you didn't even have time to laugh at your own joke and have some of your dignity restore back.
"Maybe later," Vee chimed, eyes hard as she seemed determined and focused.
"I'm going to keep my eye out for you in there."
"Then why the dress?"
"There are 7 boys. If more than one tries to run over at you, I'll be a distraction."
You nodded slowly, glancing down her form again.
"Can you distract me instead?" You chimed, grin growing smugly when eyeing down the girl again.
Vee was suddenly caught off guard at that. Watching you eyeing her down, she found herself to simply grab at two earpieces Jae moved to give to her in one go.
"I'll take that as a no," you mumbled, rolling your eyes, "I guess seducing missions only attend to males if you're a female. Typicallll, I doubt any of them will fall for it."
"I guess we'll see," Vee sighed, catching on to our sarcasm.
You sighed, trying not to joke around as you took the piece that she ordered for you to place at your ear. It was uncomfortable at first, but soon after, made you feel like a boss.
"Is it weird I feel excited to rob someone," you piped, grinning before looking at the three that enjoyed the adrenaline they got from their jobs.
"Coming from you -" Jae began, only to have the other two nod and swing their heads towards your grinning form.
They all nodded.
"Yes," the professional robbers said at once.
"Real weird."
It went painfully quiet.
It grew horridly loud.
Jungkook's face scrunched when Hoseok screeched loud in his ear when the boys let his body meet the ground. They had lifted him up for a pose - oh, what a mistake that was.
Watching as the photographer nodded over at Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung to step away for a moment, he sighed as he moved quicker than the others. Jungkook needed a break from all of it, right down to the pictures. He was sleepy, cranky, and hadn't eaten the whole day which simply made matters worse.
Moving out of nerves to the table full of food, Jungkook began to stuff himself. Stop freaking out Jungkook, he scolded himself internally, it was just a crazy fan attack. Why can't you get over it?
Shoving a few grapes into his mouth, he stood there, dressed in ripped jeans, heavy beige jacket, and a black tee. Jungkook barely shut his eyes as he refrained from suddenly blinking, too lost in his thoughts to care for his surroundings.
He heard a buzz, looking next to him, he spotted a girl grabbing at an orange. Eyes moving to her cap, his brows furrowed a little before looking over at the photographers that were grouped together. About to lean over and try to catch a glimpse of her face, she already started to walk away.
Suddenly panicked, he through it all away and relaxed when hearing what was being said through the piece at her ear.
"Stop eating and get to work" a buzzing voice had said.
Jungkook grinned to himself. See, it's no one, just a worker. Calm down, he scolded himself again, rolling his eyes at his own overworked self as he popped another grape into his ear and focused on easing up a bit.
"Stop eating and get to work."
"Can't I congratulate myself with a tangerine?" you piped, grinning as you stayed by the sidelines, peeling away at your fruit, "I managed to get my cute self past security without hassle."
"Just do what we've come here for," Vee mumbled on the other line, growing agitated over you spending your precious time in the open like that.
A hat wasn't going to do much once Jungkook sees you. If he sees me that is, you evilly laughed internally before swinging over a slice of your fruit into your mouth.
You glanced over at all the boys that were scattered around the cameras and you went in awe of how beautiful they all were. Having Jungkook alone in a room is one thing, but all of them? You sighed internally, blinking before eating more of your tangerine.
Snapping yourself out of it went you heard a "no please, take more of my time away bitch" over the ear piece. Stopping yourself from laughing out loud, you apologized before doing what you had come in the first place for.
Leggo and steal.
Alright, so I got two phones, you grinned before tapping at your bra being a place for storage underneath your sweater, Jungkook's bag, and Jungkook's shoes. That sound do it for now. You shoved the shoes into the bag full of items. You grabbed at the other members belongings as well, shoving them into the maknae's bag.
Bag on, you moved into the speaker with Vee still guiding you, you moved to open at the door of the small corner room where the boy's had placed their items.
Sucks to have great security around the entire space but weak watch on the items, you piped, rolling your eyes at the effort.
Moving out, you kept the bag low on your back as you moved out of sight. You noticed Vee by the corner, blending into the back wall as staff and crew rushed about to assess the boy's; retouching makeup of fixing up new wardrobe.
Managing to get out and pass the food table successfully, you struggled a little when trying to escape the member's eyes when reaching the front side of where they faced. Determined, you listened to Vee guiding which steps you must take.
You were calm because her voice was calm. But then...
Well then, she panicked a little, a waver in her voice when telling you to hide. Hiding behind the nearest pole that held up the walls of this abandoned dump, you took in a shaky breath and snapped over at the woman through the tech.
"They're having a break."
You cursed out loud.
"Detour around back and meet me in the car," Vee said and you nodded at the air.
"You've got this," Vee said softly, eyes moving towards Jimin who's eyes narrowed instantly.
Jimin could see Jungkook's bag floating about and stood frozen and confused, while the other's walked about. Vee was trying to keep a steady breath as she talked to you, not wanting for you to panic and start running when there was so many people and staff visibly around.
Cursing internally when Jimin nudged over Taehyung and pointed at the bag, both became shocked.
"Go now," Vee mumbled, coming out of the shadows as she moved to go and distract the two idols.
You shut your eyes.
With that, you made it your mission to simply do this alone without being caught. Turning away from the pole, you glanced over at Vee who instantly had the attention of both gawking men that started to shyly check her out. You rolled your eyes at the continuous bowing coming from the two.
Moving around the wall and corners, you felt like a spy - correction, a horrible clumsy spy.
[No seriously, you almost knocked down an entire rack of clothing only to apologize to it right after. You'd be an even worse spy than how you were as an amateur robber. *sighs*]
"I've gotta go to the washroom," Namjoon said softly, rubbing at Jungkook's shoulder a little before excusing himself. Jin and Hoseok moved to the food platters, both talking away as all Hoseok seemed to be doing was laughing more over how Yoongi had made a fool of himself.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, glancing over at Jungkook who stood eyeing their stylist, Lia.
"Why don't you go and talk to her?" Yoongi piped, chuckling a little before staring at the woman managing the racks.
Jungkook swallowed, forcing a smile before trying to play dumb. Yoongi saw right through it however, patting at Jungkook's arm before grinning and moving away from him. Hungry himself, Yoongi moved to go and eat.
"Go speak to her maknae," Yoongi mumbled, chuckling before dragging his tired feet away.
"Okay I-"
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