《Frenemies》Chapter 1: YOU!
A/N: aye, let's begin this idiotic journey lmao. Here's the first chapter to "Frenemies".
Jungkook smiled hugely, almost puppy-dog love-struck type over at the woman of his dreams. The new stylist noona, he sighed internally, barely able to see anything but the sight of her and her mesmerizing eyes. Lia is her name, oh Lia-sshi, he sighed exaggeratedly internally, staring over at her lips as she spoke over to all the boys.
"I'd love for you to meet my family friend," Lia chimed, smiling sweetly over her shoulder as you stood right behind her nervous, fingers playing away with each other.
Jungkook barely heard any of that, his boy-ish charm being overworked as he fell into an even bigger daze while staring at his crush.
"Family friend?" Jimin piped, trying to peek over to see the new face being welcomed into the building with open arms.
"Yes," Lia giggled out, blinking over at all the boys in the group, "I heard she's a fan so I asked PD Nim if it's alright for her to assist me with work. Help her build experience."
The boys seemed interested, brows jumping a little when thinking about another addition to the team.
"Hm," Jungkook hummed out, grinning like an idiot when staring over at Lia's lips.
You panicked while standing behind Lia. It's not too late to make a run for it Y/N. Just kick anyone in the shins if they try to stop ya, ye? You didn't move however, whining and feeling the sudden need to cry immediately. Oh God, if you exist, please end me in this moment and spare my soul, you screeched internally, hearing Lia call out a "ready" for you to show yourself.
You felt your armpits start to sweat, wanting to stop, drop, and roll in emergency. That's how it works right? Or do I have to start a fire in order to get my ass out?
Jungkook's grin was huge as Lia stepped away from in front of you. Smirk growing when Lia giggled when forcibly turning your back around so that you could come face to face with the boys, Jungkook's gaze casually fell away from the beautiful noona and towards you.
Your eyes were on Jungkook immediately. Nervous smile on your face, you swallowed incredibly harshly.
"Hello," you piped, bowing a little, terrified for your life.
Jungkook's eyes went wide. His smirk falling right away and dreadfully.
"YOU!" he yelled instantly, voice laced with bitterness as he recognized your face immediately.
You nervously laughed.
[Okay, pause for a moment. Now you see, many would look at this sudden reaction as a surprise. Why would he rudely greet you? Why did he grow angry so quick just by seeing your face if it's been the first time you're getting introduced?
*nervous laughter*
Well, actually, this isn't the first time you've seen the maknae. Neither has it been the second time. You've ran into him multiple times on purpose, stole from him, used him, and he sees you as a little Dora-the-explorer-Swiper-looking-assat this point. Let's start
from the beginning shall we? Let's go to one month before this very moment...]
"You have the plan set?" The low dark voice mumbled from the other side of the room.
You waved him off, not wanting to show your nervousness to your ex-boyfriend who simply never seemed to let you go. Sure, you'd call him a stalker in the beginning, calling him "a creepy assbucket" on a basis after dumping him. But this was getting out of hand. Here you were, standing in the middle of Park Jae's musty apartment, tossing over a handful of money into his duffel bag that he hastily packed.
His dark brows furrowed over at you, eyes testing in confusion when looking away from the money and back up at your face.
You answered his unasked question, "that's a quarter of what I owe you," you mumbled, leaning off the wall behind you and walking towards the man.
"Don't try to back out of this or else—"
"You'll kill my whole family," you mumbled, rolling your eyes as you waved him off again, "yada yada, we've been through this a million times. Let's just do this."
Jae glanced over at you a little softly before hardening his expression and looking at his duffel bag.
"Recite the plan," he ordered, trying to have his mind go back to business.
You were a master at rolling your eyes at this point. Sighing dramatically, you crossed your arms over you chest as you numbly repeated what you had been taught as an amateur.
"Stick behind you—not in a sexual sense—" Jae didn't laugh and you cleared your throat awkwardly before continuing, "once near the dressing rooms, wait until you and the others distract and scatter out the members. When the youngest is resting in the dressing room, I go in and do what I gotta do."
Jae nodded curtly. "What exactly do you have to do?" He mumbled, testing you.
You pursed your lips a little at that. Jae was used to this, making things seem accidental to idol's as he subtly stole and made money off them. You never really knew of it until you broke up with him, a smart decision on my part.
But now, you were stuck owing him money back for...well, let's not get into that just yet. In order to tip him off, he asked for you to help him through his mission.
Jay Park, Ailee, IU, and other solo artists were already hit out by Jae. But now he's getting cocky and trying to hit up a boy group. BTS, your favourite idol group as of right now. 7 fucking members...he thinks he can get away with that?
Why do I not call the cops on him? Well because at this point I'm a fucking accomplice and will be tossed about in prison myself if I say shit.
"I gotta steal as much as I can, go fangirl mode on Jungkook to make him think it's nothing but a crazy sasaeng fan, and then—" your nose scrunched a little at what you had to do next. Jae wiggled his fingers in a circle, urging you to continue, "I gotta stick my tongue down the poor dude's mouth."
"Yes," Jae said lightly as he waved the camera in his face, "I'll make sure to not have you in the shot as much. What's important is that we get a clear shot of him kissing a female...paps will love this and it'll sell for headlines."
"Oh yay," you mumbled with fake enthusiasm, "let's go ruin someone's career just so you can get a couple of 100s on ya."
Jae grinned. "Exactly."
"Whatever, let's just get this over with," you sighed, moving towards his apartment door, "I have a drama to binge watch when I get home."
"You binged on that drama, didn't you?" Taehyung asked breathless, laughing whole-heartedly as he moved the mini mic away from his lips.
Jimin scoffed. "No," he lied, swallowing a little as he swallowed up the entirety of the water in his water bottle.
Both sat in the dressing room, exhausted, Jimin looked around the crowded space. Seeing the staff working on cooling down the members that had just come off of half-break of their concert taping.
It was a live show, all fans scattered and screaming their names. Bangtan jumped about on stage, and backstage, completely crashed.
That was evident through Yoongi and Hoseok napping by the corner, eyes shutting for a "five minute break" only to completely knock out for the ten minutes the team had been down here.
Taehyung followed Jimin's gaze and met the two individuals sleeping. He grinned before tiredly looking over at Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin that were getting their makeup retouched.
Taehyung nudged at Jimin's arm, urging him to look over at Jungkook who sat on a chair, leaning his head onto the back.
"He's about to pass out," Taehyung piped, chuckling when seeing Jungkook forcing himself awake.
It was like a puppy slowly finding sleep only to shake awake confused.
"Ah, times up, getta get up on stage again," PD Nim mumbled as he hit the opened door about twice before getting lost in the busy hallway again.
Namjoon was the one to dramatically sigh before going to wake the two older than him up.
Everyone stood up, slowly crowding over to the door.
Jimin nudged Jungkook awake. The puppy look was back as he snapped his head from side to side, trying to be aware of his surroundings.
"The second half of the show Jungkook-sshi," Jimin said with soft eyes as he pursed his lips and nodded his head over in the direction of the door.
Jungkook nodded, blinking tiredly as he forced his body to become energized all over again. Sitting up, he watched the other members move out the door.
He stood onto his feet, waddling a bit over towards the door himself, only to bump into a woman who suddenly stopped before him.
"One second," the woman piped, smiling sweetly and hastily as she brushed at Jungkook's shoulder, fixing the jacket he was wearing for the second half of the concert.
Jungkook smiled instantly and wildly at the sight of the stylist noona, Lia, he grew fond of.
"Thank you," he said, bowing as she pulled away, shyly moving away from her when she nodded curtly at him and chuckled for him to move to the other members.
Leaving, Lia continued to wrap up her work and clear the surfaces before her when she got distracted by her phone ringing.
Picking it up, Lia smiled more at your voice pull through on the end.
"Hello Y/N!"
"Hi, Lia."
"Yes," you chimed, glancing over at Jae and two others who looked at you sternly, listening to every word you said to your family friend they exploited as a leverage to get closer to the boys.
"I just wanted to say that I'm here...how's work going?" You asked, trying to be polite.
Jae glared at you and you flipped him off, not wanting to rush into the conversation. The last thing you wanted was for Lia to get suspicious.
There was a buzz over the line that Jae and the others couldn't hear. Instead, they just focused on waiting by the alley of the building, quietly listening to the humming of the loud and pumping music. The fans were insane inside and it was enough to be heard with all the doors closed...
"I'll see you after the concert," you finished, smiling, "just for personal reasons so I don't get lost...are there any emergency exits?"
Jae grinned as Lia answered you. Sighing mentally as you put the phone on speaker and let the three before you listen to what they had to hear in order to initiate the plan.
"Okay thank you," you piped, before ending the call.
"I know what I'm supposed to do but what are you three here for?" You mumbled, annoyed that you had put yourself in this situation.
"I'm here to lure the fans as a distraction," one of the men popped, his hoodie hiding his identity.
"...and I'm here to drive up a scapegoat, all while hacking into security," the other unknown individual piped. It was a woman however.
Jae grinned. "And I'm in charge of getting you and in out of the dressing room with only Jungkook inside."
"How do you plan on doin' that?" You asked, genuinely feeling nerve racked and anxious.
"Don't worry about it."
"Don't worry about it," Jin mumbled as he moved Jungkook into the previous dressing room they had been hiked up in.
The concert was over, and most of their staff had relocated to the other smaller dressing room for "packing purposes", that's what the unknown manager of the venue seemed to recently suggest earlier.
"But I wanna help with the fans and the pa—"
"Packing and fans we'll handle," Jin said lightly, "you almost passed out on stage. You rest, we'll find you when it's about time to board."
Jungkook sighed. "You're all practically forcing me to not help just because some stranger said it was PD Nim's orders?"
Jin took a moment to reevaluate the situation.
"Hyung!" Jungkook piped, annoyed as he tried to grab open the door that Jin practically slammed before his face.
Your face scrunched in quiet panic when hearing the maknae roar. Trying to remain hidden behind the curtains in the room, you glanced down at the white shirt you had clutched in your hand. Other small things dangled in your hand as well but you were too terrified to know exactly what you snagged.
When you had first found it, walking around the emptied dressing room, thanks to Jae, you had tried your hardest not to roll your eyes. Of course it was a white tee.
But now, here you were, nervous and feeling gasy as you hid in the dressing room the make moved around in.
The plan Jae wanted was taking full effect. All that needed to happen was your part. If you did this right, you'd eventually be freed. Let's go kiss the golden maknae, you sighed internally, peeking your head over through the slight crack of the curtains.
Jungkook lamely went to slump onto the couch by the back of the room. You watched as he didn't take any of his jacket off, his eyes tired as he sighed to himself and sat straight up, hands crossing over his chest. Leaning his head back, his neck arched as he let himself try to sleep.
Your brows furrowed over why he wasn't just laying onto the couch. Trying not to think to much into it, you glancing out the window of the dressing room to see Jae and the woman nodding over at you.
They were ready.
...you weren't.
Oh fuck me! You peeked again and glanced over at the maknae who was slightly shining with the slight sweat on his skin. You gulped, feeling hot, heart fluttering. He had to look hot too during this, huh?
Taking in a deep breath, you held the stolen tee tight to your chest before wishing upon the stars for this to go smoothly.
You knew it was going to be disastrous. But one can dream right?
It all happened in a blink of an eye. You tried your hardest to be efficient as you instantly found adrenaline push through your system.
You ripped open the curtains loudly, giving the cameras outside something to snap.
Hastily rushing towards Jungkook who's eyes shot opened at the noise. You hated what you said next, feeling immature as you squealed and ran to attack him.
Fangirl mode on. Check!
"Jungkook oppa!" You chimed, running to hurl yourself at him like how a large dog does to their owner if been separate for a long while.
Jungkook was frozen. His eyes huge and wide as his lips parted in shock.
Jungkook screamed. It was a pathetic hollow that probably wasn't heard much from outside the closed door.
"HYUNGGGGG!" Jungkook yelled, eyes wide, scared for his life as he dodged your running form that crashed into the couch, before bending near the ground as he tried to run out.
From the outside of the door nothing was heard a part from muffled shuffling. The inside of the dressing room was now chaotic.
Fuck! You thought internally, seeing the maknae about to rush out he door.
"JUNGKOOK OPPA NO!" You yelled yourself, forcing a giggle out of you as you immediately tackled the terrified maknae by hopping onto his back.
The both of you fell to the ground.
The crazier you were, the better he'd simply think it was an hyperactive attack and not a planned robbery.
His hands were flailing, trying to fight you off of him as he shuffled away from you on the ground. Head bumping into the back of a leg's chair, he couldn't move further back as you pulled his leg towards you.
Jungkook tried to kick you in the face, eyes practically popping out of his head when you managed to drag his body closer to you.
"How are you so strong?!" He asked, confused and terrified all in one.
Aw, Jeon Cena got knocked down, you mumbled irritably mentally before pouncing onto him like a child.
Jungkook was frozen, memorizing your face as he sat awkwardly underneath you once you moved your legs to straddle around his lap.
You quickly leaned down and instantly crashed your lips against the boys.
Your heart was hammering. You didn't know if it was because of the adrenaline, or if it was because of the fact that you were kissing an attractive male so harshly and fast for the first time.
Moving his hands that tried to push you off him onto your hips, you placed one hand on top of your chest before sneaking your hand hastily underneath his top. His breath hitched when your cold hand moved over his warm and sweating torso, shocked out of his mind, he managed to throw you off.
"AYE!" You piped, standing up instantly as you knew that was good enough for the others outside to have gotten shots of, "MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!"
With that, you ran out. Eyes wide over what you just did, it was hard enough to get your head back into the game when you could still feel him warm hand print on the top of your left boob. He had accidentally squeezed it as well, trying to flinch away from you. Oh, why do you get aroused in the most weird circumstances???
You ran, through the halls as if you hadn't done anything remotely illegal.
Jungkook was in shock, crawling and almost tripping on the ground and he ran after you, he was yelling for people to catch you as his panting slowly overpowered his words.
Running into the emergency exit, you rushed down the stairs. The alarms were silenced because of the woman that accompanied Jae.
Jungkook almost caught you but bumped right into a figure hard as he was about to slam open the emergency exit door.
Stumbling, Jungkook moaned in frustration as he angrily looked over at the man who toppled back.
"YOONGI HYUNG CATCH HER!" Jungkook yelled, pushing past and out the exit.
"Catch who?!" Yoongi yelled, shaking his hand in mid air in hurt and anger himself. He didn't expect someone to bump straight into him after coming peacefully out of the washroom.
"I-I'LL EXPLAIN LATER!" Jungkook yelled out of breath.
Yoongi was confused, but he managed to worriedly follow Jungkook.
Running down the staircase, Yoongi caught a glance of your hair as you ran down. Jungkook was at you tail, running faster than ever.
It surprised Yoongi that Jungkook didn't catch up to you quicker. He was the fastest he had ever seen. But then the older friend noticed Jungkook's slight limp as he ran and panicked further. What happened with this girl?!
Yoongi sped up, arms swinging lamely and pathetically as he went "super speed grandpa mode" and tried to outrun the maknae.
Both of you ran and ran down the long set of stairs.
Jungkook could hear the security finally catching along as they moved down the stairs after Yoongi.
Yoongi managed to catch up with Jungkook, swinging his arms about as he surpassed the maknae.
Jungkook's eyes widened at the fact that Yoongi passed him. It was like watching a lemon flavoured cotton-candy-ball-of-hair zoom past him in slow motion. It was a beautiful sight.
Yoongi was smiling to himself. He had you. I got this, I got this one under lock let's—
The door opened. You ran out and Yoongi's flying form that moved to tackle you flew right into another female. Crashing into the cloud of fans that instantly screamed when seeing Yoongi on the other side of the emergency door.
I don't got this, Yoongi thought internally, hating that he was practically being attacked and pounced by twenty fans all at once.
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