《pushing the limits | gilbert blythe (completed)》06 | gorgeous


"you're so gorgeous, i can't say anything to your face"

"Too easy! Too easy!" booed the female student from the back. They were scattered cheers as Moody got another one correct. Currently, the Avonlea students were holding a little spelling bee, and only Amelia, Anne, Tillie, Moody and Gilbert were left. All five were the top students, Amelia, Gilbert and Anne tying at top three.

"Spell amorous." ordered mr Phillips, with his back to the board. No one actually realised, but he was sneaking looks at Prissy, hinting small words for his supposed love towards her. The other students were to busy rooting for her friends, as Diana cheered for both Anne and Amelia.

What Amelia did notice was Anne's uncomfortableness. She was holding both of her arms tight around her stomach, so Amelia could only guess that she had a bug and was a little ill. She hoped it wouldn't harm her spelling abilities, so that everyone had a fair chance at winning.

"Amorous. a-m-o—r...u." tries Tillie, and Mr Phillips groans. "Wrong. Sit down." Tillie does as he commands, and the class erupts in chatter. Amelia sneaked a small glance at Gilbert, who was staring out front to Charlie, his best friend who was cheering him on. Amelia noticed the structure of his face. The sharp jawline, and the curly strands of black hair, and how is hazel eyes squinted and his lips formed a smile.

She shook her head. She had to be focused if she wanted to win. Which she was.

"Spell gorgeous." It was Moody's turn, so he answered. "g-o-r-g-i..." The teacher let out another groan. "Ugh! Sit down, you butcher of beauty." he turned around, as some students cheered for the three students left. "Ostracize?" he asks in form of a question. Prissy avoids his gaze and focuses on the desk below.

"O-s-t-r-a-c-i-z-e." Ruby smiles in awe, to which Amelia spots and frowns. Why did she get these pressing moments on her heart? She couldn't be jealous....could she? "That would seem to be correct." the boys cheered and Gilbert smiled surely. "Haughty."


"h-a-u-g-h-t-y." answered Anne without a shadow of a doubt. Amelia smiled proudly of her red headed friend. "Callous."

"c-a-l-l-o-u-s." replied Amelia and the girls cheered as she laughed. What she didn't notice was a certain boy nearby was staring at her. He felt this feeling, where he was proud of her, like he was-

Another couple of rounds passed with all three excelling, until one knocked Gilbert off his feet. "e-n-g-a-g-m..." Amelia bit her lip and looked at him shyly. He looked distracted, as he shook his head and looked at the ground.

"That is incorrect." said the teacher, and then muttered something that Amelia couldn't quite hear. Not that she was interested. She was too busy looking at Gilbert, who had sat down and talked to Charlie. Why couldn't she get this boy out of her head? They became friends after the incident of the fire, and hung out together nearly every day. She enjoyed the simplicity of his company. She could stare at him for hours and still find something to stare at. and deep down, she knew she was falling harder for him. She couldn't help it; he was such a gentleman towards her. Kind, hardworking and chivalrous, without mentioning he was handsome.

She was deep in trouble, and she knew it. What she didn't know was that he was experiencing exactly the same thing.

When she noticed the students were looking at her, she knew she had missed the word mr Phillips had said. "Excuse me?"

"Are you deaf? spell animalcule."

"a-n-i-m-a-l-c..." But she was distracted. His gaze was fixed on her and she stumbled over her words. She was stuck. She had never heard of that word. "u-l-i?" she finished. "That would appear to be wrong." the girls cheered for Anne, who had won despite her stomach hurting, but Amelia was too busy congratulating her to notice the certain boy who was approaching.

"Too bad you failed, Amelia. you should of added the e." he said, smirking as he looked down at the small blonde who stared up at him shyly. "You missed on that e too, mr know it all." she retorted back and Gilbert chuckled and shook his head.


"So, you wanna hang out later? We could invite some other people too." Gilbert offered, scratching the back of his head nervously. He thought maybe the young girl would say no because she probably had other plans. But he was surprised when he heard her answer. "Yeah, sure. I'll invite some of the girls. It's warm enough to swim at the lake!" exclaimed happily Amelia and Gilbert laughed and nodded.

"Fine by me. see you later then." Amelia nodded, and walked away as she still felt his intense stare on her back.

Later in the afternoon, Amelia found herself with some of the other girls found themselves near the lake, dressed in old robes so they wouldn't get ruined by the water. Currently, Amelia was in presence of Diana, Ruby and Jane. Anne couldn't make it, as she said she wasn't feeling very well. Amelia suspected it was a stomach ache, but she wasn't completely sure.

The boys still hadn't arrived, and the girls were getting a bit bored."You don't think hey stood us up, do you?" Ruby asked meekly, looking at her friends, her wide eyes staring at them. "If they did, I'll personally murder Gilbert." she muttered under her breath, to which Diana only heard, and softly laugh, making sure Ruby hadn't heard.

"You know, we shouldn't depend on boys for entertainment. We should start without them." offered Diana, and Amelia cheered. "Yes, of course! Last one in is a loser!" The girls giggled and laughed as they ran towards the lake and jumped in. "It's freezing!" moaned Jane, and laughed when Diana splashed her. "Stop moaning!"

"You'll get used to it soon enough." chuckled Diana, splashing Amelia once again, who splashed back, and started a splash war between all four. Before long, they stopped and just swam, and Amelia gave a slight shiver, as she was getting cold because she wasn't moving much.

"Started without us? seems quite rude." yelled Gilbert as he started down to the girls, and put his satchel down to the other bags on the grass. He had brought with him Charlie, Moody, and another boy Amelia didn't know very well, called John. "What can I say? We wanted to have some fun before you came." smirked Amelia, and the girls laughed and splashed the boys, who were slowly getting in.

"Ooh, that hurt me Amelia. You'll pay for that." he threatened and laughed, before slowly heading towards her with his arms open, as if he wanted to catch her. Amelia rolled her eyes, but laughed as she started to swim away as fast as she could. She wasn't a very strong swimmer, so Gilbert started catching up on her.

Everyone started to have another splash war as Gilbert chased after Amelia. She tried to laugh, but some water went up her nostrils and she started coughing quite strongly. Gilbert paused and frowned, sorry heaving his mind. "Are you okay?"

Amelia smiled and said "yeah, you didn't have to worry." he slowly got neared without her noticing as he slightly nodding. Before she knew it, Gilbert wrapped his arms around her petite waist and picked her up bridal style. She let out a squeal and wriggled in his arms, with no success. He smiled, quite proud of himself. "I've officially won."

"Yeah, well, you cheated so it do-" but before she could continue, Gilbert pretended he was going to drop her, and Amelia let out a shriek and held on tightly to Gilbert, and snuggled her head between his arms. Gilbert chuckled and looked at her adoringly. But what neither realised was that Ruby was staring at them sadly from a couple of feet away.

Ruby couldn't deny Amelia and Gilbert had chemistry; they were naturally already a good couple, at they still weren't dating.

But it hurt her, because she truly liked Gilbert.

She didn't know what to do.


Guys, so sorry for not posting in a while

Here's some Gilia moments so you can all fan girl over

I mean that's what I'm doing

Next part soon (hopefully)

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