《pushing the limits | gilbert blythe (completed)》07 | sweet creature


"wherever I go, you bring me home"

Amelia Covey was troubled.

She had never felt more confused. Not even when she learned long division.

Maybe it was because she had never felt this way before. She had never been interested in a boy, so it was all new to her. She wondered how long she had been feeling it, but she figured out it had been for quite a while. Or so Diana and Anne reckoned. Amelia hadn't seen it coming. she was oblivious and quite blind when it came to....love.

But was she in love?

She didn't quite know.

Al she reached out to Diana and Anne, who swore not to tell anyone, especially not Ruby. "It's Gilbert you like, isn't it?" asked Diana knowingly, which left Amelia speechless. "How-how did you know?" Anne and Diana looked at each other smiling. "It's so obvious! I think everyone knows it." Exclaimed Anne, and Amelia visibly paled. "Everyone?" she squeaked out. "Well, I think Ruby is in denial, but I don't think she truly likes Gilbert. I think she only likes him because he's quite handsome." said Diana, as if to try to calm her down.

"But...I just figured out my feelings not long ago. How come you two know?"

"Here, I've read loads of romance novels. They're absolutely thrilling, they make my heart flutter so hard th-" Anne rambled on, before Diana interrupted. "Why Anne, get to the point." Anne turned bright red, and mumbled a sorry. "I read a book that said that studies have found that couples who lock eyes have a stronger romantic connection." Amelia furrowed her eyebrows. "What does that have to do?"

"Well, you and Gilbert stare at each other nearly all day. It's quite amusing, really." Diana chuckled and Anne nodded. Amelia turned bright red, nearly has bright as Anne's hair. "What? No, we don't." both girls scoffed. "Yes, you do. And anyways, we're trying to make you realise your feelings towards him."


"And, denial is the first step." Anne laughed, and Amelia blushed and muttered something incoherently. "And tell me; what are you thinking about right now?" Asked Anne, before adding "Truthfully." Amelia sighed and looked at her in the eyes. "Him." Diana awed softly before smiling meekly. "And how would you feel if Gilbert were to kiss Ruby." Anne and Diana looked at Amelia expectantly, who looked troubled. "Why, I'd be quite...miserable. but if he was happy, then I am."

"And what have you been feeling lately the most? apart from love, of course." Diana laughed. "Confused and...stressed."

"And what is his biggest perk?"

"Well...he's annoyingly smart and he sometimes teases me with little details. He's way too intelligent and it's like a competition between us two in class. And he's that kind of funny that makes you laugh too much, even if it's not that funny. And he's different from other boys, like he actually cares about you. He'd do anything just to see you smile. And even when he just waves at me, it makes my heart flutter so bad, I hate it. There is no perks, because he is perfect in the most imperfect way. He always speaks his mind and makes it seem so polite and charming. And he has the best laugh, and I don't think I can take it no more. He's...himself, which makes it annoying because he's amazing without even trying." rambled Amelia and then paused to take a deep breath.

When she took in all of what she had said, she gasped and shook her head. "I do like him, don't I?" Diana and Anne chuckled at their friend's desperation. "But...what about Ruby? I'm the most terrible friend, and...he probably only sees me as a friend anyway! But Ruby and the girls would see me as a traitor! Which I am! And-"


"Amelia!" interrupted Diana. Amelia shut her mouth and blushed softly and the girls stopped halfway near the school path. "You probably are the most kindest person I've ever met. But for one time, maybe just once, you can be a little selfish and want something for yourself." Diana told her, and Anne nodded. "Of course. you deserve so much. And if he doesn't like you, which I'm sure he does, he's missing out on a lot." added Anne, and Amelia smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, girls. But, I can't tell him. Not yet, anyways. I mean, I just found out." she said shyly. She didn't think she could actually ever tell him. It was too embarrassing, because he probably didn't like her back anyways.

But he did.

"Okay, I understand. We should really get to class tho." Anne suddenly realised, and the girls ran to class, giggling, with their books in their baskets, and hands on their hats so they wouldn't fall off.

It was during class that Amelia felt something light thrown at her. She checked on the floor to find a piece of paper. She picked it up and opened it up to see what was written on it:

you look distracted.

She looked around and focused on the one and only Gilbert Blythe. He smirked at her and mouthed something she didn't quite catch, but answered none less.

She threw it at him again, and failed, so he slowly stood up to get it without the teacher noticing. He rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh when he read her response, and wrote on it swiftly before passing it back. Some students watched the interaction, but didn't say anything apart from paying attention to the duo.

ha ha. now seriously, is there anything wrong?

She adored when he worried over her. Not that she would ever admit that out loud.


His answer made her heart clench.

if you say so


Amelia heard him chuckle softly from where she was sat.

why do you wear them then?

well, stop wearing them if it's what you want

well, I'd rather you not wear anything at all

Amelia chocked on what appeared to be air, and turned to look at Gilbert. He smirked and winked at her which made Amelia blush bright red. She quickly wrote her answer and passed it back to Gilbert, but before he could read it, Mr Phillips turned around and caught the note in Gilbert's hands.

"Blythe! Would you do the class a favor and read the note aloud?" he exclaimed sternly, and Gilbert stood up. He stalled by opening the note slowly, but eventually reached and opened it fully. Amelia was blushing madly and hid her head in her arms. When he read it, everyone would know it was her he was speaking to. And she felt dread.

"Well, it says that I hate dresses they're useless and then I wrote if you don't want to wear them don't, I rather you not wear anything at all." Gilbert read some of it, and the class laughed while Amelia hid her head in embarrassment. Mr Phillips didn't look very happy, and shouted at everyone to quiet down before continuing the class.

Amelia glared at Gilbert as he shrugged at her and smiled at her apologetic, but she turned around and focused on the class.

But secretly, she was smiling.

She couldn't be mad at Gilbert even if she tried.


Amelia finally confessed her feelings to Diana and Anne!!

Do you think Gilbert has already realised his feelings?

How do you think Ruby will react?

Isn't Diana and Anne the captain of the Gilia ship?

GIF is Gilbert's note

Until next time!!

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