《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》Bad news


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It's been a little while since you had heard back from your father. In his last letter he had given you bad news and said that his arrival date was going to be pushed back and you wouldn't see him for another week. Ever since you had heard this news your mother had been acting different... Something wasn't right. You weren't sure if there was something bad that was happening and they weren't telling you but you decide to shrug it off and head to school.

You were thinking about so much and your head was so clouded, you completely forgot to wait for Anne and Diana so you could walk to school together. After realising that you had forgotten to wait for Anne and Diana you check your watch and you see your late. Everything had been so crazy lately and you hadn't been getting much sleep, you must have over slept and left later than usual. Anxious to be late, you start sprinting as fast as you could to the school house. You almost trip on the snowy ground but keep going.

After a long time of running, you reach the school house. You take a minute or two to try to catch your breath before entering, but have no luck. You don't want to waste anymore time so you quickly open the doors and rush inside. The loud creak makes everyone spin around and stare at you. You hear Josie and Ruby giggling, and out the corner of your eye you see Jane spin around to face them. "What a ridiculous and loud entrance" your hear Jane say to Ruby and Josie.

Almost frozen with embarrassment, you look down to the floor and turn around to close the doors. Anne and Diana rush over to you as quickly but quietly, possible. "What's wrong? You look like something's wrong." Anne asks reading your face.

You smile while unwrapping you're scarf from your neck to hang up. "Oh no- I'm fine, I will tell you about everything later." You say before hearing the storage door fly open. You turn to see Mr. Phillips standing at the door, giving you a long, deep and scary stare.


"Well look who decided to finally come." He says before looking down at his watch, then looking back at you. "Your 15 minutes late. That's 15 minutes your going to have to stay in for."

"I'm sorry I'm late but I can't stay in, I have to get home." You protest. You weren't afraid of him, more so what he would do to you, but you weren't going to let that stop you from standing up against him. You didn't actually have any plans, but there was no way you were staying in that school house with Mr. Phillip any longer than you already had to.

'Well what's so important that you can't stay in for 15 minutes?" He questioned. You could tell this was a semi- rhetorical question. He didn't actually care what you were doing.

"I just have to be home, and I'm sorry but I won't be staying in." You sternly say. You put down your basket and walk over to your desk. You slightly see Anne giving you a worried look. She and probably everyone else, knew something was wrong. Mr. Phillips walks down to the front of the class, seeming unbothered.

"Very well, continuing what we had started before our interruption." He reiterated, giving you a dirty look before turning to face the chalkboard.

Later on into the day, you were struggling so much to concentrate and to think. You tried your best to work but your mind kept wondering off. At a few points in the day, your mind took you to Gilbert. You even caught your eyes wondering to him a few times. With everything else's going on, you had almost forgotten everything that had happened with him, and remembering about it all only created more stress and distractions.

- - -

Mr. Phillips was reading a book to the class, you were supposed to be listening but once again, you couldn't concentrate. Mr. Phillips talking soon fades out and you feel like your on the edge of falling asleep. You faintly hear your name being said but ignore it. A book is loudly slammed on your desk. Your jump back with fright and look up. You see Mr. Phillips staring down at you with a angry expression. "Now that we have your attention! What do you think she should have done in this situation?" Mr. Phillips quizzes. He was clearly testing to see if you were paying attention.


"Who?" You ask, with a confused expression. You hear Josie and Ruby giggling and whispering again.

"Kate of course. Seeing as you usually know the answer to these questions, what should KATE have done in this situation?" He rudely asks, emphasizing 'Kate'. The funny thing is, you usually would of known the answer but because you weren't paying attention, you had no idea what the book was even called.

"Well maybe Kate should do what she wants." You say trying to get Mr. Phillips to leave you alone and also to try and save yourself from further embarrassment.

"Um sir." You hear Gilbert say across the row to you. You turn your head to the right, and your eyes meets his. This was the first time all day that you and Gilbert had been looking at each other at the same time.

"Yes Mr. Blythe?" Mr. Phillips ask's before sighing, clearly annoyed that he had just been interrupted by what would have been a long and painful speech to you.

"This question has so many possible answers. For instance, Kate could have gotten help or she could have talked to someone about everything she knew. She could of even 'done what she wanted.'" Gilbert states, before slightly smiling at you.

"Yes well..." Mr. Phillips says before looking down at his watch. "Ah well it's time for lunch, we will finish this discussion another time." He awkwardly says before rushing off.

You grab your chalkboard and walk over to Gilbert. "Thanks for that." You say with gratitude.

"It's fine." He responds, smiling. "Um listen, you seemed really distracted the whole day, are you ok?" He ask's. You weren't sure what to tell him, you had so much going and you really didn't know where to start.

"If you walk me home after school, I will explain it all then." You say.

He smiles and nods his head. "Great." He agrees.

You grab your basket and head outside with Gilbert. "Look it's Gilbert and his girlfriend!" Billy yells, making everyone laugh and stare.

You and Gilbert both unbothered by billy, turn to each other. "I will see you after school." He smiles. You smile back before turning around to join Anne and Diana.

"Hello." You greet while sitting down. Anne and Diana smile back.

"Has something happened?" Diana questions. Anne and Diana exchange worried looks. "You've been acting weird today." She adds.

"I've just been having alot going on and I havent been sleeping much." You say as you pull out your food from your basket. "My father won't be here for another week and everything's been so weird and I've been super stressed." I say, Finally talking about it.

"I'm sorry about your father, at least it's only a week though." Anne reassures. You smile before looking over at all the boys.

"I think I'm going to finally tell Gilbert how I feel. He's walking me home after school, I'm going to tell him then." You say. "That's great!" Diana exclaims.

- - -

"You ready?" Gilbert ask's as he walks up to you. "Yep." You respond.

"See you tomorrow." You say to Anne and Diana.

"Well there's a few things I need to tell you." You say, while walking with Gilbert.

"The reason I was acting a bit weird today is because of family stuff and because I've been thinking a lot about you." You pause and look up at Gilbert. "I really like you." You add.

There was a silence for a moment or two but it was quickly broken by Gilbert. He leant in and kisses you. "I like you too."

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