《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》What is love?


1845 words

After the dinner all you could think about was the kiss and how magical it was. The way his eyes glistened from the moonlight, the way his soft hair swept across his face, the way you felt so safe with him... You were so excited for school. You couldn't wait to tell Anne and Diana all about it. You were kind of nervous to see Gilbert though, you were worried that it would be awkward.

- - -

・゚: *✧・゚:* What is ? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

While waiting for Anne and Diana, you start thinking about Gilbert and how every time he looks at you, you get butterflies in your stomach. You had been feeling like this for a while but you didn't know why. You keep wondering if maybe you love him... But what is love?

- - -

After waiting a few minutes for Anne and Diana you see them and run up to them. "I'm so glad to see you! I have something really big I need to tell you!" You say as you hug Anne and Diana.

"We have something we need to tell you too!" Diana says giggling as she looks at Anne who was giggling as well.

"Oh well you can go first." You say smiling.

"Well we heard from Tillie, who heard from Jane, that apparently Billy fancies you!" Anne says. "What!?" You say almost yelling. You take a moment to think about what they had just told you. It was kind of obvious now that you had thought about it, he was always smiling and staring at you and he was nice to you but rude to mostly everyone else.

"We were shocked at first as well!" Diana says. "Well how did it go with Gilbert last night?"She asks.

"That's what I wanted to tell You," you say as you begin walking. "Last night was amazing, but when he was walking me out, we kissed..." you nervously say before starting to blush. You look over to your side to see Anne and Diana look at each other which huge smiles spread across their faces. They both start squealing and jumping.

"I knew he liked you! And you like him!" Anne says. "That's so great!" Diana says before hugging you.

- - -

You had gone almost the whole day without speaking to Gilbert, but you had finally got enough courage to talk to him at lunch. You see him standing and talking with all the boys. "I think I'm going to go talk to Gilbert..." you say to Anne and Diana, while still looking at Gilbert. They smile and nod their heads before you slowly walk over.

Your stomach is filled with knots as you apprach the boys. "Hi" you nervously say. They all start laughing and whispering to eachother. "Um Gilbert could I please talk to you?" You ask trying not to look too nervous. Gilbert smiles and nods his head.


You and Gilbert walk away from all the laughing boys. You look back to see Billy smiling at you. You don't want to be rude so you smile back before turning back to Gilbert.

You start blushing. You look to the ground then look up. Your eyes meet his. "I just wanted to thank you again for dinner last night and..." you pause as you try to find the words. "We kind of got caught in the moment and I understand if you just want to be friends, or well maybe not friends at all." You say while looking down at your hands as you nervously fiddle with your thumbs.

You hear him laugh. You look up and tilt your head with confusion. "Of course I still want to be friend. Well actually I was hoping maybe to be more but if you don't, that's fine." He says smiling.

You feel your heart skip a beat. "Really?" You say with a tone of surprise as you raise your eyebrows.

"Dont sound so suprised." Gilbert says still laughing. You smile and feel your stomach overflow, full of fluttering, glittering, butterflies. You start to lightly blush. He grabs your hand and gentley pulls it towards him. He looks up at your eyes, then looks back down at your hand. He leans forward and softly pecks it. He leans back and smiles before walking off to all the boys.

Still in shock, you sigh and smile before looking over and seeing Anne and Diana practically exploding over what had just happened. You quietly giggle to yourself as they run over to you with giant grins spread across their faces.

"Oh my god!" Anne says almost yelling. "So what happend? What did he say?" Diana asks as she leans against the creaky wooden desk.

"Well I told him it was totally fine if the kiss meant nothing and if he didn't want to be friends anymore, but he said he still wanted to be friends... Or more." You say. Suddenly Anne and Diana start squeezing and jumping. "I knew it!" Anne yells as her and Diana continue jumping.

"But wait... What do you want?" Diana asks. You hadn't really thought about it till now. What did you want? You weren't really sure considering it was all happening so fast and you hadn't really had a moment to think about it.

"I'm not quite sure yet.." you say. You really liked Gilbert but you had a really good friendship and you didn't want to ruin it.

- - -

"What do you think will happen with Ruby?" Anne asks as you and Diana as you walk home. "What do you mean?" Diana asks.

"When she find out about you and Gilbert. She's already mad enough that you two hang out, but when she finds out you had dinner and kissed, well her and Josie are going to be enraged." Anne says. It finally hit you. You had completely forgotten that Ruby liked him. You hadn't thought about Ruby.


"Oh no. I had forgotten all about the stuff with Ruby and stuff was just starting to quiet down again." You say.

"What are you going to do, y/n?" Diana asks before looking to Anne with a worried expression. You try to think of what you were going to do but you had no ideas. Then, suddenly, you think of something. You weren't sure of what Anne and Diana would think of it.

"Maybe I should tell her myself... Well she's going to found out sooner or later so maybe I should just tell her myself." You say as you continue walking.

"It's your choice but maybe it would be best if she found out on her own, that way she will take it better." Anne says. She was right but you still wanted to tell Ruby yourself.

- - -

When you get home you see your mother in the kitchen cooking lots of food. "Why are you doing so much cooking?" You ask. "Well because your father is coming home soon, silly!" You mother says, barely taking her eyes off of one of the pies she had made that she was admiring. "Oh of course." You say. You had gotten so wrapped in your own problems you had forgotten your father was finally coming. You quickly stumble up the stairs and into your room.

You realized you hadn't spoken to your father in a while so you sit down at your desk and decide to write him a letter. You weren't really sure what to tell him. You remembered that you were yet to tell him about you and Gilbert. You were going to put off telling him about your kiss with Gilbert. You had mentioned Gilbert a few times in your letters but not much. You had already told you mother and you wanted to tell you father but you were just worried that he would overreact.

You sit at your desk staring at a blank piece of paper. You fiddle with your quill in you hand as you try to think of what to tell your father.

"Dear father,

Only 1 more day till we can see you again. I can't wait introduce you to everyone here. So much has happened since my last letter. I'm not sure if you remember but I mentioned a boy named Gilbert. Well he invited me to dinner with his friends that he lives with. I hope when you get here we can all have dinner with them. They are very nice people and I think you would really like them. Their names are Mary and Sebastian. They have a daughter as well, her names Delphine, she's quite young, she's around Tatums age. I think her and Tatum will get along very good as well. I know it's only been a little while since we last saw you but I feel like it's been forever. I have so much more to tell you but I'm saving it for when I get to see you. I can't wait for the moment I get to see you again and beat you in marbles.

Lots of love, y/n."

You fold over the paper and slide it into a envelope.

Your father was a great man and you loved him very dearly. You enjoyed writing letters to him but lately you had been feeling like you didn't want to anymore. Well not that you didn't want to, but just that you didn't really have time and you never knew what to write anymore. You were going to mention the kiss with Gilbert in your letter but thought it would be best not to.

You walk over to your bed and fall forwards. Landing face-first into a pillow and slightly bouncing. You sigh and start thinking about Gilbert. You smile just at the thought of him. You loved being around him and all the jokes you had. You kept thinking more and more about what you two had said at school and you slowly start to realize you had never said if you felt the same way. "Oh shoot! Maybe he thinks I don't like him..." you accidentally say out loud.

"Oooh! Y/n's got a boyfriend!" You hear Ashley April say at your door. You roll off your bed and walk over to your desk and take a seat on your wooden chair. You frown with your hair swept across your face.

You wipe off the hair that was across your face. "Ashely April what have I told you about coming into my room!? and no I don't have a boyfriend." You say still frowning.

"Well who is the boy you're talking about?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Not that it's any of your business, but his name is Gilbert Blythe." You say, smiling at the thought of him once again.

"Ok and why does he think that you don't like him?" She ask, putting her nose in other peoples business as usual.

"Well it's complicated and I really don't have the time or effort to explain it, sorry." You say, as you sit back down onto your bed.

Ashley April rolls her eyes before skipping back to her room.

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