《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》The dinner


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As you're getting ready for school you look down to see the fabric you wrapped on your wound was all bloodied. You search for a new piece of fabric. While searching you come across the letter your father wrote for you. You slide the letter into your book. You find a new piece of fabric and slowly wrap it around your palm.

After you eat your breakfast you grab your basket and leave. You were in such a rush you barely said 3 words to your mother and siblings.

After leaving your house, you walk to a tree and wait to meet Anne and Diana to walk to school with them. You pull out your pocket watch to see that you're early. As you're waiting for them you see billy walking in your direction with his friends. Billy and his friends slowly walk up to you. His friends stop walking and Billy approaches you. You hear his friends laughing.

"Hello?" You say to billy which came out more like a question. You didn't mean to be rude but you really weren't sure what to think of billy.

"Just so you know, we heard about what Ruby and Josie were doing," Billy says. Moody and Charlie walk up.

"We talked to them and told them that it wasn't fair but they didn't really listen," Moody says. "If you want, we can help you stop them," Billy adds.

You awkwardly smile. "Thank you very much, that is very kind but I'm just going to ignore them." You say. "Well, it's your call," Billy says. As he and his friends walk off you sigh. He seemed nice but from the way Gilbert talked about him, he sounded rude

You see Anne and Diana walk up to you. They give you a giant hug, making you smile. "What was Billy wanting? Was he making fun of you?" Anne asks.

"No, he was asking if I wanted help stopping Ruby and Josie, but I told him I'm not going to do anything." You say.

"Oh," Diana says, seeming surprised by what you had just told her.

Anne, Diana and you walk to the school house.

As you all walk up to the schoolhouse, you stop walking and feel yourself begin to freeze with fear. "I'm sorry I'm just scared." You say.

"You probably don't want to talk about it, but just so you know, everyone is on your side with what happened and almost everyone dislikes Ruby and Josie now because of it," Anne says.

"I'm mostly just worried about Mr Phillips." You say.

"Well this isn't the first time something like this has happened, he has quite a temper and when he has a bad day he takes it out on the students, unfortunately," Diana says. Why would a teacher do such a thing? You think to yourself.

"It's ok, you've got us," Diana says as she grabs your hand. "And Gilbert," Anne says with a giggle. You roll your eyes and laugh.

You feel your heart pounding in your chest as you walk up to the schoolhouse doors. You quickly take off the fabric you had wrapped around your hand and shove it into your coat pocket. "Ready?" Diana asks. You smile. "Yes." You say. Anne opens the door and you see everyone turn around.


Gilbert gets up and walks over to you as you're hanging up your coat. When Anne and Diana see him they walk away giggling. "Good morning," Gilbert says. You smile. "Sorry if I was rude when you offered to walk me home yesterday." You say feeling bad. "Oh no, it's fine." He says.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house for dinner tonight?" Gilbert asks. You smile and try not to blush. "That would be nice, thank you." You say.

"Ahem," Josie says as you see her standing behind Gilbert. "What are you talking about?" Josie asks. "It doesn't concern you, sorry." You say before Josie spins around and walks off stomping her feet.

"Y/n! Come!" Anne yells to you from your desk. "I will see you later." You say to Gilbert before walking to Anne and Diana.

"Did you do something to Ruby? She's crying in the corner with Josie." Diana says as you sit down. "What no? I was talking- oh no..." You say.

"What? What's wrong?" Anne asks. "Gilbert asked me over for dinner and I think Josie heard and told Ruby." You say.

"That's great! Well not about Josie and Ruby, but about Gilbert. That's so cute that he invited you to dinner!" Anne says.

"Oh no, I don't think it's like that, he was just being friendly." You say. Anne raises an eyebrow "I'm sure he was just being friendly." She says sarcastically. She and Diana giggle.

- - -

When lunchtime arrived you grabbed your basket and book and sat under a tree. As you open the book, your letter from your father falls out. You tried to think of what to tell your father but you couldn't think of anything. You wanted to tell him about everything and didn't want to miss out on any details but you also knew that there were things you couldn't tell him because he would worry. You so badly wanted to tell him all about what had happened but you didn't want to worry him, and you knew you would be seeing him soon so if you wanted, you could tell him then. You continued to think about what you would write to your father as you sat under the tree, soaking up all the fresh air.

- - -

The day went on and you overcame your worries about Mr Phillips and Josie. Everything turned out to be alright because Mr Phillips was very quiet and barely said much and didn't speak a word to you. And you didn't need to worry about Ruby and Josie because everyone was on your side.

When the day was over, as you were going to get your coat and basket, Anne and Diana pull you to the side. "Good luck tonight!" Anne says.

"Thank you, but I don't need it. Like I told you he was just being friendly." You say. "Well, we hope it goes well!" Diana says smiling. You hug them and say your goodbyes.

"Ready?" Gilbert asks. "Would you mind if we stop by my house first?" You ask.

"Sure, like I said it's on the way." He says. As your walking to your house, you feel your hand softly scrape Gilberts. You feel butterflies flying around in your stomach, you try to stop yourself but you can't.


When you get to your house you turn to Gilbert, "Would you like to come in?" You ask. He smiles and shakes his head. "It's ok I will just wait out here." He says. You nod your head and walk away.

You rush inside. "Oh hello dear!" Your mother says looking up at you from the pie she was making. "Would you mind if I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight?" You nervously ask. "Of course, you can! That's quite alright as long as you're not out too late." She says. You smile and hug her. "I will see you later, thank you." You say.

As you open the door you see Gilbert sitting on a rock. When he hears you close the door he turns around and looks at you. "Let's go then, shall we?" He asks with a smile. "We shall." You say in a joking tone before bursting out with laughter.

As you're walking with Gilbert, he points ahead. "That's my farm." He says. You look and see a small-ish farm in the distance. "Do you work on it with your family?" You curiously ask, trying to start conversation. "Well I don't really have any family because my father passed away a short time ago, but I work on it with my friend. He's also my business partner." He says.

"Oh I'm very sorry, that was rude of me." You say feeling bad about what you had asked. "It's fine, most people already know but your new so you weren't to know." He says smiling.

You and Gilbert walk up to the house, and Gilbert knocks on the door. "Bash!" He yells. Bash? Where had you heard that name? It sounded familiar.

The door opens and you see the man you had helped at the train station. "Y/n! What are you doing here?" Sebastian asks with a huge smile.

"I invited her here for dinner. Wait how do you two know each other?" Gilbert asks.

"This is the kind girl that helped me with my bags at the train station that I mentioned," Sebastian says.

"Well come in." Sebastian says as he opens the door further. You smile and walk in.

"Your home is very lovely." You say as you hang up your coat and scarf. "It's not much but it's home." Gilbert says as he takes off his coat and hat.

You see a woman carrying a baby walk down the hallway. She stands at the hallway looking confused. "Mary, this is y/n. I invited her for dinner." Gilbert says.

"Hi, lovely to meet you." You say with a welcoming smile to Mary. She walks over to you and shakes your hand. "Oh hello. I'm sorry I'm not more dressed up, I wasn't expecting anyone for dinner." She says. "You look as pretty as ever!" Sebastian says as he walks over smiling and kisses Mary.

Sebastian takes the baby from Mary. "This is Delphine our gorgeous baby girl." Sebastian says looking at Delphine with pride and love sparkling in his eyes. You smile at Delphine and pull a funny face which makes her giggle. "Aww, she's adorable. I have a baby sister who is only a few months old." You say.

"Do you have any other siblings?" Mary asks. "Yes, I have another sister who is 5 years old." You reply. She smiles at your response. "Your so lucky. When I was growing up I was an only child and so I was quite lonely a lot of the time, and I used to wish so badly that I had siblings." Mary says.

- - -

After almost half an hour of talking with Mary outside, Sebastian shouts. "Diners ready!" As you enter the kitchen, you smell the air filled with a strong, pungent aroma. "Wow it smells great in here! What is it?" You ask as you sniff the air, trying to figure out what it is. "Curry. It's a mix of spices." Sebastian says. You'd never heard of curry before but you decided not to make an opinion till you tasted it.

Gilbert walks over to the chair you were about sit on and pulls it out for you. You smile and sit down as he pushes in the chair.

While you're enjoying the dinner, you find your eyes keep wandering to Gilbert. You try to stop staring at him but can't help it. You must have looked uncomfortable because Mary looks up at you,"Is everything alright, y/n?" She asks. You feel your face go red. "Oh uh- yes thank you." You awkwardly say as you feel embarrassment overflow you.

- - -

"Well thank you so much for dinner and inviting me." You say at the end of dinner.

"Did you enjoy the curry?" Sebastian asks. You smile and nod your head. "Yes, to my surprise it was very good, and you are a wonderful cook!" You say smiling.

"I best be going." You say as you grab your coat and scarf. Mary walks over and hugs you while holding Delphine. You smile at Delphine.

"Here let me walk you out." Gilbert says as he grabs his coat. As your walking out the door you turn and say goodbye to Sebastian, Mary and Delphine. "Thank you all for a lovely night." You say waving.

You and Gilbert slowly walk to the gate of his farm. As your walking there is silence, not an awkward silence but a good silence. When you approach the gate you both stop and face each other. You look to the ground and then look up and see his eyes gazing at you. You start to blush and smile. "Thank you again so much for inviting me. I had a great time and I enjoyed meeting everyone. I hope one day I can invite all of you over so you can meet my family." You say looking into Gilbert's dreamy eyes.

"That would be good. And I'd love to meet your family and ask them embarrassing stories about you." Gilbert says. You both laugh. Your smile slowly fades, as you and Gilbert stare deep into each others eyes, standing with the moons light, shining onto you. He softly grabs you're face with his hands. You both slowly lean in as you look at his lips. He lightly presses his lips against yours, with passion and soft love. You both slowly pull away, and lean against each other's foreheads, smiling while drowning in each others eyes.

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