《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》Snowy ground


1364 words

You were enjoying a dream about Gilbert when you suddenly feel something jumping on your bed. You hesitantly open your eyes, still half asleep, to see Ashley April bouncing on your bed.

"Finally you're awake. You're going to be lateee!" She yells, continuing to bounce on you.

"Ashley April! Get out at once!" Your mother yells as she enters into your room. Ashley April pokes out her tongue before storming off.

"Time to get up." Your mother says, pulling your dress off your chair. "You must be more careful, this'll get crinkled!" She sternly warns. You roll your eyes and fall back into your pillow.

You walk down the stairs to the kitchen and see your mother standing above the skink, starring blankly into the distance. "Is everything allright?" You ask, slowly walking over.

She looks over her shoulder at you and clears her throat. "Oh yes. I'm sorry, I must've just gotten a bit distracted." She responds, fully turning around to face you. "Breakfast is ready." She adds, gesturing to the table.

"Ashley!" Your mother yells. "Breakfast!"

You pull out a chair and sit down. This was your perfect chance to ask about your father but you didn't want anything to ruin your day, that would just worry and stress you.

"La la la laaaaa" Ashley April horribly sings as she skips into the room. "Yum!" She exclaims before sitting down.

"I'm not hungry." You state, standing up from the table.

"Well it's to early to leave." Your mother says.

"I'm going to meet Anne and Diana, we aren't going to school straight away." You respond, picking up your basket, about to leave.

She looked kind of upset that you were leaving so early. "Ok well I will see you tonight." She says followed by a small sigh as she sits back down. You give Ashley April a hug and a small peck on her forehead before leaving.

- - -

Luckily you didn't have to wait for Anne and Diana because by the time you got there they were already there.


"So!?" Anne squealed. You just stood there blankly and confused. It finally hit you. "Ohh! You're talking about with Gilbert!"

"Yes silly! Tell us, we're dying!" Dianna exclaimed.

"Well I told Gilbert that I liked him and..." there was a silence of anticipation before you continued, you could see this was killing Diana and Anne. "We kissed and he told me he likes me too." You say, smiling at the ground.

"Eek!" Anne shrieks as her and Diana begin jumping in the air. "This is so great!"

- - -

You were on your way to school with Anne and Diana when you got the feeling you were being followed. You knew it was stupid and that you shouldn't worry about it but you couldn't. You kept hearing distance footsteps and it had you on edge. You decide to quietly ask the girls if they felt that same way. "I don't want to alarm you but am I the only one who hears someone behind us? Do you think we are being followed?" You quietly ask.

"I thought the same thing but I thought that I was just being paranoid." Diana says. This made your stomach drop. It was one thing for you to think it but it was worse knowing you weren't the only one.

"Ok I think we should go faster. We aren't too far from school luckily." Anne says.

Anne was in between you and Diana. She linked her arm between both of yours and slowly sped up her pace, you and Diana doing the same. You tried to stay quiet so you could listen to the person to see what they were doing but unfortunately it was a windy morning and you couldn't hear much.

"Run. I hear them, they are speeding up. We need to run." Anne says . You all look at each other before unlinking arms and sprinting as fast as you could. You look back to see a man in the distance running towards you. Because you were looking at him, you weren't watching where you were going and tripped on a log. You screamed as you tumbled into the snowy ground.


Anne and Diana tried desperately to get you up but you were stuck and the icy ground only made it harder. The man got closer and closer and you slowly realised it wasn't a man, it was a boy. A boy you were quiet familiar with. It was Billy.

He was arrogantly smiling as he started down at you. "Well well well. What are you poor girls doing out here? Don't you know it's not safe?"

"Leave us alone Billy. We're just trying to get to school." Anne strongly says, still trying to get me up.

"The loud orphans always got something to say." He says to himself, loud enough for or us to hear. You loudly sigh as you struggle to get up. He looks down at you and raises his eyebrows. "What about you? Got something you want to say?" He asks you, staring strongly at you, barely blinking.

"We don't want you here. Just go away billy. You rudely say, trying to get him to leave.

"Oh yeah and why should I? You know, I have heard a lot about you. Jane tells me it all. You and Gilbert? I wouldn't have guessed that one. Who knows, maybe that farm of his will be able to keep you happy. I've also heard lots about your family. I find it strange that you all randomly move here. I mean it's a shame your dad isn't here yet, I really can't wait to meet him. Well that is IF he ever comes." Billy says. You wanted to jump up and punch him in the stomach. Your family meant everything to you and you hated that he was talking badly about them. He was just upset you had chosen Gilbert instead of him.

"That's enough Billy. Leave!" Diana yells, making it perfectly clear that she was upset with him.

"You heard her, leave!" You hear Gilbert yell. You look up to see him running over, giving Billy a very angry stare.

"Of course the farm boy is here to save the day! But maybe I don't want to leave." Billy annoyingly says.

Gilbert had had enough of Billy, he threw down his bag and took off his hat. "I guess I'll have to do this." He says before punching Billy right in the nose. "Ohh!" Billy groans followed by him falling back onto the ground.

Gilbert ran over and picked you up. His tight, warm grip made you feel better. You were still upset but this somewhat made it all ok. Billy got what he deserved. "Thank you" you quietly whisper as you hug him.

You all quickly got away from there and hurried to school. Even as you walked off you could still hear bills groaning and moaning.

Luckily you weren't late and actually came pretty early. You were still a bit shaken up by what had happened with Billy but try to shrug it off and continue as if everything was ok.

Billy however, came to class late and when he came in everyone rushed over to see if he was ok. Everyone was asking him what happened. You could tell Billy wanted to blame it on Gilbert but he didn't want to say the truth for whatever reason so he lied and said he "slipped on the ice and fell forward". He was probably too embarrassed to admit he was beaten up by Gilbert.

: Personally when I'm reading a fanfic and it's based on a show and I see they've taken a sene from the show it kinda annoys me but that's what I've kind of done in this. There is that sene in awae where Billy is with Anne in the woods but Gilbert comes and gets rid of Billy. It's not the exact same but hopefully it doesn't annoy anyone.


I know I take FOREVER for updates but luckily for you, and I plan to try to keep up with frequent updates. No promises though... also sorry for short chapter :((((

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