《Full Sun || Haechan》37




"Apa can I eat some ice cream now?"

Go ask your father.

"But Apa told me to ask you."

Renjun glared at Hyunjin from across the room.

"Did he now?"

Hyunjin cheekily smiled at his husband.

"Okay sweetheart but not too much or it will spoil your dinner."

"Yaayyy." Ryejin cheered. "Auntie will you have some with me too?"

I smiled at Ryejin and patted her head softly.

"Not this time sweetie."

"Why not?" Ryejin frowned.

"Haechan gently caressed my back with his hand."

"Auntie has been feeling a little sick lately and is temporarily sensitive to what she eats."

Hyunjin instantly raced to the dining area of their home where we were sitting.

Renjun eyed me from head to toe with a wide grin on his face.

"Well we were going to wait for the others to get here but I'm sure you two have figured it out." Haechan chuckled.

"I'm going to be an uncle." Hyunjin cheered and danced around.

We laughed at his childish reaction.

"What does that mean?" Ryejin asked.

"It means that Auntie has a baby inside her an you are going to have a little cousin soon." Renjun picked Ryejin up and sat her on his lap.

"A baby inside you! Did you eat the baby!" Ryejin looked terrified.

"No thats not how the baby got there, actually what happened was that I-"

"Yah!Lee Haechan." I slapped his arm.

"What." He shrugged his arms. "I was going to say that I used magic to hide the baby there until he or she was big enough to be born."

"You're walking on a thin line." I glared at him but couldn't help and laugh at his terrible explanation.


Thankfully there was a knock on the front door ending the conversation.

Renjun opened the door and let in all the guys. Mark, Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung, and Chenle who was holding hands with Yeri.

Mark and Jaemin ran up to Ryejin and began playing with her immediately.

"Uncle Mark!" She yelled and climbed on his


Although no one wanted to admit it we all knew Mark was her favorite uncle.

Jisung sighed.

"I wish I had a second niece to play with since Mark likes to hog all the play

time with Ryejin."

"Well that day may be closer than you think." I replied to Jisung and caught everyone's attention.

"No!" Jeno gasped excitedly. "Please tell me you aren't lying."

Haechan shook his head no.

"I'm pregnant!" I smiled widely as everyone cheered.

Heachan wrapped one arm around my shoulder and placed the other on my stomach.

"I love you." He said while staring into my eyes.

I kissed his sweet tasting lips.

"I love you most my fullsun."


We've come to the end!!!! ㅠㅠ

I had so much fun writing this book and I thank everyone who read this mess of a story and hyped up my terrible english. It really means a lot since english isn't my first language yet you stuck through it ❤️

I hoped you all liked it an will continue to read my future writings~

Again thank you so much for the support and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy ❤️💕

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