《Full Sun || Haechan》36


Haechan was staring at the ceiling while tossing a ball up and down.

He hadn't left his room since y/n left back to Busan. Graduation already passed and her wedding was set to be tomorrow.

Although she hurt him he couldn't stop thinking about her. Despite what she had told him, he knew deep down that she still loved him. He didn't understand why she easily gave up. Even if it wasn't with him, all he wanted was for her to live a free happy life.

He was distracted from his thoughts when Chenle burst through his bedroom door.

"Yah! You're going to break my door if you keep coming in like that."

Chenle was angry at his friend who was lazily laying down.

"Are you seriously going to mope around all day and do nothing!"

Haechan sat up and tilted his head down to stare at the floor.

"There is nothing to be done."

Chenle grabbed Haechan by his shirt collar and pulled him so that they were standing face to face.

"I will not let you give up on her that easily."

Chenle raised his voice.

"Why do you care what I do?" Haechan pushed Chenle away from him.

"Because..." Chenle's eyes met Haechan. "I did not watch the girl I liked fall in love with my best friend for nothing."

Haechan widened his eyes at Chenle's shocking confession.

"You what?"

"It was the first day of school Haechan. Jaemin was chasing me in the hallway when I first saw her. I liked her the moment my eyes met hers but I was a coward and never told her. I watched as you bullied her and I couldn't protect her. I watched as she wondered what was wrong with herself and I couldn't comfort her. Then, I watched as she fell in love with you and I was too late."

Chenle dropped two train tickets on top of Heachans desk.

"But I'm not going to let you make the same mistake I did. We are going to Busan and if you don't stop that wedding then I will."

Haechan hugged his friend. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"That isn't important now. In the end I fell in love with another girl and now I couldn't imagine my life without Yeri. Now all I want is to see my two best friends happy together. It's what you both deserve."

Haechan grabbed the two tickets. "What are we waiting for."

Chenle smiled. "I knew you'd make the right decision."

The two boys quickly ran to the train station to catch the last train headed to busan for that night.


"You look beautiful sweetheart."

"Thank you mother in law." I forced a smile as the makeup artist unveiled the final look for my wedding day.

My mom came up to me and gave me a small gold bracelet.


"This was given to me by your grandmother the day I married your father. I am now handing it down to you."

I held my hand out while she clasped the bracelet onto my wrist.

"It's beautiful." I traced my fingers along the diamond embezzled band.

"You made the right decision y/n, I'm proud of you."

I stared at my mothers reflection behind me. I nodded my head, not letting her see the tears I felt forming in my eyes. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to walk down the aisle.

"Your father wishes he could walk you down the aisle but because he is in a wheelchair he decided it would be best to let Minho's father take you. "

"How is he doing?" I was concerned for my fathers health since he was so persistent about attending the wedding.

"Don't worry darling, he is already sitting in the front row waiting to see his beautiful daughter."

A light knock on the door was heard followed by Minho's father entering the dressing room.

"It's time."

I forced a smile and fixed my hairpin one last time.

Minho's father interlocked his arm with mine and we walked to the entrance of the church were everyone was already waiting for the ceremony to start.

The melodic sounds of the violin enticed the air as they started playing the classic wedding entrance music.

I took slow careful strides as we began to walk down the aisle.

There were many people, most of who I did not know, filling up every pew.

I spotted my childhood friends all sitting in one pew with wide smiles spread across their face. Felix and Jeongin were loudly whispering as Chan tried to quiet them down.

It was shocking to them when they found out that Minho and I were getting married. What they didn't know is that this was an unwanted marriage. Their happy smiles were a result of them believing that Minho and I fell in love and we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

As I walked further down I caught Eunji staring at me with a hateful eyes. I finally understood why she hated me so much and it was because I was to marry the guy she liked. A sick twisted fate it turned out to be for the both of us.

Next to Eunji sat Hyunjin and Renjun. They both wore a sad expression. I can only imagine the pity they felt for me after they both worked

so hard for me and Haechan to be together.

In the very front sat my parents along with Minho's mother. My father looked weak as he sat in a hospital wheelchair connected to an oxygen tank.

I smiled when I saw him to give him strength. I had to pretend to be happy so he wouldn't worry anymore for me.

Minho's father gave me away at the alter and joined my parents in the front.


I looked up and Minho was staring at me with wide eyes.

He didn't say anything and the ceremony began right away.

The priest began the long speech as everyone watched in silence.

My mind left, quickly thinking of Haechan.

Was I really doing the right thing?

Unknowingly, tears had begun to stream down my face. Minho must have noticed because he used his thumb to wipe under my eyes.

I looked up at him and forced a smile but he only frowned at me.

"Lee Minho, do you take Lee Y/N to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

I stared into Minho's eyes patiently waiting for his 'I Do'.

He looked around the church before taking a deep breath and looking back down at me.

"I......I-uhhh....I'm sorry."

Loud gasps filled the large room.

I stared at him with a questioning expression.

He took both my hands and pulled my closer to him.

"I'm sorry y/n for everything I've done but I can't see you like this. They say if you love something, let it go. If it returns it's yours, if it doesn't then it was never yours to begin with."

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Y/N you were never mine to begin with. Your heart belongs to someone else and that is who you should be with, not me. I was selfish and I hope you can forgive me?"

I hugged Minho.

"I knew the sweet Minho I've always known was still here."

Minho turned to our parents who all looked furious.

"I'm deeply sorry but I can not marry y/n. I am too young and this isn't how I want to live my life. If you want to disown me and take everything away from me then punish me however you like."

Minho's mother slapped him.

"You will not embarrass this family! Now tell y/n you are sorry and that you will marry her."

Minho got on his knees and bowed in front of our parents.

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that."

His father kicked him once but he wouldn't move.

"I deserve all the punishment you give me." He cried.

"You worthless brat!" His father raised his foot again.

"No! please." I ran down the alter and bowed down next to Minho.

"Please." I pleaded again. "Don't hurt him."

I stared at the ground as tears fell from my face. "The reason you want us to get married is for the benefit of both our family companies right? What if I allowed the merge to happen without this marriage?"

"Allowed?" My mother scoffed. "Who are you to allow anything?"

My father raised his hand. "Silence Heewon."


"I said silence."

"With the permission of my father as the next heiress, I am willing to complete the merger if you agree to a written contract accepting our terms and conditions."

I looked up with hopeful eyes as Minho's parents sighed at my foolish words.

"You are just a young girl with no control over anything."

My discouraged gaze fell back to

the floor.

"My daughter is an intelligent, resourceful girl." My father took my hand and motioned for me to stand up. "If you are disregarding her words now then how can I trust you wouldn't have done the same after the marriage."

"We are not disregarding her words, sadly she has no control over what happens."

"But she does." My mother furrowed her eyebrows at my fathers words. "As she stated, with my permission she will act accordingly under my supervision as my ceo in training now that she is of age. I more than gladly give her all my permission."

"Very well." Minho's father looked directly at me. "Our assistant wall call your fathers office tomorrow to set up a meeting to discuss the terms of this contract."

It worked!

I proudly smiled at Minho.

"Are you being serious Minseok?" My mother began to yell at my father.

"Lets not discuss this here." He massaged the temples of his head.

"If we don't discuss this now the-"

The loud sound of the church doors slamming open cut my mothers words off.

"I object!"


I raised an eyebrow at the tan boy running down the aisle.

"I also object!" Chenle yelled as he ran right behind him.

I lightly slapped my forehead.

Renjun who was walking hand in hand with Hyunjin stuck his foot out and tripped Haechan right in front of me.

"You're late loverboy." Renjun rolled his eyes. "Or maybe I should just call you idiot you idiot."

Haechan immediately stood up and gripped onto my shoulders. "You married him already?" He looked at me with heartbroken eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh as tears escaped my eyes.

"Not exactly." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I forgot to tell you something loverboy." I teased after Renjun.

I shifted my hand to his shirt collar and pulled him down forcefully so his face met mine.

"Yah! Lee Donghyuck."

His cheeks blushed a bright red as he recalled the memories from our similar encounter.

"Wait how do you know my re-"

I tiptoed and kissed his lips before resting my forehead on his.

"I love you."

His smile shined brighter than I had ever seen.

Loud cheers filled the church at the sudden turn of events.

I looked back and saw my father chuckling at the two of us while my mother continued to nag him.

Haechan wrapped his arms around my waist leaving no space between us.

"I love you too."

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