《Full Sun || Haechan》35


"Where's my father?" I yelled at Hyunjin when I showed up at the hospitals waiting room.

He was sitting down with Renjun waiting for me.

"Y/N you need to calm down." Hyunjin stopped me from going any further. "Take deep breathes."

I did as Hyunjin told me to do. When I was a bit more calm I asked Hyunjin again. "Please take me to my father."

"Before you go in you must know your father is in critical condition. The doctors aren't sure yet if he is going to make it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I want to see him now." I requested and Hyunjin led me to his room.

My mother was sitting next to his hospital bed holding his hand.

When she saw me walk in anger filled her eyes.

"Get out of here! This is all your fault so leave!"

"Eomma..." Tears formed in my eyes.

"You wanted to leave so be gone. You are a disgrace to this family. I regret ever giving birth to you."

My mothers words hurt like taking a bullet to the heart.

Hyunjin placed his arm on my shoulder.

"Auntie please take a moment to calm down."

"Hyunjin-ah you have always been a sweet boy but you mustn't defend her. She will ruin you as that boy ruined her."

I kept crying at her hurtful words.

"Heewon." My father weakly spoke. "Please let me speak to me daughter alone."

She looked at me with hateful eyes. Since she didn't want to argue with my father in his poor condition, she obediently agreed.

"Very well."

Her and Hyunjin both exited the room leaving me alone with my father.

"Apa." I ran to his side and held his hand. "Apa i'm sorry, this is all my fault. I should have never left. Eomma is right, im a stupid selfish daughter." I cried.


"You are nothing of the sort." My father spoke in a soft tone. "I understand exactly why you did what you did."

I listened carefully to my fathers words.

"You know, even if it's hard to believe I was once your age too."

I faintly laughed at by fathers ability to joke in his current state.

"I didn't know, I assumed you were born an old man."

He laughed at my witty remark.

"The truth is that I was once in love at your age too."

"I know, you and mother got married at the age of 18 too."

"The thing is your mother wasn't the one who I was in love with."

I gasped at this shocking revelation.

"She wasn't?"

"No." He answered truthfully. "I was 17 and foolishly in love with a girl named Park Yiseo."

"Park Yiseo..." I widened my eyes at the familiar name. "Isn't that-"

"Chanyeol's mother."

My dad answered before I could even finish asking.

"Yes, I was in love with Chanyeols mother. We were in love. She was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."

"Then why didn't you?" I was even more intrigued by my fathers past.

"Because my parents had other plans for me. I was to be married to Jung Heewon, daughter of the wealthy Jung family as soon as I turned 18. My parents wanted to use their money to expand our company. I didn't want to but as the sole heir I knew it was my duty to my family."

Tears fell from my fathers face. I have never seen my father cry over anything in my entire life.

"I was forced to break up with Yiseo and mary your mother. I watched as Yiseo hurt and cried because of me. I painfully stood by and saw as a good for nothing man broke her heart soon after me but this time leaving her behind with a young boy. I couldn't do anything but watch."


"Apa." I cried even more. I never knew how deeply my father had been hurting this whole time.

"When you were born you brought light back to my life. My precious little angel."

He paused for a moment to wipe his tears.

"I promised I would never do to you what my parents did to me. That is why I chose Minho to be your fiancé. You were always close as children and fit together like matching puzzle pieces. But I messed up the moment I forced you to move to Seoul. You fell for another boy, all which could have been avoided if I would have trusted you enough to stay in Busan."

He held on to my hand as tight as he could.

"I wish I could let you be with Heachan, I truly do. But in my current condition I don't have much time left."

"Don't say that apa, it was only a heart attack. You can fully recover." I cried.

"I wish it was that simple angel but the truth is I have a very serious heart condition. Today it was a heart attack but tomorrow my heart could stop beating all together."

"Apa no, you can't leave me."

"Don't cry angel, I'm not leaving yet. I'm telling you this because I need you to understand what you must do."

I knew exactly what my father meant. I was now 18 meaning I was no longer a child. I was an adult now and as an adult it was now my duty to take care of my family. I needed to give my father his well deserved break and take over the family business.

"I will marry Lee Minho."

"Thats my good girl." My father hugged me close to him.

I waited till my father fell asleep before leaving his bedside to grab something to eat.

On my way to the cafeteria I was stopped by Hyunjin and Renjun but this time Haechan was with them.

He wrapped me in his arms but I quickly pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I'm sorry Haechan but its over between us."

"What?" A broken expression set upon his face.

"We were never meant to be together and this relationship was doomed from the beginning."

"Stop saying those things." Tears began to escape Haechans eyes.

"We will be sitting in the waiting area." Hyunjin grabbed Renjuns hand and left the two of us alone.

"Please tell me you aren't being serious y/n." He grabbed my two hands in his.

"Please don't touch me." I retracted my hands. "I have a fiancé."

"Damn it y/n I told you that you weren't allowed to give up on us. I made the mistake of letting you go once and now I won't let you do the same."

"You were right to let me go Heachan. The only mistake was this relationship."

I turned to walk away but Haechans call stopped me in my tracks.

"Y/N please don't do this."

His voice cracked in between cries.

"I love you y/n."

I couldn't look back at him, it hurt too much.

"I'm sorry Haechan but I was wrong, I don't love you."

I walked away till I made it back inside the elevator. When the elevator doors closed my knees went weak and I broke down. I loved him so much it physically hurt.


The two final chapters will be uploaded together on Monday!!!!!!

NGL when I saw the video I saw a visual representation of Hyunjin, Y/N, and Minho's friendship before moving to seoul~

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