《Full Sun || Haechan》10



"Chenle-yah!!!" I yelled when I saw him waiting for me at our usual spot on Monday morning.

"I missed you so much." I said while latching on to his arm.

He laughed at my clinginess. "I missed you too."

As usual, he dropped me off at my class before leaving to his own.

Just like last Friday, Haechan had suspiciously arrived before me. I examined my chair and picked it up to make sure it was intact.

"I swear I didn't do anything to your seat this time." Haechan defended himself.

"That's what you said last week." I retorted.

"Fine don't believe me." He shrugged his shoulders.

Reluctantly I sat down in my seat. I subconsciously closed my eyes expecting to fall at any second.

"I told you I didn't do anything." Haechan rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh you did something." I raised an eyebrow at him. " I just don't know what it is yet."

"Believe whatever you want to believe."

A few seconds passed before he lightly slapped my arm. Normally I would be afraid of his touch, but this time it was different, his intention wasn't to hurt me. Infact, the slap was more playful than anything else.

He gasped and began talking to me in a quiet voice. "I binged watched conspiracy videos all weekend and I am kunfusion. I feel like my whole life has been a lie."

I was a bit amazed by his actions.

We spent all of our first class discussing our thoughts and opinions on different conspiracies. We hadn't even got any work done when the bell rang dismissing us to our next class.

I hadn't realized that we were so deep into our conversation, Haechan had even followed me all the way to my second class.


"Aren't you going to be late to class?" I cut him off when I noticed the second bell would ring in less than a minute.

"Huh?" He looked at me with a confused face.

He looked around and realized he was no where near his classroom. "Crap! My class is on the other side of the building."

He immediately started sprinting down the hallway. I couldn't help but smile at him. He had such a bright contagious aura when he wasn't being a rude jerk. I frowned when I remembered the way he treated people.

"Don't fool yourself Y/N, he isn't your friend." I began to tell myself. "It's only a matter of time before he shows his true colors again."

As always, my second and third class went by quick. I had a total of three classes with Haechan, first, fourth, and last. Normally I would be scared to show up to those classes, but not today. Surprisingly Haechan hadn't bothered me at all, not even in science class. It was already time for lunch so I met up with Chenle as always.

"Where were you during passing?" He asked me.

He must've been referring from first to second class. He would always walk me to my second class, but since me and Haechan were so engrossed in our conversation I had completely forgot to wait for him.

"Sorry, I got used to walking to class alone I forgot to wait for you." My statement was partially true. I had forgotten to wait for him, that just wasn't the reason why.

"Well don't forget again, I was so lonely." He pouted his lips making me feel guilty.

I latched on to his arm while we walked to our lunch table. "I'm sorry, I won't forget about you again."


When we arrived at the table, Jeno and Jaemin seemed to be arguing about something.

"I can't believe you did that to me." Jeno whined.

"I already said I was sorry." Jaemin groaned.

Mark and Haechan soon joined us at the table.

"What's up with them?" Mark asked.

"I have no idea we just got here too." I admitted.

"Jaemin stood me up!" Jeno practically yelled.

"I didn't stand you up, I told you I was sick beforehand." Jaemin rolled his eyes.

"But you weren't you filthy liar!" Jeno snapped. "I stopped by your house and your mom said you had gone out. So tell me who you went out with because I know it wasn't me!"

"You what?" Jaemin asked in disbelief.

"Caught in liiiiieeeee." Jisung began to sing causing us all to laugh.

Renjun hugged Jeno. "It's ok Jeno, he doesn't appreciate you but I do."

"Hyung is a big fat liar." Jisung stuck his tongue out at Jaemin.

"What the hell guys!" Jaemin defended himself.

"Not cool." Mark shook his head in disapproval.

"That was such a Kevin thing to do." Haechan stated causing me to burst out in laughter.

"Don't be a Kevin. Kevin sucks." I added on making Haechan laugh along with me.

The rest of the boys fell silent and stared at us with confused expressions.

"I'm sorry but did we miss something?" Mark questioned both of us.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Umm that sounded like an inside joke." Mark began interrogating us. "Since when did you two have an inside joke?"

"When the hell did you guys even start getting along?" Renjun added on.

"Me? Get along with that thing?" Haechan scoffed. "I'd rather die."

I rolled my eyes at him. The annoying jerk was back.

"Same here." I reiterated.

"Please, you're lucky to even sit at the same table as me."

I scoffed at his stupid ego.

"Don't make me puke." I responded quickly, "It's bad enough I have to look at your stupid face."

"Says the one who looks like literal dog shit."

"Well you have a face that your mother couldn't even love!"

Haechan's eyes turned cold. He wore the same expression that made me afraid of him.

"What did you say you?"

Before I knew it, his hand had slapped right across my cheek. I was left in utter shock. I was too scared to move, too scared to even cry.

Everything was happening so fast, my brain was having trouble processing the series events that were occurring before me.

One second Haechan had his hand on my cheek, the next, the boys where trying to pull Chenle off of him.

"I told you to never lay a hand on her again!" Chenle yelled at Haechan while he viciously attacked him.

I've never seen him like this before and it scared me. The Chenle I knew wasn't the same Chenle who was in front of me.

How did things escalate this quick? This was all my fault.

"Chenle stop!" I pleaded as I saw the blood dripping from Haechan's mouth.

I tried to push through the boys but Jisung held me back. "Noona stop. You're gonna get hurt."

"Chenle please stop!" I yelled again but he wouldn't listen to me.

Just then, the principal and some other teachers came to break up the fight.

Before I knew it, they were both gone from my sight.

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