《Full Sun || Haechan》8





What!!! How can u leave me alone today 😢


u R not alone :( u have the others


Ig :((

But u wont be here ㅠㅠ


Sorry 😣


u better rest well then!!!


Ill stop by ur house after school to check on u :)


u dont have to do that. I dont wanna get u sick!!


What kind of bestfriend would I be if I didnt come 😮


A terrible one!!!!


ur the best


Ik ❤️

Chenle had been sick with the flu all weekend. I really wanted him to get better soon so he could come back to school.

This past month I became very good friends with the boys but I was definitely closest to Chenle. We were always together and I didn't know how I was going to survive without him.

I was still scared of Haechan but he hasn't been able to bully me lately because Chenle made sure to always be by my side.

I walked to my first class extra careful not to run into Haechan. I had almost reached my destination when I was tripped by a pair of feet. To my surprise it wasn't Haechan but rather Miyeon, one of the three girls who hated me since the first day of school.

"What do you want." I stood up and rolled my eyes at her.

"Where's your body guard? Strange to see you without him."

"Don't worry about him." I hissed. "You should stop caring about those who don't care about your existence."

My remark must've aggravated her because she replied with a hard slap.

I held my cheek in pain as it burned from the stinging sensation left by her touch.

"Do you really think just because you managed to trick all the boys to become friends with you, that you're something special?" She scoffed, "Well you're not! You're just a dirty slut."

She raised her hand to slap me again but this time her strike was blocked by someone else.


It was Haechan.

"Omo, Haechannie! I know you don't like this bitch so I was ju-"

"Who are you?" He questioned her.

"Miyeon..... we've been classma-"

"Then let's get one thing clear Miyeon." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Y/N is my property. If you don't want to become my next victim, then I suggest you never lay your hands on her again."

She nodded her head in fear.

Haechan looked around at the other students who were surrounding the scene.

"That goes for everyone else as well."

He pushed Miyeon aside and she ran away along with everyone else.

I was left alone in the hallway with Haechan.

"T-Th-Thank you." I stuttered, avoiding his gaze.

"Don't thank me." An evil smirk appeared on his face. "I know that Chenle is out sick so me and you are going to have some fun today, aren't we?"

My body tensed up at his threat.

He slammed me against a locker making sure I had no way of escape.

"Now, we can start by you giving me your English homework."

"What? No! I worked hard on it. How is it my fault that you didn't do it?" I rolled my eyes but immediately regretted it.

He placed his hands on my shoulder and slammed my back against the locker again, even harder this time.

"We can do this the hard way if you'd like?"

He used one hand to tightly grip around my wrist.

"Haechan that hurts." I cried out.

He increased the pressure of his grip.

"Fine." I finally broke and he released me from his grip.

I rummaged through my backpack and gave him my English homework.

He snatched the papers away from me and winked before leaving.

I examined my wrist and saw the red marks of his fingers left imprinted on me.


The whole day was pretty much hell. Haechan took every chance he got to bully me, physically and mentally. Only when we were at lunch with the others did he ignore me.


I took the chance to walk with Jaemin after lunch since we both were in the same class.

I was safe until my last class, History. While I was walking to class Haechan tripped me, causing everyone who saw to laugh.

Why was he doing this to me?

I didn't understand. Did all of this really start because I accidentally bumped into him on the first day of school? Or was there another reason why he hated me?

He made me feel powerless. Let's face it, I could tell the teachers I was getting bullied by him but what would that resolve? Nothing! He would probably get a detention, but that's all. It wouldn't solve the real problem. There was nothing I could do. Maybe that's why I relied so much on Chenle to be here. He's been protecting me since the first day of school and I knew that nothing would happen when I was with him. When he was gone though? That was another story.

Haechan ended up getting detention from our history teacher for pulling my hair in class. I was grateful that he got caught because I didn't have to worry about him messing with me after school.

When the final bell rang I practically sprinted to Chenle's house. I stopped by a cafe along the way and bought him a warm herbal tea. Hopefully that would help him feel better.

When I arrived at his house, Mrs. Zhong let me in. I had already been to his house a few times so his parents both knew me.

"Hello Y/N-ah, how are you?" Mrs. Zhong asked me in Chinese.

"I am doing well, How are you?" I responded in terrible Chinese earning a giggle out of Mrs. Zhong.

Chenle's family was from China but they had moved here when he was a kid. They owned a business but unlike my parents, they tried their best to be at home when Chenle was. His mom was really nice and always taught me new Chinese phrases when I was around even though I was terrible.

"Chenle is in his room, but he's still sick." She handed me a face mask. "Just wear this so you don't get sick as well."

I smiled and took the mask, making my way to his room.

"Chenle-yah." I softly called him when I entered his room.

I placed the tea down on the night stand next to his bed, where he was laying.

"Is this for me?" He asked.

"No I bought it for Jisungie, isn't he here?"

He laughed at my sarcasm.

I took the mask off and set my things down.

"Ya, put your mask back on!" Chenle scolded me. "You are going to get sick."

"Please get me sick." I sighed out and attacked Chenle with a hug. "That way I can just stay home with you."

"Did something happen?" He asked worriedly, also trying to push me away.

"Yes!.... Haechan happened." I whined. "Please get me sick or atleast hurry up and recover."

"What did he do?"

I lifted my hand and showed him my bruised wrist.

"That's probably not the worst that happened. I can Guarantee you that I probably also have a huge bruise on my back."

"But I thought he stopped bullying you?" He said in disbelief.

"Only because you were there. " I pouted my lips. "I don't want to go back to school unless you come back with me."

I climbed into Chenle's bed and rested my head on his stomach. He began to brush is fingers through my hair.

He sighed out before grabbing the remote control that was on his night stand.

"Why is that I have to comfort you, when I'm the one that's sick." He whined.

"Because that's what you signed up for when you became my new bestfriend." I smiled evilly.

"Unfortunately." He replied before playing my favorite movie on Netflix.

I don't know when exactly, but we both eventually fell asleep.

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