《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 14: Truth Revealed
Y/n and the others were flying above the forest. After that interaction, Sistine and Toothless could feel the tension between them. Not that he was upset with them, but the constant behavior of Motoyasu and Myne was just unacceptable.
"Y-y/n" Sistine hugged him to get his attention. This spooked him a bit, but she felt that he relaxed more. She broke away after he relaxed.
"Sorry" Y/n muttered out with a sigh. "I guess I let it get the best of me again"
"No, it's okay" Sistine replied. "I'm just glad you didn't do something you would regret"
"Yeah, I s'pose. I'd hate to kill someone who's valuable to this world, even if he is a complete dumbass." Y/n took his hat off to scratch his head. "It's over now, I'm over their nonsense. I can't do what the queen asked me to do."
"It's all going to be alright" Sistine tried to comfort him.
"Yeah, in time. We just need to find Naofumi and go on our own way from there. Tell him about me summoned by the Queen."
"Wait.." Sistine was slightly confused.
"As of this moment, we are going to do what we want. No more trying to make the other's work together. Hell, I'm more powerful than any of them" Y/n answered. "Not trying to brag, but that was showcased when I fought Glass. Though, something about that fight seemed a bit....weird"
"What do you mean?" Sistine asked. "just know that Toothless and I are with you every step of the way until we can go home" she replied to the first statement after asking Y/n.
"Part of me believes she wasn't fighting at her full strength, or she was too stunned to even think of who I am. I mean she's obviously strong. The bullets that can normally kill someone, and it affected her, but not enough to fully kill. So, that means she's really strong and that only means I have to get stronger" he clenched his fist in determination.
"We'll do that, together" Sistine smiled brightly.
Toothless roared in agreement. Y/n couldn't help but smile at his companions. He was truly blessed to have them two. "thank you, I really mean it. Thank you" Y/n patted Toothless' head. He turned to his side and pulled Sistine into a side hug, this made her blush madly.
"I guess we need to find Naofumi and speak to him" Y/n rubbed Sistine's head and then began to look down, he changed into his Marksman variation and pulled his rifle out. This allowed Y/n to zoom in closely into the forest area that they were currently flying over.
"Hmm" he mumbled, there wasn't much to see because of the branches and leaves, but something caught his eye. A small white smoke emitted from a gap within the trees. "Toothless" Y/n got his attention, "down there, I believe I found them or something" he pointed to the area. Toothless grunted in agreement and descended down.
As they landed in the gap, they were quickly met by Naofumi and Raphtalia drawing their weapons. Melty had gotten behind Filo, frightened at the scene.
"Easy" Y/n spoke, this made them two to relax. He and Sistine got off of Toothless and made their way over to Naofumi and the others.
"You can't just go and scare people like that Y/n" Naofumi shook his head.
"I mean the hell you want me to do? Sneak up from a different location? I saw a bit of white smoke emitting from this gap, I had a feeling it was Filo changing forms" Y/n replied crossing his arms.
"Good guess, found us quickly" Naofumi smiled while scratching his head, "I assume nothing terrible happened since you were able to escape"
"Yeah.... About that" Y/n sighed. He looked over to see Filo run up to pet Toothless. Sistine had stayed by his side, Raphtalia and Melty had joined Naofumi's side.
"What is it?" Naofumi asked curiously.
"Well, severely injured Motoyasu, held him at gun point, went off on Myne and knocked Motoyasu out after. As simple as that" Y/n finished.
Before Naofumi replied, Melty had gasped in shock and yelled at Y/n.
"Y/n! You promised! And now you go do that? Now the Heroes won't ever be able to work together!" She then realized what she said and covered her mouth.
"Promise?" Raphtalia asked.
"Yeah Y/n, what does she mean?" Naofumi added.
"Cats outta the bag now" Y/n looked at the princess. He then took a deep breath, "You see Naofumi, I was summoned by the Queen" he told them. "Melty was there when it happened-"
"The Queen summoned you?" Raphtalia interrupted.
"So, you've been working for royalty this whole time?" Naofumi gave a look of disgust to Y/n, he went to continue on because he assumed the same thing is going to happen to him again, lied to once more, but Y/n spoke up in a louder voice.
"Now, before you get more upset, let me explain the entire situation." Y/n replied and waiting for a response. Naofumi hesitated, but nodded for him to continue, "I was summoned by the Queen, yes. I've stated I'm the 5th hero, but part of my job being summoned was to bring y'all four cardinal heroes together. The other was to help you out more than the others. My promise to Melty was to do just that, however that isn't possible anymore." He finished to take a breath.
"Why help me? Second Princess' father and her bitchy sister took everything away from me, framed me. I've worked my ass off to be where I am now" Naofumi replied with a bit of irritation in his voice.
"And the Queen knows that, hence why I am here right now. She knows about everything, the scandal with you and Myne, everyone despising you. She will take care of it all when she returns"
"Where is she then? Because we can't do shit with her gone." He looked at Y/n and Melty.
"She's out trying to clean up the mess her country made. Supposedly it wasn't right for one country to summon all four heroes at once. With that being done, caused a big fuss of the others." Y/n began to explain, but he noticed something on his screen, it was trying to show that someone was in the area and moving very quickly and silently about it. Suddenly, a familiar icon appeared on his HUD. "I mean, I understand if you don't believe me because of what has happened now, but you can ask her as well" Y/n quickly pulled out his pistol and shot at the direction of the person. The person dodged the bullet by jumping out of the trees and landed behind everyone.
"It seems you were able to detect me, I dare say" the shadow replied. Y/n put his pistol away while looking at her.
"Yeah, ain't a big fan of people sneaking up on me and everyone else" he replied.
"Who's this?" Naofumi asked looking very confused once again.
"This is one of the Queen's shadows, they work for her and other higher people." Melty replied to Naofumi.
"And how do you know her Y/n?" Naofumi asked the Gunslinger.
"Because she was one of the few that did the summoning process, along with the Queen. Seems like this one is working as a messenger."
"Is that right? And what is the reason you're here?" Naofumi turned to her.
"Yes, I dare say. Also, the Queen wishes to speak to you, Shield Hero, I dare say" she replied.
"Me? Why me?" Naofumi asked out loud. He put his hands on his head in frustration and when that happened, a small item dropped and landed at his feet. It looked to be a necklace that had a pendant on it.
"What's that?" Y/n looked at the item on the ground. The pendant seemed to consist of weapons forged together into one symbol. Naofumi picked it up and started to explain to Y/n more about the symbol.
"Wait I recognize that, when we got to upgrade our class, that was on the church where the hourglass was" Sistine pitched in.
"This pendant is the symbol of the three heroes church in Melromarc. When I had saved Melty from the guards, the necklace fell off from one of them. I don't know what's going on, but I'm the Devil of the Shield and the other three are holy heroes. To me, it seems like this has been set up to constantly make me look bad, even though citizens are starting to believe I'm not the Devil of the Shield. There's more to this, and I don't know what it is, nor can I really get to the bottom of it."
"Ah, I see" Y/n stared at it, he then asked to see it. Naofumi handed it over and Y/n started to exam it. "To be honest, ain't never really paid attention to the little shit like this. We just went and got the class upgrade and left."
For some reason, that statement, with the Texan accent, made everyone laugh, including the shadow that was patiently waiting on Naofumi.
"What?" Y/n looked at them, "I mean it's true. Didn't expect to be here for a while. Like finish the first or second wave but hell nah, these bastards got us staying for a long while."
"Yeah, I was in the same boat as you. I quickly realized that this was going to last a good bit" Naofumi replied. "However, if there's anyone that could get to the bottom of this, it's you Y/n" he added.
"Now wait just a damn minute." Y/n retorted, "They all hate me just as much as you do. So what would the point be if I do this?"
"Besides what just had happened and I understand it all from your side now, you're the only one who I can trust." Naofumi began his offer, "So I'm asking you this once, not an order of the Queen, to help me. If I go see the Queen, you can figure this out and we can convince her to return to the throne and then everything will be okay, for the most part" Naofumi answered.
Y/n let out a deep sigh. After just stating to Sistine and Toothless that he wanted to do his own thing, now Naofumi goes and does this. "Damnit," he whispered, he then took a few seconds to contemplate on his decision, "Fine, I'll help." He answered.
This made everyone smile, but that was interrupted when the Shadow spoke once more. "Getting her majesty back to the throne this quickly would be rather difficult, I dare say. However, she will do whatever is possible to make things right when she does return, I dare say"
"Hell will come to breakfast when she returns, for Myne and The King. I believe that much" Y/n added.
"Okay, so that's the plan then, I go see the Queen and you go investigate, then we will figure out more once the time comes" Naofumi offered his hand a shake, Y/n replied the gesture.
"Fine by me amigo, but this can take quite some time and money, I don't like to waste either."
Naofumi laughed while shaking his hand.
"Neither do I" he replied to the Gunslinger, solidifying their plan.
After a few days from the talk with Naofumi and the others. Y/n, Sistine, and Toothless had made their way to the outskirts of Loot Village. They were on their way back to Melromarc, to look into more of the Devil of the Shield.
"Well, I'm happy you and Naofumi could work something out." Sistine smiled. Y/n saw this and thought she looked adorable like that.
"Same here. However, still a lot to this task" Y/n answered her while rubbing her head, causing her to pout.
"Hey!" Sistine yelled in embarrassment. Y/n laughed and continued on with their walk.
Before they could go any farther, Y/n noticed a few grunting noises from Toothless. Both Y/n and Sistine turned to see the dragon walking on his back legs while using his front legs to mimic Y/n and Sistine. He then began to press the two feet together and acted like they were kissing.
"Toothless!" Sistine yelled while her face grew red.
"Ugh not again" Y/n groaned. However, he then began to think about his actual feelings.
'Ya know, Sistine has always been there for me, constantly. She seems to be opening up more about her feelings and such. Maybe...' he pondered, he looked back her while she was chasing the dragon. "If I do like her? What happens when she and I go home?" He mumbled in disappointment. "That's the real reason why I keep pushing them aside, but seeing her smile and laugh..." He sighed deeply. This made the other two look at him.
"Something wrong?" Sistine quickly caught up with Y/n.
"Just thinking, what I'm actually looking for in the church" Y/n answered her. This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't what he was truly thinking of.
"Ah I see, well when we get-" Sistine began to reply, but that was stopped when he talked over her.
"Actually, just gon be me this time. I don't want too much attention drawn." Y/n stated.
"But why not all of us?" She asked. She was really confused by this. They were a team, so why is he going out on his own with this one? She wondered, made her think of the Gaku fight.
"You two are going to stay in the village, I will head to the church and figure out everything, if possible in one night. Doesn't mean I don't trust neither one of ya, just keeping us on the down low, for right now at least." He stopped and looked at the two. He took off his mask and smiled at them both, Sistine's cheeks grew a bright shade of pink.
"I trust you both, don't ever doubt that." He reassured them both, "I don't know what I would do if I put either one of you in harm's way with these bastards at the kingdom. So, I just need you to stay here and I will return tomorrow morning"
Both of them nodded, Y/n tilted his hat and put his mask on. He turned around and began to walk to the kingdom, a slight redirection from where they were currently at. He didn't make it too far before Sistine had ran up and hugged him from behind.
"Be safe, please" she tightened her hug. Y/n smiled unwillingly under his mask.
"Will do sweetheart," his country accent rang through her ears. She let go and watched him walk away.
"Better protect her Toothless! Or I'll have to ration your meals!" Y/n yelled at the dragon. He roared in agreement while picking Sistine up and putting her on his back, flying the rest of the way to Loot Village.
It was currently night time in the Melromarc kingdom. The sky was very clouded, almost as if was looking to rain soon.
Y/n's black outfit made it easy for him to hide alongside of the buildings, he was currently waiting outside the building of the Church. He was tucked away in a corner, propped up on the wall with his hat tilted down to cover his eyes. He had been here for a while, waiting for the rest of the nuns and others to leave.
The last two had left the church, Y/n took this opportunity to quickly slide through the door before it closed completely. He then proceeded to walk through the church, looking for the library.
"History wasn't my strong suit in school, but hey this could be different" he talked to himself. He quickly made his way through the hall.
After a few minutes, Y/n managed to find the library. The double doors were already opened, wide open. He spotted this from the end of the hall.
"Hopefully this won't be too hard. Smaller church, so maybe the library isn't too big" Y/n continued his way there, in hopes this is easier done than said. However, he quickly was met with a large library, books on shelves that looked to be twenty feet high or so.
"You've got to be fucking shittin me right now" Y/n spoke out loud, looking at the place.
"Well well, what do we have here?" A voice caused Y/n to turn around quickly while pulling out his pistols. He saw Ren and Ituski with their weapons drawn.
"What the hell are you doing here, Gunslinger?" Ren asked.
"Uh," Y/n started, "looking to see why you amigos hate Naofumi so much and figure out this bullshit mess" he cocked both hammers back.
"Is that so? Sounds like we are in the same boat" Ren replied.
"Huh" Y/n was shocked, "did ya have a change of heart or something? Or realized that there's something bigger going on?"
"I have my suspensions, Itsuki here didn't really care, but we talked and agreed there's more to this than we thought." Ren answered while putting away his sword. Y/n kept his pistols aimed at them both.
"I don't really like Naofumi, but something is very odd about this situation. However, I really don't like you that much either." Itsuki manifested six arrows and pointed at Y/n.
"And I really don't care" Y/n pointed both pistols at Itsuki now.
"Oh yeah? I count six shots here" he mocked.
"And I count two guns amigo, your fighting a losing battle"
"Enough!" Ren got both of their attentions. "if we are here for the same reason, then this can go smoothly if we work together"
"I don't want to work with him" Itsuki complained.
"Oh please, you're not worth spit. If you want a reason to trust me then I will set my weapons aside and we can get this over with. The less time we spend here, the better." Y/n offered.
"Okay, how else can we trust you?" Ren asked.
"Trust me, if I wanted to kill ya, would've done it a while back. Motoyasu on the other hand? I can't stand that mother fucker" Y/n answered.
"Okay, fair point. So?" Ren looked at the both of them, "let's get started"
"Fine" Itsuki groaned and walked into the library, Ren followed suit. Y/n hesitated for a second, but eventually followed them both while laying his weapons to the side.
As they began to look for answers, none of the three noticed a familiar redhead with green eyes above them, smirking like she had won the war.
"Well how about that," she whispered to herself.
"Looks like we get to take that nuisance of the Gunslinger out for good. Absolutely wonderful."
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