《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 13: Breaking Point
It wasn't too long since Y/n and his two companions left Melromarc after the fallout with the King. They were walking to a small village, it had a few guards at the entrance, checking people.
Over the course of the few days, Sistine and Toothless saw how visibly upset Y/n had gotten. Ever since that small interaction with the king, Y/n was very doubtful if he could fulfill the wish of the Queen and Melty.
In those days, Sistine tried to talk with him, but he didn't answer much. Everything was a yes or no answer, sometimes an explanations with others. Toothless tried playing around with Y/n, but nothing helped.
"Them sonofabitches, in a time of crisis and they choose to act like children. It doesn't matter to them, selfishness, egotistical maniacs, power hungry. I can't do it anymore!" Y/n grabbed his head in anger.
"Y/n!" Sistine put her foot down, she was tired of him keeping this to himself. Toothless was startled by her actions and coward away. Y/n turned to his first partner, she had a face he wished to never see again. "Why won't you talk to me? You are not alone in this, these last few days has been so hard on yourself it's worrying Toothless and I! You're putting yourself into a hole and I'm afraid you'll get to the point where you'll shut us out! I can't have that! I can't just let you carry a burden like this alone! Because" Sistine had tears slightly, "ever since you've saved me...." she took a deep breath, "I haven't stopped admiring you. Sure you're a different character from a game, but you have shown me and toothless who you really are." Tears fell from her face, she clenched her fists and shut her eyes tight.
Y/n's eyes were wide open, realizing everything.
'I've really been doing that huh?' He thought to himself. A deep sigh escaped from him, he got up and walked over to the upset girl. She heard the stirrups making small noises as he got closer. Y/n pulled her arms around his upper torso, he caressed her head and pulled it into his chest.
"Im sorry, been a bit selfish lately" he apologized to the girl. He then looked over to his loyal dragon, "I'm sorry too" Toothless shook his head and pointed at Sistine, gesturing she needed to hear it more than anyone.
"Why? Why wouldn't you talk to me?" She asked while sniffling.
"To be honest, I don't know." Y/n continued to rub her head. "Ever since we left the capital, I just have been doubting myself. I don't think that I can fulfill the promise Mirellia wanted me to do. Not as long as the redhead is pulling the strings."
"It was a long shot from the get go" Sistine pulled away from the hug. She looked up and gave Y/n a small smile, it made his heart skip a beat. "There's no need to put yourself down. I know how much trouble it is giving you. If you can't do it, then we just need to stick it out until she returns to her throne. Only then everything can get on a better path."
"I s'pose that's true." Y/n rubbed her hair to mess it up. "Im sorry, I won't keep anything else from you again"
"Good, let's get to this village and grab something to eat." She replied. Y/n looked over to Toothless, he had shot a small fire ball from his mouth and made the smoke form into a heart.
"Toothless!" Sistine yelled in embarrassment.
"Come on you two, let's get some food and a bit of rest." Y/n shook his head while walking towards the small village.
After Sistine tried to hit the dragon, she quickly made her way back to Y/n. Toothless hovered over the two as they continued to the village.
Upon arriving to the village, the guards at the gate stopped Y/n and his crew.
"Under direct orders of the King, you are not permitted in any village within the Melromarc region." He stepped in front of the gate, other guards rallied behind him.
"Are ya sure you want to do this?" Y/n asked looking at all the guards. He tapped the handles of the revolvers. "Im not looking to cause trouble, but I'll be damned to make it happen. However, we are here to just get some food and rest."
"We are going to have to ask you to leave, Gunslinger" the same guard stood his ground.
"Y/n, we can go somewhere else" Sistine tugged his poncho. Y/n looked to her and shook his head.
"Look, we can do this the easy way" Y/n started talking back to the guard, he then cocked the hammers back, startling a few, "or you can just let me and my party in, your choice"
"Sir!-" the guard tried to talk back, but Y/n interuppted him.
"You do know who saved your precious heroes in the last wave, right?" Y/n pulled the gun out and pointed at his head.
"R-right, you are able to enter. Just please do not cause a scene." The guards moved out of the way.
"No promises" Y/n replied walking into the village. Sistine mentally groaned and Toothless showed his teeth to them, making them back away faster.
Entering the village, Y/n spotted a large crowd gathering in the middle of the town. He was able to see another guard on a wooden platform. There was a magic crystal ball being held by another guard.
"Let's go see what's this is about" Y/n gestured for Sistine and Toothless to follow him. They did so, and the group quickly made their way to the gathering.
"People of the Melromarc country! I come here today to present to you all a disturbing video of the Devil Shield!" He then played the video of what happened.
You stopped and stared at the video. Naofumi grabbed Melty, while Raphtalia and Filo attacked the other guards. They had very disturbing faces, ones that could kill. Raphtalia swung her sword at a guard, which resulted in blood being spilt over the entire place. The guards retreated quickly from that.
"That video has been altered" Y/n mumbled, he then looked at the crystal ball and saw a magical barrier surrounding it.
"You see! The devil of the shield has captured Princess Melty and tried killing us from retrieving her! He is using this to get back at the king for not reasoning with him!" The guard continued.
"The devil of the shield has captured Melty?" One person gasped.
"That bastard, he's always causing a problem for everyone! No surprise he would stoop this low" another yelled.
"Y/n..." Sistine grabbed his hand. He looked over to her and gave her a reassuring nod. "Fine, but don't be too reckless" she let go.
"We'll see how people feel about the truth" Y/n replied and began maneuvering through the crowd.
"So people! We need your help! If you see this traitor, this criminal, let us know as soon as possible!" The guard continued, but his voice stopped when he heard someone familiar to him.
"Pretty good at altering that video evidence when you don't have technology in this world" a familiar cowboy made his way through the crowd.
"The video hasn't been tampered" the guard reply. Y/n finally made it to the front of the crowd and hoped onto the wooden plateform.
"Really? When did this happen?" Y/n asked.
"Who is this guy?" One person asked
"Wait... isn't he the guy they call the Cowboy or Gunslinger?"
"Yeah! I recognize the voice, he changed his attire"
"It happened shortly after the Shield Hero left the castle, threatening the king." The guard replied.
"Oh I see" Y/n replied, he then pulled both pistols out, aimed one at the crystal ball and the other at the guard. Everyone gasped at the action. "Play the video again, I want to see it once more."
"Uhm.... okay" The guard replied and gestured the other to replay the video.
As soon as that video began, a loud gunshot erupted through everyone's ears. Instead of someone being shot, the crystal ball was, and the video began to go back to the original tape.
"Here, you go and attack Melty, if the shield hero saves her, we make it look like he kidnapped her. If you kill her, the blame goes onto him and Princess-" the audio emitted through the area. The guard quickly went to turn it off, but a gun barrel pressed against his head.
"No, let it play. Let's show your country the tricks and lies you've been playing against them and the Shield hero" Y/n demanded. The video continued to play, and everyone was shocked to see the truth reveal itself.
"You see, I was there in the fallout with the King. Now I will say, Naofumi shouldn't have said what he said to gain ground, but you all have been fucking him over since the very beginning. Let me say this! Princess Malty, or Myne, has been lying to her own father, the other three heroes and everyone in the country of Melromarc!" Y/n put one of his pistols away and grabbed the crystal ball.
"Believe me or not, but I just showed you a small bit of what these liars have been doing to you all. The royalty is corrupted by a redheaded bitch and her old ass father isn't any better." Y/n finished and hopped down. The two knights drew their swords and pointed at Y/n.
"That wouldn't be a very good decision by you, remember what happened in the duel with the Spear Hero?" He questioned the knights. They hesitated while they watched Y/n walk away.
"Come on you two" Y/n gestured at his companions, "We need to find Naofumu before things get real shitty"
"Come on, we need to go this way" Naofumi ordered the others to follow him on the ledge. They were running from the knights and heroes, ever since that video was shown of him being framed for capturing Melty, they've been on the run ever since.
While they were slowly moving across the ledge, Naofumi overheard a few knights closing in, they had to turn around.
Melty turned around and began to go the other way, but a crack on the ledge made the rock give out, making her fall. Naofumi caught her, unfortunately her scream caught the attention of everyone. So their only option was to break for it towards the gaint rock, going the other direction.
All four of them quickly made it to the rock. However, it had no other place to go besides jumping down very far onto the other side of the small canyon. They were cornered.
"You're surrounded now Naofumi, even you can agree on that" Ituski, the bow hero, along with the other two emerged from a shadow casted by the rock.
"Hand over the princess and everything will be fine. We don't want this go on any longer. Whatever stunt you're trying to pull, just stop it" Ren added.
"What stunt? I don't have anything to gain with capturing Melty! The knights had all this planned to frame me! They were going to kill her!" Naofumi spat back.
"What? I don't believe that" Motoyasu scoffed. "You've had dirt on the king and Myne ever since the beginning!"
"Sir Heroes" Melty stepped up. "The Shield is not wrong about the situation. I went to get him to fix things with Father. I have personally asked him to protect me since that incident!" She demanded.
"Don't listen to her!" A familiar, yet disturbing, voice entered. Myne came from behind Motoyasu and Itsuki and walked to the front of the group. "The Devil of the Shield has been brainwashing her this whole time! That's why she says these things!"
"Yeah! He must be brainwashing Filo and Raphtalia too!" Motoyasu agreed.
"That's not it! Master Naofumi would not do such a thing to us!" Raphtalia denied the accusation.
"Why would I need to brainwash them? Give me a good reason why" Naofumi narrowed his eyes.
"We would need proof that you couldn't anyways. Naofumi, let this mess end and hand the girl over. I promise she will get back to the royal castle safely." Ren held his hand out once more.
"Oh sword hero! How courageous" Myne hugged up his left side. "Come on dear little sister, let's go home." She bent over to see her eye to eye. Myne gave off a very distrusting grin, one that scared Melty.
"No..." Melty whispered and grabbed Naofumi's cloak. "If I go, I'll be killed"
Naofumi raised his right arm, shielding the girl. "I'm sorry, but I can't trust you on that one"
"Well then," Myne started. "We will have to take her by force!" She pointed at the group. They all positioned in a battle stance, ready to attack.
However, before any attacks were made, a new person came out of nowhere. He landed in front of Naofumi and his group. Dust kicked up, hiding who he was. Fortunately for Naofumi and the others, they knew who it was.
"I think that's enough games, princess" the country accent gave away the person.
"The Gunslinger" Myne spat in anger. She then heard a dragon roar and turned to see the familiar one scaring the knights.
She then looked to her right and saw the familiar white haired demi human cornering the other side of the knights.
"Princess, I think it's time to confess your lies." Y/n pulled a crystal ball out. This confused everyone, but Naofumi and his party.
"What lies? Everything I've said is the truth! He's brainwashing my little sister and he's probably doing the same to you too!" She denied your statement.
"Oh really? I think I've got proof to say otherwise" Y/n rolled the crystal ball towards the group. It began to play the original video.
The heroes watched the original video play, they were confused about the small conversation going on while Melty begged for Naofumi to return to the Castle. Suddenly they heard the plan made out by the guards and before the truth of who was behind it was said, the crystal ball shattered by the spear hero.
"We don't need your lies either Y/n. Besides, you're not even a real hero." He mocked while gripping his weapon.
"Naofumi, you need to run when I start attacking." Y/n whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"You can't do this alone Y/n, I'll help"
"No, just go and I'll catch up with you later. I'll tell you more, but I am done with these people." Y/n replied before clearing his throat. Naofumi went to reach for him, but Melty stopped him.
"I trust Y/n, let's go" Melty whispered.
"Did I finally strike a nerve in you Y/n? You haven't responded to me" Motoyasu mocked once more.
"You've been a pain in my ass ever since that night at the castle and you challenged me to a duel. But if you want an answer fine, I'm not a real hero. I'm just the guy who continously kicks your ass and saves you from being killed." Y/n cocked the hammers back.
"Big talk from a coward using guns. I've gotten stronger and I will defeat you this time" Motoyasu readied himself for a battle.
"Oh, you done did it now boy" Y/n replied with anger filling his voice. He knew if he continued to do this, he would break his promise and potentially ruin everything for the future. Who is to blame him though? As long as she is away, nothing will be right. All he could hope is that the Queen will forgive him because right here, right now, Y/n was finally at his breaking point.
Y/n quickly pulled his revolver out and fired at Motoyasu. He used the other revolver to make a barrier to allow Naofumi and his company to escape. Naofumi was hesitant, but he quickly ran off, leaving Y/n to everything.
Motoyasu blocked the bullet and went after Y/n. Motoyasu was now trying to kill Y/n, there was no magical attack coming from his spear, only the metal weapon.
Y/n saw that the barrier was broken by Ren. Ituski had an attack ready to be fired. Y/n saw this happening while Motoyasu closed in. Ituski fired, at the other side of his body, Y/n quickly fired a bullet to cancel the attack, while dodging the incoming spear. Y/n took this opportunity to shoulder tackle Motoyasu, the force made him drop his spear and it fell off the mountain. He was also taken to the ground by the force. Y/n quickly grabbed him and put him in a choke hold, while holding a barrel to his skull.
"You tried to kill me" Y/n spoke holding him down.
"Yeah, I did. You're a problem to us. Taking Naofumi's side, causing a lot of trouble" Motoyasu struggled to reply.
Y/n had enough, he shot one of Motoyasu's knee caps, which made him scream in pain and drop to that knee.
"Let the Spear Hero go! You criminal!" Myne begged as she got the other two heroes to ready an attack. Unfortunately for her, a bullet scrapped her cheek, causing blood to emerge. It was definitely going to leave a scar.
"Next time I will not miss!" Y/n put the hot barrel on Motoyasu's head again. It burned his skin, making him scream in pain once more. "I am sick and tired of this bullshit game you are playing! We need to protect these people and you are making this your game! Do you not care about innocent lives? Do you wish to die early! Because based on the last wave and that intruder! You can't handle it! Ren, Ituski, Motoyasu, and even Naofumi! I had to bail you out from being killed and yet you treat this like a game! You know what?!? Fuck it! I am over this!" Y/n shot the other kneecap, making Motoyasu drop to both knees.
"Y/n look, we need you to settle down. We don't need to do anything irrational" Ren softly spoke, he knew he can't beat you right now, neither Itsuki.
Myne was too stunned to even reply. Nobody had the guts to harm the princess and now Y/n just did that.
"I am done" Y/n muttered, he then pistol whipped Motoyasu, knocking him out. He slowly got up, looking at Ren and Itsuki drawing their weapons.
"Put them down, you should have better sense than to challenge me." Y/n crossed his arms. "Let me be clear, this is my last straw with y'all. You saw that video, that bitch" he pointed at Myne, "is the one behind this mess. She is the problem!"
"He's lying!" She denied, but screamed when another bullet hit beside her.
"I've broken my promise to the queen, I am done with you. I will not save your asses anymore. So you figure out the truth from her and the king and get this settled." Y/n gave a death stare to the other heroes. He then whistled very loudly, this made Toothles grab Sistine and waited for his master.
"As for you Princess Malty!" Y/n yelled to get her attention. She gave a off a look that nobody has seen before, she was truly scared.
"When your mother returns to the throne, you will be taking a one way trip to hell" Y/n put his pistol away and turned to jump off the cliff.
Ren, Ituski, Myne, and the knights watched Y/n jump off and then saw that he landed on his dragon, with his partner. They quickly flew away, in a similar direction as Naofumi went.
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