《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 12: Problematic
"And who are you by chance?" The woman asked. She had long black hair with bangs on her forehead. She wore a jet black kimono, with silver embroidering.
"I ain't above shooting a lady" Y/n replied looking to her. She rolled her eyes and pulled out a fan.
"Big talk from a coward using guns as weapons" she narrowed her eyes at Y/n.
Y/n grabbed the handle of both pistols and cocked the hammers back.
"Bad idea to insult me, missy"
"Is that so? Then why don't you show me what you can do, Cowboy" she opened one of fans and began to fire a magical shot.
"Reverse four seasons" she pointed the fan at Y/n, firing a high level magical spell.
Y/n took a deep breath seeing what was about to come. In a swift motion, he pulled both revolvers and fired continusly, keeping up with the invaders attack.
The individual quirked an eyebrow seeing her attacking being countered. Clearly, she was now impressed.
"May have doubted you on strength, you've earned the respect knowing my name, I am Glass, that's all you need to know." Glass introduced herself fully to Y/n.
"Great, I'll keep that in mind later" Y/n replied, not caring what her name was. "Rather you just state your business with the three stooges and Naofumi"
"Because as of this moment, I am your enemy." She went to fire another attack, but was stopped by Y/n shooting a bullet at her fan. This allowed Y/n to roll something with her being distracted while looking at her fan.
"What was that?" She questioned Y/n.
"Yer going have to do more than just firing off magic to beat me" he replied firing more shots off, Glass effortlessly blocked them all.
"Same can be said for you" Glass replied not moving from her spot. Unluckily for her, she did not notice a small glass ball underneath her.
"Yeah, I know" Y/n didn't hesitate to fire one bullet at Glass and the second one at the sand bomb.
Glass blocked the first bullet, but was stunned when the sand blasted up her entire body. Y/n took this opportunity to go in for a slide.
The force from the slide caused Glass to trip into the air. Y/n then fired bullets at her, she wasn't able to block all of them.
She quickly got up and gave Y/n an amusing expression.
"My, you are quite the fighter. Honestly didn't expect that. You've earned the opportunity for me to show you more of my power" she got ready to attack head on.
"Yeah, just full of surprises" Y/n replied grabbing something from his pockets. Right before she took off at him, Y/n pulled out caltrops and they scattered across the deck.
This made Glass stop running and it really confused her.
"How is this possible?" She questioned, but her reply wasn't something she was expecting.
Glass was punched in the chest, then her lower abdomen, followed by two over heads that caused her to bounced off the deck. Y/n then grabbed his rifle and swung upwards, connecting with the bottom of her chin. She fell to the ground a few feet away.
Glass couldn't believe what was happening, but she quickly got up after the trashing.
"You are a formidable foe. Nobody has thrown me around like that." She regained her composure.
Y/n went to reply to her, but he noticed a timer on the top right of his HUD. It was now counting down from thirty seconds.
"But," she took off at instant and caught Y/n off guard. She used her four seasons spell quickly while getting up close.
Y/n was blasted by the high magic spell. It was so strong that it could potentially throw him off the boat. Luckily for him, Naofumi had recovered quickly and saved him from being thrown off the boat.
"I owe you one" Y/n replied pattng his shoulder then he ran after Glass. She got into a defensive stance as Y/n got closer.
"What're you planning now?" She questioned herself. Glass watched Y/n come in for a drop kick, but was able to block his attack. However, she winced in pain when Y/n shot her in the lower legs.
Y/n looked at his timer and saw that it was up. He was betting that it meant that the wave was over with.
"Our time is up sweetheart" Y/n pulled a sand bomb out. He threw it at Glass, who tried to block it. Unfortunately for her, Y/n shot it, making her stunned for a second.
"But I got something for you to think about me," he continued while he put a bullet in the chamber himself. There was something new he found with his combination of bullets, and now was the perfect time to test it out.
Y/n pulled his pistol and fired a special bullet at Glass' right hip.
When Y/n shot, the bullet started off in slow motion, but quickly sped up after a few seconds. Naofumi could've sworn he saw Glass' name on that bullet, from standing at the angle he was.
The bullet traveled into Glass' right hip, then into the left side of her collarbone, and finally through her right jawline. Everyone heard the pain in Glass' scream.
Y/n quickly fired a bullet straight into the air, giving the signal to Sistine and Toothless.
"Get out here Naofumi, the wave is over" Y/n looked at him and jumped off the ship and landing on Toothless' back.
"Are you okay?" Sistine asked while checking Y/n for any injuries.
"I'm fine, she was pretty tough." Y/n replied looking back at the ship. However, he noticed a couple of beams heading for them.
"Sistine, put your head down now" Y/n commanded. Sistine was hesitate, but did so."She's still not hurt?" Y/n questioned in disbelief. He fired off a few cancellation bullets to nullify the incoming attack.
Something else caught Y/n's attention. It was the final variation in his class, Marksman.
"Let's see what this does" Y/n spoke aloud and switched to it. He pulled out his lever action rifle and looked through the sights.
There was a small toggle that indentifed a zoom option. Y/n focused in and it zoomed closer to the ship, he had a clear picture of Glass now.
"Toothless, when I say Go, fly as fast as you can" Y/n spoke to his loyal companion. He grunted in understanding.
Y/n saw that Glass was charging another attack, but he fired a bullet at the fan user, causing her to block it.
"GO!" Y/n yelled, Toothless kicked it into another gear and flew as fast as he could away from the intruder and the scene.
Soon after the Wave had died down, Y/n and the others caught up with Naofumi and his party. Y/n was checking in to see how they were holding up, Glass had put quite the beating on them.
"Naofumi, yall good?" Y/n saw him sitting by himself. Sistine and Toothless went see Raphtalia and Filo.
"Yeah, we're fine now. Could've been a lot worse if you hadn't shown up" he replied, not looking at Y/n.
"Yeah, we were a good bit away from the ship. I spotted it and had a gut feeling that was where the boss was." Y/n replied looking at Sistine and Toothless having a good time with Raphtalia and Filo.
"Can't thank you enough" Naofumi laughed a bit. "But something is confusing to me"
"What about?" Y/n gave his attention to him.
"Filo was able to attack at a speed you could barely see. Glass was able to handle us just fine, but you managed to toy with her until the wave was over with. Our levels aren't that far apart from each other" he looked at Y/n.
"Beats me, honestly" Y/n shrugged his shoulders. "I just needed to do something and luckily I was able to go toe to toe. Part of me thinks she was holding back, or just too surprised at what I can do"
"Maybe so, one other thing. Before you left, you shot a specific bullet at Glass. From my angle, I think I even saw her name on the bullet."
Y/n grabbed one his pistols and looked at it.
"First off, I need to say I'm a character from a different game"
That made Naofumi really confused.
"When I was summoned, I had an action figure of this character in my hands. Some how, it made it a glitch and I can do basically what he can and more." Y/n continued. "But, that one specific bullet you saw is called an 'X-ray' in one of the games. Just a really high powered attack that causes a lot of damage. I found out I could do this a while ago, but I lose a lot of my mana, so I don't need to use it more than once."
"I see" Naofumi sorta understood what you were saying.
"But I ain't trying to make you confused. That's just the only way I can explain it."
"This world is full of surprises. But I always think of when we will go home? What happens after we leave here?" Naofumi looked to the sky now.
"Yea, wonder if ma and pa are worried, or time has stood still from when we first got sucked into the book, or our entire existence was wiped clean." Y/n replied to him.
"I've wondered that too, but only time will tell for us"
Both of their attentions were caught when two knights came up to them.
"The king has ordered to see you both" the older spoke.
"He ain't worth spit" Y/n replied with a death glare.
"I don't want to waste my time either" Naofumi added.
"But please Sir Shield Hero and Gunslinger, go with the Captain. Things will be different!" The younger knight begged the both of them.
"Why? He's only to cause problems. Since she isn't here, he's abusing his power" Y/n replied casually, this made both of the guards look a bit nervous.
"What do you mean Y/n?" Naofumi questioned.
"Melromarc is ran by the Queen, not the king. Since the Queen isn't here to take her throne, thanks to the panic of summoning you four heroes at once, she has to do the dirty work of apologizing to other countries that her country did their actions." Y/n replied while looking at both Naofumi and the guards.
"Am I wrong?" Y/n tapped his foot.
"No, you're not" the Captain replied.
"Matter of fact, why dont we go give ol' plain name Jane a visit. I'm sure he'll give us quite the entertainment" Y/n sarcastically continued.
Y/n whistled to the others, Naofumi signaled for his party to come as well. They both followed the knights to the palace in Melromarc.
"You sure about this?" Sistine asked Y/n with a hint of worry in her tone.
"Of course, what can possibly go wrong? It only takes one bullet to the brain to put that geezer down."
That comment made the captain look at Y/n while he started to draw his sword.
Y/n cocked the hammer back on one of his pistols and aimed it at the guy.
"It'd be wise for you to not do that."
"R-right" the captain replied and out away the sword and continued to lead the group to the King.
Y/n entered the castle along with Naofumi. The knights already took their place in the main hall. It didnt take them too long to arrive to the room, where the king was impatiently waiting for the two heroes.
The doors to the room busted open quickly. Naofumi and Y/n walked at the same speed towards the king. Knights began to form a U shape to close them in while they spoke to Aultcray.
"Look at this, Plain Name Jane wanting to see us" Y/n observed his area. He then tapped the handles of his pistols. "Best to not try anything funny around me"
The knights stopped in their tracks and went to their original positions.
"What an amusing sense of humor" the King retorted sarcastically.
"I'll be making the jokes around here. Now, what is it that you want?" Y/n got straight to business with him.
"Let me show you through the crystal ball" Alutcray then ordered one of the maidens to bring a crystal ball. With the magic inside it, everyone saw what Naofumi did with his Iron Maiden and Y/n battle Glass, after the four cardinal heroes couldn't do anything to her. Shortly after the video finished and the maiden walked off.
"Now, as much as I hate to admit, you two did well in the wave. However, I want to know where you obtained so much power" He demanded the two heroes to confess.
"Well, I dont know bout Naofumi. For myself, I'm just the god damn best at what I do" Y/n did not speak a beat to reply.
'Wait, I didn't want to say that. Is there something to turn that auto reply off?' Y/n mentally groaned.
"Why you" Aultcray growled. He then saw Naofumi point his finger to the ground.
"If you want to know so badly, then kneel before me." This made everyone, but Y/n, gasp.
"Back where I come from, people begged to know this knowledge and pleaded, 'please tell my ignorant self.' So if you want to know, then kneel before me."
The guards went into a defensive stance, but Y/n replied to them by lifting both pistols and pointing at them.
"I told y'all to not try anything funny. I've got a bullet for each and every one of you"
"I'm willing to cooperate with you until the waves die down." Naofumi started, "other than that, I'd rather be on my own" he then began to walk away.
"Curse you devil Shield! I know what I'll do, I'll make your slaves pay for your crimes!" King Aultcray retaliated in desperation. This made Naofumi turn back and give him a deadly glare, one that even shook Y/n.
"You can play all the dirty tricks and games you want, but you will NOT hurt my party members. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth and make you regret the day you were born!" Naofumi snarled back. The glare he gave off made Aultcray cower back in fear. Naofumi then walked off, leaving Y/n behind.
"DEVIL SHIELD!!" King Aultcray yelled while the door was slammed shut by Naofumi. He was slightly out of breath and gave his attention to Y/n.
"I'll do the same to you!" He yelled again. Y/n sighed and shook his head in disappointment.
"You think you're high and mighty since she isn't here." He spoke to the King. This made him feel fear again.
"What do you mean by that?" He questioned in disbelief. Y/n shrugged his shoulders and began to walk out on him as well.
"I think you know what I mean." He spoke while walking to the exit. He then turned his head back and looked at him with his right eye.
"But I'll warn you, when she comes back, hell will be coming to breakfast."
With that, Y/n walked out on the Melrocmarc country and vowed to not return until he had confirmation Queen Mirellia returned to her throne. This was ridiculous, to the point where murder was in his thoughts. He isn't the only one, Y/n also had to worry about Princess Malty or Myne. After this stunt, who knows what will happen with Naofumi. One thing was for sure, Y/n needed to talk with the other heroes, quickly.
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