《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 11: Catastrophe Returns
A few weeks have gone by since Y/n had to deal with that criminal, Gaku. Over those weeks, Y/n and his partners trained harder than ever before.
There were times where Sistine was very worried about Y/n and how much he was pushing himself. She saw the wounds, mentally not physically and how exhausted he was, but she also saw one more thing in his eyes, fear.
Yes, Y/n felt fear, but he had to do what needed to be done. He was thrown into a world and having to basically start from scratch. Luckily for him, he has help from the Queen, Sistine, and Toothless. All he wants to do now is his job he was summoned for.
Y/n, Sistine, and Toothless were currently soaring through the sky, looking for someone specific.
"Y/n, what are we doing exactly? You haven't really talked to me in a few days" Sistine asked him while holding onto him.
"Going to see someone. We need a bit of help since we are all at level fourty now. And I need to speak to her about other things" Y/n replied looking for the area 'she' was at.
His attention was fully brought to Sistine when she hugged him tighter.
"Is that all? I just don't want you keeping things to yourself. You told that to me."
Y/n sighed and placed a hand on hers. "When I killed Gaku, something just felt different about me. I dont know if it was the fear, adrenaline, I dont know"
"I felt the same when I was kidnapped, but then you came and saved me. You gave me hope and I can't thank you enough" Sistine replied putting her head into Y/n's back.
"Yeah, you did the same after my fight with Gaku. So thank you" Y/n rubbed his thumb across Sistine's hands.
Both of their attentions were turned to Toothless. Y/n looked at his companion while the dragon gave off a love call of his own.
"Oh hush" Y/n rolled his eyes and went back to looking for the place. Sistine however, had a blush that made her face as red as blood.
After a while, Y/n finally spotted something familiar to the territory he was in when he first got summoned to this world.
"Toothless," Y/n patted the dragon, "head straight down, we are here"
The playful dragon listened, but decided to make things a bit interesting. Toothless rolled over, which made Y/n and Sistine free fall.
"AHHHHH Y/N!" Sistine yelled and reached out for him. Y/n grabbed her hand and pulled her close. She put her head into his neck and hugged on him for fear life.
"TOOTHLESS!" Y/N yelled, he was terrified, but he knew the dragon's intentions.
Toothless quickly got both of them back. He laughed the whole way down after his little prank.
Sistine basically had a panic attack and wouldnt let her grip of Y/n go. She did when they got to solid ground and did not hesitate to yell at Toothless.
"Don't do that! You trying to kill us?!" She yelled at the dragon. He only patted her head while standing up, making Sistine pout.
"Come on you two, we need to get this done quickly" Y/n started to walk to a building that he remembered.
Sistine and Toothless quickly caught up to him, both curious why Y/n is in such as rush.
Y/n had a dead stare on this place, remembering when he first got here.
"The summoning was successful, I dare say"
"Young hero, our world is in grave danger and we need your help"
"Put your weapons away!"
Flashbacks of that day kept going through Y/n's head. From once scared and confused, now to someone that the entire country knows.
As Y/n got closer, he started to see a bit of movement from specific areas, it was her guards. Right before they got to the entrance, five appeared and all stood in a V shape. The one in the front started to talk, Y/n recognized the voice from when he was first summoned.
"Long time since you've been here, I dare say."
"Need to speak to her, we need some help and she's the only one that can allow for me to have it." Y/n replied looking at all the cloaked figures.
"She already knows that, I dare say" she continued with the same speech pattern as before.
"Doesn't surprise me, you all are hiding in plain sight for her. I'm not fooled" Y/n retorted while noticing Sistine and Toothless finally caught up.
"Follow me inside, but leave the dragon out here, I dare say" the main one replied. The other four made room for her to walk and followed her after. Y/n turned to Toothless and ordered him to stay.
"Now, if there's an attack, dont be hesitant to do the worse. We are going to see someone important buddy, we will be right back." Y/n rubbed his head. Toothless nodded, but began to act goofy because he turned around and stiffened his body and constantly looked around the area, just like a guard.
"Just who are we seeing Y/n?" Sistine asked following him inside the building.
"Her majesty" Y/n opened the door. The guards for her were waiting on them, once they entered, they continued to show Y/n where she was.
They followed the group to a specific room, the guard Y/n talked to at the beginning knocked on it a couple of times.
"He is here madame, I dare say"
"Please, let him in, along with his partner" she replied.
Y/n and Sitine entered the room and as soon as they did, Y/n took his hat off and got to one knee. Sistine stood there in complete shock, looking at the Queen of Melromarc. She didn't know what to expect when she saw her. Her hair and eyes matched with the same purple color. Her royal gown consisted of purple and white, with a bronze chest plate. Her crown was perfectly placed within her bob tied hair and small bangs hanging from the sides.
"Yer majesty" Y/n bowed his head. Sistine got out of her daze and gave her bow to the queen.
"Y/n Black, it's good to see you. You've grown so strong since our last encounter." Mirellia replied bowing as well.
"The pleasure is mine. This here is Sistine Fibel, my most loyal companion. She joined me right after my leave from here. Outside is my dragon named Toothless, he was acquired right after the first wave." Y/n got up and placed his hat on his chest. Mirellia noticed that his clothes were torn up and his hat was blood stained.
"I see you've gotten into quite a situation Y/n. I'll get my shadows to quickly get you straightened up with something new." She smiled to Y/n.
"W-wait a minute" Y/n tried to reply, but he had his hat taken away from him by the woman he spoke to at the entrance.
"Uh" Sistine tried to speak, but wasn't following what was happening.
"Come sit, we don't have a lot of time. The next wave will come very soon, within this week." Mirellia pointed at some chairs in her room.
Y/n and Sistine pulled the chairs closer to her and both sat down. The queen formally introduced herself to Sistine and Sistine had no words for how nice she was. Especially after seeing how her husband and Princess Myne acted.
"So, you're here to tell me about how Aultcray has been acting upon my leave. I know everything already Y/n and I'm sorry Sistine for my daughter's and husband's actions"
"Yer shadows been in the city all the time. I knew it." Y/n relaxed into the chair.
"You're so nice compared to him and your daughter" Sistine replied in awe.
"I'm doing the best I can to run Melromarc, and with me not there, it's gone hectic. Unfortunately I cannot return just yet, but I will return when the time comes." She answered Sistine while getting a drink of tea. She offered some to Y/n and her, Y/n denied and Sistine gladly accepted.
"Well, since you know everything already, I assume you already know what I'm about to ask" Y/n continued the conversation.
Mirellia reached into the drawer on the stand and pulled out a piece of paper. It had a stamp and signature written on it.
"You and your party need a class upgrade. Since I'm not there, the women at the dragon hourglass will deny you. Show them this and they'll do the class upgrade, regardless. If they still cause any trouble, find Melty, she will handle it herself as well." She handed the paper to Y/n.
"I don't like this you being a step ahead of everything." Y/n laughed while recieving the item.
"If you every run a country, you'll understand. Now, care to tell me what happened with your clothes and scars?
Y/n remembered the events that led him to that fight. Mirellia saw the look on his face and continued to speak.
"You don't have-"
"Long story short, I had to kill someone. He killed innocent people and I happened to run into the village where it happened. Gaku was his name, did it for sport." Y/n started. He then felt Sistine place a hand on his. He continued after taking a deep breath, "however, during that fight I felt different. It was a mix of fear and something else. I just wanted to do my job."
Queen Mirellia sighed at that, "I understand. You never want to kill someone, but sometimes there's no other way. We have to make decisions that we wish to never do. I've had that happen and I'm afraid I'll have to do something similar for Aultcray and Malty"
"Um, can I ask something?" Sistine piped up.
"Go ahead" the queen replied.
"Why are you so willing to help us like this?"
"She was the one who summoned me here Sistine." Y/n answered that one.
This made Sistine gasp in shock.
"It is true. When I did summon Y/n here, it was out of fear of losing hope for the heroes. So, Y/n was my only hope to bring the heroes together. Unfortunately, it looks like it'll take even more measures due to my daughter's mind games on the Spear Hero." Mirellia added on.
"Not to mention the other two sonofabitches are dumber than a box of rocks. Naofumi is the only one who has any sense, other than myself."
The queen sighed in disappointment. "And my husband and daughter have a sense of hatred towards Naofumi, along with you now. It'll be fine, I just ask you don't do anything irrational, and let me handle them when I get back."
"Yes ma'am" Y/n bowed again.
"Well, I do not need to keep you here long. You need to get that class upgrade and fight off the wave" she got up. Sistine noticed a change in her look, she had fear in her eyes now.
"Each wave gets stronger than the last. I can't help, but wonder if you all are going to make it."
"I got a bullet for every last one of them" Y/n stood up. The queen smiled at that, she felt a slight bit of reassurance.
"Thank you Y/n. Good luck with everything. Hopefully the next time you see me, I'll be back in Melromarc."she bowed to Y/n.
"Wait, what about my hat? And the new clothes you s'posedly got me?" Y/n asked her. She stood up straight and smiled.
"Follow me" she gestured for the two to follow her. Ending the time that Y/n had been able to spend with the Queen. Once question remained in his mind though.
'When will she be back to her throne?'
After getting the class upgrades, and getting an exact time for the wave. Y/n and the rest of the group trained once more.
And now today was the day they face the Wave once more, knowing each one is stronger than the previous.
The three of them were outside eating a good meal before they fight again.
"Stronger than the last" Sistine muttered while staring into space. Y/n noticed this and set his stuff down.
"I dont need to give you the same pep talk every time we fight, do I?" Y/n playfully rubbed her head.
"No" Sistine mumbled. "I just don't want anything happening to you, idiot" she replied without knowing what she truly said. It took her a slight second before coming to realization and she blushed madly.
"Getting carried away with your feelings?" Y/n teased, but he actually started to feel a bit funnier inside around Sistine. This happened more often after the fight with Gaku.
"S-shut it" she hid her face in her hair. Y/n decided to rub her back and brought her into a side hug, causing the blush to deepen.
While those two messed around, Toothless carefully got closer to Y/n's food, inhaling it while he didn't see.
"There's no need to worry about- Toothless...." Y/n looked at his food and saw it was gone.
Toothless paid no attention and went back to doing his own thing. Y/n sighed and drank the rest of his water, then put his mask back on.
Y/n look at his HUD to see how much time they had left. The clock was slightly over fifteen minutes, he sighed and put the timer away from his screen.
Everyone's attention was caught when they heard a bunch of metal tapping and footsteps. Y/n looked over to see a bunch of guards walking towards them. Toothless got up in a defensive stance, Y/n quickly made him stand down.
"Easy boah, try not to cause much trouble for the queen."
The guards came up quickly to the trio and didn't say a thing. However, the formation they had suggested someone was with them and sure enough the leaders of the formation moved out of the way to reveal someone Y/n hasn't seen since the first day he was here.
Out came a younger girl who looked very similar to the Queen. She had the same bob with bangs falling from the side. A gown that had a similar design to her Majesty's. Her hair was a dark blue color, rather than purple.
"Y/n Black. It's good to see you" she bowed to Y/n. "I see you've changed your clothes a bit. I like it"
Y/n got up revealing the whole new outfit the Queen had made for him. His hat was stitched black with red accents to cover the stains, his mask was simple red leather, a bit thicker than the last one. His upper body consisted of a charcoal grey vest with red accents and buttons, a charcoal poncho, and a red bandolier going across his chest. His lower half had the same color pants and his utility belt was red accent as well. He wore his same black boots as well.
"Princess Melty, been a while" he bowed with his hat on his chest.
"And I also see you've added two more party members. Hello, I am Melty Melromarc, the second daughter of King Aultcray and Queen Mirellia and next for the throne" she bowed to Sistine and Toothless. Toothless' curiosity got to him and he slowly wanted to sniff Melty.
"Toothless...." Y/n muttered under his breath. Melty looked up and screamed in shock. However, she became quite curious when Toothless smiled without his teeth.
"Whoa, he has no teeth?" She then went wide eyed when he showed his teeth and retracted them. "That's quite astonishing! I've never seen a dragon like this one!" She pet him, which made him lick her.
"Toothless!" Sistine gasped. She then calmed down when Melty started to laugh.
"He's a sweetheart" she giggled. She then turned to Y/n to speak directly to him.
"It was hard to track you down once you got here. I know I don't have much time, but good luck in the Wave. Please keep the others in line too, I'm just nervous because this wave is going to be so much stronger than the last." She clenched her hands together.
"Everything will be just fine." Y/n replied. "And we will see if I don't put a stitch in their side and a bullet in their ass." He added, which made the guards quite concerned.
"Please stop the nonsense, we won't be able to get anything done with all of you all fighting. After this wave, we need to have you all come together and sort this out"
"Melty" Y/n sighed and got closer to her. She looked at him with urgency. "I know how you feel, as well as the Queen. However, as long as Myne is controlling Motoyasu as a puppet and the other two keep treating this like a game, I'm afraid it'll take more than just talking to figure it out. Naofumi and myself are the only ones who can see the real picture."
"I know" Melty replied softly. Y/n went to reply, but saw his timer was counting down from thirty seconds.
"Looks like we are out of time. Stay safe Melty" Y/n backed away and got the other two closer to him.
"Remeber your promise to me Y/n!" Melty waved as she made her way back to the guards.
"Don't know if that's possible right now Melty" Y/n muttered under his mask. Soon a golden light emitted the trio and they were taken away to the scene of the wave.
Y/n, Sistine, and Toothless were transported to the middle of a large, uninhabited area.
"Alright Toothless, you can't go crazy and what not, so all you'll need to be doing is taking out what's in the sky. Sistine and myself will handle down here" Y/n commanded as he saw the monsters of the wave come pouring down quickly.
"Got yer blade?" Y/n asked Sistine. She pulled it out of the sheath and nodded.
"Good, time to kill" Y/n twirled his pistols.
Sistine had one thing on her mind and she wanted to ask.
"What did you promise Melty?" She asked watching the monsters land on the ground. Toothless had already begun to do his job by shooting plasma attacks at incoming monsters.
"Why's that a concern?" Y/n replied starting to shoot at the ones hitting the ground. He tossed three bottles of acid and watched a handful melt instantly.
"I'm just curious!" Sistine replied going in for an attack. She swung her blade at a front line of monsters while adding magic to enhance the blow. The monsters were cut in half and blown away.
"I promised her that I would bring peace and get the heroes to work together. Doesn't look that's gonna happen right now!" He yelled back while grabbing his lever action rifle and began to fire at some monsters that had Toothless cornered.
"Oh" Sistine muttered while stopping for a slight second. This made her not see a smaller monster about to slash at her. Right before it could, a bullet blew the head clean off. Sistine came back to reality and sliced in half.
"I shouldn't have to remind you to keep your head on a swivel!" Y/n yelled while throwing one of his pistols at a larger monster that created enough time to charge an explosive bullet. Y/n fired and caused a massive explosion. He grabbed the revolver he threw from the air and started to fire more shots at the remaining targets.
While battling these monsters, Y/n noticed a floating pirate ship in the south east of their location, it was slowly going over some mountains far in the distance.
"My guess that's where the boss is" Y/n spoke aloud. Sistine had already finished her side of the terrain of monsters. Toothless had decided to fly down and sling some stragglers around like a dog would.
"Toothless, Sistine!" Y/n yelled firing one last bullet to the final monster in the area.
"We need to go after that ship, good chance that's where the final boss is. The Soul Eater or somethin like that!" He yelled. Toothless quickly flew down to get his two partners, but when they mounted onto him, something happened from the ship.
The only description that Y/n could get out was this thing looked like a giant spike death trap, with a maiden's head on it. It slowly closed in on whatever was trapped, looking like it could destroy anything.
"Alright Toothless, we need to go now!" Y/n yelled in shock. Sistine was lost for words at the sight she had just seen.
The dragon did not hesitate to take off as fast as he possibly could.
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Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2
Technically abandoned. I will be reposting an updated version of the story one chapter at a time. When the System came to Earth, it changed everything. It is a grand thing used by gods and men alike. What had once been fantasy was now a reality. People believed and so that belief gave ideas the strength to manifest. "Welcome Founder of the SCP Foundation" It stirred the gods from their deathly slumbers. Stirred by an almost mechanical voice promising them new life, and followers as countless as the stars. All it asked of them was for their help. Help with what though? The old gods, the forgotten gods, and the new gods drew breath, and then made their voices heard. On a day like any other Dante was home from college watching the Presidential inauguration with his parents. Little did they know that this day would turn out to be anything but ordinary. That this was the day everything changed. Dante is not your typical MC. While he has a troubled past, he looks forward to the future. Follow Dante, his parents, and the new friends he meets along the way as they traverse this new system world. However, before they can explore this new world they must complete, the Tutorial. (Please note: This tutorial will be part of the story. Rather than a skim of the information, you will get to experience it in depth. So the tutorial will last a good while.) A much slower style of LitRpg than what you would normally find. Follow Dante and his party as they find their world taken over by the system. Welcome people of Earth to the Upward Bound System!... With the system's arrival so too does great danger come... The tools of your survival shall be granted upon you by the system... Please note, I don't own the art. Please enjoy the story, and if you don't please leave a comment and I will try to improve the story for you. This is the second version of this story, so feel free to check out the original and compare the two.
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