《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 15: Close Call
Sistine was getting impatient with you being gone. Yes she had Toothless, but she felt very insecure when it came to being by herself here. Her and Toothless were sitting at a table outside the local Inn at Loot Village.
"It's almost mid day and he isn't back yet.." Sistine huffed.
Toothless rolled his eyes, he had complete faith in his master. For being a dragon, he quickly understood humans quickly and how they act with one another.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me" Sistine stared the dragon down. "Out of everyone to trust here in this world, Y/n is the best case."
Toothless smirked and fired off a small plasma attack and blew a heart shaped smoke cloud out. This made her blush immediately, "S-stop that! It isn't like that!!" She yelled.
Toothless shook his head at the girl and laid it down. If they were going to wait for you, he was just going to sleep some more.
"It isn't like that..." Sistine pouted while thinking about the gesture from Toothless. This made her think of all the times you two had while being in this world. You saving her, taking care of her, putting your life in danger to protect her, all of those thoughts ran through her mind, but it came out to be a clear picture with you giving her a warm smile. This caused her to blush even more, "maybe I do like him"
Her thinking was brought to an end when her and Toothless were suddenly teleported from their spot. They were brought back to the middle of the village after their vision cleared.
"What just happened?" Sistine questioned in disbelief. Her question was answered quickly when she heard a southern accent erupt the air.
"Damn, helluva a trick I didn't know about" you spoke out loud. You were then tackled by a familiar scaly creature, sending your hat away from you.
"Toothless!! Off me boah!" You commanded in between licks from the dragon.
"Good to see you're back" Sistine huffed. Toothless quickly got off you. You got up, dusted yourself off and picked your hat up.
"What's with the face sweetheart?" You questioned while putting the hat on and straightening out to your liking.
Sistine blushed at the comment, she coughed and turned her head away from you. "Y-you had me worried" she whispered.
"You had us worried! We didn't know what was taking you so long" Sistine stammered.
"Ahhhh" you smirked, "Well aren't you just sweet for worrying about me still. You should know that I'll be fine no matter what. Ain't nobody gonna kill me off or us, I won't let that happen" you rubbed her head.
"Your cockiness will get the best of you one day" Sistine muttered.
"Not gonna happen, I'm the god damn best at what I do"
Sistine sighed at that response, "Anyways, what did you just do that made us teleport?"
"Oh that, Ren and Itsuki told me that you can fast travel in this world. To all the places you've been before" you explained.
"So...." Sistine began to reply to that, but quickly caught on to the fact you said the other two heroes name's. "When did you see Ren and Itsuki?!? More important! Are you okay?!" Sistine yelled with worry in her tone.
"Easy there sugar, everything is fine." You signaled for her to take a deep breath. "Turns out they aren't complete idiots and were looking into the same thing I was. Luckily, we found something and that's where we are heading to soon"
"Okay, where exactly are we heading to now?"
"Well we have to go to a hidden cave. Not far from the village we helped a while back. There, we will hopefully find a weapon that consists of all four holy weapons." You explained.
"Hold on Y/n, we're supposed to be helping Naofumi out. What does this weapon have to do with him and the three heroes church?"
"Well Sistine" you rubbed your neck, "learned quite a bit in the church last night. And if everything I've read is true," you paused before telling everything.
"The fate of the four cardinal heroes and this country rests on us getting to that weapon before anyone else does"
The village you helped out before had returned to normal lives, for the most part. Masao was very relieved that his people could once again live in peace, unless the wave was near them. Masao was currently walking around, checking on everyone.
"Chief! Afternoon!" Someone greeted him.
"Good afternoon. Everything going well?" He smiled to his villager.
"Yes, very much so!" The villager replied.
"Wonderful, if you need anything, just come find me" he nodded and then began his walk again. However, that was stopped when a bright light emitted in front of him. He covered his eyes quickly.
"Damn, this makes everything so much easier now" a familiar voice spoke.
"Wait.... I know that voice" Masao thought. He quickly uncovered his eyes and saw the Gunslinger that helped him and his village out before. This time he was dressed a bit differently, but it was him.
"Y/n! So good to see you!" Masao greeted with a smile. "Sistine and Toothless, good to see you two as well." He bowed to you all.
"Howdy there partner, glad to see you too" You tipped your hat.
"Masao, I'm glad to see you as well" Sistine smiled.
Toothless smiled and walked over to Masao and licked him. This caused the village leader to laugh
"Easy boah, don't drown him with your spit" you sighed.
"It's okay!" Masao reassured while petting the dragon. "I haven't had a greeting like that before to be quite honest"
"If you say so amigo. Hate to barge in you like this, but this is the quickest way to where we need to go Masao"
"You're always welcomed here Y/n. You did so much and I feel like I couldn't never repay you for what you've done for me and my family." He bowed to you once more.
"Please Masao, no need for the honorary gesture. I'm no man that needs to be honored. I'd love to stay a bit longer, but we need to head on out quickly." You explained. You then gestured for Sistine and Toothless to follow you.
"May I ask where you are heading?" Masao used his shirt to dry him off from the salvia.
"Wish I could tell you, but that's not something I really need to say to just anyone." You turned your head to the aside and looked at Masao.
"Hmm, could it be about the holy forged weapon?" He questioned you. This made you stop in your tracks.
"How do you know?"
"If you been around for as long as I have, you'll come across a tale or two" Masao sighed. "I don't know much, but I hear it's not something to mess with. I pray that you stay safe Gunslinger"
You laughed, which confused everyone. "I don't think I'm the one who needs to be prayed for. But, we'll be just fine. You need to pray for the other heroes protecting this land too, because I might kill em if they continue on with this sissy shit they got going on"
"I see, so the other heroes have a problem with each other?" Masao questioned.
"More like one has been lied to and accused and the other three are puppets."
"Such a shame, I hope you can fix the problem between them" Masao replied.
"Already have tried, but their stubbornness will get the best of them." You shook your head in disappointment. You were going to continue with your sentence, but it was interrupted by someone.
"Y/n, is that you?" Jay asked while walking up towards you all. He noticed your attire changed since you were last here, but the cowboy hat was still the signature look.
"Ain't nobody else in this world who could pull this look off" you looked at the feller. "Would love to stay and chat, but I can't waste too much more time"
This made Jay's face drop in disappointment, "Wish you could stay, but I understand"
You nodded to Jay and then turned to Masao once more. "I'll do my best to make the effort on returning here another time. Under the circumstances, I can't waste any more time and time is money"
"I hope you go through this safely Y/n. I'll be praying for you"
"Appreciate it amigo, but I don't think that's needed. Sistine, Toothless? It's time to go" you motioned for the two to follow you.
As you three left the village, Masao couldn't help but begin to pray for your safety. A gut feeling had him very worried about what was going to happen.
"Chief, what's happening that's so important with Y/n?" Jay asked.
"Shouldn't be something he can't handle, but always hope for the best no matter the situation." Masao replied to Jay. It was a small lie, but if there was anyone who could handle this, he believed it was you.
As you three came closer to the meeting spot, Sistine became very quite. She only answered a few questions with yes or no. Toothless was flying over you, keeping an eye out.
"Do you have to do this?" Sistine muttered. You didn't quite hear what she said.
"Hm? What is it?" You stopped. She stopped as well, but she wouldn't look at you.
"Do you have to do this Y/n? Im having this feeling in my stomach that something bad is going to happen and I can't shake it off"
Your eyes softened at her, though she didn't see it. You placed a hand on her shoulder, which made her look at you.
"I don't feel great about this either" you started. You saw Toothless land beside you two. "To be quite honest, I don't want to do this. However, I want us to go home. I want us to go back to our normal lives once again. I can't make that possible if Naofumi is out of the picture or any of them. I'm ain't going to let anything bad happen to you two, I'd rather sacrifice my life to keep you safe. Whether it was luck or fate that brought us together, I'm sure am glad this happened. Everything is going to be just fine, you need to trust me on this." You pulled her into a hug. You used your right arm to pet Toothless, but he quickly licked you, causing your hat to fall off.
"Easy there, I don't need a shower right now" you sighed letting go of the hug and putting your hat back on. "You trust me, right?" You looked at your two companions. They both nodded for their answer.
"Good, I need you two to stay back while we go and look at this shrine or whatever. More of scouting the area and coming to us incase something happens. Okay?"
"Okay" Sistine agreed, but she didn't like this idea.
"I'm counting on you two" you rubbed their heads. You then began to walk towards the meeting point with Ren and Itsuki, but was interrupted when someone wrapped their arms around your torso.
"Please..... Be safe" Sistine hugged you tight, you could hear how worried she was when she spoke. You put a hand over hers and rubbed your thumb over hers that were on top of one another.
"I'll do my best" you replied, it was no guarantee to her, but it was the best reply you could give. She let you go. You began to head to the meeting spot once more.
Sistine's face had a hint of red, she was doing her best to not cry, but a tear escaped quickly. Toothless walked over and nuzzled his head against her left hand, making her pet him.
"Thank you" she sniffled, "Let's just hope my feeling is wrong"
You made your way through the wooded area, you constantly looked on your hud screen with the map opened up.
"You're late" Ren commented, making you turn off your map and look at him.
"Party doesn't start until I arrive" you walked up to him. Itsuki was standing beside him, and had an irritated look on his face.
"The hell is wrong with you? Got a stick up your ass?" You joked.
"No, I'd appreciate it if you stop with those comments"
"Don't be such a snowflake" you laughed.
"Anyways, are you ready?" Ren asked. You nodded and began to follow them. It wasnt too far of a walk to get to an opening. You all spotted a mountain area with a large cave.
"Well there it is. Let's get to it quickly" Itsuki stated and took off running. Ren quickly followed suit, leaving you behind.
"The hell? Walking was just fine" you shook your head. You began to pick your pace up as well. On that run, you began to feel a weird feeling within you, as if something didn't feel right.
It was only about five minutes or so to reach the cave opening, Ren and Itsuki stopped right before the entrance, letting you catch up. You came to a halt when you caught up. You observed the area quickly and thought this seemed too easy to find a weapon as dangerous as this.
"Well? Let's get it and go" Ren said before heading in the cave. He went into the area too quickly to your liking. Itsuki didn't hesitate either and headed straight in.
"These bastards are dumber than a box of rocks." You grabbed one of your revolvers and walked in slowly. You kept looking all over the area, being as cautious as possible.
"What the hell?" Ren questioned out loud, it was loud enough for you to hear, so you headed to area he and Itsuki were in.
There was am opening on top of the mountain, allowing light to shine down onto what would be a place for an ancient weapon or artifact would be. Unfortunately, there was nothing there.
"Ain't shit there" you spoke to Ren. He slowly walked up where the weapon was supposed to be. "Hold on there! Don't go up and start touching shit"
"We came all this way to get this replica, but-" Itsuki complained, that was stopped when the ground began shake uncontrollably. The cave started to collapse on you three quickly. There was not enough time to escape, fire any attacks to repel the debris, you three were knocking on death's door and the only thing to do was accept it.
"Well shit, ya done did it now-" you began to say one last sentence, but stopped when someone grabbed you and took you to safety.
Toothless had cheered Sistine up, with his playful attitude and such. She and Toothless sat down, Toothless curled up and let her lay on his side.
"I hope he's okay" she clenched her hand into a fist. She took some deep breaths to calm down. "He's so stubborn at times, it kills me at times, but that makes him so special too. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him" she rambled on. That was stopped when Toothless picked his head up and began to observe the area quickly. His ears twitched a few times, trying to figure out the sound. He quickly got up and put Sistine on his back.
"Toothless, what's wro- woahhhhhh!" Sistine yelled while holding on after Toothless took flight.
Toothless headed quickly to the mountain area. His eyes narrowed in determination to get to this place as quick as possible. He didn't like anything about what he felt and heard with the sounds.
"Toothless-" Sistine began to speak, but she looked up to see the mountain starting to collapse. Her fear from earlier was coming true. "No, this can't be happening" she uttered out. Tears began to quickly form in her eyes and began to panic.
"Come on!! Go faster Toothless!" She yelled. Toothless was already going as fast as he could, but he tried to do what Sistine commanded.
Getting closer to the destruction, Toothless picked up something in the corner of his eyes, it was people jumping from debris to debris, getting out of the way. He noticed they were carrying something or someone, and to his surprise, he spotted a familiar black cowboy hat. He quickly dove into the direction this people were heading, almost causing Sistine to fall off.
"What're you doing?" She asked while trying to hold on, she wiped her eyes to try to clear her vision. She was able to see where they were heading to and spotted the people. Her heart started to race, hoping you were okay. She looked into the group and barely was able to make out your black cowboy hat.
The group that was carrying the people from the destruction stopped to let them down. Toothless wasn't too far behind them. As he spotted his master, he descended quickly to him. Toothless landed about five feet or so in front of you, letting Sistine get off and get to you first. She got off the dragon and ran after you. She tackled you into a hug and began to bawl her eyes out.
"H-hey there, I'm okay. The shadows saved us" you replied hugging Sistine back. She tightened her grip on you,
"I saw what was happening and my fear from earlier over came me" Sistine sniffled, "I knew something was going to happen, but you're okay." She finished. Toothless walked over and licked constantly, relieved that you were okay.
"This was set up, I dare say" one shadow exclaimed.
"Malty and the pope wanted you three dead, I dare say. They are planning on killing the Shield and Spear hero next, I dare say" another added.
"Well, we need to get to them now!" Ren yelled.
"Do you know where they are?" Itsuki questioned one of the shadows.
"Yes, I dare say" then the shadow told where their location was. Ren and Itsuki quickly used their fast travel and headed straight there.
"Alright, time to saddle up" you commented while Sistine got up and wiped her tears away. You quickly stood up and dusted yourself off.
"You need to come with us, I dare say"
"Why? The other two are going to be killed if I don't go right away" you agreed with one of the shadows.
"The queen requests your assistance, I dare say" another explained.
"Uh, like I said, more important things to do than that. Why does she need my assistance?" You asked. The answer from the shadow shocked all three of you.
"Because the Queen is returning to her country, I dare say"
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