《The Matrimony (Completed)》Chapter Seven-Truth Be Told
I Was Starting To Feel Bad About Sneaking Around With August Behind Gia's Back
The More I Was Liking August The More I Felt Guilty About Being Around August
But That Guilt Wasn't Stopping Me From Going To See August Tonight
I Rushed Home And Got In The Shower
I Was Running Late
After I Slipped On A Long Sleeve White Short Dressed
I Curled My Hair Up Did My Make Up And Put On My Favorite Long Knee High Boots
As I Was Looking In The Mirror August Was Callin
I Picked Up The Phone And Said "Hello"
"Yo Ass Betta Got Lost...Where Is You At"He Asked
I Laughed And Said "Im Leaving Out Now"
"I Really Hope You Ain't Tryna Stand A Nigga Up on" August Said
"No Im Not Im On My Way" I Said Smiling
"You Ain't Here Tho"He Said
"Im On My Way Now...You Got Some Weed"I Said
"Nah...I Can Call My WeedMan Tho He'll Pull Up With That Sticky Kush"August Said
"Nah Its Cool I'll Bring Some"I Said
"If You Ever Get Here"August Said
"Shut I'll Get Ther Soon"I Said
"Hurry Up Than!"He Said
"Ooh Yes Daddy I Like It When You Put Ya Foot Down And Put That Bass In Ya Tone"I Joked
"Oh You Do"August Said In A Deep Ass Voice
I Laughed And Said "You Play Too Much Bye"
He Laughed And Said " Bye"
As I Hung Up Ryan Walked In And Looked At Me
"Whoa I Thought You Was Studying"He Asked
"I Am" I Said
"Looking Like That"He Asked
"Yeah...Look I Gotta Run" I Said As I Grabbed My Purse And Walked Out
I Hopped In My Charger And Drove To August House
I Arrived Knocked On The Door
And A Man With A Baby Answer The Door
"Hey...You Here For Aug Right" He Asked
"Yes"I Said As I Smiled
"Come In" He Said
I Walked In As He Introduced His Self "Im Travis August Older Brother"
I Smiled And Said "Nice Too Meet"
"August!..You Got Company Nigga" He Yelled Up The Stairs
"And Who Is This" I Asked Smilin At The Baby
"This Is Callie"He Said
"She Has The Cuttest Cheeks..Can I Hold Her" I Asked
"Sure.."He Said As He Gently Put The Baby In My Hands
"Hey Ma Ma" I Said While Holding Callie
"You Just The Cuttest Thang Eva Yes You Is" I Said In A Baby Voice
August Finally Came Down The Stairs And Said
"You Down Here Gettin Baby Fever Already"
"She's Too Cute" I Said Giving Her Back To Travis
"Come Upstairs With Me And We Can Make One Of Our Own" He Said
I Just Blushed
"This Nigga Stupid Don't Let Em Trap You With A Baby" Travis Said
August Laughed
He Came Over And Hugged Me
"You Look Good" He Said While Hugging Me
"Aww Yall Is So Cute Together"Travis Said
Than He Leaned In And Kissed Me
He Grabbed Me On My Ass And Lead Me To The Kitchen
"You Have A Really Nice House" I Said
"Its Cool...What Took Yo Ass So Long Tho"He Asked
"I Had To See My Grandma..She Made Us A Sweet Potatoe Pie I Left In The Car"I Said
"It Aint Sweeter Than You"He Said As Kissed Me Again
He Grabbed My Ass
"Stop Im Hungry What You Cooked"I Whined
"I Made Steak Stir Fry My Specialty"He Said
"Lets Eat" I Said
"Have A Seat"He Said
He Pulled My Chair Out
"Such A Gentlemen"I Said With A Smirk On My Face
"Just For You"He Said As I Sat Down
He Poured Me A Glass Of Wine
Fixed Two Plates And Finally Sat Down
"Hopes Its Not Too Spicy"He Said
"Its Okay I Love Spicy Food"I Said
I Smiled And Said "Its Smell Good"
"Im From New Orleans Baby "He Said
I Giggled And Said "How Was Your Day"
"Okay But My Night Is Gon Be Way Better" He Said
"It Is" I Said As I Took A Sip Of Wine
"Yeah Just Seeing That Cute Smile Already Made My Night"he Said
"Oh August"I Said As I Blushed
"Im Serious..."He Said
"I Know Thats The Bad Part About It"I Said Smiling
"You Know I Don't Do This For Everybody...You Must Be Special To Me"He Said
"Well I Appreciate This"I Said
He Just Smile
We Ate...Than August Took Me Upstairs To His Bedroom
His Bedroom Was As Huge As My Whole Apartment
He Had A King Size Bed With Red Slik Sheets
He Laid In His Bed And Said "Come Lay Down With Me"
I Smiled And Slowly Sat The Edge On His Bed
His Phone That Was Laying On The Night Stand Next To Where I Was Sittin Started Ringin
I Looked At It And Said "Its Vanessa"
"Who"He Said
"You An Owl Now August "I Said As I Stood Up
I Toss Him His Phone
He Looked At It And Said "Oh Vanessa...Thats Just The Homie"
"The Homie...How Many Homies I You Got"I Asked
He Smiled And Said "Jealous"
"Me....Nah Im Not Jealous"I Said
"You Checkin Me Like You My Woman Its Kinda Cute"He Said
"Am I?"I Questioned Him
"Uh Yeah"August Said
"My Fault"I Said
I Folded My Arms And August Said "Its Okay If You Wanna Be My Girl"
"Nah Im Good..I Like Being Your Friend"I Said
I Laid On My Stomach On His Bed And Said "Now But Its Okay If You Secretly Wanna Be My Nigga"
"What If I Do"August Said
He Grabbed My Ass And Said "I Be Lying It I Said I Wasn't Feelin You"
"And I'll Be Lyin If I Said I Wasn't Feelin You"I Replied
I Bite My Bottom Lip
"Gimmie Kiss" He Said
I Leaned In And Kissed His Lips
"You Stayin With Me Tonight"He Asked
"If You Want Me To Stay"I Said
He Shook His Head Yes
"You Gotta Open Ya Mouth And Tell Me"I Said
"Yes Aziah I Want You To Stay With Me..Tonight"He Said
I Smiled And Said "Okay"
Travis Walked In With Callie And Said "Watch Her For A Quick Minute"
August Stood Up And Grabbed Callie As Travis Walked Out "Give Her Here
I Stood Up And Said" Lemme See Her"
I Held My Hand Out As August Placed Her In My Arms
"Hey Gurl....Callie Callie Callie" I Said To The Baby
"You Really Do Like Kids Don't You"August Asked
"I Love Kids..Especially When Their As Cute As This Little One"I Said
"You Want A Baby"He Asked
"A Baby No I Want A Few Babies"I Said
"She Hasn't Smile At Me I Don't Think She Likes Me Very Much" I Said
August Smiled And Said "Nah How Can Someone Not Like You...She Loves Peek A Boo"
He Covered His Eyes And Uncovered Them And Said "Peek A Boo !"
And Callie Starts Crackin Up "Theres That Pretty Smile"I Said
I Giggle And Said "Uncle Auggie Is So Silly...He So Silly...Do It Again August"
August Covered His Eyes With Hands And Uncovered Them Again
Callie Starts Laughing Harder
Making Both Me And August Laugh
Travis Walked In And Said "Look At Yall...Yall Look Good With A Baby"
I Smiled And Said "Travis She Is Really Just The Cutest Baby Ever"
As I Hand Him Back The Baby
"Thank You"Travis Said
"You Welcome Now Get The Fuck Out"August Said
"Yo Uncle Putting Us Out" Travis Said To Callie
"Nah Im Putting Yo Ass Callie Can Stay"August Said
"We Out Anyways Mickey Mouse Club House Is On Peace Out"Travis Said As He Left Out
August Closed The Door And Locked The Door
"Now Its Just Me And You"He Sanged
I Blushed
I Stepped Closer To Him And Wrapped My Arms Around
He Grabbed Me On My Ass And Said "I Got Cha Something"
He Looks And Grabbed A Bottle Of Hennessy
"For Me"I Said
"All For You" He Said He Took My Hand And Lead Me To His Balcony
We Stepped Outside And It Was Feelin So Good Outside In Atlanta Tonight
He Blessed The Bottle Of Hennessy Than I Blessed It Andq1wqwqqqqwqq Opened It
I Was Looking Up At The Stars When August Was Behind Me Holding Me
"I Remember When I Was Little And My Mama Would Pass Out Drunk And My Daddy Would Be Gone At His Mistress House I Would Just Look Up At My Window In My Bedroom And Glazed Up At The Stars Just Praying To God That Its Somewhere Out Ther In The World Better Than Here" I Said
"It Gotta Be"He Said
"Cheers To That"I Said As I Took A Sip Out Of The Hennessy
"You A Straight Gansta No Chasers No Nothing"He Said
I Giggled
He Kissed Me On My Neck And Said "Where You Been All My Life"
"In A Fucked Up Relationship"I Replied
"Im Glad You Here Now With Me"He Said
"You Say The Sweetest Things"I Said
"That Cause You Make A Nigga Feel Some Typa Way...I Gotta Soft Spot For You"He Said
I Turned Around And Faced August And Said "I Can See Myself Being With You Is That Weird?"
"Not At All"He Replied
We Drunk A Whole Half Of Bottle Of Hennessy Than We Watch Menace To Society
August Stood Up And Took His Shirt Off And Said "You Hot"
"No Im Okay" I Said
Than He Took His Pants Off
"No Im Okay" He Imitated Me
I Laughed And Said "You So Irritating"
He Got On Top Of Me And Said "You Like It Tho"
Than He Kissed Me
I Bite My Lip And Kissed Him
And He Got In Between My Legs I Could Feel His Penis Getting Hard Through His Boxers
He Started Sucking On My Neck And I Was Lovin The Feelin
"August"I Moaned Out As I Closed My Eyes
And I Could Visualize Was The First Time Me And Ryan Made Love
And How I Use To Moaned Out His Name Ryan Was The Only Man I Ever Slept With In My Life
I Opened My Eyes Up As August Slipped My Panties Off
Than I Started To Think How Wrong This Was
"Stop..Stop" I Said Pushing August Off Me
"What..Whats Wrong I Got A Whole Box Of Rubbers "He Said
"We Can't Do This...Im Technically Still In A Relationship"I Said
"So What That Does Mean"He Said
"August If I Was Ya Girlfriend Would You Want Me Fuckin Another Nigga Behind Your Back...Be Real"I Said
"Fuck!"August Said Out Loud As He Rolled Off Me
"Im Sorry"I Said As I Sat Up
He Didn't Respond To Me
"I Really Wanted To.."I Stated
He Still Didn't Say Anything
"Im Just Going To Goo Now...I Know You Probably Pissed..Im Sorry" I Said
I Got Up Search For My Panties And Put Em Back On
August Stood Up And Looked At Me
It Was Tears In My Eyes And August Realize
"Whatcha Cryin For"He Asked
"Because I Don't Wanna Be With Him..."I Cried
"Ssh Come Here"He Said As He Wrapped In His Arms
"Listen To Me Mama You Too Beautiful,You Too Smart,You Too You To Be Crying Ova That Nigga Ya Heard Me"August Said
He Was So Right
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