《The Matrimony (Completed)》Chapter Six -Fallin Out Of Love


Early The Next Morning I Woke Up And Woke August Up Too

"Gud Mornin"He Said As He Yawned

"Good Morning" I Replied

I Stood Up And And Stretched

He Stood Up And Said "Wake And Bake.Roll Up"

He Handed Me Some Weed And Backwoods

I Sat Down And Started Rollin Up

"What You Doin Today"I Asked

"Im Putting The Finished Touches On Testimony"He Said

"What You Gon Do After The Album Out" I Asked

"Go On Tour And Make Some Real Money"He Answered

"Tour From City To City" I Asked

"Maybe Even The Uk Too..My Label Got Alot Of Shit Planned"He Said

"How Long You Think You Gon Be Gone"I Asked

"Why You Gon Miss Me Too Much"He Asked With A Smirk On His Face

"Why Would I Miss You August When We're Just Friends"I Lied To Him And Myself

"You Can Miss A Friend"August Said

"You Gon Miss Me?'...You Know As A Friend" I Said

"Nah..Thats What I Got Money For I Can Fly You Out Wherever Im At"He Said

I Finished Rolling The Blunt

"You Cool With That Me Flyin You Out Right" He Asked

"Baby I Can Fly Myself Out To You"I Said

"Thats Real...Well Baller You Think You Can By A Nigga Some Breakfast"He Asked As He Threw Me A Lighter

"What You Want To Eat"I Answered

"It Don't Matter I Ain't A Picky Nigga"He Said

I Took A Hit And Passed It August

"When You Serious Hit My Line"I Said

"I Got Cha...You Sleep Good Last Night" He Asked

"Perfect"I Replied He Paased The Blunt Back To Me

"Well You Think Tonight You Can Sneak Away From Ya Nigga Tonight..." He Asked

"I Might Whatss Up"I Said

"Ima Cook For You Tonight...At My House"He Said

I Blush And Said "You Wanna Cook For Me"

"Yea..I Wanna Feed Ya New Orleans Style Baby" He Said As He Smiled At Me

"I'll Be There.."I Said As I Smiled Back At Hin

After We Smoked August Walked Me Out To My Car

"Ight Ms.Glory"He Teased Me

"Okay Mr.Alsina"I Said

He Took My Hand And Leaned In And Tried To Kiss Me

But I Turned My Head Blockin His Kiss

"Whats Wrong?"He Asked

"Nothin..I Just Don't Wanna Confused Things With Us"I Said

"What Ya Mean"He Asked

"I Mean We Friends And Friends Shouldn't Kiss EachOther"I Said

He Grabbed A Hand Full Of My Hair And Kissed Me Passionately

His Tongue Was Inside My Mouth And Everything

"Now What Nigga"He Said While Still Grabbin My Hair

I Didn't Have Shit To Say He Was Too Smooth


I Bite My Bottom Lip

He Licked His Lips At Me

"See You Tonight"He Said

"Ima Call You In A Minute"I Said

He Finally Let My Hair Go

I Just Smiled At Him

I Headed Home High As Hell And With Lust Over Me I Got Home And Walked In The Kitchen Cause I Had The Munchies Real Bad

But We Didn't Have Any Snacks Just Some Carrots Stick And Low Fat Ranch

And I Was Smashin That

Ryan Came In The Kitchen "Where You Been"

I Laughed And Said "You Say That Like You Care"

"I Been Callin You All Night"He Said

"My Phone Was Dead..So Please Chill..."I Said As I Walked Away From Him

As I Walked Away He Pulled Me Back By My Arm

"Im Not Done Talkin"Ryan Said Calmly

"Well I Am...Let Me Go"I Said Tryin To Pull Away From Him

"Let Me Go!"I Demanded

"You Gon Tell Me Where You Been"Ryan Asked

"Let Me Go....Ima Ask You Nicely One Last Time" I Warned Ryan

He Finally Let Me Go

"You Ain't Even Gotta Tell Me..Cause I Already Know"He Said

"You Don't Know Shit"I Said

"I Know You Been Out Doing Something You Had No Business Doin"He Said

"Wow Really" I Tried To Laugh It Off

"Your Crazy Ryan"I Said Rollin My Eyes

"Come On Now You Really Gon Mess Up A Happy Home For Some Bullshit"He Said

"How Can You Say That Ryan When The Only Time I Am Happy Is When Im Away From Home And Away From You"I Said Frownin My Face

"We Can Fix This"Ryan Said

"What If We Can't...What If Its Too Late" I Said With Tears In My Eyes

"Sssh Baby....I Know I Been Difficult To Deal With But Baby Ima Make It Up To You Ima Get Us Back On The Right Track Again Just Trust Me" He Said

He Pulled Me Closer And Started Kissing All Over Me

"I Just Wanna Make Love To You"He Said Kissing On My Neck

"Ryan..Im Really Tired"I Moaned Out

"Let Me Do All The Work Than Ima Make You Feel So Good Come On Let Me Make You Feel Good"He Said Rubbin All On My Ass

"Ryan I Don't Think We Should Do This"I Said While Still Kissing On Me

"Why"He Said

"Because ..Cause...Because Im On My Period"I Lied

"Oh"He Said As Hs Stopped Kissin Me Immediately

"Yeah"I Said

"Well We Can Just Talk" Ryan Said

"Im Tired I Have Class In Another Hour" I Said

"Well We Can Talk Tonight I'll Make Us Dinner"He Suggested Lookin So Pathetic And Lost


"Can't Tonight I Have A Test To Study With Some Friends Tonight"I Lied

"Aziah Im Tryin"He Said

"And Ryan Im Tired Im Going To Bed'I Said

I Went Into My Bedroom

Took My Shoes Off And Laid In The Bed Reminiscing About The Feelin I Get When Im Always Around August

I Love That Feelin August Gave Me

Ryan Came And Layed Next To Me

He Wrapped His Arms Around And The Only Thang I Keep Thinkin Was "I Wish He Was August"

Ryan Was Tryin To Work This Out But The Fact I Didn't Wanna Make This Work I Wanted Out

I Got Up Took A Shower Headed To Class

After Class I Stopped By My Grandmother Houses On My Way Home

I Use My Key And I Could Already Smell My Grandmother Southern Cookin

"It Smells Good In Here"I Yelled Making My Way To The Kitchen

"Is That My Favorite Granddaughter"My Grandmother Asked

"Im Your Only Granddaughter"I Said As I Walked In

I Saw My Grandmother In The Kitchen At The Stove Fryin Chicken

She Smiled And Said "Where You Coming From You All Dressed Up"

"I Had Class Today...How You Doin You Grandma"I Asked

"Child Im Blessed"She Replied

"You Know You Suppose To Be Usin That Cane Grandma"I Said

"I Don't Like Usin That Thang Make Me Feel...Old"She Responded

"Grandma The Doctors Want You Stay Off Your Feet As Much As Possible"I Said

"Girl Hush Up...Sit Down Let Me Fix You Something To Eat...Go On"She Insisted

I Sat Down At The Table And Said "At Least Just Use Your Cane....For Me"

"For You?? Okay....I"ll See What I Can Do"She Said As She Made Me A Plate Of Chicken,Cornbread,Greens And Potatoes

"I Talked To Ya Mama Today"She Said

"Oh Really What She's Talkin About"I Asked

"If You Called Her Sometimes You'll Know"She Said

"She Doesn't Call Me"I Stated

"It Doesn't Matter ..Lord A Mother And A Daughter Thats Not Speaking Is Unnatural"My Grandma Said

"Well She The One Who Sat At This Very Table And Told Me She Wish She Would Of Swallow Me"I Said

"She Was Drunk!" My Grandma

"How Many Times You Gon Keep Using That As A Excuse" I Asked

"Its Not A Excuse Baby An Addiction Its Hard To Get Rid Of Believe Me I Know..Thats How I Know Your Mother Can Live Addiction Free Im A Living Example"She Said

"She Always Relapses And You Know It But Grandma You Always Took Care Of Me And Love Me Why Couldn't She Do The Same Addiction Or Not "I Asked

"Baby You Gotta Stop Livin In The Past And Forgive You Can't Heal Unless You Forgive"She Said As Sat Down

"I Hear You Grandma"I Said

"Well When You Get Time Atleast Go See Her...For Me"My Grandma Said

I Smiled And Said "Okay For You But Only For You"

She Kissed My Forehead And Said "See Thats The Sweet Girl I Raised"

Than She Said "When You Gon Get Pregnant"

"Grandma Please Let Me Digest Before We Discuss Vaginas Rippin Up"I Said

"Im Serious You And Ryan Been Together For A While You Should Married Him And Have A Lotta Babies Before I Die"My Grandma Said

"Grandma You Not Dying Anytime Soon And I Wanna Do All That Grandma Just Not With Ryan" I Stated

"What Happened With Yall"She Asked

"Its Not Working Out"I Said

"Oh Baby Im So Sorry To Hear That..I Really Am"She Said

"Its Okay Grandma Really...In FactI Met Someone Else"I Said As I Blushed

"Did You Now "She Asked

"Yeah...I Did..He Sings,He's Handsome,He's Honest And He's Good To Me...Ima Bring Him By One Day So You Can Meet Him"I Said As I Blushed

"Oh Please Do I Would Love To Meet Him Sounds Like He's A Very Nice Man" My Grandma Said

Grandma Been Taking Care Of Me My Whole Life I Told Her Secrets She Taught Me How To Cook And Everything She Was My The Reason Why I Smiled So Much

I Loved My Grandma But She Loved Me Way More And I Knew That

After I Finished Talking To Her And I Was Leaving She Gave Me One Of Her Famous Sweet Potatoe Pie

"Make You Sure You Give You New Friend Some..He'll Neva Leave After He Get A Piece Of This"She Joked

But Her Pies Were Really That Good

On My Way Leaving My Grandma House Gia Called

"Whatss Up"I Answered

"Nothin Come To Mall With Me Tonight"She Said

I Looked At The Time And Notice It Was Almost Time To Go See August

So I Made Up A Phony Excuse Not To Go "I Would But I Gotta Help My Grandma She's Sick"

"Im Sorry To Hear Is She Okay" Gia Asked

"Yeah She Will Be Just Fine Im Just Helping For The Night"I Replied

"Im Bored And August Is Busy Tonight And I Miss Him And I Need Someone To Vent To"Gia Complained

"Well Tomorrow We Can Go Out And Go Baby Shopping For Brea Just Me And You" I Said

"You'll Stopped And Buy Us Smoothies From My Favorite Coffee Shop" Gia Asked

"Of Course I Will" I Said

"Best BestFriend Ever!" She Said

"You Already Know"I Said

"I Love You"She Said

"Love You Too"I Said As I Hung Up The Phone

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