《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》Chapter 5: Where to Now?
"Are you Gay?"
Leaning beside the JS Maya's bridge was her Sister. Haguro, away from Mirai and the others. She silently gazes around the surrounding as they traveled.
The countless colorful stars that the night sky showed were heartbreaking for her. She who embraced Art the most amongst her peers. The sight of the beautiful night. Makes her tear up.
"In the search for Gold. Building industrial Cities and lighting up our dark world from the cold night, we Sacrificed Diamonds. The unparralel Beauty of Nature." She murmurs to the sight.
"Greed has always affected our train of thought. God said we should not gamble and be blinded by greed. But greed helped us get this far."
Bell interupted Haguro's alone time. Which she did not take lightly, with a frown on her eyebrows Haguro responds.
"Go bother anyone but me, everyone is at the Flight Deck, right? Go ask that Devil her slaughters or something."
"Is Mirai's sin. That bad?"
"Bad? BAD!?" She mocks as she silently laugh. "Do you honestly think there is a Word that could describe her sins?!"
The word "Bad" offended Haguro dreply and she without a care in the world. Berrated the curious Belfast insulting her along the way.
"She is the spawn of a Demon birth from the selfishness of Humanity. She lacks Compassion, and Emotion. She doesn't care what happens to us, if somebody orders it, She will do it and beyond. There are no chains binding her. We feared her to the point of the US backing her in the Trials of her Warcrimes, silencing ! She had done. So Belfast let me ask you something, are you realy Belfast? If you can't answer then get out of my sight, this instant!"
Taken aback by Haguro's words Bell couldn't utter words.
"Is she Realy the successor of the Name Belfast?"
"She lacks every qualities her Mother had. Was she realy raised by her? Or thrown to the sides."
"I heard she disobeyed the command from the Admiralty. She should be scrap as punishment and an Example to the Youngsters."
Those voices flooded into her head. The scandalous rumors of her Existance was the only thing that plagued her entire life. In the strict and traditional Royal Navy, a Youngster dares disobey.
Her Mother was gentle and kind. She was always wise and had a great understanding of others, compared to that she was the opposite.
Silently she accepted Haguro's words and left planning to go towards the flight deck of the ship. On the way there a dark room with a slightly closed door caught her interest. Opening the room she switched the lights on.
What she saw baffled her. It was an entire room dedicated as a museum, there was alot of commemorations such as medals, war thropies like swords and hair pins(?) At the very corner of the room shelved in a glass cabinet.
Ignoring those for now she approached the items on the middle of the room neatly placed like its a treassure. They were all picture frames, 7 of them to be exact.
First she inspected the one with the earliest title of year, March 19 2020. Maya and Haguro were both commisioned at the same time and behind them were all the JSDF Ships in a group photo, smiling, and laughing it was a peacful time. Returning the photo she took the second titled with the year December 2022, there was an increased in ships and so is the third one.
However the 4th showed a terrifying decreased within their fleet, almost all members were trying not to be negative, Belfast could see the forced smiles among the people in portrait. The fifth showed an Increased with more ships accounting to 12, including Mirai along with 5 others wearing her uniform.
Belfast sighed and inspected the last two, it was clear there. The changes in their behaviour was clear, Mirai among them at last picture looked to be genuinely smiling. However the people who had her uniform only has one wearer left and is showing concern from Mirai's side.
"I should've not been in here." Holding her forehead she regreted allowing her curiousity to get her.
Preparing to leave, her eyes caught the attention of the Glass cabinet. Seeing a luxurious ammount of Hair Pins neatly placed one by one each having a plate with a number and Japanese characters.
For one Belfast can't understand Japanese, Mirai and the others were just fluent in English due to the many participations they had with foreign forces.
Taking one out she admired the simplicity and beauty of the Kanzashi Hairpin. An ornament meant to symbolizes the hierchy like a princess, the rod was covered in the colors of the night with countless white dots and a bluish aurora.
Belfast wondered why such authentic ornaments was in a Musuem section of the Ship, reading the title again she noticed three letters written from the english alphabet and number.
This wasn't a mistake and she realized that, each pins Modern or traditional was meant to remember those that were lost in the war. Terrified, she quickly placed back the ornament and bowed deeply mimicking the sign of Apology in Japan she learned from Anime.
"Interested in my Collection?" A voice suddenly came from the entrance of the room.
Bell's face paled as she slowly turn her gaze towards the person who called her out. It was the same person in the photo, someone with a genuine smile whenever she is around anybody.
"A- Apologies," She stutters. "I didn't mean to show disrespect." Again Bell bowed deeply.
Mirai tilted her head a smile still plastered in her face. Walking forwards she passed Bell and into the same cabinet.
"Interested? They're... Memento's of Comrades and Enemies. I'm sorry if I startled you, I just came here to place another memento from a person I just met."
Holding a Fiber Glass White blankmask which Mirai carefully and with care rubb out the red underlines in the eyeholes.
"Is that from your "Insider"?"
The smile in Mirai's lips became shallow, "Yes. Hopefully it doesn't truly become a Memento."
Placing the mask into a stand the Collection of over 120 Memento's were displayed. There was an Empty smile in Mirai's lips but Bell couldn't point it out. And so they stood in silence.
"Everyone has a Special way of remembering somebody they can never forget. Be it pictures or memento's to remind me and many others of our past...."
A Gloomy athmosphere then entered the already awkward aired room, Bell held her chest tightly but remained with an indifferent face.
"Hahahaa... I shouldn't make such a downward curve, hey do you know this? This is the Great Liberation Navy's Destroyer Dalian's Sword.... my first kill."
Bell trembled where she stood. Normaly she wouldn't be shock to an unfortunate victim of war, but staring in Mirai's eyes. It was different. What she saw was not something that humans should see when discussing the dead, simply put it was Terrifying. The crescant moon was overshadowed by the person infront of her's glee.
Bell wanted to run, this person.... is crazy. The doubts she had with the hate from the others to this person was umderstood easily by a simple display of thought.
Fear slowly cornered her wellbeing, it felt as if air was not so plentiful and the rush of her blood made her turn pale, she could barely stand in the face of Mirai.
".... Haha, the person died not by my sword but by her very own sister. I simply dodged at the last second, her sister's scream was realy ear pierciny and I couldn't forget what happened on that day...."
Mirai still with a calmed tone of voice looked at Bell with an indifferent gaze.
"Bell... Belfast of the Royal Navy...... you're truly lucky."
With that Mirai turned around and left the room, leaving Bell with a busy mind trying to process the events that had occured.
"Lucky....? Wish I was." With one last gaze to the room, she sealed it with a part of her unanswered.
There was alot to take in, she didn't wanna confront them but either that or she'll stay weak forever and after seeing what a disposable ship went through to be strong her heart was set on a goal.
"I must apologize to Mother.... it doesn't matter whqt happens here on. But I swear I won't smear on your name. Mom."
Mirai has walked far from Belfast and she made several turns within the confines of her ship to not be followed. Looking back again the entire hall was empty.
"...ugh..." she groans. Covering her face with one hand while the other pressed on a wall to stabilize herself.
She curses to herself again, her heart beating even faster, she was far from calm, she was gritting her teeth the whole time she was with Belfast in that room because for Mirai it was painful.
Knowing she no longer will be able to feel an emotion of doubt whenever she kills, the feeling of being feared by an ally who would talk behind her back is the only thing left that concerned her feelings, it was shameful using somebody just for her to experience even a part of her past self.
The thought of being hated by everyone made her sad, but it was the only thing left she could cling on. By being a savage crazy killer she will be hated, which makes her sad. Sadness the last of her remaining emotion, one she desperately cling to.
A smile emerged on her lips as a streak of tears slowly let down from her eyes.
After counting the ammount of Gems, Akashi sheepishly grins and she brought a thumbs up gesture. While she can't show her hand due to her sleeves it was enough for somebody to understand.
"You're all good, Nya~"
Akashi's latest Scam- Buisness was a success and she recieved alot in return. Whilst she left to return to Sakura, Mirai wept over the ammount of barrels.
"My Monthly allowance... gone. Reduced to Atoms...." she kept repeating those words as tears(?) Streaks down ger face.
Shikishima was inspecting the barrels of fuel and found it incompatible due to the quality not meeting the standard for their ships.
Shikishima a Coast Guard Patrol vessel, of the Japan Coast Guard. She was accidentaly whisked away along with Maya and Haguro, they were at this world far longer than even Mirai.
"If we share the fuel we can still go on for 5 years, however the quality of said fuel is lacking. Fear not I could process this fuel no problem, but to do that we need a base inland. However it will also take time, something you, Mirai doesn't have."
"End Me." Mirai replied.
After their escape the wounded Mirai, Maya and Belfast was checked specialy Belfast being improsined for an Entire month, there wasn't any fault in them. They were built different in a Way.
Maya was covered in Bandages from the Injuries she sustained from shrapnel and rolling off a mountain while Mirai only had light injuries.
Shikishima was the victim, she did all works such as bandaging and taking care of the group. Now theres more work ahead of her something that she finds euphoric.
"The Rice and Vegetables could last long, in storage. Don't you think Mirai?" Maya asked feeling the food Mirai bought.
"Yesh... but theres no Meat or Fish." Mirai replied with a tired voice whilst her eyes looked similar to a Dead Fish simingly regreting her Purchase.
"Well. We can eat by a Restaurant in Dragon Empery or (Korea), what do you think?"
Mirai's head rised a little enough to gaze back to Maya. Smiling Maya successfuly baited Mirai's attention,
"My treat~"
That was the final nail in the coffin, Mirai's spirit rose exponentialy and she walked over to Maya.
"Thanks." She whispered.
"Guys. Have you decided on where to go?" Bell arrived just in time.
"Yes, we'll go to Korea! Or what ever the country in this world is called." Shikishima enthusiasticly replied.
"Well then. By the way, Maya can you come over here. I have a question." Bell urged to come close.
"Oh? Alright...." Maya guessed what she was gonna ask by just the look of Bell's eyes.
"Haguro... why is she..." Bell whispered however Maya stopped her from continuing.
"Its best to leave the Topic alone Belfast."
"I see. Its that bad."
"Alright ignore my first question, I want to ask what are we gonna do now? Do we find a way home?"
"We'll have to lay low for now, if there are more people from our world trap here we should rendezvous with them and find a way home.... hold on are you Homesick, little girl?" Maya sheepishly grinned as a new revelation came to her mind.
"D- Don't call me a "Little Girl"!- M- maybe I am Homesick..."
A mocking snicker left Maya's lips, Bell was offended but was surprised of what came next.
".... We're the same, unlike everyone here I have someone waiting for me. In Japan."
From Maya's gentle words Bell couldn't help but grin. Maya's tint of blush on her cheeks were enough for Bell to ask.
"Is it a Husband?"
"N- no. A- a F- fiancé" Maya stuttered alot trying to reply.
"You have my blessing." Bell pats her in the shoulder and leaned in to whisper, "Invite me to your Wedding."
"Y-yes I will." Maya hid her face in embarrasment. She would've threw herself in the water if not for her injuries.
Walking in the dimly lit streets of the Sakura Empire, was Takao hunging her head down. Tired and ashamed of what had happened.
The once clamouring festival was a silent husk as people evacuate from battle. Many had thought it was a Siren Attack. However she knew all to well what she had fought was not Siren or Human made.
Something similar and different from them, her power was unmatched and manage to even surpass her, the Great Takao, easily surpassed like a roadside bug. She naturaly felt offended and wish to become stronger one day.
"Ah, is that you Takao? What had happened? Who were the perpetrators responsible for the sacking of our ports and destruction of our research facilities?"
Turning around she saw a student who learned under her for the ways of the blade, Katana firmly placed by the hips and wearing a short Kimono under parts of Samurai Armor.
A young and innocent face the girl was asking in curiousity, Takao can't be mad at that. Its just that its shameful to be called a Teacher after being easily outmatched by a better fighter.
(Imagine training so hard, just to not get a screentime in a fight scene.
On second thought I'll add that in later.)
"Hiyo... you've come back from your Mission huh.... we'll talk later, I was summoned by the Admiral." She sighed deeply tired.
"Oh, then I am accompanying you. I too got called by the Admiral."
"I see."
Both went to the Admiral's quarters on the way there they were silent. It was awkward and both of them were aware of that fact, both knew the fault but couldn't state or even mention itthey just silently strolled through side by side.
With a few knocks on the door and a word to address their entry, "Admiral, we've arrived." That they were let in.
Inside were other 8 ships, one of them Takao doesn't recognize. Naturaly to their entry all eyes were on them, Takao felt the preassure and she wanted to run away. But the duty outweighed her emotion, followed by Hiyo they went to the side and allowed the discussion to begin.
"First off lets discuss the current problem at hand, Mihara as the representative of the Imperial Navy's Maintenance and supply department. What do you have to say with the loss of over 400 thousand barrels of oil. What do you have to say?"
Mihara nervously wipes countless beads of sweat slipping from her forehead, she collected her self and composed her words trying not to sound suspiscious or guilty.
"A-Admiral, we believe that it was targeted upon the raid from the new faction, we've guess they were here after the Prisoner on our custody however the motive of them stealing the fuel is not impossible, after all they need fuel to move the ship."
The Admiral squints his eye gazing if not glaring to Mihara. Even so he sighed and let the thing be switching his sights to Takao who shuddered by the preassure from the admiral alone.
"Takao. Tell me, what is your excuse for failing to protect the Entire Forward Base. Had I not explain that its Top priority to protect the base at all cost? We had an operation ready, not only that but months of research on both that ship and siren technology lost. So please explain, I am all ears." Despite his calm and soothing voice it was laced with terrifying menace, wrath of a calm man.
Takao felt her legs weak, she was shaking and sweat covered her entire body as if she went for a brief swim. What should she answer? What could she say? What reason could ever let her off the hook.
"Admiral.... if I said she was too strong. Will you believe me?" The bold words completely took everyone off guard.
All in attendance gazed at her with shock, amazement and pity.
"Oh~..." the soothing voice was gone, replaced by a much colder and harsher tone. "Please explain, I am intrigue. One of the best swordsman defeated by a Nobody, please do tell why."
"I... I was defeated quickly."
"Do you think thats enough reason? I get what happened with many of the ships being sent to the hospital in critical conditions but that still doesn't explain why you're left unscatched."
All stares of doubt was centered around her, even her student Hiyo had already assumed the worst. She ran away. Thats the general thought within the room. Even she can't prove what happened as she wasn't even clear what occured.
"... If you have nothing else, You have to regain your Honor."
The moment the Admiral said those words a case with a ceromonial knife was placed on the table. She can't prove her innocence and her heart dropped at the thought of leaving the world so early.
The moment she touched and felt the blade in her hands images of her sisters and her life showed itself. She didn't realize tears were already rolling down her face, unsheathing the blade she saw the silver and sharp edge of the ceremonial knife.
"Admiral. I can vouch for Miss. Takao regarding the recent raid." Among the people the relatively unknown mature woman raised her hand. Stepping forth to the middle and infront of Takao.
"Hm? Then please, I want to hear your Argument." The Admiral smiled as she lets the mysterious woman handle the floor.
"I was watching in curiosity as the alarm was raised, I didn't take action under the orders of the Supreme Admiral. However I did notice that she was incredibly strong and even outmatched many with simple manuevers whilst being overwhelmed it should speak large volumes by that proof alone."
The Admiral nods accepting the woman's word like a natural flow of the wind. Simplicity over complexity.
"A Question Admiral." Akagi Raised her hand.
"What is it?" Akagi felt furious by the lack of respect the others were shown by this Admiral however destroying her image may not result well.
"Who is she?" Akagi rudely points toward the woman.
"Very well, Its fine if you introduce yourself. Yamato."
"Greetings to my fellow pears, I am Yamato of the New Yamato Class of Battleships. My sister will act as the flagship while I as a frontline combatant. I expect great fortunes and team work between us in the near future."
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