《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》Chapter 6: Beggining
Incompetence and Negligence over the concept of war was the reason for our lost, the Liberation Republic of China. The war to control our empire and to expand was doomed ever since a single word was uttered by our naive leader.
We weren't at fault for the tragedy's we've caused, because who gives a damn. The rich complains while the poor rebuilds that's what always happens no matter the ages in the calendar.
But out of all things in the outcome for my future... I still couldn't believe it, I Qingbai my prided name was erased by my new owners and gave me the disgraceful monicker of Youzui.... Guilty.
Not only that but everyone seemingly forgot that we existed... I faced more traumatic experiences than what ever those soft crybabies and their navies faced in the seas.
I was there when the Hunter-Killer Drones were first used on Kansens. Effective weapons against Siren Dolls and Humanoid Forms, easy kills if we do say so. And let me tell you, it was just as effective on us Kansens.
Is that all? No. I was there... when the Demon was first born. That Demon... Killed my sisters, her fast but simple movements were foreign. But fault lies at our incompetance once again for not studying hard on how to wield a blade, after all we just carried them as decorations.
You maybe asking how a woman with a sword slaughtered many of the experienced Kansens with a mere sword? Well... its better to tell the full story of what truly happened on that fateful night.
Just like any other missions a Large Fleet Protecting Liberations newest Super Carrier and Amphibious Assult Force towards Indonesia. I was part of the Vanguard Far left of the formation and we met barrage upon barrage of many different types of missiles, though I was left injured we managed to reach over 10 miles from our destination.
I wanted to retreat but I couldn't because superior's orders are absolute and a measely injured selfish ship is not allowed to complain or its death for me. Stupid.
When things went well things go south and so everything suddenly came crashing down as multiple EMP Strikes disabled our weapons and communication to HQ. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared at the time, its terrifying actualy.
No eyes nor ears, we were on the mercy of our enemies. Yet no barrage similar to what happened the first time occured. It was silence, I was on edge.
The Strong winds coupled with the High seas made it hard for us to continue moving with our Riggings, the storm intensified but it quickly calmed down. The light in the sky were dimm so it was hard to see, but at the moment one of us opened our lights towards a ship facing opposite of our direction, it made me realize that they too, were blind.
Instead of a ceasefire everyone immediately equipped their riggings and went to battle, Using Guns and unguided torpedos as the signal of war, the battle became hectic as if it was the seas of the old.
Using what ever was on hand the brutal fight went on, those who held or had ceremonial weapons find themselves easily winning in melee combats with others and with their guns they were dominating the battlefield.
I watched my sisters kill left and right, I struggled to fight using only a gun due to my battered arm unable to hold my ceremonial Chinese Machete. They, my sisters Dhalian and Lhasa, easily took care of everyone with their teamwork, however I seemed to have misjudged their ability.... I had thought they could beat them all. But I was wrong.
I lost them at that day, sometimes my memories are foggy of what truly happened. But I remember it being quicked and simple, and that they angered somebody.
Demon. Thats what we call her, a woman in white always covered in the blood of others. She was fast and easily stands out in the battlefield. I fear her. Appearance wise she looks like a normal grand admiral and knowing she was a disposable ship made it less believable for her to have such a perfect face. But thay perfect face always had mask hiding it's true intention.
I remember a time when the moment my sister was cut down that she looked at me with a glance to the side, she showed me a face I never thought somebody could make....
And that very person.
Is sitting in the restaurant I work in. She looked innocent and unaware of what I went through. For one its insulting, my eyes met with hers and she stared me down.
"My, Waitress. Can you please bring our food again. I believe filth is unnacceptable for us."
I can hear the grinding of my teeth, I must've excuded alot of bloodlust because the others with her looked shocked. They stared at me and back to the Demon.
"... I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!" I yelled and raised my arms in the air leaning to the side.
I conjured a part of my ship, formerly a Machete but now its my Sisters beloved sword. Lhasa's "Blue Sea Jian".
I aimed intentionaly for her head, normal people couldn't easily percieve or know how to normaly act when someone acts like this. But as expected.
"Oops, sorry. I was quite prepared." She said with a mocking tone. Holding a sheated Katana in her hand she blocked my sword.
It pisses me off. She isn't taking me seriously, then I'll just have to seriously kill her. I'll make you beg. Apologize. And slowly fucking killed by my sisters swords!
As she focused her eyes on my Jian I used the oppurtunity to conjur Dhalian's Dao Sword. She was surprised by the move and immediately she leaped from the chair and into the window, shattering it.
Yamato Ramen, it was honestly the only thing Mirai had on her mind. She looked at the broken window with a daze expression. She covered her tummy the moment it growled and she showed no signs of embarassment.
"Are we done? I'm kinda hungry."
Of course she was immediately the center of attention the moment she crashed through the window and held in her hands are the weapons of their conquerors.
The Moonlight Maiden Mirai held in her arms were the very same sword she inherited from her Teacher, a Memento she keeps at all times. She held it by her waist still sheated but a single thumb pushes the hilt for ease of access.
The opponent followed her steps and looked at her with bloodlust radiating uncontralably in the air.
"Not listening to words? Fine. Coercive diplomacy it is." Mirai unsheates her Katana. "Let's dance Guilty!" Final battle preperations were completed after Mirai wore a dark shade glasses that covered her eyes.
She took a stance with the sharp part of the blade nearly touching the ground, her footh balanced her body and all the senses of battle were ready at the move of a muscle.
Youzui previously known as Qingbai took her stance as well, her clothes ripped after the wisdom cubes manifested to show her Kansen armor. Not only that as a Chinese Traditionalist she is well versed in the Chen Song Dao style of fighting but due to having her second sword not being a machete but instead a straight sword she had created her own style all in pursuit of making the killer of her sisters bleed by their weapons.
With the two fighters staring each other down with straight faces, the onlookers specialy civilians immediately hid but many kept watch by taking peeks from where they took cover.
Another growl from Mirai's stomach is forcing her to finish this fight ahead. The delicious food is waiting for her, so she must give it her all. Compared to Mirai's motivation of eating at that very moment Youzui was a little more complexed. Revenge? Maybe.
With a Dash forwards Mirai lifted her blade upwards and immediately narrowingly avoiding a decapitation strike. It was an easy dodge but what came next surprised Mirai.
The Jian sword was used as a Bait for mirai to dodge into another attack and Mirai fell for it, the Machete immediately striked the airborne Mirai within a split second.
The Grinding of metal resounded as the Two blades slid off of one another. 'That was Close' Lamenting her easy going nature Mirai finaly took a serious stance and freed her hand from the sheate of her Katana in favor of holding the blade with two hands.
Mirai slowly walled sidewards not taking a second off her target, waiting for another strike to be parried. Instead a nail came flying at her, immediately she cut it off in two with not much thought.
But at that exact moment Youzui leaped forwards with the two swords placed on top of one another like scissors. Mirai gave up her knee with her back barely touching the ground narrowingly she dodged but also using that momentum to cartwheel placing a bit of distance for the two.
Conjuring a part of her rigging Mirai reinforced her arms. Immediately just after that she blocked a bullet to the face using the Wrist Bracer guards, while also conjuring another weapon this time its her naval gun turned revolver.
3 consecutive shots came from Mirai's weapon and none of them hit because it was jusr in time for Youzui to leap into cover.
The Stomach growled again begging to be fed. Mirai wanted to keep an Honor bound game with the Chinese Swordswoman however her hunger was overwheling her thoughts.
Another piece of item conjured in Mirai's back this time it was a shoulder mounted weapon held by robotic arms for ease of rearmament and firing.
(By Robotic Arms I mean something to Sundowner's Shields or Titanfall 2's minature missile cells located on their back.)
The Cell immediately aimed towards Youzii and the aegis system kept intouch with the target.
A white streak sliced through the air. A Minature Tomahawk missile hits the ground where Youzui hid. Youzui managed to easily dodge the following explosion and stood 9 feet away from Mirai.
"Running away again? Those legs may be fast but they're never fast enough to face death."
With Mirai's remark something clicked inside Youzui. Hide? Run? Too fearful to act? Those 3 things are the regrets she had in her life. And almost all those were made due to one person. A Menacing resolved blinded all her thinking.
Using a Conjured item, particularly two Missiles in her waist where a launcher is based. She removed the rear cell block and primers of the weapon for her use as a boost to quickly close the distance with Mirai.
"Oh fuck-" Mirai hurriedly blocked the blades with both her Bracers and locked eyes with Youzui.
Backstepping a few feet Youzui began her approach spinning and swiping her blade she was like an untouchable ball of deadly swords, Katana's are good for parrying attacks along with it was the teachings from the Junshin Maiden Lily style of swordfighting focusing on defence by advance parrying techniques however Mirai had a glaring flaw.
And that is not finishing her studies in the ways of the Moonlight Clan who teaches the Junshin Maiden Lily style. Now she is left in a hopeless situation as a far more experienced swordswoman corners her slowly.
Dirty tactics. A Missile launches again from Mirai's shoulder mounted cell in hopes of defeating or subduing the opponent but then the unbelievable happened.
With a quick look Youzui closed her eyes and threw away the Dao Sword in the air and used the Jian Straight sword to slice the missile in two from the explosice charge and rocket. In doing so gave her enough safety to strike and pierce the core of the missile that being its Primer deactivating the attack all that in a second.
Mirai was left stun at the sight but quickly recovers and fired again this time consecutively. However instead of destroying the cores again, Youzui opted to dodge using her superior actobatic movements and then throwing an EMP dart at Mirai's weapon.
"-!?" Mirai centered her Katana and planned to strike down the fast moving Youzui. However again she was countered.
Immediatly grabbing the Dao sword that fell from the air Youzui sliced a huge cut on the leg of Mirai and spun around to create a momentum for the Jian to throw off Mirai's sword.
Without much time to think Mirai was disarmed and with a beat of her heart, Youzui plunged the two swords into Mirai's abdomen.
"C-can't... be.......... an end....????" this way, Mirai for the first time after her incident felt fear.
The last of Mirai strengths focused on holding the swords in place and not allow Youzui to use it as a outward scissors to cut her in half. And yes Youzui has every intention to cut Mirai in half.
Blood were quickly spilling in the ground where Mirai stood, her white uniform tainted by the crimson blood of her body. She can barely balanced herself with the injuries she's gained and more are being added as her hands hold on the sharp edges of the impaled swords trying to keep them steady by pressing on them further giving her a deep cut in the hands but still she continued until only the bones in her hands were stopping the blade from being expanded..
The end. It was the last thing she wanted to experience when she was a stubborn target ship. Remembering the faces of her Sisters made her feel warm and cold at the same time.
"... ah... I'm.... sorry..." Those words reached Youzui who snapped out of her bloodlust.
Realizing what was happening Youzui was shaken, and she weakened her grip on the swords she held. Nonetheless Mirai hadn't noticed that she was too weak to push the swords away any further and continued to blurt out her regrets,
"Sorry.... Sakae.. ... ..... I'm a Bad sis-..." her legs finaly gave out, and she kneeled before the terrified Youzui. "Heh.... sister...." one last laugh.
Mirai no longer moved, and youzui felt guilt immediately overwhelming her. Just before she can check on Mirai a loud cheer arose from the Crowd.
Not knowing much of whats happening they cheered as a "Person who wielded a Sakura sword was defeated by somebody from Dragon Empery" which was not far from reality. But still the swords that had treated them as toys dropped along with the blood of its wielder.
Youzui looked around and again to find the people Mirai came with but they were nowhere in sight, she was truly being overwhelmed by the noises. Suddenly the cheers fell silent as a piece of metal dropped from the ground.
Immediately she turned around only to be met by a Jian sword to her face. It would've pierced her skin and skull but she was lucky enough to dodge by the pieces of her hair that was cut from the blow.
"H-how-!?" She wasn't left much time to talk as she dodges another swipe right after the other.
No, it was at that moment she realized it. Almost everything clicked in place, was this person who killed her sisters slaughtered more than just combatants and all were done with a smile in her lips.
It was.....
And she has awakened it again....
All she could do is desperately dodge with no weapons in her hand.
A Smile radiates from a Girl adorning a White Bridal Gown. It was a wedding where many other people attended, a Happy and memorable celebration for a Couple....
Mirai silently wished it was her. But a mere disposable ship will always be avoided by those looking for a long lasting relationship. Despite craving a Tint of Romance in her life the battlefield was her home.
But that home, the sense of the only comfort she has... was, gone. The war was already over.
Its been 9 Months, and She hasn't moved on. She would go out into the sea, expecting another fight, on occasion she'll encounter sirens but the thrill or feeling wasn't there. She was slowly beggining to turn dull.
She had already lost many people she loved, Her Teacher, Her Sisters, Her Rivals and Friends. All of them disapeared under the dark abyss, and now what was left of the survivors were a mere husk of their former selves.
"Tell me, what is the Purpose of me being here, Sakae-san." Bland, her tone and facial emotions were blunt and empty.
"Sister.... Please we're siblings. Don't use honorary formal language with me." Sakae spoke with a meek voice.
"Then tell me what is it about? To look on with Jealousy as a New Husband and Wife gets married? Or perhaps you specificaly invited me here to brag about your friends?" Mirai speaks with bitterness.
"Sister..! Haaah....." Sakae was frustrated to the point she was intending to counter instead she sighed tiredly.
After all she couldn't even convince her with mere words alone, it was her way of proving it with Action. But a mountain won't budge just by the wind.
"Can you show atleast even a small sense of an Emotional Reaction?"
"I'm sorry but no." Respectfuly declined, Mirai did.
Sakae frowned. She's the last one, the last sibling and sister of Mirai, she understood more than the others, the feelinga of her older sister.
There was a gloomy shadow in her heart that she can't and won't recognized. Even if it was the truth because Sakae was running away from that very truth, it was her fears.
"Sister, Listen..... Our Sisters will not be happy knowing what became of you."
"A Monster?"
"An Emotionless Monster. I- We don't care wether you become the very epitome of Destruction and Death but atleast keep what makes you, Human. After all we make mistakes, because nobody is perfect-"
"Since when were we humans?" The shocking reply halted Sakae's wisdom.
She stared at Mirai, horrified of her words. "What have you become...." she mutters under her breath.
With those words the world faded, coinciding with the Bride affirming her love to the Husband to be. A simple, yes.
I can't shake the feeling within me, Mirai was obviously a powerful person in both swords and will. But what was she thinking risking her life like that?
There's no way she defeated 6 People who are trained in the arts of swordsmanship that was far more refined than her style then just suddenly lose to this person, maybe she had a motive, that I'm not seeing.
"Bell, what's on your Mind?" The person who asked was an American Yank. A friend of mine, USS America. A whip as her personal weapon of choice, clearly not a sadist.
America is not a sadist, definitely, because right now she was concerned about me. Just ignore that wide grin of hers and then she's a normal friend.
"I'm in a dilemma and thats concerning Mirai." I spoke my honest feelings.
"Her again? You keep talking about other girls.... you're breaking my heart." She said so and drooped sad like a dog.
"We're not that close." I remarked quickly. Knowing her, she'll lengthen our conversation so for now...
"You're right! However its been Months and she's still in a coma! Not only that Youzui's still traumatized by that experience she barely shows herself."
"Thats not what I'm concerned about," Quickly I chided in. Expressing my disagreement.
"Then what? Bell."
"Its the fact that Mirai lost the first round. I saw her easily toy with this world's Takao, then just so suddenly be defeated by some waitress. It doesn't make sense!"
Hm?? She's laughing? Why?
"Hahahahaa, It makes sense. Because you arrived at a restaurant yes? Tell me what dud Mirai order."
Oh I axtualy get it, nonetheless I was still surprised. "Eh!? You mean she actualy lacked..."
"Lacked energy to fight! You see swordfighting or any hand to hand combat arts are exhausting though we may not need food as a necessity, us fighters still need them for extra power specialy in a long duel."
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