《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》Chapter 4: Lost of Compassion
Explosions erupted throughout the island as the detonation of research facilities and important military installations left an unintended horror to the Imperial citizens.
"Black wing, respond. I say again Black wing respond!? If you're hearing this immediately go to the docks we'll have to escape early. Somebody activated the explosive!" There was panic in her voice.
The entire base, is now alerted and docked ships begun dematerializing. The modern ships despite having technological superiority, sinking somebody can have a massive change in history. However they couldn't just die here either, because their technology alone can destroy the timelime of this world.
Observing the entire scene Maya looked for Haguro trying to see if someone was being chased or targeted. And there was, in dry dock 6 multiple ships begun firing low making sure not to hit the ship restrained behind the curtains.
Maya immediately tried to contact her, no response. She tried and again, same outcome. If its truly Haguro then she either lost the radio or its somebody else entirely.
A missile flew fast into a Kansen battleship knocking her over, Maya immediately stood up in disbelief as the curtains fall. The Ship in the Dry Docks were none other than the HMS Belfast a Guided missile Cruiser of the Royal Navy.
"Who's fighting them?"
Immediately taking out a pair of binoculars she observed and saw someone she never expected. "CRIMSON!?" Her shock caused her to yell.
"Crimson who?"
A voice behind her asked. Without hesitation she immediately materialized her 127mm gun and opened fired. Hastky without staying to look at the person who snucked behind her she dropped down and started running to the water.
"My, why are you running? Mufufufu, a Friend of Mirai perhaps. Well no promises were made, fire. Oh... I sound like one of those foxes...."
With her rigging deployed, Kongo fired a full salvo to the fleeing Maya. Despite her best she couldn't be left unscatched and she tumbled down into the mountain and into the ocean.
Back to Haguro, the entire base was flaring into an alert every soldier stood at a ready. Shrugging off the failure to ghost the Place haguro looked at belfast and asked.
"Can you fight hand to gun? Without your rigging I mean."
"Of course, I after all have friends in Korea who thaught me Taekwondo." Belfast responded.
"Nngh... wouldn't have been better if it was Arnis or Sambo and even Krav Maga. What're you gonna do spin and kick?"
"Thats quite offensive. But I'll allow it." The prideful belfast lets go of her ego in the face of facts.
The Guards closed in on their position, it was compromised due to Haguro's loud entry of the chamber. The guns pointed steadily at the door ready to kill or capture their saboteurs.
Immediately Haguro threw a Flashbang and blinded the soldiers screaming, followed by belfast disarming each and knocking them out on the floor.
"Yikes, someone will have to take responsibility and commit seppuku after this disaster." Haguro whistled as she remarks. "Lets go, if we aren't gonna leave we'll create trouble to ourselves. Lets go."
"Wait. Do you know where my ship is?" She asked and halted their escape.
"I don't. But, we'll easily find it. After all its the most unique ship you can find out here." Haguro reassured her.
Haguro busted a wall and into the ocean, she picked up her radio and tried to communicate to Maya again.
"This is Black Wing to Sparrow, Objective secured.... why is the fireworks early? Hello, Sparrow? M-Maya?"
"What's happening? Isn't this Arson? Why have you done that!? You killed innocent people!"
Belfast's outburst annoyed Haguro simply looking over to her surrounding checking if Maya will surprise them which was her typical behaviour. And yet she find it odd... there was a gunfight nearby however Maya wasn't someone to fight with a gun, and even far less to trade such a long drawn out brawl.
"Aren't you worried? The gun fire sounds close to a 127 oto melara Mk.5, similar to the Haguro-class. Is your sister alright?"
"Belfast, I know its a 127 but I find it strange. My sister never fights head on... we fight from range, so you're not the only one who finds it odd..."
"Perhaps its another Ship from our world?"
"Maybe. Lets check."
Have you heard of the Southeast EMP Shoal Massacre? It happened in the Fateful day of June 15th 2030. Against the Liberation Navy and a Combined fleet of JMSDF, USN and the rest of SEA.
A Tragedy took place in that moment, it changed the way Kansens fight. It was like a shift in time, returning into the fuedal way of fighting and the one responsible for it was the ship known as Future.
"Mirai..." a faint voice whispers from the lips of her Master, Hiyo flagship of the First Air Fleet of the JMSDF.
Clinging to the shoulders of her student as she tried to stay standing, barely any strenght within her grip. Using her last will she tried conveying her final words to her last breath.
A Large open wound was continuosly coloring the sea red, blood was gushing out and her organs were revealing. Ignoring those, future, held her master greatly with tears in her eyes.
"Don't look so sad..." her words reverberate within future, leaving her confused.
"I'm sad? No. I am not. Thats impossible. Ah..." it was at that moment she realized the water hitting her masters face was hers all along.
It was raining, typical weather for a tropical place. It wasn't suppose to be a battlefield but there it was, Kansen's fighting each other from tooth and nail.
Without their pioneering technologies the fight merely became a bloodthirsty brawl using teeth, fist and kicks. The EMP attack that has yet to be identified, shut off many of their systems. Instead of calling it quits they continued fighting those with ceremonial weapons had the largest advantage and two of them is Hiyo and Mirai the future.
"Hiyo... why! Why did you have to protect me!?" She asked with a pathetic shrivelled voice, with anger she grabbed her teachers collar as the tears continued.
She coughed blood from her once beautiful volluptuous lips. She was not bothered by Mirai's outburst and simply smiled showing a calm and warm gaze.
".... its... Simple... you're my student-"
"I'M DISPOSABLE!!!!!!!" Mirai stopped her from continuing. Her yell reverberated, through out and in the surrounding.
Mirai is a Yukinami-class (Target Ship) Aegis Destroyer. Unlike a simple Aegis equiped ship, the class of ship were created to become the Target of Missiles from the Arsenal vessels of the Liberation Navy. Decoys to be hit.
Its... frustrating for Mirai to be called a fellow member. Its insulting even. She hated it, for Mirai it was like being looked down on. Mirai lost her sisters in this war and she felt guilty being able to survive but being saved by someone greater than her? It was an insult.
"Dummy... its always important for a Mother to protect her child. And we... Teachers are the Mother's of (kagh)... our students. So Mirai... make me Proud and survive this Bullshit of a War."
Her words shocked Mirai reverberating within her heart. If she was a child, denying whats infront of her. Lying to herself. Then she is clearly immature... her words and the meaning clouded her mind.
unconciously Mirai held her hand, feeling the comfortable warmth as it slowly and gradualy turned cold. Her body's weight increases by the minute and she slowly submerged into the water.
There was a moment of silence for Mirai and the Battlefield as she passed away slowly drifting into the abyssal darkness. Leaving her...
Alone. Once. Again.
Over the countless shining stars. Mirai was alone. What is her real purpose? She is, the Future. But what is she suppose to do? She was unguided, losing the last person she can trust in this battlefield.
The silence.
(Pov Change)
Thinking about?
I had something in my mind... Why can't I remember it? What?
I held a sword similar to my Teacher's. No wait its definitely teacher's weapon. Does that mean she lost it? I must carry it back then.
Standing up, I looked around for Sensei. But she was nowhere near, radio's and other electronics were broken. I can't contact anyone. Where is everyone?
Where am I?
As I wonder which direction to go, a woman appeared infront of me. Smiling holding a Dao. A Chinese traditional Sword.
She snickered and laughed to my confusion.
"Ahahahahahah... to think the First Fleet of Japan is this weak!" She mocked.
But I have no idea why. who is this person. Where am I? Who is this?
"Who are you?"
"Pffft-!!" She helf her lips from an outburst. She clearly mocked me... whats going on. "Oh Darling. You're one of those ships right?~ my what a pity, I was expecting a very great duel between I and the legend."
Legend. Who is this legend. Enterprise? kaga? Belfast? Zumwalt? Maya? Kongo? Asahi? Sakae? Izumo? Bakunawa? Vanguard? Peter the great? Visakphatnam? Sejong? Who is she talking about? .......
"My oh my. To think Hiyo sank merely from a dash by my Sister! Muwhahaha!" She kept laughing and mocking.
Where is she?
I must bring back her Blade.
"Hahahaha! Where are you looking at? She's under you!"
My eyes shrunked as I saw a face covered in darkness. Under the barrier between worlds, swallowed by the Abyss.
She sunked.
Memories... suddenly rush across my mind as if recalling the events, starting with our departure, the moment I was shoved, my teacher defending me, and she gravely wounded carrying... me to safety and away from the battlefield.
Then a light in the sky. Creating a shockwave so strong the wind and the seas were influenced by it. The lights, the radio chatter all turned silent from then on. A surprised attack... gravely wounded Sensei.
And she was at.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
My hands. I felt her warmth, and................ I can't remember. Did she said something? What did she say?
Why do I feel a rising heat within me? My fist clenched. Why do I feel hot? Whats happening!?
"Sister. Finish her off already." Another Kansen arrived. Affiliated to the Liberation Navy.
Its Her.... she killed... Sensei.
My thoughts were bombarded by voices it clouded my mind, shoving away rational thought as pure Rage and instinct took over my actions.
With a fast and quick momentum I unsheated the Blade I held. A broken Katana, Mine and Sensei's.
"Mirai. Run." A voice resonated within my body and soul. But that mere wispher was too silent for me to hear.
I leaped forwards the both of them took a stance, without even hesitating I diverted the two blades in my hands to the left spinning to change my momentum.
My sharp blade landed to Jian blade, she snickered for her success on defending an all out desperate attack by me. clearly was a distraction for her sister to take the finishing blow, behind me that woman who mocked me had both her hands on her Dao Sword and she was going to strike a downward swipe.
Even if I attacked her the opposite would happen, so the choice didn't matter. I closed my eyes willingly accepting my fate.
Extending the Fight
My body shook, and leaned to the side I tried to take a sidestep to balance my posture the moment I did, I heard a strike between flesh and bone. Not in me, but to her sister.
She striked downward and hit her sister, I hadn't notice it. But my hands moved on their own. Striking the side of abdomen with my broken Katana, the sharp pain must've made her immobile and made her to lean forward making a clean blow to the back of her skull.
Seemingly horrified of her actions the other sister threw away her Dao and held the already... dead sibling of hers.
"NOOOO!!!!!! DALIAN!!!" She screamed as she catched the already unmoving body of her sibling.
she exposed her back towards me, her snickering lips disipated into a downward curve. Water was leaking out of her eyes. Her voice was low and panicking. She murmured some words desperate to check if the corpse would even respond.
But it doesn't matter.... My lips curved up, satisfied with what I... have done.
Slowly I raised the Katana of my Sensei, its blade shining by the light of the countless stars above, I merely gazed upon her rear. As fast as it went the blade went down,
The blade dripped with blood... it was the Blade's first, taste to the lives of Living beings.
"Thats it! My ship. Quickly- Haguro?"
"My sister is still not responding! I must look for her-"
With a stern cough, she was interupted by the familiar tone. Standing by the side Maya held her broken arm.
"Maya! Why-" Haguro was about to scold and complain but the moment she saw her sister did she realize why. "What Happened!?" Her voice was petrified, even Belfast was shocked to see her state.
Maya was heavily injured, her right combat glass was broken and the eye was bleeding, her clothes was ripped and torn she had bruises all over and she was wet from being temporarily submerged. She broke her left arm on the way down the mountain.
"I'm sorry... I tried contacting you, that the Explosions detonated early. And I think I know why." Maya explained as she points a finger.
Her trembling finger pointed towards a lone figure within the deck of a ship, surrounded by unconcious ships.
"Who-" Belfast was unaware.
But Haguro, glared with hostility clicking her tounge showing her disatisfaction. Muttering a word that Belfast couldn't help but mimck.
"Crimson? Who is she?" Bell asked.
"Crimson is just the nickname, many called her Cursed, whilst also calling her a demon. She's a Legend and Hero for Japan...."
Belfast was confused. She never attended a frontline service, only an escort for the remainder of the war. She did hear of the brutal combat within the frontline but she wasn't all to interested.
So it comes as little shock that she haven't heard of her.
"Her real name is, Mirai. Which means Future. She..." Maya explained halting her words with fear in her eyes.
"She's a Warcriminal. A Monster under the skin of a young Girl. I hate. Her." Haguro's snide remark shuts up the curios Bell.
The three gazed silently, until another explosion interrupted their train of thought. It was targeted to the HMS Belfast (Ship).
"Quick! Save my vessel- I can't retract my rigging because they put a collar on it!"
(A Collar is a fictional item I thought of, which denies Shipgirls from ever summoning their rigging.)
The three rushed forth. Belfast on the back of Haguro waved to the direction of Mirai.
"Hey!~ MS. MIRAI!" A large pillar of water rosed up terrifying Belfast. "Eeek! WE'RE FRIENDLY!!!"
Maya readied her Missile Cells, targeting the locks and the collar. She fired and unlocked the ship. All the whilst Mirai leaped and headed to meet them.
Midway through the air the ship behind Mirai dematirialized into dozens of wisdom cubes heading straight for Belfast.
The Bridge acted as a Hat, the Ciws formed as stylish hair ornaments, two guns were equiped under her risk, Anti-Ship missiles above her fist and the Missile cells and smoke stacks behind.
Belfast in that moment noticed something, Mirai was holding her cheeks. Bell doesn't know why. But kept a mental note of it.
"Ah. Place me dow-" Asking nicely she was thrown off.
Without a care in the world Haguro lets go of Belfast letting her fall to the sea, splashing her dress wet with sea water.
Immediately Haguro approached Mirai, Maya tried stopping her but the injuries she sustained couldn't hold the fury within Haguro.
"YOU!" Rudely she pointed towards Mirai.
"?" Mirai raised a Brow still with a smile(?) on her face.
Giving a Straight left hook Haguro gave it her all. But Mirai easily dodges the attempt, she responded by greeting her.
"Great to see you too. Friend!" Mirai says as she lean slightly to the left with a friendly smile. "Now we'll tell our little stories later. But first. We must escape.
Despite Haguro's multiple attempts to square up, Mirai merely points toward the Western Sea.
Bell was suspiscious to say the least. Everything about Mirai was wrong its quite terrifying. But she wasn't sure.
"Alright. Come in, Shima, yes we got the objective secured. Negative. We met Crimson along the way, we'll link up westward. Over and out." Maya radioed in.
( before you say anything, ITS SHIKISHIMA.)
"Guys, we should get going." Belfast urges.
And by that moment a Second Explosion to the same locations occured, Maya stared at it for a moment realising something.
"How did you even knew where to infiltrate the locations? Mirai, it took us weeks to get this operation ready.... but you..."
Mirai shrugged at her question,
"I had an Insider."
Chapter felt realy Short.
I'll just rework this in the near future
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