《The Alpha's Girl》Chapter 18
Later in the evening, I was able to finally go home. Nobody was outside when we were traveling from the pack hospital to the house. Chance had told me he put the pack on lock down. No one was allowed out of their homes after dark. He wanted everyone to be safe and stay in doors so that if there were rouges trying to attack us at night, none of the people would be taken or killed. I agreed with Chance, knowing first hand how dangerous Carter actually is.
Ryan was behind us as Chance helped me walk back to the house. I was healed up but at little sore still. Chance had told me earlier that he thought it would be safer if my parents and grandparents stayed at the pack house, where guards would be. Carter knows how much my family means to me and Chance didn't want them getting killed or taken.
"Ryan, could you show them to their room?" Chance asked as soon as we made it into the pack house. My family followed Ryan up the stairs and to the guest wing of the house. The three dogs followed close behind him. Once they were upstairs, Chance looked at me and frowned. "How are you feeling?"
I went into the kitchen so that I could get some food. Hospital food sucks and so I was starved. "I'm fine. I'm all healed up."
I showed Chance my shoulder and leg, which had scared over. The doctor said it would never heal the same way and that I would have the scar for the rest of my life. I didn't mind much. It was one more scar to add to the list. "Well, that's good then. Do you want something to eat since we're in here? I can cook you something."
I looked at the clock and shook my head. "It's almost midnight, Chance. I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something."
Chance led me over to the kitchen table and asked me to sit down. "How about some eggs and bacon? You said that's what you were craving at the doctors."
I sighed and sat down, my stomach growling at me again. "Alright, you can make me some food, but only if you sit and eat with me."
Chance smiled and went over to the fridge. "Deal."
Chance got out some eggs and a packet of bacon. He then went over to the stove and put the cracked some eggs into the pan and then got another pan for the bacon. I got up and went over to the fridge and took out two beers. I opened mine and gave one to Chance. I took a sip of my beer and sighed in content, needing something a little stronger right now. Chance smiled and looked at me. "You do know that since you're a werewolf you can't actually get drunk anymore, right?"
I almost choked. "What?"
He laughed. "Yeah, our wolves don't digest it like humans do. We just keep the beer in the house because we like it but we can't get drunk on it anymore. Once our wolves come out, we're basically immune to it and every other alcohol."
I frowned. "Well, this sucks so much because beer is my favorite."
Chance just chuckled and went to grab two plates and put our food on them. He put the plate in front of me and then gave me a knife and a fork. "Enjoy, my love."
I dug right in, moaning at how good it tasted. I hadn't really eaten in the last twenty-four hours and Chance's cooking was to die for. Chance gave me a weird look and I looked at him. "What?"
"Can you please not make those noises?"
I blushed and laughed awkwardly. I ate the food a little faster to try and get away from the awkwardness around us. Once I was finished, I stood up and put my plate in the sink and then turned to Chance. "I'm going to get ready for bed. See you in the morning?"
Chance nodded and I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I changed into my pajamas and plugged my phone in. I quickly picked it up when it turned back on, seeing a few text messages from Hannah. There was one from my mom and I opened it, my heart warming. I saved the picture to my pictures and then quickly replied to Hannah. I laid down on my bed, feeling the exhaustion hit.
I laid in bed for a few hours, tossing and turning, but not being able to fall asleep. I sighed, feeling how tired I was but wondering why I couldn't even fall asleep. Maybe Chance was awake too.
I got out of bed and put on my slippers and walked upstairs to Chance's room. I softly knocked on his door and heard no response. I was about to walk away and head back downstairs to my room when I heard Chance mind ink me, Bailey, that you?
Yeah, can I come in?
Of course.
I opened Chance's door and walked into his room. He sat up a bit in his bed, worry in his eyes. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?"
I shook my head and walked over to his bed. "I can't sleep. I just keep tossing and turning. I was wondering if I could stay in here for the night."
Chance didn't say anything but he did lift up his blankets and I got underneath of them. He pulled me closer to his body and I let him, feeling the heat of his body keep my warm.
Within seconds, I was asleep.
The next morning, I woke up to someone shaking me. I groaned, tugging the blanket over my head. Someone called my name but I shushed them and laid down on my stomach. I put the pillow over my head, trying to block out the light and the noise. The blanket was pulled down off of me and I sighed. I sat up and pulled the blanket back over my head. Someone growled loudly.
"Jesus, will you wake up?"
I muffled into the pillow. "I'm Bailey so, no I cannot."
Chance grabbed my pillow and hit me with it. I sat up and frowned and a small smile was on his face. "What do you want? I want to sleep."
"I want to take you on that date. It's almost one in the afternoon. I'm waking you up to let you know of our plans. I'm leaving to go and set up our date and I'll be back around seven to pick you up."
Chance kissed my forehead and stared backing out of the room. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Okay, what should I wear then?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "Anything you want."
Before I could say anything else, he was already out of the room. My forehead was tingling from where Chance's lips once were. Shaking my head, I sighed and finally got out of bed. I put my slippers one and went back downstairs to my room. I looked at my phone and saw quite a few messages from Hannah.
I frowned, shopping? Last time we left pack grounds, people got hurt because of me and Chance and Ryan were angry. I typed a quick message;
Within seconds, Hannah responded telling me that she would be in my room in two minutes. By the time I got up and put some pants onHannah was barging into my room. "Good afternoon, Sunshine!"
I squinted, the bright light coming from the hallway blinding me. Hannah stopped and turned on my bedroom light. "Are you a vampire or something?"
I gasped. "Do they exist?"
Hannah gave me a weird look. "No, you weirdo, just werewolves. Vampires are made up." Hannah then proceeded to go into my closet and look at my clothes, sighing as she did. "So, we're going to the mall and buying a cute outfit for tonight."
"But I have cute outfits here."
Hannah helped up a black credit card. "But we have this."
I walked over to her and looked at the card, looking at the name on the back. "Chance just gave you his credit card?"
Hannah nodded. "Sort of. He told me to give it to you and for you to buy whatever you wanted, the whole goddamn store if you wanted to. He told Ryan to come with us as well as some other wolves. They'll blend in with the crowd and just make sure we're safe. Ryan will be walking with us. So, get changed because our car is waiting for us downstairs."
Instead of walking into the bathroom, I quickly put on a t-shirt and changed into leggings. I put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my phone. "Are you going to tell me where he's taking me tonight?"
"No, it's going to be a surprise."
A memory came to my head of Carter and I frowned. "I don't like surprises."
My wolf whimpered, knowing what I was thinking about. "Are you okay?"
I nodded and faked a smile. "Yeah, was just thinking of something."
"Are you ready to go then?"
I nodded again and followed Hannah out the door and to the range rover waiting for us outside. I know I shouldn't be afraid of Chance, he's been treating me so good but bad memories always catch up to me.
Last time I was taken on a surprise date, I was raped in the back of my truck and beat until two of my ribs were broken.
"What about this"
Hannah shook her head.
I got a look from Hannah that made her look constipated.
Again, Hannah did not agree with my fashion choices. I put the sweater back on the rack and followed Hannah to the back of the store. "What about this?"
I looked at the outfit she was holding up and fell in love with it. I took the outfit and went into the dressing room to quickly change. I was wearing a dark red sweater tucked into a black skirt that ended at midthigh. A brown belt went through the skirt and the sleeves were rolled up a bit. Hannah slid a box under the door and I looked at the black heeled ankle boots, falling even more in love. I put them on and then walked out of the dressing room and did a quick spin. Hannah smiled widely. "You look beautiful! I'm so jealous."
I looked in the floor length mirror and started seeing all of my imperfections. "Should I buy all of this?"
Hannah nodded and I looked to Ryan who merely shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just going to say yes because I'm tired of looking at clothes and went to get the hell out of here. We've been here for over three hours. You two are crazy."
Hannah and I giggled and I went back into the dressing room to change into my clothes. Hannah and I checked out and I took the bag from the cashier.
Hannah looked at me and frowned. "Now, what to do with your hair?"
At around six thirty, I was finally ready. Hannah had curled the ends of my hair and kept it looking natural. I did my own makeup, putting on some eyeshadow and mascara with red lipstick, nothing too crazy. The wolf necklace from my grandparents was resting around my neck and I put in some earrings.
"He's going to be so speechless when he sees you."
I twirled around in the mirror and smiled, actually loving the way I looked for once and feeling comfortable in my own body. "So, I'm guessing the date is outside since you want me wearing a jacket?"
Hannah nodded. "I'm not sure what he has planned exactly but he did say it's outside. You're a wolf and so you won't get cold as much but I think a jacket would be safe to do. I have a cute leather jacket that you can wear with this outfit. Let me go and get it."
Hannah went to her room and was back in seconds with a leather jacket. I gasped. "Oh my, this is so cute."
Hannah agreed and passed me the jacket and then passed me my shoes. "I'm so nervous."
"Why would you be nervous?"
I stood up from the bed and looked at my final look in the mirror. "I don't know. I know I shouldn't be nervous because it's just Chance but I have only been on dates with one other guy before so this just makes me nervous and scared."
Hannah came over to me and hugged me. "You shouldn't be scared. Chance really likes you and I know you like him too. You two had your differences in the beginning but mates always make things work out in the end. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I promise."
I nodded and wiped my sweaty palms on the side of my skirt. "Okay, thank you, I needed that. What time is it, by the way?"
Hannah looked at her phone and stood up quickly. "It's six fifty, let's start heading downstairs. He's probably waiting down there for you."
I walked over to the door and smiled, loving the fact that I was a little taller than Hannah in these boots which meant that I wouldn't look like a shrimp next to Chance. Hannah walked in front of me and I closed my bedroom door behind us. When I reached the bottom of the steps, Chance was already there, sitting at the kitchen table with Ryan. When he heard us coming down, he turned and stood up quickly his eyes darkening.
"Wow." Was all he said and I smiled.
"Is that all you two are going to do? Repeat each other?" Ryan asked, shaking his head and smiling.
Chance took a step closer to me. "You look really beautiful."
I blushed. "Thank you, you look really nice too."
And he did, look extremely nice. Chance was wearing black pants, black work boots, and a grey button-down shirt with the first two buttons being left open. His sleeves were rolled up, making him look even more hot. His hair was messy but in a good way.
"Are you ready to go?" Chance asked me, extending his arm for me to loop mine through. We walked out the door and before we did, Ryan threw something at us.
"What is this?" I asked, bending down to pick it up and blushing once I saw what it was.
Picking up the package, my cheeks burned bright red. "Really, Ry?"
He nodded and smirked. "You never know what's going to happen tonight. We don't really want baby Chance's running around just yet."
Chance scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and Ryan laughed loudly. Chance grabbed the condom from my hand and put it in his pocket and ushered me out of the house quickly. Chance led me to his truck and opened my door for me. "You didn't have to do that for me but thank you."
He got into the driver's seat and started up the truck. "Anything for you, love."
I smiled and put my seatbelt on. "Where are we going?"
He backed up out of his spot and then we were on the road. "It's a surprise."
I sighed and sat back in my seat, knowing that Chance wasn't going to tell me anything. Within forty minutes, Chance was parking his car. He opened my door for me and helped me get out of the truck. "Where are we?"
Chance smiled and held my hand. "We are at the next town over. This pack is the one my brother runs. This is part one of our date. Part one is having dinner at this really nice restaurant. Your mom said you love going to for Italian food and so, I knew of the perfect place. We'll be eating on the roof since I happen to know the owner."
Chance led me inside and said his name for the reservation. The waitress led us back and through double doors. We walked up a flight up stairs and before I knew it, we were at the roof. Twinkly lights were strung around the building and a table was set up in the middle of it all. Stars were shining bright above us and soft music was playing in the background. "Wow, this is beautiful."
Chance led me over to the table and pulled out my chair for me. When I was seated, he went and sat down on the opposite side from me. The waitress came over and smiled at the both of us. "I'm Julie. What would you two like to drink?"
I thought for a few seconds. "I'll have an iced tea."
Chance held up two fingers. "Make that two, please."
Julie wrote down our orders and went back through the door we came through. "That's my brother's mate."
My eyes widened. "Really?"
Chance nodded. "Yeah, actually met her when she started working here. She's from the neighboring pack and got permission to start working at this restaurant since she loves it here. Then, one day, Brandon walked in and fell in love at first sight. She works here on the weekends and she pulled some strings for me to have this all set up for us."
I smiled. "That is really sweet of you. I can't wait to officially meet her and your brother."
Within minutes Julie was back with our drinks. "Are you two ready to order?"
I looked at Chance and he stated his order and then looked at me when he was finished. "I'll just have the original pasta with extra sauce."
Julie wrote both of our orders down. "Do you guys want more breadsticks?"
"Yes." Chance and I said at once and Julie nodded and left.
"So, little mate, I want to get to know you."
I took a sip of my drink. "What do you want to know?"
"Favorite movie?
I sighed and thought for a few moments. "That's so hard. My favorite movie right now is probably A Star is Born."
Chance smiled. "Good choice, your turn."
"I see you like to read with all those books you have in your library so, favorite book?"
Chance frowned. "That's so hard. I'll name my top three: Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games."
I smiled. "I can't choose a favorite book, there's too many."
"Favorite dessert?"
"Probably a brownie with ice cream or something along the lines of that."
That's how the next fifteen minutes go until our food arrived. We asked each other questions back and forth and then when our food came, we were silent. The silence was the good kind, not awkward or weird. Soft music was playing in the background. When we were done eating, Chance stood up and extended his hand towards mine. "Dance with me?
I stood up and pulled my skirt down a bit. I took Chance's hand and he pulled my body closer to his as we swayed to Ed Sheeran. I rested my head on his chest as his arms wrapped tighter around my body. We swayed back and forth just enjoying each other's company. After three songs, Chance pulled away. I tried not to show my disappointment but I might have failed a bit because he intertwined our hands together again and then led me out of the restaurant.
"Time for part two."
"What's part two?"
Instead of going to Chance's truck, he led me down the street. "Something you have always wanted to do. I asked your mom and she said it was this."
When Chance stopped walking and talking, I realized what he meant. Two beautiful grey horses stood in front of us. Behind the horse as a carriage and my heart swooned. Horses were always my weakness. Aside from dogs and turtles, they're my favorite animal. I just loved looking at them and riding them. My dream was to go on a carriage ride for a date and her is Chance, fulfilling my lifelong dreams.
"This is so amazing."
Chance led me over to the carriage and helped me up into it. When Chance was inside too, the guy turned around and smiled at us. "My names Tim, if you two need anything just tap on my shoulder. There's a blanket in the box for you love birds if you get cold."
We smiled and thanked Tim. The carriage and the horses began moving and I was ecstatic. Chance wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled closer into his side, loving the warmth radiating off of his body. If this is how Chance will act all the time with me, then maybe I could get used to this and accept hm as my mate.
Because whether I like it or not, I'm slowly falling for Chance Hayes.
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