《The Alpha's Girl》Chapter 19
I just want to hold you, keep you in my world
(p.s. a picture of Bailey and Chance above. Enjoy)
After the amazing carriage ride with Chance, we stopped and got some hot chocolate to go from a diner in town and then went back to Chance and I's pack. When we got back, it was almost one in the morning. Though Chance and I fight a lot, he does really know how to make a girl feel special.
"I had a really great time tonight." I said, smiling at Chance when we got to the pack house front door.
"I'm glad you did. Does this mean I can take you on another date sometime?"
I smiled and nodded. Chance took a step closer to me and his eyes darkened. "You know what I really want to do right now?"
My back was against the door and Chance's arm was blocking me from going inside, his hand resting on the door. I tried staying calm. I tried not to let me voice shake as I spoke. My voice came out as a whisper, my heart beating fast. "What do you want to do?"
Chance moved his hand to my cheek and cupped it, his other hand resting lowly on my hip. "I really want to fucking kiss you right now."
My eyes widened, my body heating up. "You want to ki-"
I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Chance's lips were on mine. His lips were on mine. It took me a few minutes to respond to the kiss but soon, I found my lips moving against his. Chance's lips were soft and warm and he tasted like chocolate and mint. His kiss feels like home. My mind is cloudy and Chance deepens the kiss, his hand growing tighter on my hips.
It was like a fire was exploding inside of me. This felt like everything I've ever needed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Chance picked me up a bit so he wasn't bending down anymore to kiss me. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like I was going to die. This was the kiss every girl dreamed of and I was getting it. I felt the electricity flying through the both of us and I wanted more. I didn't want this to stop. Chance kissed me like I've never been kissed before.
Before I knew it, it was over. Chance pulled away and placed a small kiss on the side of my mouth, my jaw, and down my shoulder. He pulled my sweater to the side and left warm kisses on the exposed skin. A small moan escaped my lips and Chance pulled back, his eyes clouded with lust and his lips red and swollen, probably mirroring what mine look like right now. He left one last kiss on my lips before pulling back for good.
A smile was etched across his face and he touched my cheek, my eyes closing and enjoying his touch. "Wow."
I opened my eyes and smiled back. "Double wow."
Chance intertwined our hands together and opened the door to the pack house, leading me inside. "You didn't tell me you can kiss like that."
I blushed and let go of his hand, walking up the stairs to go to my room. Before I could, Chance pulled me back and started leading me up to his room above us. "Where are you taking me?"
"I think it's time that you start sleeping in my room, our room."
I smiled and followed him into his room. I took off my heals and sat down on Chance's bed, feeling slightly awkward. "All of my clothes and stuff are downstaits in my room."
Chance took my heels from the floor and moved them into his closet. "It's okay, you can borrow something of mine. We can arrange to have all of your stuff moved up here tomorrow, if you would like."
I nodded and took the shorts and t-shirt from Chance. I went into the bathroom and changed quickly. When I walked back out, Chance was just in sweatpants. I put my clothes in the hamper and laid down on the bed next to him. "By the way, thanks for the outfit. It was really nice of you to do that for me."
Chance pulled the covers up over us. "It was no problem. My money is your money. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me. I just have to get your bank account set up with money and you'll have your own card. We own the town, so we're set for life when it comes to money."
I nodded and got under the blankets more, relishing in the warmth surrounding me. Chance was staring at my face hardcore and I was starting to get a little self-conscious. Was there something on my face? Is it because I took off the makeup? "Why are you staring at me?"
Chance moved a piece of hair out of my face. "Because you're even more beautiful with no makeup on. How is that possible? How did I get so goddamn lucky to have you as mine?"
I blushed and put my head in his chest so he wouldn't see. Chance just chucked and pulled me closer to his body. His arm was wrapped around me and my legs were in between his. Chance said something but I couldn't comprehend it because before I knew it, I was asleep.
"Chance...Chance...Chancy...Wake up!"
Someone was screaming very loud. All I wanted to do was sleep since I didn't go to bed until almost two in the morning. The sun was shining brightly through the window and I burrowed my head into Chance's chest and groaned loudly.
"What do you want Bailey? I'm trying to sleep in."
I mumbled into his chest. "That wasn't me."
Chance said something but I couldn't understand what he was saying. Someone jumped on the bed and was jumping up and down on Chance. I opened my eyes and saw three little girls staring down at me. I jumped back and elbowed Chance in the face. "What the fuck, Bailey?"
The littlest of them all gasped. "Oh no, Chance, you said a bad word. That's two dollars in the swear jar downstairs."
I sat up in the bed and Chance rolled over, pulling the blankets up and over his head. "Hi."
The three of them looked at me. "Who are you?"
I looked and Chance and poked his side under the blanket and he just growled. "I'm Bailey."
The tallest one smiled. "Right, mommy said you're Chance's mate. That means you're our Luna."
I smiled. "Yes, I am. Who are you girls?"
The middle one smiled at me, a few teeth missing in the front. "I'm Aria and I'm six."
The tallest one pointed to herself and then the little girl next to her. "I'm Anna and I'm seven and then that's Alice, she just turned three."
A light bulb went off in my head. "Oh my! You're Chance's little sisters. Why have we never met?"
Anna shrugged her shoulders. "Bad things were happening so mommy sent us to Brandon's pack to stay there with him for a little while so we would be safe. Today, daddy picked us up and today is the day that Chance has to babysit us."
I got out of bed and put my hair into a messy bun. "Did you guys eat breakfast yet?"
Aria nodded. "Yes, Ryan made us some chocolate chip pancakes when we got here. He had to go and help train some wolves and told us to come up and wake you up."
I threw a shoe at Chance, hoping he would get up but he didn't even flinch. "Okay, how about I put on a movie for you girls' downstairs. I'll go and get showered and we can go to the mall and do something together."
Alice smiled really big. "Can we go to Build a Bear Workshop?"
I nodded. "Sure, but first let me get showered and dressed. What movies should I put on?"
They led me downstairs to the DVD collection in the living room. IN the end, they all agreed on Frozen since it was their favorite movie of all time. I made them some popcorn and got them some drinks and then told them I would be back down when the movie was over.
I walked back upstairs to Chance's room, or my room now too, and he was still asleep. I walked over to Chance and poked me in the butt. "Wake up."
He shook his head. "Five more minutes, baby."
I sighed. "Come on, we have to babysit today."
Chance growled. "I can't today. I have a meeting with another Alpha about the rouges and I have a ton of paperwork to do."
"Well, I'll babysit them then. I promised to take them to the mall and go build a bear."
Chance groaned and rolled over so his shirtless body was in my eyesight. "Take a guard with you and keep me updated when you're out. But first, come here so we can cuddle for a little bit more."
I smiled, thinking it was cute that this big, bad, Alpha wanted to cuddle with me some more. I gave in and walked over to him, letting him pull me down on top of him so I was laying on his chest. "I like this position."
I flicked him in the forehead and he laughed loudly. I tried getting up. "I need a shower."
"Let's showers together, to save water."
I smiled. 'When you mark me."
Chance's eyes widened. "What?"
I pulled away from his grasp and got off of him and the bed. "When you mark me, you can shower with me"
Chance sat up in the bed, the blankets exposing his naked chest. "When can I mark you?"
I walked closer to the bathroom. "Anytime you want?"
Chance growled and his eyes flashed gold. "Then come here."
I walked into the bathroom, laughing. "It needs to be romantic and not just the spur of the moment kind of thing."
I shut the bathroom door and locked it behind me. I heard Chance mumbling about how I was such a tease. I laughed and reopened the door and poked me head out. Chance's face lit up. "By the way, you need to put two dollars in the swear jar for swearing earlier."
"Bailey, what should I get?"
We were currently in Build a Bear Workshop. Liam, a guard assigned to coming with us, was roaming around outside the store. We were standing in front of the stuffed animal selection. Chance said we can all get one, including me. My inner child was coming out. I picked a horse, Alice picked a monkey, Aria picked a unicorn, and Anna wasn't sure yet."
"Well, Chance said you can get anything you want. What about Sven? He's from Frozen, right?"
Anna thought it over for a moment and then smiled widely, grabbing the reindeer from the bin. We moved onto the next part which was putting the stuffing into our bears. Once all four of us had stuffing, we moved over to the clothes section and picked out an outfit. Alice's monkey was wearing a t-shirt and hat, my horse was wearing a saddle, Aria's unicorn had a tutu and Anna's reindeer from Frozen was wearing a hat that went over his antlers. After, we all went to the computers to name our animals and then I paid, using the black credit card that Chance handed me before we all left.
When we were finished, we went outside to where Luke was. Luke followed closely behind us, keeping an eye out. We decided we were all hungry and went to the food court. Aria tugged on my shirt sleeve and I stopped, looking down at her. "I have to use the bathroom."
"Okay, does anyone else need to go?" When everyone said they didn't, I turned to Luke. "I'm going to take Aria to the bathroom over there. I think we'll be alright. Can you get Alice and Anna something to eat from McDonald's or something?"
Luke nodded and each of them took one of his hands. I led Aria to the bathroom and waited outside since it was only a one-person stall. "I'll wait right here at the door for you, okay?"
She nodded and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. When I heard the lock click, I took out my phone and checked my messages. I only had one that was from Hannah, asking me when I was free to hang out. I told her to come over to my room when I get back from the mall. Her and I were going to move all of my stuff into Chance's room later in the night. When I finished texting Hannah back, Aria came out and grabbed my hand. When we were walking down the hallway back to the food court, someone stopped me. A hand wrapped around my neck and I was slammed against the wall. Another grabbed Aria and put a hand over her mouth, silencing her screams.
"Well, well, well, isn't this such a lovely surprise? My mate is walking all alone in the mall. Don't people know that they shouldn't let beautiful women walk by themselves? Anyone can come and hurt you, my beautiful lover."
Carter touched my cheek and smiled at me. I was beginning to feel light headed from the lack of oxygen and because of that, I wasn't able to mind link Luke or anyone. "What do you want for me?"
Carter nodded and the hand around my throat was removed. I fell to the floor, gasping for air and coughing, knowing that there were going to be bruises around my neck tomorrow. Aria looked at me, fear present in her eyes. "All I want, is for my little mate to rule with me by my side. I want to conquer the world with you. Is that too much to ask?"
I tried crawling over to Aria, to let her know she was safe. Carter grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him. "Where do you think you're going?"
I kicked at Carter, getting him in the shoulder and causing him to stumble back a little bit. "Let her go and I'll come with you. She didn't do anything, she's just a little girl."
Carter thought for a few minutes and then nodded at the man that was holding her. The guy that was holding her threw Aria across the ground and she whimpered. Carter came closer to me and trailed his hand down my body, stopping just over my breast. I felt disgusting. "You're so beautiful."
Carter was too close to me and touching me in a way I never though he'd touch me ever again. I was beginning to panic. I had just told him I'd go with him willingly if he let Aria go and now, he did. Where the fuck is Luke? My wolf was screaming at me to rip his throat out but I calmed her down, reminding her that we're in a public place with humans not far away and that Aria's safety comes first, before me.
"Carter, just let Aria go back to her sisters. She isn't a part of this. This is between me and you. She's a child."
"Say my name again, baby."
I almost threw up. I lashed out at Carter and tackled him to the ground, letting my wolf come to the surface a little bit. I punched him in the face and kneed him in the stomach. I know how Carter fights but he didn't know that I improved my own fighting and that this time, I can fight back. He thought I was the same girl from so many years ago, but I'm not.
I growled at Carter and told Aria to run and get Luke. She quickly got up and ran back to the food court, limping a little bit as she did. I stood up and was circled by Carter and his two companions. I honestly didn't know what I was doing. I was trying to stall, waiting for Luke to get back here. I decided that Luke and I together were no match for three rouges.
I knew Chance was in a meeting or doing something but if he heard how urgent I was, he would answer, right?
Bailey, what's going on? Liam says Aria came back yelling and screaming and crying. I'm on my way, what the fuck is happening? Are you safe? Hurt?
Carter tsked, knowing that I was mind linking with someone. "Are you talking to someone? Am I interrupting? That is very rude of you. Am I not enough for you? Because I'm all you need, Bailey."
It's Carte. He's here. I don't know how but please hurry. I don't know how much longer I can stall.
Carters eye's glowed red. "You. Are. Mine."
HE lunged at me, his canines exposed and heading for my shoulder where only Chance's teeth should be going.
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