《My Angel》#4


Rosalie's POV -

"Why did you do that?" I ask when we get home.

"Because she is sticking around, which means that we are going to have to get along with her. I was being polite."

"You had no reason to invite her."

"Rose. It's one game. You don't even have to talk to her."

I roll my eyes and go to my room. Rain starts falling against my window. There's a knock at my door and I turn to see Emmett leaning on the doorframe.



"It's going to be okay, you know."


"She won't hurt you, or us."

"What if she does?"

"What's so wrong with her?"

"She might be my mate."

"Is that so wrong?"

"Are you coming in or not?"

He walks into my room, "You're avoiding my question."

I close the door and heavily exhale.

"I don't know anything about her."

"You could get to know her."


"But you..."

"You don't understand. Royce..."

"Oh. It's about him."

"Everything is about him."

"Trust me. If she hurts one hair" on your head, I'll kill her myself."

"She might not be my mate."

"She smells of raspberries and chocolate."


"You know what the likelihood is that she smells like that and isn't your mate?"

"I know. But I can't let my walls down. I loved him, and he hurt me. I can't let myself fall into that trap."

"No one's asking you to. Give her a chance at at least a civil game of baseball."

"Okay. A game of baseball and that's it."

"Come here." He opened his arms and gave me a bear hug. I let him, but I don't hug back. I'm not a hugger.


"Don't you have a husband to get back to?" I ask him.

"I'm sure he can wait another few minutes."

I punch him playfully.

"I knew I was your favourite sibling."

"Mm. I'd have to think about it."

I smile and roll my eyes.

"Go. I need to get changed. Even if I could beat you in heels and skinny jeans."

"You couldn't beat me even if I had a handicap."

"It's on. It is so on."

"May the best player win."

He leaves my room to go to his next door.

We go to the clearing with our stuff. She's there first, like at the cliff. She's sitting in one of the trees at the edge. The rain has cleared mostly, leaving it only spitting. She jumps down from the tree and nods at us.



"I should have introduced you at the cliff. This is my wife Esme. This is Jasper and Alice, Edward, Albert and I believe you've met Rosalie and Emmett."

"Nice to meet you."

"Your accent, British?"


"Me too. 17th Century."

"20th. Baseball's like rounders, right?"

"It's very similar."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

We got onto the usual teams, Esme taking the role as ref. She is put on a team with Alice, Emmett and Edward. Thankfully. Thunder rumbles overhead and we flip a coin and they win. After a short discussion, they chose to field first. Jasper takes the bat and does his lucky bat flip thing. Alice takes her place as pitcher.

"Whenever you're ready, darlin'," Jasper told her.

"I was born ready, love," she replied. She threw the first ball and after a loud crack, Emmett runs for it. Edward runs back as it goes towards the treeline. Jasper gets to second base. Then third. Edward and Emmett run into each other. Jasper gets the full run and we heard the ball hit a tree.


"Home run darlin'."

"Only one you'll get."

"Wouldn't be so sure."

We win the game 23-19. For someone who has never played baseball, Hayden's surprisingly good.

"Hey," she says to me after the game, leaning on the rock.


"She speaks."

I ignore her.

"You're clan seems nice."

"They are."

"Where ya from?"


"Do you speak in more than two word sentences?"

"Does it matter to you?"

"Mmh." She shrugs, "Do you want it to?"

I shrug back.

"You've got my number if you need it."

She pushes off the rock and walks over to Carlisle and shakes his hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you."

She fist bumps Edward as she goes.

"Nice catch back there," she says before leaving. She speeds away into the treeline and completely out of view and range of sound.

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